
~~Brotherly Love~~

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First typical phobic comment:
"Can't say I agree with everything in it"
-Usually means same gendered couples. It sets the mood and probably will change what I read next.
"In the words one of your readers used in "The Priceless" why do your stories seem to focus on... erm, "two swords" instead of "a sword and a sheath?""
-The embarrassed, probing question seemed to be directed at me personally. The 'why' was accusatory. I detested that analogy (greatly) and it was used on The Priceless by a conservationist. Another typical phobic question.
"I understand that such things allow for the idea of "love despised by the world" but then again, given the time period, so would a status gap (which you did have), inter-cultural, inter-racial, and even inter-religious love. So is their any reason why you seem to focus on this particular type of love?"
-Given the above, I interpretted it as that you found the subject uncomfortable, and is now questioning the story content, about why it is necessary and why I did it if it could be avoided.
"I honestly am not sure I can say this one, because it might be construed as starting a political discussion..."
-Another typical phobic comments. Ooops, we have a phobe! I must defend myself :P
Yeah, my first impression of reading it is that I feel personally attacked, lol. Imagine if someone posted that on your stories...

13-Sep-2010 00:00:49 - Last edited on 13-Sep-2010 01:27:44 by Englishkid62



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Honestly, I preferred them trying to set me up to when my mom found out about supposed "reparative therapy" and tried to convince me to undergo it, and then, was suprised that I refused. (I know, why wouldn't I willingly go through expensive torture that has a extremely small chance of changing something I don't see as a problem? )
I probably shouldn't mention this on the forums, but actually, if such things were possible, I would prefer me getting pregnant rather than the one I love. BTW, that information doesn't leave this thread, or else. :P
Believe me, I have considered saying "ah, what the heck" and posting the entire version of that add. The problem is I don't like causing other people discomfort. Also, if the reader I mentioned was being an insensitive jerk about it I would probably ignore him. The problem is, he's a decent guy. (I do think, though, that I will ask my readers on that story their opinion on me posting more un-vague things.)

About Azzanadra... if I recall correctly, during the Temple of Senntisten quest, when he's asking for your help in contacting Zaros he says something along the lines of, "Please <player_name>, help me with this. I do not wish to remain separated from the one I love." Unfortunately, I forgot to screenshot it, so now I've been trying to find people who are about to do ToS to confirm that I remember correctly.
I actually should be used to people thinking I'm a phobe; I'm pretty much defined equally by my preferences and my somewhat traditionalist views. And apparently, both sides of this issue tend to home in on the ways my views differ from their own. I also have gotten annoying questions and comments both people on both sides.
Anyway, for the sake of explaining my own comments:
"Can't say I agree with everything in it"
-Actually meant things involving the characters, particularly Roald's policy toward marriage, the reaction of the Saradominists, and Edward's final actions.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

13-Sep-2010 01:33:21



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I think the latter two don't need an explanation. As for the first one, as stated before I am of the rare minority within a minority who think marriage is not for us, and we need our own thing. (I've only met one other non-straight guy who agreed with me on this, and he agreed for completely opposite reasons.) {Incidentally, this viewpoint has often led to people who don't know about my preferences, thinking I'm a phobe in rl.}
"two swords... sword and a sheath"
-I didn't know you hated this analogy so much, or I wouldn't have used it. It simply seemed a convenient way to ask this question in an understandable way without bypassing the censor. The question itself and the following was asked out of curiosity's sake alone.
"I honestly am not sure I can say this one, because it might be construed as starting a political discussion..."
-Jagex, although they tend to let it slide, does technically have a rule against "political or religious discussions" stated in the Code of Conduct. Although I have on occasion, pushed this rule to the limits, I do not want to end up with a black mark, so I usually try to not say things that might be taken as breaking this rule.
And sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel personally attacked. -_-;
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

