
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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--August 7th, 2011--
I logged on and headed to Duradel immediately, eager for a new task. 68 Black Dragons!...
Unfortunately, I had loaned my Brackish Blade to Super Spiffy for the time being, so I decided to range them. I teleported to Lumbridge and started killing some chickens. I needed at that raw meat! After accumulating around ten or so, I ran to Zanaris, banked all but one of my chickens and entered the Evil Chicken's Lair.
I had killed perhaps six when I knew this wasn't going to work. There were people there with multi-cannons, and my little crossbow couldn't keep up. In fact, I was hitting so infrequently that I gave up all together. I'll get back to that when I retrieve my Brackish Blade.
Lion 0fJudah invited me to go to the King Black Dragon! I had never been there, ever. I knew little about it, so I started doing a bit of research. Basically, it has three types of attacks, and it can be found in a dungeon deep in the Wilderness. The King Black Dragon also has incredibly bad drops. Lion 0fJudah was busy for the itme being, so I took the liberty to complete a real quick quest: A Soul's Bane.
TheSpiffiest had told me that the quest was very fun, and that it was one of his favourites. But, knowing me, I had to resort to a guide
The quest itself is quite short, but it was also pretty fun. The Rage Room was the best part. I was hitting up to 2,000 points of damage on a Rage Bear! It wasn't long until I had finished the quest. Just in time, too. Lion 0fJudah was ready!
We met in Edgeville on a Lootshare world. He guided me through which items to take, and how much food was necessary. In the end, I brought a super set, prayer potions, antipoison, and sharks. I was using my Korasi as my main weapon. We used the canoe ride to get into the Wildenerss. That was the first time for me ever using a canoe ride!
We finally entered the King Black Dragon's lair, and my first fight with it begun.

06-Mar-2012 00:26:44

Sep Member 2019


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The King Black Dragon was incredibly easy to kill. With Lion 0fJudah hitting into the 400's (epic to watch), the dragon stood no chance at all. A player in the Edgeville bank had actually been kind enough to lend him Dragon Claws, so he was using that as a Special Attack Weapon.
We racked up quite a few kills, but my food supply was dwindling. Lion 0fJudah gave me two Rocktails, which helped for a while, but soon, I had to leave. I didn't get any good drops... A Strength Amulet and 50 noted Yew Logs were the best.
I'm a little ashamed to admit this, but I recently started playing a Farmville-like game called Farm Story. Now usually I hate those kinds of games, but this one is just so much fun! It really got me into the mood of Farming. And so for that reason, I decided to actually start training Farming. And not just with herbs; no no! I'm actually going to be planting allotments, herbs, trees, calquats... you name it. I hope to get up to level 85 sometime. Apparently, at level 85, you can make up to 4-5m per day! And I have a new item goal now: a Zamorak Godsword.
I found a really useful Farming guide on the forums, by a player named Mephus.
Quick Find Code: 98-99-166-60373814
I read this guide quite thoroughly, and I decided to go out and do all the quests that Mephus suggested. The first one was My Arm's Big Adventure. In the Quest Journal, it states that completing Enakhra's Lament may be useful, so I embarked on that quest. It was quite easy, except that I kept getting granite mixed up with sandstone. Before long, I had completed the quest.
The next requirement for My Arm's Big Adventure was 60% favour within the Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup minigame/activity. I had never tried that before, so I did a bit of reasearch. I gathered some gear and headed down to the Tai Bwo Wannai Village. After speaking with Murcaily, I started the cleanup. Aquiring favour was much slower than I had anticipated.

