--April 31, 2011--
Today, I went to the God Wars Dungeon again with Lion0f Judah and his team. Again, we were quite lucky. We got another Zamorakian Spear! The setup process was much smoother this time. I knew exactly what to bring, and I wasn't scared in the slightest. After only a few kills, Lion0f Judah had to teleport out. He was our tanker, and after a few 400+ hits, he had run out of food.
Chaos Zerk then PMed me. We were wondering what to do, so I suggested the Duel Arena. We headed off, I with my Saradomin Godsword (Still borrowed from Prezleek), and my Abyssal Whip. I had decided to bring my whip along with me because that was the weapon that ChaosZerk kept owning me with (besides the dreaded Korasi). We went into a fight... And I completely destroyed him. I guess the whip was ChaosZerk's secret to success. Every battle we went in, I would whip his health down real low, then use a Saradomin Godsword Special Attack. I tell you, it was real nice finally owning the guy who beat you over and over again.
After a while, ChaosZerk decided to leave. I stayed, and started using my technique on some of the other duelers. There was one player, xrod, who battled me. He was level 111, 9 levels higher than me. It was a real close match. I died with his health a mere speck.
Soon after, Lion0f Judah was planning on going to the God Wars Dungeon again. His team was planning on going to the Bandos Boss this time. I gathered my gear (almost forgetting a hammer) and went to the Bandos Stronghold.
It took me quite a while to finally get 40 kills, but when I did, I ran to the Boss Room. As we were about to enter, a random player logged in beside us, entered the room and began fighting.
We were not on a Lootshare world because almost all Lootshare worlds were full at Bandos. Unfortunately, that meant that because I almost never dealt the most damage, I almost never got the drop. But the deal was that if anyone got anything good, they would have to split.
05-Mar-2012 17:57:54