
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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--December 27, 2011--
I logged in at the Grand Exchange and set up my flipping items. It seemd nothing had a good exchange profit today... Oh well. I had a 190 Aberrant Spectre task... That wasn't going to be fun.
I had wanted to try slaying Aberrant Spectres without prayer ever since I had gotten my Bunyip, so today I could give it a go! I put on my Karil's and brought a Bunyip with me. I entered the Slayer Tower and started killing the Aberrant Spectres. My Magic defence wasn't quite as much as I was hoping for. The Aberrant Spectres seemed to hit me quite often, and my Bunyip was having a difficult time keeping up with the healing process. After a while though, I received a Hard Clue Scroll! I left right away, eager for an excuse to stop trying the no-prayer method.
I had an idea for this clue scroll. Lately, I've been getting quite bad loot, so maybe if I had a low amount of coins on me, I would get a better reward! I headed out on the adventure, with 9m on me. Seven clues later, I opened my casket in the Arandar Pass. I opened the casket to find a Saradomin Page 1! I sold it at the Grand Exchange for 1m!
I returned again to the Aberrant Spectres, this time with Prayer Potions. Killing them was fast but not very enjoyable. I don't like tasks that require drinking Prayer Potions. A while later, I received a second Clue Scroll! Again, I headed out. I had 11m with me this time, and as a consequence, my reward was a massive 26k... My flipping items were not going well. Items were not buying or selling, and I was beginning to lose money in the process. I put away my money. No more flipping for me today!
Back at the Aberrant Spectres, I continued to make great progress on my task. It was a little boring, but every hit was a step closer to level 87 Strength, and 120 Combat. Eventually, after a long time, I finally finished the task. I ran out the front door of the Slayer Tower and ran to the Fairy Ring.

06-Mar-2012 06:10:26

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I travelled back to my Slayer Master and got a new task: 198 Greater demons. This was going to be fun! Greater Demons offered great Strength experience! I banked at the Zanaris bank and returned with a Bunyip and food. Time to start the onslaught!
I'm afraid that I will not be in my Friends Chat anymore. From now on, I will be in the "welovecorp" Friends Chat! They were much friendlier than I thought, and I even made a new friend there, named "Wander Away". You can always talk with me in Private Chat though; my Private is ALWAYS on!
I had a lot of fun killing those Greater Demons. I even received an Ancient Effigy! A few kills after that, I received a Hard Clue Scroll. I really wanted to get that Strength level though, so I continued to kill the Greater Demons. After accumulating over fifty Crimson Charms, I finished the task. I ran out of Kuradal's Dungeon and retrieved my next task: 158 Living Rock Creatures. It was time to open that Effigy! The first stage required level 91 Construction... Briarheart in Mining Golds could assist me with that, so I met him at the Fairy Ring Code "ALR" and he assisted me with both 91 Construction and 93 Cooking. Next up was 95 Mining. All done! Now I have twelve Gorged Effigies banked away!
I headed out on my Treasure Trail next, and after multiple Puzzle Boxes, I finished the clue for a grand total of 50k. I was about to log off when Lion 0fJudah PMed me. He was about to go PKing, and he was inviting me to watch him! I banked all my items and met him on W18 in Edgeville.
We ventured out into the Wilderness, where he found a fight and started combat. I stayed behind him, spamming the "Cheer" emote. It hadn't been too long before the opponent used a Korasi special attack and killed. Better luck next time!
I ran back to the Edgeville bank and watched a few Horsey Game hosts scam their unknowing victims. yet another reminder of why I don't gamble. I logged off for the night.
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 06:10:36