06-Mar-2012 00:26:53

Sep Member 2019


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Basically the entire activity of Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup consisted of hacking down jungle and using the Thatching Spears aquired from it to rebuild fences. You would also have to kill any enemies that may appear. I wasn't only going for 60% favour though. I was going for the long haul, all the way to 100%!
It took a long time, but I finally hit 60% favour. At this time, a player named Dasambawolf PMed me and asked if I could do him a favour. He was doing the Karamja Hard Tasks, and he needed me to enter the Fight Pits with him, so that he could win. I teleported over and met with him at the Fight Pits. We entered the arena. I turned off Auto-Retaliate and waited for him to kill me. That done, he thanked me and I ran back to the cleanup. After ages, I finally managed to reach the goal of 100% favour! Now I could finally start My Arm's Big Adventure.
This quest was annoying. I had to try and find some troll named Ash, and for the life of me, I couldn't find him. After fifteen minutes, I finally found him in the middle of Death Plateau. Near the end of the quest, I had to defeat a level 172 Giant Roc. This thing was massive, and I had actually forgotten to bring Prayer Potions. It was a race to kill the boss before my Prayer Points ran out! Luckily, I managed to kill it, and finished the quest!
The next quest that Mephus suggested was the quest "Back to My Roots". Unfortunately, I didn't have all the requirements for that. So, I started the quest "The Hand in the Sand". That quest wasn't particularly long or difficult, but the reward wasn't very useful. Now I could start Back to My Roots! Now this quest was a hassle. The quest consisted of the player locating and bringing back to Ardougne a root to the legendary Jade Vine. Unfortunately, the only way to get a root was to navigate yourself through a massive maze made out of the vine itself. Even with a guide, it was unpleasant.

06-Mar-2012 00:27:13

Sep Member 2019


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Now I guess my Farming skills weren't quite up to *****, because my Jade Vine that I had planted had gone awry, and I had to defeat it using only my Dragon Hatchet. It was a fairly easy fight, and upon killing it, I completed the quest. This quest's rewards were great! I hit level 63 Agility and level 61 Farming because of it!
I now had a total of 221 Quest Points; quite a few if you ask me.
I had one last thing to do: go duellign with PvM Paladin! I really wanted to try out a new strategy, so I searched for eons trying to find a player who would lend me the correct weapon. I mean ages. I switched worlds, entered all sorts of clan chats, scoured the forums, and nothing. Finally, Speedster, a member of Mining Golds, lent me the weapon. Finally!
I teleported to the Duel Arena and finally met with PvM Paladin. We did a few matches, and I won all of them. I then challenged other people who were there, and I won against them as well. The best part of this strategy was that I didn't need prayers to be on. Finding matches with people who would accept prayers was extremely difficult.
My new strategy was a little hit and miss. If everything went according to plan, it would work wonders, but if something went wrong, I was as good as dead. I need to practice it before I start staking with it. I switched over to some Duel Arena worlds to test it out, and some players actually forfeit the duel after I was about to detroy them. So far, it looks pretty good.
That was all I had time for today! Thanks for reading!

06-Mar-2012 00:27:23

Sep Member 2019


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--August 8, 2011--
I could finally start a farm run! I had never done one of these before, so I didn't know where all the tree patches were, let alone even how to plant one. I bought some seeds from the Grand Exchange: Maple Seeds, Papaya Seeds, Strawberry Seeds. I figured I would put the tree seeds in a plant pot, so I did that, then watered it with my magical watering can (It never has to be refilled!). I started out by teleporting to Lumbridge, and running to the tree patch. I tried using the Maple Seedling on the patch, but nothing would work... Until, after about two minutes of utter confusion, my seedling grew. Then, I planted in the patch, not forgetting about Supercompost of course. I made my way to every herb, allotment, tree and fruit tree patch available. After I had completed everything though, I realized that I should probably pay the gardeners to look after my trees...
I bought a few pineapples, along with a few baskets of oranges, and made my way back to every tree patch again.
I had forgotten about the disease-free herb patch on Trollheim! Iteleported there, and ran to the patch. Although unlikely, lilmk happened to be there at the same time! He left, and I was done my farm run. I still had that Champion Scroll sitting in my bank though... I decided it was time to use it!
I teleported to Varrock, withdrew all my ranging gear and headed to the Champion's Guild, where I met with the Skeleton Champion. He was so easy to kill it wasn't even funny. I think I defeated him in under a minute. It was pretty cool being followed around by an imp with a banner though!
Now, I really wanted some money for that Zamorak Godsword. I decided to do a bit of staking. But after camping out there for ages, and not getting a single match, I decided it was time to leave. By this time, my herbs were ready to be collected! On my way to the Falador patch, I saw that my Maple Tree was ready to be cut!

