
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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--May 18, 2011--
I tried to log onto Runescape today and I entered the lobby as usual. When I clicked "Enter World", I got the message "Your account hasn't logged out from its last session. Try again in a few minutes.". Then it logged me out. I was pretty scared. I tried to think of the items I had been wearing... Octopus, Clan Cape, Firestaff... Nothing of value. I tried to log back on, hoping that I would be where I logged of last time; Edgeville bank. I logged on and... I was East of Varrock! My heart sunk, but all of a sudden the screen refreshed and I was back in the Edgeville bank with all my items. Nothing had changed.
I started alching. Only 1,000 alchs until level 80 Magic! I alched for quite some time. A small crowd grew around me, and I chatted with a lot of people. One person walked up to me and said "I know you". It was Meddadog42 (2 posts up^)! It was pretty neat to meet a reader of my blog just by chance, so we talked for a while. Eventually, the crowd dissipated. That was okay though! I was almost level 80 Magic! I noticed a combat bot running by, so I decided to follow him. He ran into that hole in the ground by the Edgeville jail. I tried to follow him, but it wouldn't let me down the hole! I went around the other side (the long way). I didn't see the bot, so I tried to exit the dungeon through that same hole. It still wouldn't let me. I've got no idea why...
I finally reached level 80 Magic! That had been a goal for quite some time, so it felt very nice to finally achieve it. My next goal was 86 Magic. I was going to be casting String Jewellery, and that required Water, Earth and Astral Runes. Well I had a Mud Staff, so all that was left is the Astral Runes. I made a few calculations. I would need 38,000 Astral Runes to get me to 86 Magic. That's better than I thought actually. I was planning on Runecrafting all my runes for 94 Magic, so 38,000 Astrals isn't so bad. I gathered my Runecrafting gear and headed to Lunar Isle.

05-Mar-2012 19:40:28

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Once I got there, I realized that I didn't have enough Pure Essence to get me to 38,000 Astral Runes. Oh well, I thought. I'll just pick up some when I run out. I Runecrafted for a while, and I soon began thinking about buying a bunch of Abyssal Parasite Pouches. Holding 7 extra essences could be handy, so I decided to buy some. I teleported to the Grand Exchange and checked to se the price on 100 pouches. $370,000! That was too much, so I halved the amount I was going to buy to 50. I stuck with that offer and teleported back to Lunar Isle. And then I remembered I should have bought my extra Pure Essence back at the Grand Exchange
I Runecrafted more, slowly working my way to that 38,000 goal. As usual, I was browsing through the forums (don't ask me how I do that while I'm Runecrafting). I found a player named SlMBA SlMBA7 who was willing to pay players to key for him. I PMed him and offered myself to key for him. We discussed prices, and he checked my stats. In my opinion, we are almost a perfect match. He will be great at clearing Guardian Door rooms, and I have high enough skilling levels to key. The only problem is that I have 60 Dungeoneering while he has 70.
We decided that we would do Medium floors, and he would pay me 10gp per every experience point he gets. I have to tell you guys, I'm really nervous. We're starting tomorrow, and I'm really scared. He's one of those professional Dungeoneerers, and he is really serious about this. I can only hope that I live up to his expectations. I'm doubting myslef quite a bit, so I told him that we would do a Small floor first, free of charge, so he could see if I can key fast enough for him.
Yeah, I'm pretty scared. We'll see what happens tomorrow.
Well that's it for today! Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed yourself!
Good night!

05-Mar-2012 19:40:40

Sep Member 2019


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--May 19, 2011--
Today was all Runecrafting. I logged on and noticed that SlMBA SlMBA7 was online. I waited for him to contact me, but he never did. It was kind of a good thing, really. I was playing on a really laggy computer today, so I probably wouldn't have been able to key that well.
I Runecrafted for around an hour today, and I finally hit a total experience of 3,000,000! That was quite a milestone! Only 10,000,000 to go! ....
Honestly absolutely nothing happened of interest today. Nothing interesting in my clan, nothing of importance in the game. I chatted with Seriousruss for a while. He was really eager to get out of the Living Rock caverns, as he had been in there for quite a long time Fishing.
So since nothing really happened... I'll tell you about something that I noticed. Meddadog42 has started a blog, and so had Ben Masai in my clan. Both of them were becuase of my inspiration. It feels pretty good to know that they loved my blog enough to decide to make one for themselves.
I wish you guys the best of luck with your blogs! One word of caution: Make sure you leave yourself enough time to write the entry, and make sure you are able to remember everything that happened!
It's not uncommon for me to write my entire entry out then remember a key event that I hadn't written about. It's a huge, and I mean enormous hassle to copy and paste paragraphs all over the place just to insert one paragraph.
So sorry about the short entry today, but honestly pretty much nothing happened at all. My world was deserted at Lunar Isle, and not much talking happened in my clan chat. it was actually kind of lonely
It's funny, this is a really short entry, but if you look at my very first entry, it was only one post long as well! In fact, when I first started this, I thought I would ohnly be posting one post per day! I had seriously misjudged the amount of things I do in Runescape
Well thanks for reading the really short entry!
Good night!

