
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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I ran south from Brimhaven and towards the dungeon. There, I saw a Shooting Star! I didn't have my pickaxe though... I said good-luck to the miners already there and headed inside the dungeon.
Instead of taking my normal route (up the stairs, past the Fire Giants), I decided to simply go south and see where it took me. To my surprise, it actually took me to the same place as my other route, but faster! I guess I'll go this way from now on!
I found the Bronze Dragons easily and sat there while my shield absorbed the dragonfire. While I was doing this, I was looking around at the recent update made to the Frost dragons. I don't have level 85 Dungeoneering, so I can't check it out, but it seemed like Jagex made a really good update! I was a little disappointed at the amount of players complaining bout how much more difficult it was to kill them now though. All these players ever claimed to want was to rid the Frost Dragons of bots, and now that Jagex has done that, they are still complaining! It seems like there is no pleasing them.
My shield was fully loaded now, so I used a Falador Teletab I had brought with me and teleported back to Falador. I withdrew my Rue Pickaxe then, and went mining for the rest of my time I was playing Runescape.
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 04:19:15

Sep Member 2019


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--October 18, 2011--
I can't say I did too much today... I was mining! Yes, my love for mining is still in full swing, and I'm loving it!
As I was mining, I let my mind wander, as usual. I heard that bots had returned to the Frost Dragons... If this is true, I'm a little distraught. I thought that this update would have stopped goldfarmers in their tracks! Of course, I don't have the required Dungeoneering level to check this for myself, so I'll have to rely on others for this.
This led me to thinking about the bot Insider Session at Runefest. I'm truly curious as to what Jagex is planning. It it my dream that I can skill to my heart's content, and make a fortune! I prefer skilling over combat, so the thought of Gold Ore being 400+ gp, or Death Runes being 500gp... I can't imagine how much better I would find this game.
This reminds me, I saw a thread on the forums, where Moe is 4210 was taking a survey on reCaptchas. Apparently, he has an idea that he thinks would help solve the bot problem! I can't wait for that new forum to come out either; the bot solution suggestions one.
I haven't gone to a PvM Mass like I was planning to though... Mostly because I don't really like to trust people with my items, and I would be devastated if I died with my Bandos in a God Wars Dungeon boss room. I had checked into it though; most teams require a combat level of 130+... Which made me think. After I get bored of Mining, maybe I should go back to Slayer! After all, I stil haven't beaten "The Blood Runs Deep", which I started because I wanted the Balmung...
And that's all I really did today on Runescape! I'm getting closer to level 97 Mining too! 'Only' 765,000xp until 97 Mining! Oh man, I hope I manage to get all the way to level 99. I'll have a huge party, and it would be so much fun!
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 04:20:37

Sep Member 2019


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--October 19, 2011--
Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone who showed their support in the Thread of the Month Competition in the Skills Chat Lounge! As a result, The Blundering Adventurer has come out victorious! My interview with iShaky should be up shortly! A new thread has been created for the Skills Chat Lounge, and it can be found here:
Back to what happened today though! Today, I hit a huge milestone in the Mining skill. I had been nearing it for a while, but today, I finally did it! As of today, I have 10,000,000 experience in the Mining skill! I've only ever seen that happen to one other skill; Fletching. And believe me, that was a lot easier than it was for Mining. So this is the final stretch. 3,000,000xp separates me from the coveted Mining Skillcape. I don't think I could stop Mining now; I'm too close to the end!
While I was mining, the player Bud lte asked if I could invite him to Mining Golds. He was the brother of Coors Lite, a Mining Golds Lieutenant. I waited for him at the Living Rock Caverns entrance, and when he came, I invited him. He recieved the biggest welcome I've ever seen from Mining Golds!
That reminded me of some weird interactions I've had as an Admin of Mining Golds. I recieve quite a few PMs from players wanting to join Mining Golds (not sure why; the clanmates players see on the Mining Golds homepage are the Overseers, not the Admins). Most of the time, the player meets me at the location we agree on, but sometimes, I wait for a while, and I never hear from the player again. Not sure what their motive is there... One time, a player offered me 100M to kick a clanmate out to make room for him (Didn't accept it obviously)

06-Mar-2012 04:20:52

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The ever-classic one is when I get PMed from someone who I've never heard of before, only to be told that they had message it to the wrong person.
What I don't understand is why I'd even be on these players' Friends Lists in the first place...
Well, I mined and mined, and instead of browsing the internet, I had some nice converstaions with the Runescape community and Mining Golds.
Thanks for reading! 616,000xp until level 97 Mining!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 04:21:07

