
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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The player who had gotten it announced to everyone that it wasn't a Third Age Ranger Top, and that it was actually a Polar Camoflouage Top. My heart stopped pumping like a Jack-Rabbit, and I returned to Stringing Jewellery.
I'm not actually sure if I will even do Plank Make. String Jewellery is very fast experience, ans requiers little attention. Also, if I'm going to craft all my own runes, I would need to make both Astral and Nature Runes for Plank Make. Then again, it is possible to profit with Plank Make. I guess I'll decide once I get to level 86 Magic.
I logged off at about 72,000 experience left until level 82. String Jewellery is amazingly fast experience, and I just love it.
Well, that's it for today! Thanks for reading everyone!
Good night!

05-Mar-2012 19:46:00

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--May 22, 2011--
Heya guys!
I started off today with some more of that awesome spell, String Jewellery. I was watching all the beggars and scammers at the Grand Exchange when Lion0f Judah PMed me. He was about to get level 95 Attack, and he wanted me to his PoH with some other friends and watch him get it. His house was in Yanille, so I teleported to Ardougne and ran all the way to Yanille. Unfortunately, Lion0f Judah was still 15k away from gaining the level, so I ran back to the bank and continued training Magic.
Eventually, when he got to 2k away, I ran to his house an entered. A few seconds later, two other people came in, including DivineFury. We ran to Lion0f Judah's Combat Ring and let him attack us. I was wearing my trusty Octopus, Spottier Cape and Mud Staff, and for some reason, I was hitting Lion0f Judah more often than the other two. Of course, Lion0f Judah annihilated me multiple times; but that was the point!
Eventually, Lion0f Judah got his 95 Attack, and we all congratulated him. I had some Gold Amulets to magically string, so I left his house and ran back to the Yanille bank.
While I was casting String Jewellery, I was scouring the forums. I came across one thread about a player who was training Fletching, and who wanted company at the Seer's Village bank. Well I could use some company, so I switched to his world and met him at the bank. There was another player there Fletching, and he had also read the same thread. I hung out there for a while, and I lent my Dragon Hatchet to a player cutting Maple Trees for free.
After casting for quite a while, FIlIPINO IRL PMed me. He asked me if I could do him a favour. But at that exact instant, I was swept away to the Maze Random event. I hate that random... It just takes so long. I finished the maze and let FIlIPINO IRL finish his question. He wanted me to help open the doors on Waterbirth Island. I said sure, but I was so close to level 82 Magic... I decided to go for it, and I got it!

05-Mar-2012 19:46:44

Sep Member 2019


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FIlIPINO IRL switched to my world, and he explained to me what I was supposed to be bringing. I brought only Monkfish. I followed him to Relleka, and after a little trouble finding whre to go, I eventually set foot on Waterbirth Island for the first time. I followed him into the dungeon, where he led me to a northern gate. These gates had two pressure pads, and you needed two people to open the gates. Upon opening the first one, he instructed me to follow him down the the second one. When that gate opened, he entered, and told me to go into the north gate.
I ran there, and switched on Protect from Melee. I ran to the end as he instructed me, and waited for him on the other side. I don't know what went wrong, but he told me we had to restart. I ran to the gate and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. Well that sucked. My Prayer Points had run out, and I had forgotten a teleport. I just let myself die.
I respawned in Seer's Village, and we decided to go for another attempt. This time, I remembered a teleport. I waited for FIlIPINO IRL to come to the bank, and I followed him again to Waterbirth Island. He gave me 3 Rune Throwing Axes, and told me to use them to destroy the doors. This time, I went down the southern path. I put on Protect from Magic and and followed the path. I came to an intersection of the three paths, all blocked by a door. FIlIPINO IRL was on one of these paths, and he threw an axe at one of the doors. He told me to do the same to his, but it didn't seem to work. So... We had to restart again! I teleported to Falador and we made our way to Water birth Island again.
I had almost forgotten to bring a teleport again, but FIlIPINO IRL reminded me. On our way there, he told me what he was planning on doing. I already had a suspicion of it though. After I visited him when he got 99 Prayer, he said that his next goal was 96 Summoning, to reach level 138 combat. So he was planning on killing Rock Lobsters.

05-Mar-2012 19:46:55

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We reached Waterbirth Island for a third time, and this time, we ran to very southern gate and opened it. We then sprinted to the very northern one and opened that one. I ran in, while FIlIPINO IRL ran back to the south gate. I ran down the path and waited for him. Eventually, he PMed me and told me that the other gate had closed. Time to restart yet again.
I teleported to Falador again, and PMed him. I told him that he should try the Waterbirth world, world 66. We both switched worlds and once again headed to Waterbirth Island. This time, I used a House teleport (My house is in Relleka), so I beat him there. There were quite a few people on Waterbirth Island on world 66! FIlIPINO IRL eventually came, and we entered the dungeon yet again. There were a few people already in there, and I don't think he even needed me. He was opening the gates with the other people, and I was about to leave when my character somehow walked through one of the gates on his own. Interesting...
I ran to the end and just saw a glimpse of the main group taking the ladder. I clicked the ladder to follow, but was prompted with he "Up or Down?" option. Rats! I had no idea which way they had gone, so I chose up. Well this led me to the top of the mountain, where I little boy gave me a pet rock. Again, interesting. I talked to the pet rock and completed a Fremennik Task!
I headed back to the ladder. I had forgotten a teleport again (fail), and I didn't have much of a choice but to push onwards. I headed down the ladder this time. I climbed multiple ladders, and entered many rooms, but I saw ni sign of the main party. I was low on food, and had no Prayer Points remaining, so I eventually died.
With that big fail done, I continued to cast String Jewellery at my respawn point, Falador. I had bought a total of 15,000 Gold Amulets, so I had quite a few left to string! Eventually, I gained level 83 Magic!