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--December 28, 2011--
I logged in at the Grand Exchange, where I set up a few flipping items. Second day ina row where the profit margins have been low... Not good
I didn't have much Strength experience left until I gained level 87 Strength, along with 120 Combat. So I geared up for my Living Rock Creatures task. I had only been in the Living Rock Caverns for a few minutes when a Bandos mass trip was set up! I couldn't let this go to waste! I exited the caverns and started putting on my gear. I almost left without a Zamorak Arrow again! I grabbed my Trollheim teleport runes and was just about to teleport away when I realized I hadn't brought a single Prayer Potion! That could be bad... I restocked teleported off.
Soon, I was inside the God Wars Dungeon, collecting my Kill Count. It didn't take long at all for me to reach the 40 Kill Count marker. I headed over to the boss room, along with a few clanmates. Some players were already in the Boss room... It looked like we's be crashing them. We waited for everyone to arrive, and then we made our move. We poured in, and waited for the boss to spawn. The previous players Overloaded, and they got the kill... And the next... In fact, they Overloaded after every kill! It wasn't until a bit later that we started getting all the kills.
To our surprise, the other players didn't leave. They continued to fight, not giving in; I admired that. Another player from their clan came in, but we still managed to get all the drops. I think all the bossing I've been doing lately has been paying off! I was getting a lot of drops, something that has never happened before. Another player from the previous team ran in... We still held our ground though.

06-Mar-2012 06:11:20

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No significant drops had been made so far... Until we got a Godsword Shard 1 from a minion! Only 21,000gp per clanmate, but it was nice to get a split of something. A few more players from the opposing clan came in, along with a clanmate from Mining Golds. We were beginning to lose it! They would get a drop, we would get a drop... It kept switching, and General Graardor was only ever alive for about four seconds before he was killed.
When two more opposing players ran in, I knew it was over. I had to leave anyways, so I said good-bye and teleported out (Yes, I remembered a teletab this time! ) After I came back, I logged on again and FireCapeFury invited me to Safe Clan Wars. That sounded like fun... I agreed to go! I met him a few minutes later, with all my duelling gear. We entered the White Portal, and I fought him. I won (he's a much lower level), and I sat around, looking for someone to fight. Instead, players came to me!
I had a lot of fun trying to kill players. A lot of the time, they would start attacking me, thinking they were going to win. For the most part, I won... Except for one player. He was level 119 like me, and for some reason, I couldn't hit him. I attacked and attacked, but he ended up killing me!
A lot of the time I was simply having fun killing the players who attacked FireCapeFury. At one point, a random mage started attacking me, and a random passerby glanced at me and said "Lol gf bank" while running by. That scared me-- What I in the wrong portal? Nope, I was still in the safe one... I guess he just got a little confused.
I had a lot of fun in the Clan Wars area, but after a while, I stopped to start my Slayer task. I reallllyyy wanted that combat level! So I returned to the Living Rock Caverns. I brought my Bunyip with me, and I didn't mine any of the bodies to speed up the process.

06-Mar-2012 06:11:31

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I spent a while down in those caverns, slowly amassing Strength experience. Lots of clanmates were down there, including omd, More2Eat and Ratatosk. I ivited Dongle to Mining Golds, and finally, after an hour, I achieved level 87 Strength.
FINALLY!!! I had achieved level 120 Combat! This is such a huge milestone! I remember looking up at level 120+ players, thinking about how high level they were. And here I am, at that same spot. And I still feel like a noob.
I had nine kills to go, so I finished the task up. Now for the moment I had been waiting for... In "welovecorp", I simply said "120/zs/Supers/Piety". Right away, I was added. I couldn't wait! I wasn't expecting any drops though; the players there must have insanely high LootShare Points! I travelled to the Grand Exchange, where I purchased my Zamorakian Spear. I geared up, and switched to world 76, the current 'welovecorp' world.
I teleported to the Corporeal Beast with my Games Necklace and ran to the beast. The rule was too always have +8 melee boosts, along with Piety/Turmoil activated. They were extremely strict about this too; They had Stat Spies who would check your stats constantly, and if you were under the +8 requirement, you would get a warning.
I joined in on the mass. The first few kills were very fast! I was already having fun; I could tell I was going to enjoy myself. I actually got a drop: 13 Blue Charms! Around fourty minutes into the mass, The Corporeal Beast turned to me. He hit a 500, followed by a 360! Luckily, my Ring of Life saved me! I spawned in Edgeville, with all my gear. That had shaken me!
I returned to the beast again, and joined the mass. The kills were very fast. A player named "Ashley" seemed to have enormous LSP; she got nearly every drop! Not all drops went to her though. I managed to get myself a Mystic Air Staff! After getting a warning for being under +8, I watched my levels carefully. It was time to go though, so I logged off for the night.
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 06:16:36

