
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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--May 7, 2011--
As I logged on today, a friend of mine, RobbG, was about to get 99 Mining. I couldn't miss that! I hopped worlds as fast as I could, and I met him in Falador. A whole bunch of other clanmates joined, and eventually the party got underway. I led everyone to the Dwarven Mines (RobbG couldn't remember how to get in ) and I readied my message. He mined a coal rock, and the foreworks went off. The cave became a myriad of colors and waves. Everyone was dancing and yelling! I followed RobbG into the Mining Guild, up the ladder and to te Mining Master. He bought his cape, and once again, tons of messages washed over us. It was an awesome moment. The people began to filter away, so I decided to go. I said congratulations to RobbG for one last time, and was on my way.
I started Runecrafting as usual. I gave some people some Varrock Teleports (the were begging), and kept on going. Pretty uneventful. A while later, a player in my clan, "Brushurteeth" (nice name, I know), was asking around if anyone could make a Gorgonite Rapier for him in Daemonheim. No one else responded, so I told him that I could-- if I used a Weak Artisan's Potion. Well that was good enough for him. I switched worlds and we met in Daemonheim. We quickly entered a dungeon. Our plan was too save up a bunch of money so that we could afford two Gorgonite Ores, or, if we were lucky, I could mine a Gorgonite Rock.
We opened the first door and looked around. There were a few monsters, but no Gorgonite Ore. We raided the Dungeon for a while, and Brushurteeth made a Weak Artisan's Potion. W didn't have enough money though. We needed 114k, but we only had 70k. Luckily, there was a room with a level 136 Forgotten Warrior, wearing Primal Armour. We put on our Protect from Melee prayers and went in.

05-Mar-2012 18:29:52

Sep Member 2019


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It was a long fight. We didn't hit very often, and our Prayer Points were draining fast. Brushurteeth's points ran out, so he ran off. It was just me. My points ran out all of a sudden, and I was hit a 300. I ate some food, but he hit me another 200. I seemed to be hitting me constantly, so my efforts were futile. I eventually died. I respawned with full health and full Prayer Points. Brushurteeth followed me back to the enemy, and we eventually finished him off. The only Primal Armour we got was Primal Boots. I mined some ore and sold it; now we were at 90k. Brushurteeth escorted me back to the first room that we entered. As we were killing a few monsters, I noticed a rock in the room... A Gorgonite rock. Wow. I could have just mined that when we first entered the dungeon! I took my pickaxe out, mined two ores and smelted them into bars. Brushurteeth gave me the potion, which I drank.

I smithed him his Gorgonite Rapier, and we all did a little happy dance. With that done, we exited Daemonheim. My Bandos Chestplate that I had lent out yesterday had just been returned, so I collected that and headed off to the Grand Exchange to lend some more items. I was planning on Runecrafting, so I had no need for any weapons or armour.
At the Grand Exchange, I once again yelled out "Lending stuff for free!". I guess people seem to think that people lending items for free must be noobs or something, because it took a while for someone to trade me to see what I had. He also chose my Bandos Chestplate. I gave it to him for three hours. He thanked me and ran off. Once again, I offered to take people to Lunar Isle. No responses. I tried for a little longer, and eventually decided to Home Teleport there.
I Runcrafted for some time, when ClanClash PMed me. He complimented me on my blog (thanks! ) and we chatted. My clan was hosting a Stealing Creation Event pretty soon, and I wasn't sure if I should go. I don't normally go to my clan events, but this time I decided to.