13-Sep-2010 01:34:00



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Oh, God. I mean, seriously, like conversion camps? I thought I'd depicted the conversion camps already in this story. A horrible place, though I have never been because my parents don't know yet, hehe.
Get pregnant, right, I see you prefer to be impregnated. I shall tell Prefix that! He'd love to impregnate you.
Well, I don't particularly mind causing readers discomfort. It is like writing a story that somebody likes and somebody hates. People just have their tastes. If they don't like it, then they are under no obligation to continue reading. Did I tell you I once wrote a story that got me banned? Either case, that is how out-spoken I sometimes am here :)
You know vague things are just naff, right? :P I'm into stronger stuff. Why don't you try reading Desire & Demand, QFC on the front page of this thread? If you love this story, you'll love that one. And with good reason too.
Did you ever read a story called The Old Man? You may also track my profile and read it if you like :)
I think Azzanadra is only being poetic there. Sure, in the Bible, David said that his love for Jonathan is greater than for any woman. That doesn't mean that he know!
I think I get your division. I was brought up a Christian, and I can see where you are coming from there. elaborate on those points you disagreed with in the story, as I am really interested.
Yeah well, I thought you were a phobe for multiple reasons, as listed above ^_^
Yes, the analogy is convenient, but it is also so much more crude! :@
And was it really curiosity's sake alone? :P
Heh, it's okay. You and I are alright now.

13-Sep-2010 01:48:46



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Rofl, the next time I see Prefix on I'll have to pm him and say "Prefix, please... I want to bear your children." then see his reaction. :P
Although I don't think it'd work between Prefix and me, too many differences: for example, when I get into bed, I move as close as possible to any source of warmth, and then fall to sleep. Prefix, on the other hand, stays up for hours on end until someone passes out of exhaustion. I have no idea where he gets the energy O_o
Yeah, I know, I'm more cautious about what I write... incidentally, exactly what was the story that got you banned about?
As for my story being vague, while the relationships my characters are in does affect the story (and greatly), it is not the point of the story. I am however, thinking about making a far less vague story. (Can I really handle writing three stories at once though?) I'll take a look into your suggestions btw.
Oh, and since you like unvague stuff... Prefix has a copy of a very unvague story of mine. As a fair warning, it doesn't have much of a plot, and is a bit explicit. Oh, and the fact that I can write explicit stories doesn't get mentioned to anyone else either. ;)
About Azzanadra, I know it could've been meant another way, but it could be meant literally too :P . And I see you know about that phrase in the Bible. Every time I get bored of being lectured by a Bible christian, I always tell them to read 2nd Samuel, Chapter 1, verse 26. After that their lectures are always about why "it isn't meant THAT way." :D
And yeah, the analogy is kinda crude... I'll try to think up a more poetic one, no promises though.
I'll try to elaborate later on my points later, right now I'm a little busy, sorry :(
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

13-Sep-2010 02:35:59 - Last edited on 13-Sep-2010 02:36:34 by Dantalian



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I lied. I went onto read another story.

Haha. Yeah, do tell me what his response is. Knowing very little of Prefix's habits, I cannot be certain, but it is possible that he also desires to be impregnated, rather than the other way round. If that is indeed the case, I may have to impregnate you both.
That's just a sleeping pattern, hehe. I'm sure Prefix could be put off the computer, and that relentless energy could be spent elsewhere...
There is no need to be so cautious about what you write. Look at my stories! Most people loved them. The story I got banned on was called 'The Ants' Story'. I'd better not tell you what that is about, as the majority of the readers regretted reading it :P
(Let's just say, it involves ants and a man.)
Yeah, well, we writers need to stick together ;) At least, I'm trying to promote LGBT literature in these parts, to battle ignorance and phobia. That has been the purpose of both of my stories. Some people think these concepts should be reserved until they are grown up but I think it's a load of rubbish. Really, Disney is just hetero propagandas, and yet that is allowed.
Is unvague a word? I mean, I'm not sure because you're fixing a prefix before vague...
Anyway, I shall try and get that off Prefix. Just so you know, I read unvague stuff day in, day out. There's no shame about it and frankly, no point hiding. Although, I would be a failed case, writing a story about such matters and still concealing my interests. It was successful for the first year or two though.
Yeah, do elaborate on those points.
I really am going to bed now. Bye :P

