--May 30, 2011--
I logged on today and was still at Daemonheim. I gathered my Slayer gear and headed off for some Aberrant Spectre killing. I was hoping for a clue scroll (I love them!), so I equipped my Ring of Wealth. I teleported via Ectophial to the Ectofuntus, where I made my long and arduous journey to the Slayer Tower. I entered, and ran by that shortcut that I was only one Agility level away from using.
Finally at the Aberrant Spectres, I entered their chamber. Wow! It was packed! Not a single Aberrant Spectre was left un-attacked! I switched worlds to World 70. Only a few people there... I could live with that.
I started the onslaught. I wasn't getting very good drops. I got a few Grimy Ranarrs, a few Charms, seeds, and other random herbs. Every time my Ring of Wealth shone, my eyes lit up, hoping for riches. But for the most part, it was simply an Uncut Ruby or Emerald. I killed a few more, and when I had killed a total of 48, I got the drop I was looking for. A Hard Clue Scroll! I couldn't wait to get started! Who knew what I would get? Perhaps even a piece of Third Age Armour! I had 137 more monsters to go, so I persuaded myself to get down to at least 100 left. 0DarkKnight PMed me again, and we chatted. He was going for 99 Cooking, but had run out of money to buy lobsters. I suggested that he fish his lobsters, but he only needed 3m, and it probably would be faster to simply make the 3m. He asked me how I made my money, so I told him Runecrafting. He had 99 Woodcutting, so I told him that he should try cutting Magic Logs.
He had gotten rid of his Dragon Hatchet (Try and rid his memory of the horrible Ivy no doubt), so I told him that I would lend him my Dragon Hatchet for 24 hours. We decided to meet at the Grand Exchange. I teleported with my Ectophial again, and ran to the Port Phasmatys bank, where I teleported to Varrock. I ran to the Grand Exchange, and met with him at the entrance to it. He was wearing his Woodcutting cape.
05-Mar-2012 20:02:47