05-Mar-2012 18:30:25

Sep Member 2019


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I grabbed my Gamer's Necklace and teleported to the Gamer's Grotto. There, I met with Helecopter, the event coordinator, and Zetris, the clan owner. More people came, and we entered the fenced areas. I joined Team Blue. We were missing two people, so I PMed ClanClash to see if he wanted to come by. The Stealing Creation event was all non-combat and non-thieving, by the way. ClanClash decided to come, and I managed to get ChaosZerk to swing by as well. The game started, and we headed off. The games themsleves were pretty uneventful. I got tons of points, many more than I would normally get. After three games, I was done. I bade farewell to everyone, and ran to Falador. My Saradomin Sword had been returned, so I collected that and teleported to the Grand Exchange once more. I found a guy who wanted to borrow my Saradomin Sword. Odd... Normally people want to borrow the Bandos Chestplate! I lent it to him for free for four hours.
For what seemed like the millionth time, I asked if anyone wanted to go to Lunar Isle. No one again. I Home Teleported to Lunar Isle and Runecrafted some more. That was when Lion0f Judah PMed me. He was inviting me to go to the God Wars Dungeon again. I didn't feel like going today, but I knew someone who did.
I read every single comment posted here, and that included ClanClash's comment. He had posted that he wanted to go to te God Wars Dungeon sometime. I told Lion0f Judah that I didn't feel like going, but that he should PM "ClanClash". ClanClash got the PM and was soon on his way to his forst God Wars Dungeon foray. I was pretty happy that I was able to help ClanClash out like that.
I kept Runecrafting, until ChaosZerk PMed me. He was just telling me that he was heading off to do a Hellhound task. Well what were the chances of that! That was my task too! I told him that I was going to come, and after what seemed like forever, (Man, I really need 70 Agility!), I eventually got to the Hellhounds.

05-Mar-2012 18:30:41

Sep Member 2019


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ChaosZerk had told me that he was cannoning them in the Bonus Dungeon, so I headed in. I walked in pretty far, and didn't see anyone. I checked to make sure that we were in the same world. We were, so that was pretty odd. I started walking out when I saw a guy with a cannon. I assumed it was ChaosZerk until I right-clicked his name. It was S U O M I! I was pretty shocked. This guy is ranked #5 on the hiscores! I told him that his experience was very impressive, and to keep up the good work. We talked for a while, and I eventually said good bye. I didn't want to ruin his experience rates or anything!
I appeared outside the dungeon, and saw ChaosZerk running towards me. I had no idea how he had gotten out there, but I didn't ask. We started killing some Hellhounds. Remember, ChaosZerk only has 45 Defence, so he was getting hit pretty hard. We kept killing them, and on I don't know what kill (I forgot my Enchanted Gen ), I got a Hard Clue Scroll! I was pretty happy; I love these things!
That was when ChaosZerk ran out of food. I was about to tell him that he could have some of mine, when he teleported. Oh well. I killed a few more, and eventually a player named "Melancholia" (I think... Something like that) came by. She was ranging them, but she cul**'* seem to find a good safe-spot. I told her to follow me, and I led her to the Hellhound safespot on the upper ledge. She thanked me, and I ran to the lower pit, where I continued to kill the Hellhounds. When I ran out of food, I teleported out and banked my items. It was time to do a Clue Scroll!
This Treasure Trail wasn't very long; only about 4 clues. They took me from the Necromancer's Tower to Mort Myre Swamp to Karamja to The Elven Kingdom. That last one was annoying. It took me a solid half-hour to finally figure out how to get to ground zero.
In the end, I was rewarded with a Rune Full Helm, 9 Purple Sweets, and 25 Mahogany Logs.

05-Mar-2012 18:31:13

Sep Member 2019


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I decided to go Dungeoneering then. I only had about 3,000 more experience to gain, so that wasn't bad at all.
I entered my first dungeon. This boss was the Saggitare. It was a really close fight. Like really close. We both died at the exact same time! That was pretty annoying... I ended the dungeon and got about 1,500xp. One more dungeon to do.
The second dungeon's boss was Night-Gazer Khigorak. I entered the room and started Protect Against Magic. This was a pretty stupid fight. It was only level 85, so I should have been destroying it. I ran around lighting all the fires every time they went out, and still, I just could not kill the stupid boss. I couldn't even hit! I died twice on its first form, then once on its second form. I was pretty mad. I ended the dungeon... and I didn't gain the level! I was 163xp away! Now I was really mad... I started raging. It was pretty bad. In my defence, there was no cussing or profanity; just a lot of spam.
I started in on this new dungeon, Floor 29. I got about 6 rooms in when I came across my least favourite puzzle. It's the one with the four Skaters on a pool, and one of them has a key. I never seem able to get the right one, so after a while of trying, I quit the dungeon. Lucky for me, that little extra experience that you get for doing a part of the dungeon gained me the level. So I'm at level 58 now!
I was pretty mad about Dungeoneering, so I just had to get away from that place. I wanted to go finish my Slayer task, but I had no way to get to Falador; I had used all of my Falador Teleport tabs. So instead, I teleported to the Grand Exchange and bought 100 Falador Teleports. I then noticed a guy asking for a teleport to Lunar Isle. Lucky for him, I was on Lunar Magics. I told him that I could take him, and he replied with a "". I teleported him there and he thanked me. He was a pretty nice guy.
This was when F1l1p1no IRL PMed me. He had finally gotten his Prayer Skillcape!