05-Mar-2012 19:47:04

Sep Member 2019


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I got to say, this String Jewellery spell truly is magic! It's such a change from dreaded alching... It's so nice! It really brings me back to my days of Fletching. I was stringing away at the West Falador bank when I was PMed by "TheSpiffiest" (Cool name! ). He complimented me on my thread, and asked if he could join Mining Golds. I said sure, I could invite you! I'm not sure what made me click the Friend's Chat tab, but I did. I noticed a button that was never there before... It said "Kick/Ban a player from this Friend's Chat". My heart just about stopped. I clicked my Clan Chat tab. Same thing there. My heart was pounding so hard! I checked to see what my rank was... And I had been promoted! I am now a Lieutenant in Mining Golds!
I was so happy! I didn't even know what to say! Seeing that Red Star beside my name... It meant the world to me.
Anyways, mushy part aside, I met up with TheSpiffiest at the Grand Exchange and invited him to Mining Golds. He ran off, and I was about to start casting String Jewellery again when the player Ken Atkinson logged in. Quite a while ago, I had posted on a thread of his telling him that I would make him an Argonite 2H Sword in Daemonheim. I had been waiting for him to log in for about a week, and now he finally had!
I PMed him, and told him that I would be glad to smith him a weapon, absolutely free. I told me he was very appreciative. I love that. I hate it when I do someone a big favour and they don't even thank me... It just grinds my gears
I met up with him in Daemonheim and we started a dungeon. I had just done a few rooms when TheSpiffiest PMed me again. He had been wearing the Classic Cape, and he had just discovered that it had its very own emote. He wanted to show me it. Well I had never seen it either, but I was in the middle of a dungeon. A few rooms later, I saw what I was looking for. An Argonite rock! I mined it and got all 4 ores. I ran back to the base, Ken Atkinson in tow.

05-Mar-2012 19:47:16

Sep Member 2019


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I made him his Argonite 2H Sword and gave him it. He thanked me, and I exited the dungeon. I immediately met up with TheSpiffiest at the Grand Exchange to see this awesome Classic Cape emote. And it was... Amazing! It was the old animation on Runescape Classic where a thought bubble appears above your head, indicating what the player was doing. The bubble was even 2D! I watched him do it for a while, and then left.
I started casting String Jewellery at the Grand Exchange. A while later, I noticed Telmomarques there! Then I noticed 398573520683 was there too! I moused over the other players. Wow, this was weird... Everyone was level 138! I continued to train Magic.
I eventually got a random event, the school one. After I finished it, I was about to leave the room when I noticed a player was underneath me. It was 398573520683 again! I said "Hi" to him, but got no response. I left.
I trained Magic for quite some time. Potato Ciips entered the Clan Chat again and asked me for another invite. Apparently, he had left Mining Golds. I left for the Keldagrim minecarts, the same place where I invited him the first time. That was done, so I headed back to the Grand Exchange.
I casted String Jewellery for a long, long, time. Eventually, I got level 84 Magic! See how great String Jewellery is? I had gotten from 81-84 all in one day! It's funny, it took me about 2 months to go from 80-84 in Runecrafting, but it only took me about a week to go from 76-84 in Magic.
I checked my rank in Magic experience for the day on Runetracker. For those of you who don't know what it is, it is a website that tracks your experience gains over periods of time and graphs it for you, and also ranks you against other players. You should definitely try it out. Don't worry, it's used by thousands of players, and its completely safe.
Anyways, I had gained a total of 668,000 Magic experience today! That ranked me number 16 in all of Runescape for the day!
Well, thanks for reading!