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--December 29, 2011--
I was totally revved up for some Corporeal Beast massing! I joined the FC "welovecorp" and stated my add-statement. I teleported to the Corporeal Beast and ran to it. There, I joined in on the mass. It wasn't until a few kills later that I realized I had forgotten to turn on LootShare!I flicked it on, and sat there, hoping that I wasn't missing out on anything too valuable while I wasn't on LootShare. Even if I didn't get the drop, the LootShare Points was nice.
Finally, the LootShare was activated-- just in time for me to realize that welovecorp hadn't added me yet. I asked him, and was added... Now I had to turn on LootShare again! Another agonizing two minutes later, I joined in the mass for real. The player "Acp4x" seemed to be that one player getting every drop, so I sat back and enjoyed myself. I wasn't getting any drops, but I genuinely enjoyed myself. I enjoy all masses... I don't know what it is about them, but I just love them!
I managed to get 13 Crimson Charms and 13 Blue Charms on my first trip, and after my second trip, I received another 13 Blue Charms. When Ashley arrived, the moans and groans started. Just like yesterday, she began getting every drop available... Again though, it's just extra LootShare Points for me! The next time I go to a clan Bandos mass, I'll be getting every drop!
On my next trip, I received a Mystic Air Staff, along with 24 Watermelon Seeds! It was time to go for a while though, so I logged off.
Four or five hours later, I logged back on, ready for some more Corporeal Beast. There hadn't been a sigil drop in 23 hours, so one would be popping up soon! I came out of the first trip with 13 Crimson Charms, and so I returned again. The Corporeal Beat turned on me! This certainly wasn't new; the beast seemed to have a thing for me. But this time, it me with a 600! I tried to eat, but the lag monster got me!

06-Mar-2012 06:16:45

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I clicked as fast as I could on my Rocktails, but it was too late... I died. Just my luck, the very instant my feet touched Varrock, an Arcane Sigil was dropped. There goes my hopes of getting it, or at least getting LootShare Points... I was actually pretty ticked off. If I hadn't lagged, if I had been able to eat, then I could have gotten that sigil or at least gotten some LSP.
I returned to the Corporeal Beast to get my gear, and as I arrived, an FC rank told me that all my gear had been looted. Wow... I ran anyways, and when I entered, I saw my Mining Cape on the ground. My gear hadn't been looted! It was all there! I picked everything up and teleported out. I needed to fix my Karil's Bottom!
After restocking my inventory and fixing my Karil's armour, I returned again, still annoyed that I had died when a sigil dropped. Ashley was still getting every drop, but I knew that my turn had to come eventually. When it finally did, I received 2500 Pure Essence! For some reason, welovecorp all of a sudden kicked everyone out of his Friends Chat. We all stayed though, and a few minutes later, I re-entered and re-enabled LootShare.
I stayed for a while longer, but didn't get any more drops. I can't wait to go to a Bandos mass; I'll get every drop!
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 06:16:54

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--December 30, 2011--
I logged on today at the Grand Exchange, decked out for some more massing at the Corporeal Beast. But as much as I wanted to go "corping", I was obligated to cap at my Clan Citadel. So I grabbed my Clan Vexillum and teleported to the Clan Camp. In there, I entered the portal and was whisked away to the Mining Golds Citadel.
It was the big week! Mining Golds was going for Tier 7; the first clan ever to do so. For that, we needed tons of resources. The primary goal was Charcoal, so I sat myself down at one of the wood-chip piles and started shoveling. There were quite a few players there already, including Joshyway. We chatted with each other while we shoveled, and one thing became apparent... This was going to take a long time. The resource collection was very slow, and although the experience was quite fast, I wanted to cap faster. FireCapeFury dropped by to keep me company though; that was nice!
He knew I would be going to the Corporeal Beat too, so he lent me his Bandos Godsword! I continued to shovel those wood-chips, slowly gaining resources. It was slow, but it was a nice surprise to get level 81 Firemaking! Capping at the Charcoal plot was really slow... So slow in fact, that I decided to go back to the Timber plot. That was much better! I chatted with FireCapeFury there, and soon ForeverMandy came, with Morytania and WTFmyBacon. We all chatted and used emotes, and had a great time.
234 resources before capping, I headed over to the Summoning plot. Pretty soon, I had finally capped!