Sep Member 2019


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--October 20, 2011--
After a long day, I logged onto Runescape to do a bit of relaxing Mining. I logged on and started my usual runs to the Concentrated Gold.
It was then that I noticed that the clanmate Mai Key has finally become Mining Golds' first General! In Mining Golds, ranks are based off of your experience gains while in the clan, and to become a General, the member must gain 150,000,000xp in the clan. That's insanely high! No wonder only two clanmates are even remotely close. But now, Mai Key has become the very first General!
I congratulated him on the achievement, and continued to mine. I while later, Mai Key and Loyal started advertising a party in the Clan Chat. It wasn't any old party though; my fellow clanmate Loyal was about to reach 200,000,000xp in Ranged! I definitely couldn't miss this! I hopped over to World 44 and Home Teleported to Lumbridge, where I banked in the basement.
I grabbed some dueling equipment too... The party would be happening at the Friendly Clan Wars! I smashed a Falador teletab and started running towards the Gamer's Grotto. Inside, I found Mai Key... and that was all. Where was everyone?
Soon though, more and more players started arriving, including ForeverMandy and the man of the hour, Loyal! Most of the players who showed up were wearing very expensive gear, and most wore a Max Cape or a Completionist's Cape. We walked around, and I invited xScorcher1272x to Mining Golds!
After five minutes or so, everybody was ready. The mob headed into the White Portal and we started walking out into the Multi-Combat zone. A couple players started attacking others (I knew some people wouldn't be able to resist) and we finally came to a halt. We slowly formed a square, and Loyal, with a Red Chinchompa in hand, moved to the head of it.
We prepared our messages in preparation for the big event!

06-Mar-2012 04:21:20

Sep Member 2019


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Loyal turned around and threw the Chinchompa... and reached 200,000,000xp in Ranged! Everyone went crazy, with flashing messages and spam, not to mention the odd dance here or there.
And then the killing started! I died pretty quickly to Ice Barrage, but then came back in and started attacking random players. After getting frozen for an insane amount of time, I started attacking the original Ice Barrager who had killed me. I somehow managed to dodge his hits with a Chaotic Rapier, and in the end, we both died at the same time as I used a Korasi Special Attack and he used Ice Barrage.
I was done for killing though; it was time for some more Mining! I grabbed my Rune Pickaxe again (34,000 Gold Ore banked ) and ran out of the Gamer's Grotto and into Falador. Down into the Living Rock Caverns I went. I switched back to world 88 and started my Mining, which is what I did for the rest of my time playing Runescape today.
Thanks for reading! 545,000xp until 97 Mining!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 04:21:31

Sep Member 2019


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--October 21, 2011--
Hello everyone!
Before I logged in today, I did my daily check of the homepage. And my, what a surprise I found! I started thinking of a bot-free Runescape... Oh, the fun I could have! Just think, 400gp Gold Ore, 4m Whips, Pure Essence back at 120gp... What fun!
Now, I don't blame players for having some level of skepticism. But some of the players are actually complaining about the update, saying how it will ruin the game's economy. I couldn't really believe this... The only reason I could come up with is that they are simply trying to create an argument. Some people...
Anyways, I logged on and started my mining. I mined for a long time, scouring the forums as I did so. There were quite a few threads about the recent bot update, some of them ecstatic, some of them negative. I think I have faith in Jagex though. Bots nearly pushed me to quitting, and I want nothing more than to see them gone forever.
I mined for a long time, until C*ass, a clanmate, came to me and asked if I had capped at the Citadel yet. The build tick had just come, and all the resources were reset. I mined for a bit more, then teleported to Lumbridge, got my Vexillum and teleported to the Clan Camp. There, I started mining stone, for even more Mining experience! Joshyway was there too!
I mined for a bit at the Stone plot. The next tick, Mining Golds' Citadel will be one of the first to reach the prestigious Tier 6! Soon, Eternum PMed me and asked me to go to the Duel Arena with him. He was about to get his 4000th kill! He would only be 1000 kills away from a Tier 6 Duellist's Cap! I left the Citadel and Home Teleported to Lumbridge, where I ran to the Duel Arena. As I waited for Eternum to get there, Baby Mangoes challenged me to a duel. I had all my duelling gear, so why not?