05-Mar-2012 19:42:01

Sep Member 2019


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--May 20, 2011--
I started off today with some more Runecrafting. I was really getting into the groove of it, and my clicks were getting near perfect. I still had quite a few more astrals to craft until I reached that 39,000. I Runecrafted for a while, keeping myself entertained with my Clan Chat. Occasionally, I ask my clan if anyone would like an invite. This time, a player named "STEVE 0 XX" wanted an invitation. He was at the Grand Exchange, so I switched worlds and used a Varrock teletab. I ran over there.
It's kind of funny, I assumed this STEVE 0 XX guy was a noob by the way he talks in the Clan Chat. But when I meet him at the Grand Exchange, he's wearing a Torva Platebody, Gilded Mining Platelegs, and he's level 138. I guess the way people talk can be decieving
I invited him, and after a while of him trying to figure out how to talk in the clan, he left. I teleported back to Lunar Isle. Some of the Abyssal Parasite pouches were beginning to filter in, so I decided to give one a go. At first, I was withdrawing essence from them by clicking "Store" and then withdrawing all. Eventually though, I figured out it was faster to click the Summoning Icon on the HUD and withdraw all from there. I really like using familiars; it actually adds a lot of astrals to my pile.
While I was Runecrafting, Lion0f Judah PMed me. He was planning to go to the God Wars Dungeon again, and he was inviting me to go with him. I agreed to go, and he said that when he got back (in a few hours), we would get geared up and go. I didn't want to risk my Bandos Chestplate there, so he offered to borrow it from me, so that it could still be of use. Moments later, Lion0f Judah logged off.
I Runecrafted more. I think using familiars for Runecrafting is like a bag of chips; once you start, you can't stop. I honestly don't think I'm going to be able to ever Runecraft again without a familiar. After a long time, a player named "Potato Chiips" asked in the clan for an invitation.

05-Mar-2012 19:42:28

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I offered to go and meet him. Unfortunately, he was in the new Lava Mines, and I haven't done the quest to unlock that area. We agreed that we would meet at the Keldagrim Minecarts instead. I used another Varrock teletab, and ran to the minecarts. I took a ride to Keldagrim, where I met with Potato Chiips. I invited him and we chatted for a while about our goals. He left to go train in the Lava Mines, and I headed back to Lunar Isle.
I Runecrafted more, and my pile of Astral Runes was slowly growing. I was getting pretty fast at banking now, and my trips to the altar were getting very fast. After some time, Lion0f Judah eventually logged on. He asked me if I was ready to go to the God Wars Dungeon to trio. Now I was a little reluctant in the first place, and I decided that I really didn't want to go after all. I told him that I didn't feel comfortable only going with three people. I felt terrible. I had told him that I had wanted to go, and here I am changing my mind! I felt positively awful. But I just had a bad feeling about it. Lion0f Judah decided that he was going to solo the Bandos Boss, so I reminded him of borrowing my Bandos Chestplate. He wanted to meet at the Spa Centre.
I used yet another Varrock teletab and ran to the Spirit Tree just North-East of the Grand Exchange. I teleported to Mobilising Armies and ran to the Spa Centre. I offered to lend it to him for free. After all, it was the least I could do. He was determined to pay for it. I switched worlds and withdrew my Bandos Chestplate. He gave me 200k for a 24 hour loan.
He ran off, and I felt like doing some Dungeoneering. See what I mean? No matter how angry I get at those bosses, I still get sucked in to Daemonheim.
I used my Ring of Kinship to teleport to Daemonheim. Up on the mini-map, I noticed a green dot. I moused over the avatar. It was Magical Zing! I ran over to him and said "Hi!". It was a pretty odd coincidence meeting up with him here!

