In Edward's case, he focused so much on his love for Tyler that he was unable to notice anything else. Because of this, in the end he made the same mistake Ronny did, he wasn't able to put himself in other people's shoes, and thus was unable to realize his brother had never meant to cause so much pain, or that his brother was truly sorry.
And in the end, when it became apparent that the one he loved was no longer alive, his sole purpose for living was gone.
I find it somewhat interesting that while he and Tyler both died for their love, the way they approached death was very different. Tyler struggled with it, he knew either way would hurt the one he loved, and decided on doing what he thought was best, even though he knew it would cost him his very life. As such, he accepted death as a testament and confirmation of the love between himself and Edward.
Edward on the other hand, reeling with pain from the death of the one he loved, essentially ran towards death as a way to escape the pain of his life. I hate to say that, because it honestly makes him sound like a coward, while in reality it would take heroic strength and courage to do anything else. On top of that, to his credit, he realized that anger would not solve anything...
However, had he decided to go on, he would have been made a stronger and better person, tempered by the death of his lover and his own pain, similar to the way steel is tempered by fire. Having overcome, this greatest pain, no obstacle could stand in his way. Rather than giving up on the cruelty he saw within the world, he could do everything in his power to change that cruelty. If he did so, then his every action, and indeed his very life would have become a tribute to his love for Tyler, and a gift to Tyler, or at least his memory. And indeed, should Edward pass into some afterlife where he could meet with Tyler again, he would be able to show Tyler all his accomplishments and say with pride "I did all of this for you."
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."
13-Sep-2010 05:32:24