06-Mar-2012 04:22:32

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Baby Mangoes (level 130) turned on Turmoil and Soul Split and started attacking me with a Chaotic Rapier. I had only put in two hits by the time he killed me! I asked for a rematch; this time, with no Soul Split. The new battle started, and for some reason, Baby Mangoes could not seem to hit me! In the end, I killed him with a second Korasi Special Attack! I had won! He wanted a rematch, but now that we were even, I declined.
Eternum showed up, and we started a duel. I took all my armour off to let him hit and waited to die. A while later, the match was over. I congratulated him on 4000 kills! After him logging back on after a disconnection, he put on his new Tier 6 Duellist's Cap! He had tricked me! I started at it. It looked awesome, it looked epic! He performed its emote, which looked equally as amazing. I congratulated him more! He had been working towards this for a while, and now that he had done it, he had to find something else to do! After he left, Phalinx wanted a duel me. She was only level 94, so it should have been an easy win.
The match did not go as planned. When I pulled out my Korasi, my Special Attack button didn't work for some reason, and I could not switch back to my inventory tab! She killed me with a devastating Dragon Claw special attack.
I asked for a rematch, and she killed me again! She only had level 70 Defence and 75 Attack, so how had I been getting hit so heavily by her? I challenged her one more time, but this time, I won easily. Perhaps I had been extremely unlucky
I was done duelling, so I headed to the bank and teleported back to the Clan Camp, where I started mining Stone again. There, I reached 60,000,000xp on my counter, and 10.3m Mining experience! I hit 1500 resources out of 2000 before I logged off for the day.
Thanks for reading! Only 395,000xp until 97 Mining!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 04:22:44

Sep Member 2019


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--October 22, 2011--
I logged on today into the Clan Citadel! Only 500 more stones to mine until I was all capped up, so off to work I went. As usual, as soon as I reach 1200+ resources, it seems to go by incredibly fast. In fact, getting those 500 resources seemed to take no time at all!
With that done, it was time to go back to the Living Rock Caverns. I felt like being a little more fancy today, so I asked in my Clan Chat if anyone could lend me a Dragon Pickaxe. GrlFFY could, so I met him in the Western Falador Bank. He lent me his pickaxe for 24 hours! Looking all spiffy, I headed over to the Living Rock Caverns via the house to the east of the Party Room. As I ran north, I squeezed my way through the small shortcut.
It was then that CLS PR0DUCT (ps32boy) offered to sell me an Amulet of Fury for 6m in my Friends Chat. This was a dream come true! With the recent update regarding bots, the street price for Amulets of Fury were quite high now, some even going as high as 15m! I Home Teleported right away to meet him at the Grand Exchange. At Lumbridge, I grabbed some runes for a teleport to Varrock and 6,000,000gp.
At the Grand Exchange, I ran to the fountain and hopped over to CLS PR0DUCT's world. I met him there, with his full dragon. The trade went through, and I had myself my very own Amulet of Fury for only 6m! I had wanted one of these for a long, long time... And to finally have one was, well, a little odd! I took off my Amulet of Glory and replaced it with my new Amulet of Fury. I was VERY grateful towards CLS PR0DUCT. I had gotten the best deal around!
After thanking him multiple times, I headed off to the Living Rock Caverns again, this time via the minecarts. Boy, did I look good in my new outfit! I started my Mining soon after.
I got the chance to meet 777knight777 there, the first player to reach 200,000,000xp in Fishing. Apparently, he fished Trout and Salmon the whole time!

06-Mar-2012 04:22:53

Sep Member 2019


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While mining, I got to partake in the interview that came with winning the Skills Chat Lounge Thread of the Week Competition! The questions were... Interesting... If you'd like to check it out, here's the Quick Find Code:
QFC: 154-155-571-63285386
Page 18
I mined for a long time, and every time I saw that Amulet of Fury, I had to smile. J ame S brought up a good point though: What's next? I hadn't actually thought about it. It had been my goal for years and years (probably since I started playing) to wear full bandos, an Amulet of Fury and a Dragonfire Shield (and an Octopus). Now that I had actually completed that goal, what would I buy next? I thought about that for a while, before making up my mind. I think my next goal item-wise will be to buy full Armadyl! I don't range much, but perhaps if I wear better armour, I'll like it more!
I mined more, slowly chipping away at that Remaining Experience. Before I logged of though, I PMed SnuGGzz. He had wanted to duel me a while ago, and now that I could, I decided to do it. I Home Teleported and ran to the Duel Arena, where I switched to his world. He wasn't there yet, so I started some duels with other players. The first player was level 121. I won that duel, but barely. I fought him again, and lost, but he was so close to death! I fought him one more time, and I won the tie breaker!
SnuGGzz (level 131) came then, and we started a duel. He started with a combination of an Abyssal Whip and Ice Barrage, but I managed to kill him rather quickly. He ran to the bank and came back, stating that he was just messing around. He was right.
The next duel didn't go anything like the first, and I died really quickly. Partly due to the Soul Split, no doubt. I asked for no Soul Split this time, and I won! That must have been a fluke though; he had maxed melee, ranged and magic, and was hybriding me from all sides of the combat triangle.

06-Mar-2012 04:23:08

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271 Back to Top