06-Mar-2012 00:27:33

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I grabbed my Dragon Hatchet and cut it to the ground! I didn't seem to get any Farming experience though... I asked around in my clan. Apparently, you need to waituntil a "Check Health" option appears. So, there goes a Maple Seed down the drain
I finished off my herb run. I was still not sure what to do for money though. Super Spiffy was doing a quest, and he siad we could go to the Chaos Elemental after he was done. I headed off to camp at Giant Spiders to try and get that Attack level. I haven't been to Giant Spiders in years! I remember going there with my full rune...
As soon as I got there though, Super Spiffy needed a Raw Shark for his quest. I headed to the Grand Exchange, bought one, teleported to my house in Relleka and traded it to him.
What to do for money... Maybe mining would do the trick. I ventured into the Living Rock Caverns and started mining some coal. I soon moved on to gold. I thought about my Barrows reward I still hadn't claimed from months ago from going with PvM Paladin. I decided I would get my reward.
I struggled my way over to the Barrows area and after a long attempt of trying to find the tunnels, I finally got my treasure. I got absolutely nothing. I decided I would give it one last shot. Unfortunately, my Abyssal Whip did practically nothing against the brothers, so I teleported out and grabbed my full Verac's.
So after a long arduous journey, I finally entered the Treasure Room. I opened the chest... and got 3k. That was it! I was never going to do Barrows again. I hate it enough as it is, but getting a measly 3k just doesn't cut it.
I had one last herb run to do. I visited them all, and met with ForeverMandy at the Trollheim patch. It seems I meet with all my friends there
It was time to log off now. Maybe I'll find a way to make some money tomorrow... I hope.
Thanks for reading! Bye!

06-Mar-2012 00:27:41

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--August 9, 2011--
I logged on, and noticed the new update! The new Grand Exchange and Edgeville was here! I teleported to the Grand Exchange right away, eager to see the new changes. As soona s I set foot there, I instantly fell in love with it. I can't even put into words how much better it looks.
For me, a big factor of whether I enjoy a game or not is the graphics, and that may seem shallow, but it is what matters to me. Now when I first joined Runescape, the graphics were absolutely atrocious. People looked like rectangles, and dwarves looked like squares. There was almost no shading at all, and everything was made by sharp shapes. But with new graphical updates... It's amazing. When the Trollheim update was released, I knew right away that if the rest of Runescape gets makeovers like that, then Runescape is going in the right direction.
The new Grand Exchange is no different. The new centre square featuring a beautiful fountain, and the overhanging foliage completely compliments the graphical rework of the tiles, nott to mention how open the area seems now. And the new Spirit Tree? It looks simply amazing. I don't understand how players are making petitions to bring the old Grand Exchange back... They must be out of their mind (That, or they just enjoy arguing).
After admiring the new graphics, it was time to go on a Farming run. On this run, I got 62 Farming! The trees provide huge amounts of experience, and can lead to extremely fast levels. The only problem is, there's no way of profiting from it... I could now plant Snapdragons! I couldn't wait. I started planting them all over the place, in every Herb Patch available.
I then had to leave though, so I logged off, and didn't come back for five hours.