05-Mar-2012 19:42:43

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We talked for only a few minutes, then he had to get back to Mining. He left, and I began my dungeon. I rushed through it pretty fast, and when I opened the boss room, I was ecstatic to see it was my favourite boss: The Skeletal Horde! I ran in, and started killing skeletons. I love this boss because you don't need to pray and you don't even need to heal! I had covered just about all of the holes in the wall when a real-life event happened. Well that sucked. I was so close to finishing, but there was no knowing when I would be able to close the next tunnel. I couldn't exit the room, and I couldn't log off, so I did the thing I hate most: I clicked the red "X" at the top right hand corner.
After about an hour and a half, I came back. I entered another Dungeon. Guess what boss it was this time? The Hobgoblin Geomancer. I hate that boss so much... I think it might actually be my least favourite. Well I knew melee didn't work very well on him, so I decided to try out my new level 80 Magic. I bought a ton of Rune Essence and crafted enough runes for 125 casts of Fire Wave. I started the battle.
The battle was pretty ridiculous. He was hitting me quite often, and my Fire Wave wasn't hitting at all. I've got a feeling that Ranged must be his weakness. I died, and I was done. I had no intention of raging this time. I simply walked out of the dungeon and started doing some more soothing Runecrafting (Yes, soothing).
Seriousruss had stopped Fishing, and had been trying to get some Pennance Gloves for Runecrafting. He PMed me, letting me know that he had finally gotten his Pennance Gloves. He seemed pretty excited!
I Runecrafted a ton, and eventually managed to accumulate 35,000 out of the 39,000. Only 4,000 to go!
Well, thanks for reading! I hoped you enjoyed it!
Good night!

05-Mar-2012 19:42:59

Sep Member 2019


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--May 21, 2011--
Hey guys!
Before I start, I've got to say that I am absolutely amazed with the sudden amount of blogs that have popped up recently. This is the first time I've started a bit of a trend, so this is kind of neat! I just hope that not too many blogs get created
Okay, so to the entry! I started today with some nice Runecrafting. I was pretty close to my goal of 39,000, so I started Runecrafting right away. Obviously, I had to use my Abyssal Parasite. I don't think I'll ever be able to go back to not using a familiar. I crafted for quite some time, chatting within my clan and to Seriousruss. He had begun Runecrafting at the ZMI altar, and had already gained two levels. I'll never know how he manages to gain levels so fast... He asked me if I used Penguin Points to help me level up Runecrafting. I hadn't. I basically hoard Penguin Points. I'm not really sure when I'm going to use them, but I know I'll use them on Farming.
I was beginning to near 39,000 Astral Runes created! At about this time, Lion0f Judah PMed me. He was planning on Runecrafting, and he wanted a teleport to Lunar Isle in a few minutes. Luckily for him, I was getting pretty close to my goal.
While I Runecrafted, I was chatting in my clan. Obviously, the big talk was of the world ending. We were all talking about how silly it was, and how funny it was that people were freaking out. Unfortunately, there was one young player in the clan who was actually quite frightened. I told him that there was nothing to be worried about, but he still was terrified. I asked my clan to change the topic, and we all agreed to stop talking about the apocalypse.
I finally reached 39,000 Astral Runes crafted! I was only 1,000 runes off of a clean total of 40,000, so I decided to just go for that. As soon as I hit 40,000, I teleported to the Grand Exchange to give Lion0f Judah the promised Lunar Isle teleport.

