While it is certainly plausible that what you said might be true, I remain unconvinced. That point of discussion seemed to have derailed. What I am saying is that faith manifests itself, and it feeds on whatever we give it. In turn, we’ll get from it what we want to believe. Yes, we want to believe we won’t truly die when we die. We want some supreme beings to sooth our regrets. Too much is personal, and that made claims about having a ‘real’ relationship with God difficult. After all, your definition isn’t everybody else’s definition.
I see your point, and I'm unsure of what to say next. If you are so set on disagreeing with me, what's the point for us to argue..
God is not for war – to be honest, The Old Testament would have proved you wrong. By God’s orders, if one man from a village worships another god, it must be conquered and burned to the ground. Usually the children slaughtered the young women *****, or taken home as slaves. God actually permitted, even allowed these people to believe they were chosen. Tell me, who is more guilty, the tempted, or the tempter? Now answer me this. Who is more guilty, the tempter, or the one who created the tempter knowing he will be the tempter?
Ok in the Old Testament there was no stoping God's Judgment, that is why Jesus came. Now that Jesus came, we are in what is called the time of Grace. It is where all humans can be forgiven by God, in the Old Testament, no one could approach God because he is too holy, and now that Jesus came, we can because he acts as a shield (so to speak) so that we may be in God's presence without dieng.
21-Feb-2011 14:50:08