13-Sep-2010 03:23:29 - Last edited on 13-Sep-2010 03:29:49 by Englishkid62



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Heh, heh, I do know Prefix's habits in that regard, but you'll have to ask him, seeing as it's really his personal business. (And it will be expensive to get from him; even though I had already guessed it, I had to trade my given name for him to actually tell me.)
And it seems my vagueness confuses you again English, I wasn't talking about how Prefix and I actually sleep. I was talking about what we do when he or I am sharing a bed with someone. ;)
An ant and a man... if I've guessed what it was about correctly... well, if I were a J-Mod I probably would've banned you too. Sorry ^^;
Unvague is not a real word, but I've heard people use it before, and it got my point across, so I used it anyway. O_o
Actually, when I said "explicit" I didn't mean "unvague" I meant "for mature audiences only." :P And that is why my ability to write such things doesn't get mentioned.
Now for those points (even though I should actually be in bed.)
I assume I covered the marriage issue, so I'm not going to elaborate.
About the priests:
I think you actually meant this to be the point; the Saradominists allowed their bigotry to blind them and as such were unable to see a bond of true love. All they saw was something "unnatural" that needed to be gotten rid of. And in the end, tragedy ensued.
About Edward:
I am somewhat reluctant to go into this, as it might seem a criticism of Edward, who after all, was one of the victims in the story...
Before I go into this... if I remember correctly, you quoted C.S. Lewis' "The Four Loves" in the beginning of The Priceless... in a different part of that book he says "God is love, but love is not god, and when love becomes a god it becomes a demon." The idea being even though love is one of (if not the) greatest goods, if we focus only on it, it will often destroy us.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

13-Sep-2010 05:31:47



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In Edward's case, he focused so much on his love for Tyler that he was unable to notice anything else. Because of this, in the end he made the same mistake Ronny did, he wasn't able to put himself in other people's shoes, and thus was unable to realize his brother had never meant to cause so much pain, or that his brother was truly sorry.
And in the end, when it became apparent that the one he loved was no longer alive, his sole purpose for living was gone.
I find it somewhat interesting that while he and Tyler both died for their love, the way they approached death was very different. Tyler struggled with it, he knew either way would hurt the one he loved, and decided on doing what he thought was best, even though he knew it would cost him his very life. As such, he accepted death as a testament and confirmation of the love between himself and Edward.
Edward on the other hand, reeling with pain from the death of the one he loved, essentially ran towards death as a way to escape the pain of his life. I hate to say that, because it honestly makes him sound like a coward, while in reality it would take heroic strength and courage to do anything else. On top of that, to his credit, he realized that anger would not solve anything...
However, had he decided to go on, he would have been made a stronger and better person, tempered by the death of his lover and his own pain, similar to the way steel is tempered by fire. Having overcome, this greatest pain, no obstacle could stand in his way. Rather than giving up on the cruelty he saw within the world, he could do everything in his power to change that cruelty. If he did so, then his every action, and indeed his very life would have become a tribute to his love for Tyler, and a gift to Tyler, or at least his memory. And indeed, should Edward pass into some afterlife where he could meet with Tyler again, he would be able to show Tyler all his accomplishments and say with pride "I did all of this for you."
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

13-Sep-2010 05:32:24



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Or at least, that's what I think :P I know, it's counter-intuitive, and counter how literature normally works. I still remember when I was first introduced to the idea of living for something rather than dying for it. I was in my mid-teens and reading "The Catcher in the Rye", and eventually came across the part where one of the characters said "An immature person wants to die for a cause, while a mature person wants to live for one." I remember reading it, thinking that statement was absurd, and otherwise ignoring it. It took me many years before I actually agreed with it. "He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

13-Sep-2010 05:32:37

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