(Disclaimer: what follows is my personal belief on a matter, please don't flame me, I do understand other people have different views, and that these views are valid (although, of course, I do not believe they are correct, else they would be my beliefs too.))
As you are probably aware, marriage traditionally involves not only the couple, but a representative of the divine (whatever a culture or religion's interpretation of "the divine" may be) has at least the theoretical approval of the state, and some representative of the public (usually friends or family, but some-times well wishers.) The question being why? If the state or the public was against the love of a couple, would the love be any less strong? It would be odd for them to need to affirm a love that both people within the couple (and quite possibly others) already know exist.
However, if marriage is looked at from a perspective that considers the children that may result from the couple, as oppose to the couple themselves, the (for lack of a better word) meddling of the state and the public makes more sense. Since the fate of the state and its people lies with the next generation, both have a vested interest in the children that may result from the couples actions. It is preferable that such children be properly brought up so as to be, in the state's view, good citizens, and in the view of the public, good people in general.
Therefore, I see the rights granted by marriage as meant primarily for the sake of potential children, and the rights granted by civil unions (which will undoubtedly be nearly identical to those of marriage) as meant primarily for the sake of the couple, with the presumption that children will not result: the rights I see as belonging to civil unions include (but are not necessarily limited too) medical visitation privileges, power of attorney, right of inheritance, and granting of citizenship.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."
12-Sep-2010 06:29:24