06-Mar-2012 06:17:14

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I ran about to the different plots on my way out, thanking the clanmates who were capping. I exited the citadel and ran to the nearest Falador bank. Time for some Corporeall Beast massing! I banked my Darklight and got my gear. I had asked to be added when I logged on, and I already had LootShare on; no hassle there! I teleported to the Corporeal Beast and ran to the cavern.
It seemed we had a new LSP Leader (the player with the most LootShare Points): His name was "ITankedNude". He was getting tons of drops! It seemed that the last sigil drop was the one I missed yesterday. I started in on the killing, hoping for a drop. Nothing is better than seeing that green writing, exclaiming that you had received something!
I waited for the beast to be killed, hoping for a drop. Anything would do... Even Crimson Charms! But of course, ITankedNude received the drop. Kills went by, and I didn't receive anything... That was okay though, I knew I would get something eventually. A while later, the Corporeal Beast was killed, and I again looked at the chatbox, in hopes for some green writing. To my extreme pleasure, there was! Nothing better than green writing! But my heart skipped a beat when I read this:
"You have received: Arcane Sigil."
No... It couldn't be. But it had to be true; everyone was freaking out, all congratulating me on my drop. I dumbly walked over to it on the ground, and picked it up. That's when it really hit. I started yelling and dancing! I soon teleported away though; I didn't want to die with it! After turning my Private to "Friends" (I was getting some "Share?" PMs), I told my clan the news. Spam ensued, followed by a mega Private Chat flood. I was still in shock. My third day at the Corporeal Beast, and I came away with an Arcane Sigil... It just couldn't be happening to me.
I showed the sigil to Lion 0fJudah, and while I was there, a lower levelled player asked me if I could teach him how to flip items.

06-Mar-2012 06:17:52

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I ushered the player off to the side and quietly explained the steps involved. I had to explain it twice; after the first time, he wanted to write it down
I was still in shock. Some players go months without getting a sigil, and some never do at all. Yet I had somehow been chosen to get one... I was still unsure what to do with the thing. I checked my Adventurer's Log to make sure it was real! Yep, it was there... I decided that because I never mage, I would sell the sigil. I put it in the Grand Exchange. Now what to do? There was no way I was going to be getting a drop at the Corporeal Beat; my LSP was in the negatives now. I decided to do what I knew best and go slaying. I travelled to Kuradal and got my task: 26 Mithril Dragons.
Tankerchief and Lion 0fJudah were at the Corporeal Beast though, so I decided I would try and make a dent in my massively negative LSP. I headed over there, fully knowing I wouldn't get a single drop. Even so, it's a ton of fun! I was immediately asked by players what I had done with my sigil. It felt really cool being "That guy who got the sigil". NO Ugos came after a while, and we killed the Corporeal Beast together. After an hour or so, I stopped. Time to kill some Mithril Dragons!
I equipped my Karils and Korasi, and was about to go to the dragons when I realized I had forgotten my Antifire Potions! After a quick detour to the bank, I entered the Ancient Caverns and ascended the stairs for the second time ever. I stated attacking the closest one. I had Piety activated with Super Potions, and I still didn't hit very accurately! The Korasi's special attack did wonders though. I was hitting over 500 with it!
After eight kills, I received an Elite Clue Scroll! I had a great track record with these! I left right away. The first step was a Compass. I tracked it down to Morytania, where I got my next clue... Another Compass.

06-Mar-2012 06:18:36

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271 Back to Top