05-Mar-2012 19:44:19

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I met up with him, and teleported him there. I had no use there, so I again teleported to the Grand Exchange. I was really excited to start training Magic. The only problem was, I wasn't sure what type of amulet I should be stringing. I remembered some time a long time ago, a player in my clan named "fohx" had been uusing the spell String Jewellery. He was a Mining Golds regular, and so he was online. I asked him for some advice, and he told me to string Gold Amulets. I thanked him and put in a buy offer for 19,000 Gold Amulets.
Unfortunately, with me still being bankrupt after buying my Bandos Chestplate, I actually couldn't afford 19,000 of them! So I minimized the offer to a mere 5,000. I was expecting them to buy instantly; I'm not sure why. Of course they didn't, so I was stuck in the Grand Exchange wondering what to do. Well I hadn't gone on a Farming run in forever, so I decided to do that. I withdrew my seeds and proper teleport runes. I clicked on my spellbook to teleport to my first location. Oh yeah... I was still on Lunar Spells! Well I wasn't going to change my spellbook just for a Farm Run, so I decided to go for my next Dungeoneering level.
I teleported to Daemonheim and started floor 16. I raced through it, and came upon the "Catch the Ferret" puzzle. I tried to simply run after it for a while, but I think that ctaching it that way might actually be impossible on your own. So I made my traps and set them down all in key locations. In just a few moments, the ferret was caught. I opened the door and came face to face with the boss: The Unholy Cursebearer. I entered the room with a Protect from Magic prayer on. Now usually this boss doesn't give me any troubles at all. This time though, I happened to have almost no food at all!
My stats were being drained pretty badly, so I decided to use the Unholy Font for the first time. Unfortunately, I didn't know that upon use, it healed the Unholy Cursebearer a little.

05-Mar-2012 19:44:46

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Well I had no food, and the boss was hitting me quite often, so I eventually died. However, when I went to fight him for the second time, I killed him easily. I ended the dungeon, and to my supreme disappointment, I hadn't gained the level. I was still 870xp away. So I started up a new dungeon, floor 17.
This dungeon was just as quick as the first. I came across one unusual room: A room with 4 Dungeon Spiders. I had never run into this many Dungeon Spiders all at once, so I thought that was a little odd. A little while later, about 3,000 of my Gold Amulets sold! I was pretty excited to start training Magic, but I had to beat this dungeon first. The boss to this floor wwas the same as the last. For some reason, this floor, one floor higher than the last, had a weaker boss. Floor 16's Unholy Cursbearer was level 95, while Floor 17's Unholy Cursebearer was only level 72. Well I was 31 levels higher than this "boss", so I defeated him quite quickly. Right then, the rest of my 5,000 Gold Amulets bought! I ended the dungeon and gained level 61 Dungeoneering! I could now access floor 31!
I exited Daemonheim and went to the Grand Exchange right away. I picked up my Gold Amulets and tried out String Jewellery for the first time. I was expecting to type in the amount of amulets you wanted to string, but this wasn't so. I simply clicked the spell icon, and it began to string all of them automatically. I sat back and watched the experience flow. I kind of felt like training Fletching all over again! I wasn't really sure what to do while I waited. I surfed Youtube, and helped tons of people on the Runescape Forums. Eventually, I got level 81 Magic! I tell you, I have no idea why people would alch to 99 when you could just String Jewellery! Sure, you have to bank, but it's so much faster, and gives so much more experience!
I did occasionally watch people's conversations while at the Grand Exchange.

05-Mar-2012 19:44:57

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I was watching this one player, Lambo Murch, being harrassed by a ton of beggars. Lambo Murch was pretty wealthy, and for some reason I guess this meant that he wanted to throw his money away to beggars. Or so the beggars thought. He kindly asked them to go away, and most of them did. But one guy continued to trade him, and ask for money. I wanted to tell that beggar to leave him alone, but I was curious to see what Lambo Murch would do. I guess Lambo Murch decided to just ignore him, because he simply just stopped talking to the beggar. A pretty good move, as the beggar soon drifted off.
Then there was this other player who was for some reason dropping tons and tons of random items. First it was Rings of Forging, then bananas, and Farming Amulets, coconuts, Calquats, and more. It was pretty weird seeing these random items spawn. And of course, there was a big crowd of people pouncing on every item.
There was also a player named Kolumbo. He was telling people that he was quitting, and that he was going to drop his Third Age Ranger Top. He traded a few people to show them that he really had one. He dropped it and ran to the bank. Everyone crowded around, waiting for it to spawn. A bunch of people were saying that he didn't drop anything, and that everyone there was being stupid. Kolumbo came back and told those people that he would pick it up if they were going to be ungrateful. That made everyone quiet. I decided to go over there and see if I could manage to get myself an item. It wouldn't hurt would it? I told Kolumbo that he must be very nice, and then I began to click madlly at the spot that he had supposedly dropped it. All this time, I was Stringing Jewellery, I was pretty skeptical that he had actually dropped anything, but I was clicking like crazy anyways.
Then I saw a greyish looking item spawn for just a split second. It honestly looked like a Third Age Ranger Top. My heart skipped a beat. I hadn't gotten it.

05-Mar-2012 19:45:48

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