
~~Brotherly Love~~

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Von Varr

Von Varr

Posts: 2,467 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
While it is certainly plausible that what you said might be true, I remain unconvinced. That point of discussion seemed to have derailed. What I am saying is that faith manifests itself, and it feeds on whatever we give it. In turn, we’ll get from it what we want to believe. Yes, we want to believe we won’t truly die when we die. We want some supreme beings to sooth our regrets. Too much is personal, and that made claims about having a ‘real’ relationship with God difficult. After all, your definition isn’t everybody else’s definition.
I see your point, and I'm unsure of what to say next. If you are so set on disagreeing with me, what's the point for us to argue..

God is not for war – to be honest, The Old Testament would have proved you wrong. By God’s orders, if one man from a village worships another god, it must be conquered and burned to the ground. Usually the children slaughtered the young women *****, or taken home as slaves. God actually permitted, even allowed these people to believe they were chosen. Tell me, who is more guilty, the tempted, or the tempter? Now answer me this. Who is more guilty, the tempter, or the one who created the tempter knowing he will be the tempter?
Ok in the Old Testament there was no stoping God's Judgment, that is why Jesus came. Now that Jesus came, we are in what is called the time of Grace. It is where all humans can be forgiven by God, in the Old Testament, no one could approach God because he is too holy, and now that Jesus came, we can because he acts as a shield (so to speak) so that we may be in God's presence without dieng.

21-Feb-2011 14:50:08

Von Varr

Von Varr

Posts: 2,467 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I could equally say the same. You haven’t paid attention when my God performed miracles. Jesus is, arguably, the only decent man in the Bible. Whether it was a biased account with twisted historical facts, or anything else I haven’t yet researched. And what if John Smith did accomplish supernatural things? That’s why I worship him, after all.
I see your point, but If John Smith were real, you would be able to recall at least one of his miracles. I can do that with my God.

21-Feb-2011 14:51:05



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This discussion is not about 'disagreeing' or 'agreeing'. It's an exchange of viewpoints, and based on which, one side could or couldn't be convinced to alter their view slightly. If I appear to be 'disagreeing', it's only because your points failed to convince, and they fail to convince because I anticipated the points you will raise (as this is not the first time I have such conversations).

You know, I don't believe the 'too holy' thing. It sounds like some silly excuse the religious authority make up to put an end to questions concerning this Bible plot hole. God certainly didn't consider Abraham too dirty to spare him his presence, nor did a number of prophets. This point is thus, null.

And what supernatural miracles have your God performed in front of your own eyes, and not recorded by sacred text or related by someone else's experience?

21-Feb-2011 22:41:41

Von Varr

Von Varr

Posts: 2,467 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well in a way, we are arguing to disprove the other's point of view, since we are constantly arguing. Lol i can see that you are better then I am, and i figured you had experience. Was any of what I said new to you?

God is perfect, and we are not, to me, it makes perfect sense. Why would such an imperfect being be able to be with such a perfect being, it does not make sense to me.

Ok, one day we were driving in the mountains with some friends, a two car convoy, and I was in the second car, and the rest of the family was in the first. The first car slipped on an oil spot, and was spinning, and heading straight for the drop, and then the car just stopped, while having one wheel in the air, and nothing to stop it. How do you explain that?

24-Feb-2011 17:44:31



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Well in a way, we are arguing to disprove the other's point of view, since we are constantly arguing. Lol i can see that you are better then I am, and i figured you had experience. Was any of what I said new to you?
Not really. Actually, you and Ruben's point repeated a little, and on multiple occasions, when I debated with myself, and indeed later with a few religious leaders, same points were raised. So actually I'm rather used to them by now :P
God is perfect, and we are not, to me, it makes perfect sense. Why would such an imperfect being be able to be with such a perfect being, it does not make sense to me.
Ah, but sorry to blaspheme, but I would say that God is not. The religion would instruct so that God is perfect, and this teaching has been taught as such. But a God who would commit mass murder because of a Pharaoh's decision? Someone who would strip a man of his whole family and possessions because of a stupid bet? Logic would tell me that God isn't nearly as perfect as the religious leaders say.

Ok, one day we were driving in the mountains with some friends, a two car convoy, and I was in the second car, and the rest of the family was in the first. The first car slipped on an oil spot, and was spinning, and heading straight for the drop, and then the car just stopped, while having one wheel in the air, and nothing to stop it. How do you explain that?
Without having seen or experienced it, I am in no position to say. But would you be so quick as to point this as concrete evidence to be a divine intervention from your God?

24-Feb-2011 18:39:31



Posts: 12,165 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
*Places large stamp on thread, reading "Bookmarked"*
I'm ashamed that I have yet to read this, but it appears it will have to wait longer.
I've already committed myself to reading Tunnels, and thus, I must put this on the waiting list.
Mark my words, however, that this shall be read by the Cheeze!
EDIT: Not to get caught up in the debate, but I like to believe that God comes to people in different ways, and while I am a Roman Catholic, I would find it interesting if at some point in time we find out that all of these various religions are in fact the same religion, and that God has simply manifested himself to different people in different ways.
It also appears that, even within Christianity, there are many different ways in which the religion is taught.
My friend belongs to a Bible Church, where they simply worship God by following scripture alone.
I was taught that we are free to believe in evolution, so long as we acknowledge God as the sole creator. He then told me I was picking and choosing what I wanted to believe about the Bible.
In any event, I have no beef with the way that other people live their lives, so long as it is not harming another individual.

25-Feb-2011 03:42:02 - Last edited on 25-Feb-2011 03:53:02 by [#R4EOGJ2FY]



Posts: 9,782 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
No need to feel ashamed to not read this, Cheeze. We are all governed by our lives and other priorities :P
As for your friend, does he believe that girls who had known men before the wedding night should be stoned to death? That women should be silent in congregations? That children who do not respect their parents be stoned to death? If he doesn't believe in those too, then he also picks and chooses what part in the Bible he wanted to believe. Not to mention that someone else had chosen what to put in the Bible anyway, and what not to, so in essence what he's reading has been picked and chosen for him.
Strangely enough, I find your beliefs quite acceptable, and wished that every Christian out there believed in your ideals. In fact, I can guarantee you'll have a better world.

25-Feb-2011 11:22:36



Posts: 9,782 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yes, I find that they do leave those kind of things out. Like how, because some boys called Elijah a baldy, he summoned a great bear to rip all those boys apart. Fascinating stuff.

Concerning your point about not harming another individual though, where exactly would you draw the line? There was this incident on the TV earlier in the month, at which my dad cringed in disapproval while I expressed indifference.

Two men, in a civil partnership, went into a B & B to rent a double room. The owner, who is a devoted Christian asked that they must rent two single rooms, or if not they have to leave the property. She insisted that it was not in her religion, or beliefs, that unmarried individuals should share a room. This unpleasant incident of course, ended up in court. However, would you classify that in turn as the men harming the religious freedom of others, undermining their ideal of a perfect world? What would you say to that?

25-Feb-2011 15:30:17

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