05-Mar-2012 18:31:24

Sep Member 2019


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I used an Amulet of Glory and teleported to Edgeville, where he was waiting. We started chatting to each other. He was level 137 now. All he needs for level 138 is 96 Summoning!
I said good bye and got my Slayer gear. It was time to kill some Hellhounds. I wound my way through the twisting caverns and got to the Hellhounds. Once again, I forgot my Enchanted Gem . I started killing them. After a while, I got another Hard Clue Scroll! I had to stop killing the Hellhounds, as I had no food left. I only had 1,000 Slayer experience to go as well...
I started my clue. This one wasn't quite as bad as the last. It took me from the Observatory to Ardougne, to Karamja and to the Arandar Pass. I didn't get much good loot from this one... I got a Rune Pickaxe, two Black D'hide Bodies, a Willow Composite Bow, a Rune 2h Sword and 46 Nature Runes.
After I was finished that, I teleported to my house (in Relleka) and headed off to Lunar Isle. I Runecrafted for the rest of the time I was on.
Well, that's it for today! Thanks for reading!
Good night! :)

05-Mar-2012 18:31:33

Sep Member 2019


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--May 9, 2011--
Sorry I didn't post yesterday, but I came down with the flu, and just couldn't bring myself to play Runescape. Even today I was feeling a little sick.
Anyways, today was basically dedicated to Runecrafting. When I logged on, there was a player named "A N G I E" wearing a Max cape. I complimented her on it, and she asked me if I wanted to see the emote. Well certainly I did! I had never seen it before, so I was a little anxious to see what it was. I have got to say, it was nothing like I expected. She seemed to build some sort of golem, then go on to kill it with an Abyssal Whip. It was pretty neat to watch though! I thanked her and went on my way.
After only a few Runecrafting runs, a player ran into the Lunar Isle bank asking if he could by 1,000 Astral Runes off of someone. I said that I could, and he gave me 200k for them. That's 40k extra!
I continued to Runecraft for quite a while. Eventually, I decided to lend out an item for free at the Grand Exchange. I don't know why, but I always seem to enjoy lending items to people for free. This time, I lent out my Saradomin Sword for three hours.
I went back to Runecrafting. While I was Runecrafting, I was also on the forums. I had found a thread in the General Forum about a player who was wondering what type of armour he should get. His name was "tesbaybay". He didn't own a platebody, so I suggested that he get a Rune Platebody. After a while, I PMed him. I offered to give him my Rune Platebody that I had bought for my failed PKing attempt. He kindly refused. Determined, I then offered him money. He refused that as well. Instead, he offered to become friends. Well that didn't sound like that bad of an offer. We chatted for a while, and we talked about all sorts of things. Mostly about the Member's world.
Well my pile of Pure Essence had been depleting pretty rapidly, so it was time to sell my Astral Runes and buy some more Pure Essence.

05-Mar-2012 18:32:22

Sep Member 2019


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I teleported to the Grand Exchange, and put up a Sell Offer for my Astral Runes. Unfortunately, they didn't sell right away. Oh well, I could wait. I decided finish my Slayer task. I withdrew my gear (remembering my Enchanted Gem this time), and teleported to Falador. After the long, tedious journey through the Taverly Dungeon, I finally came to the Hellhounds. I killed a few of them, getting no good drops. That was when a player named "Im So Oily" came along. We talked for a while. I killed more, hoping desperately for a Hard Clue Scroll. I didn't get any. Another player came. He asked if either of us had a Strength Potion, which we didn't. We killed more in silence. Finally, Hard-Clue-Scroll-less, I finished my task. I teleported to the Grand Exchange.
I was going to log off soon, and so I usually lend an item for free for about six hours. The first guy wanted my Bandos Chestplate. He was only level 79, so I asked him what his Defence level was. Good thing I asked too. To wear a Bandos Chestplate, you need a minimum of 65 Defence, which this guy apparently didn't have. Another guy came along. He asked to borrow my Bandos Chestplate as well. He was level 90, so I had no problem with lending it to him. We finished the trade, and he put it on. He said "Now i feel rich lol". That made me feel kind of good. I finally had an item that people considered "expensive"!
I was about to log off when I noticed a pile of players yelling "scammer!!!". I looked for who they were talking about. There was a guy who was saying "ill X.2 your money!". Tricky... Very tricky. I told the other people what he was doing, but they seemed incoherent. They were determined to report this guy for "scamming". Oh well, I tried.
I logged off.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! By the way, I'm only 63k away from 84 Runecrafting!
Good night! :)