05-Mar-2012 19:47:37

Sep Member 2019


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--May 23, 2011
I logged on today all ready for another successful day of casting String Jewellery. I had litterally just finished a single load when I noticed a player asking around for a teleport to Lunar Isle. Lucky for him, I was on Lunar Magics! I ran over to him and told him to wait just one moment. I withdrew a Law Rune and ran back to him. After making sure that he had a Seal of Passage (He didn't need one) and checking that he had Assist on, I teleported him away to Lunar Isle.
He thanked me and ran off. I decided to do my Magic training on Lunar Isle while I was there. I clicked the banker... and was teleported to Relleka. There's a reason it's called "The BLUNDERING Adventurer"
Well the nearest bank was Neitznot, so I hitched a ride over and started casting String Jewellery there. I get 4 Crafting experience for every cast, so I decided to check and see how much experience I needed to get to level 70. Wow! Only 4,500 to go! It started at around 50,000 when I began, so 4,500 was pretty good. I strung for a while, and slowly but surely, I got level 70 Crafting!
I casted String Jewellery at Neitznot for quite some time, gaining Magic experience rapidly. In my Clan Chat, a player needed an invite to Mining Golds. I tell you, being able to recruit people is so handy! Before, I had to contact an Administrator and tell them when and where to meet the player. It's so much easier just to do it myself!
He wanted to meet in the Living Rock Caverns on a different world than myself, so I used a Falador teletab and began running to the Living Rock Caverns. I had just passed the Party Room when my server randomly crashed. That was a little weird... I re-loaded the game and logged back on, this time into world 77, the world that the player was on. I reached the Living Rock Caverns, and began looking for him. He had said he was near the entrance rope, so I hunted around for him. I couldn't find him, so after a while I asked him to give me a specific place.

05-Mar-2012 19:48:58

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After a while, I finally found him. I invited him to the clan and we all gave him a big warm welcome. I ran back to the Falador bank and decided to train Magic at the Grand Exchange. I figured out that I was going to be about 120 Gold Amulets short of level 85 Magic, so I had to go to the Grand Exchange anyways.
I used another Varrock teletab and ran to the Grand Exchange, where I sold all of my strung Gold Amulets and bought enough unstrung Gold Amulets to get me to level 86 Magic.
The scammers, beggars and autotypers were really starting to annoy me, so I switched worlds to world 86, a Skill Level 1500+ world. What a difference! There were no scammers or anything like that at all! Pretty much everyone was mature. Soon after, I got level 85 Magic! I strung amulets there for basically the rest of the time I was on. I took quite few breaks, so my experience wasn't as good as yesterday.
1337Engineer PMed me after a while. He complimented me on my blog, and he told me that because of my blog (He had only read the first few pages), he had gotten back into Slayer. I chatted with him for a while, and he told me that because of my blog, I had showed him how to enjoy Runescape again. That felt really good. I'm really glad that I'm able to help out members of the community through my blog! Which reminds me, you guys can always PM me if you have any questions about anything, or even if you simply want to chat!
I casted String Jewellery for a long time, and eventually got to 111,000 experience until my mini-goal of level 86. I'm still pretty far away from level 94 though
I decided to lend my Bandos Chestplate out for 20k/h. I don't normally charge players, but I'm a little poor right now Eventually, a player asked to borrow it for one hour. I was about to log off, so while in the trade screen, I changed the hours to six instead of one. I accepted, and he thanked me quite profusely. Always nice to make a player happy
(Continued briefly)

05-Mar-2012 19:49:19 - Last edited on 05-Mar-2012 19:49:46 by Grimwold2

Sep Member 2019


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I was about to log off when I saw a player asking for a Lunar Isle teleport. He was offering 10k, but I decided to give one to him for free. As I told him I would do it, another player asked if he could come as well. I told him "The more, the merrier!" I got them together in a group and teleported both of them to Lunar Isle. They thanked me. The first guy was pretty happy that he didn't have to pay 10k!
I used a Varrock teletab that I had brought and broke it. I certainly wasn't going to be getting teleported to Relleka again! I ran back to the Grand Exchange, where I logged off for the night.
Well, thanks for reading today's entry! I hope you enjoyed it!
Good night!

05-Mar-2012 19:50:15

Sep Member 2019


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--May 24, 2011--
I started the day off with some String Jewellery as usual. I was pretty close to level 86 Magic, so I ws planning on just gunning through it. I began stringing the amulets.
Not much happened for a while... I noticed a player lending his Bandos Godsword out for 200k for 24 hours. Well that was quite a lot for 24 hours! I told him that he should probably lower his price, and he agreed. So he changed it to free!
I continued casting String Jewellery, and was about 500 Gold Amulets away when TheSpiffiest PMed me. He had completed the quest "Summer's End", and apparently there was an NPC that bought strung Gold Amulets for 140gp a piece. That's 4gp higher than what I was selling them for in the Grand Exchange, so I was grateful when he offered to sell them to this NPC for me, then give me the money. I told him that I only had a few more amulets to go.
Unfortunately, that was when I was forced to log out by some real life events. After a while, I logged back on and was immediately asked by "blowin mines" in the Friend's Chat for an invite to Mining Golds. He was at Draynor Bank, and I was about to go there when he told me that he wanted the invite in an hour or so. A little odd to ask an hour in advance, but as the saying goes, "Whatever floats your boat".
I casted String Amulet more, and after a while, I finally achieved level 86 Magic! That enabled me to do Smoke Barrage! My main goal is Ice Barrage, so it's good to see the first of the Barrages come into sight. I decided that I was going to do Plank Make to level 94. Unfortunately... You needed to have completed Dream Mentor to unlock the spell.
I went onto Runescape Wiki and searched up Dream Mentor. There was a long, long list of items that I needed to gather before I could start. I spent quite some time gathering items from cabbages to teleports, from onions to battle gear. Eventually, the only item remaining was Goutweed.

05-Mar-2012 19:50:38

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