06-Mar-2012 00:28:00

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When I came back, I couldn't wait to start harvesting those Snapdragons! But I hesitated. What if Snapdragons were only profitable in conjunction with Juju Potions? That would be bad... I PMed Smith Revamp, and asked him about it. We did the match together, and figured I would make about 200k per run, without Juju Potions. That was good enough for me!
I teleported to Falador. For some reason, my Maple Tree was fully grown! I thought they took eight hours... Weird. I dug that up, and planted a new one. I had no way of paying the gardeners though, so I teleported back to the Grand Exchange to buy some payments. While I was there, J ame S PMed me. He invited me to his 99 Strength Party! I continued on my farm run until he told me to go to the party.
The Snapdragon plants are unbelievable. To anyone who wants to make some easy money: Get 62 Farming, and start planting Snapdragons! These things are incredible money! Ihad only a few patches to go when I headed over to the Yanille POH Portal. It was time to see J ame S get his 99 Strength!
In the house, there were already a few people, no of whom I knew. I introduced myself and we all took a seat on a gilded bench. We chatted there until J ame S arrived. He jokingly told one of the players he wasn't invited, but the player took it seriously and teleported away!
The hostess guided us to the Combat Ring, and we crowded around it. Who would he get 99 Strength on? we wondered. He chose me! I cimbed over the ropes and into the ring, armed and ready with my deadly Magic Secateurs. In one hit on me, he achieved level 99 Strength! We all congratulated him, and I died in another hit. Congratulations J ame S!
I hung out a whle longer, congratulated him again, then left to finish my farming run. I got 63 Farming! At the end, I was at the Mobilising Armies Bank, when I saw two players talking to each other. One of them left, claiming that James was going to get 99 Cooking. Odd, huh?

06-Mar-2012 00:28:09

Sep Member 2019


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I'm pretty close to 69 Dungeoneering, so I decided to go there. I teleported over and entered a dungeon... but soon remembered that I have a Promethium Rapie bound to me that I can't use
Dungeoneering ended pretty quickly. I decided I wanted to get that Varrock Armour. I have the first Tier, but that doesn't include gold ore. I checked the task list. It seemed that for one of them, I needed to complete the quest Ratcatchers. I guess it was questing time!
Ratcatchers was one long quest. A few parts were somewhat entertaining, but for the most part, the quest was just plain annoying. Finally, after a long time, I completed the quest. I don't think I could have finished it if I still had my kitten.
And now for the real fun part! I headed down into the Varrock Sewers and and caught enough rats to fill my Rat-Pole. Task completed!
I went on one last herb run (amazing money) and logged off for the day.
And that was all! Thanks for reading! See you later!

06-Mar-2012 01:06:42

Sep Member 2019


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--August 11, 2011--
I started out today with an herb run (I don't pronounce the H in herb ). I was actually starting to see an increase in the number of herbs I was yielding... Although I have no idea what could possibly be helping with that. I ended up getting about 30 herbs on my run. Not too bad!
Soon after that, TheSpiffiest and I decided on duoing the Chaos Elemental. This time, instead of waiting for it to respawn, we hopped worlds constantly, as it was faster than waiting. Thankfully, we never came across any PKers.
We started out really strong. The first kill gave us 500 Death Runes, and the kill after that gave us 2,500 Chaos Runes. We began to get more Chaos Runes and Mithril Darts, along with 178 noted Adamantite Ore. Piety was working wonders against the boss! I was hitting constantly, probably thanks to a mixture of Piety and TheSpiffiest's Leech Attack.
After a long time, my food supplies began to dwindle, and TheSpiffiest began to run out of Prayer Potions. So after a few more kills, we called it a day. TheSpiffiest made a generous gesture and let me keep the drops!
After I sold my items, I emabrked on yet another Farm run. Farming Snapdragons is incredible money! I decided to see how much money I would make if I farmed Snapdragons to level 99. It worked out to about 900m! Of course, that is with farming absolutely nothing else. The real horror is how long that would take. If I tended to my crops every hour and fifteen minutes, it would take me EIGHTEEN YEARS to get 99 Farming. I guess that's not really an option
I decided to kill a few Black Dragons with my Korasi Sword. It was pretty nice being able to get into Zanaris without a Lunar Staff! I switched worlds once to avoid a Dwarf Multi-Cannon, aand found a good one. Soon after though, I started getting bored of it.

06-Mar-2012 01:07:20

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