05-Mar-2012 18:32:34

Sep Member 2019


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--May 11, 2011--
Hooray! I've recovered from the flu! About time too. So I logged on today, and much to my disappointment, my Astral Runes hadn't sold. Well that wasn't very good because I was only about 60k away from 84 Runecrafting, and I couldn't afford any Pure Essence! So I just have to wait for my Astral Runes to sell.
I had just updated my offer on the Grand Exchange when I looked at my Friend's List. My jaw dropped. Seriousruss was online. He had changed his name back from "ef u sea cay", thank goodness. I immediately PMed him. I hadn't seen him since Christmas! There was so much to tell him... I waited for a response for quite a while. Thankfully (mercifully), he replied with a classic "Hi bro". He was back. I told him everything, from all the new updates to my first 99, to me getting 83 Runecrafting (almost 84). It turns out that his computer had broken right on Boxing Day, and he had only been able to get it fixed now. I was so happy to have my old friend back!
While I was talking to him, a level 38 player named "Delrith Elf" asked me if I wanted to be friends. I gently told her that I only befriend people whom I get to know. She then told me I was mean, and walked away. A few seconds later, she started asking "why is evryone mean? can anyone hlp me plz?". Well since I couldn't Runecraft, I was wondering what to do. Helping a new player seemed like just the right thing. I ran over to Delrith Elf and told her I could help. She needed help with the quest "Priest in Peril". I quickly brought up Runescape Wiki. She couldn't figure out how to open the cell containing Drezel. I skimmed the article real quick. I found what I needed and told her to follow me. I escorted her back to the house near Morytania.

05-Mar-2012 18:33:13

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We finally got there. In the article, it said that we needed to bring a Golden Key and a bucket to the Dungeon below. I told Delrith Elf to run back to Varrock and grab a bucket. Well rememeber, she was only level 38, and she didn't know how to get a bucket. No big deal. I told her to wait right there. I ran all the way back to Varrock and got a bucket from my bank. I didn't want to have to run back to Varrock again, so I checked the "Items Required" on Runescape Wiki". Delrith Elf would also need 50 Pure Essence. Lucky for her (and me), I had access to all four pouches! I filled my pouches with essence and filled the rest of my inventory with more essence. I ran back to the house. Delrith Elf was still waiting there. I explained what to do, and we both went into the dungeon. I gave her the bucket and she got the iron key. We ran back to the house. That's when I realized that she had needed to fill the bucket with the water from in the dungeon. I told her to go fill it. I waited while she went off. When she came back, I explained to her what to do, step by step. We ran back into the dungeon, where I gave her my 50 Pure Essences. She finished the quest with ease!
After that, I showed Delrith Elf a bit of Morytania. I ran to Canifis, with her in my tow. I told her to NEVER, EVER attack a person in Canifis without a Wolfbane Dagger. She was pretty skeptical; she didn't think the people of Canifis looked like werewolves. I decided to show her. I ran into the bar, and attacked the nearest person. She said "oh ok". Then logged off. Just like that. I didn't even get a thank you! Oh well, at least I got to help somebody!
I ran to the Canifis bank and decided to do some Fishing. I was pretty close to level 72-- about 33k. I teleported to Ardougne, took a boat to Brimhaven, and got a cart to Shilo Village. While I was there, I picked up my new Slayer Task. 135 Waterfiends. Well that was pretty unlikey, so I immediately cancelled it.

05-Mar-2012 18:33:25

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