I decided I wanted to get some more Mining experience, so I headed over to the new mines. It looked really cool! It had two sides now, one featuring Precious Ores, and the other featuring Ores. I started mining the Precious Ores, as that's the side the other players were. I started chatting with them, and after a while, Ava Tarr came by and joined the conversation.
I always forget how long it takes to gain resources. It would seem like forever had gone by, when in fact I had only gained 100 resources.
And so the long journey to hit my resource cap went on. I was never alone there, thank goodness! There was always someone there to talk to. I was there for quite some time... But finally, I had offered my full contributions to the citadel by reaching my 1700 resource cap!
So now there was just one thing left to do... Go Mining! Yes, I headed down into the Living Rock Caverns again and started my mining. As I said earlier, the autumn seems to put me into a mining mood.
And so I mined, and at one point, I invited Adventis into Mining Golds. A clanmate, Skyrim Calling, asked me to update the ranks. So I went to work promoting members. When I finally reached Skyrim Calling himself, I saw why he wanted me to update the ranks. He had reached the 50,000,000 Clan experience point, which meant that he would be promoted to Lieutenant! I finished off promoting everyone and went back to mining.
When I mine, I don't watch the screen the whole time. Usually, I take the time to see other websites and see what's out there. I found a really cool website where the entire page was a typing surface. It would update in real time, according to what other users typed. I was actually having a conversation with a random user on there! It was pretty cool, until someone with an auto-typer came on and started spamming "MACHINE BODIES AND MACHINE MINDS".
I surfed around the web a bit more, until it was time to log off. And that was all for today! Only 662,144xp until level 95!
06-Mar-2012 03:19:51