
The Blundering Adventurer

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271

Sep Member 2019


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--September 28, 2011--
I logged on today and headed out on a Farming run as usual. I had been planning on going back to the Living Rock Caverns, but instead, I ended up at the Duel Arena! I had retrieved my Bandos Tassets from a banker, and I was ready to fight ps32boy. He was confident he could kill me; was skeptical, considering he was level 73, and I was level 115.
The fight started, and I was hitting him quite hard. He had his Protection from Melee on, but considering he was a much lower level than me, I didn't put mine on. He used his Dragon Claw Special Attack, which, thankfully, didn't hit! When he had been taken down to half health, he started to eat, healing himself. Now I saw the problem.
I decided my only chance would be to out-endure him; I'm awful at KOing. My plan didn't quite work out too well though. His hits on me were permanent... There was no way for me to get those lost hitpoints back. As it turned out, I couldn't fend off his attacks for long. I was defeated!
I wanted a rematch though; this time without food! This battle was much different! I defeated him easily!
Joshyway, Dordracio and Magical Zing all stopped by for a visit! We started duelling each other all over the place! I beat everyone, with the exception of a random player, who absolutely destroyed me... He used the Staff of Light's special power to completely down me.
ps32boy offered me 2m as a present... I had to respectfully decline it. I hate it when people do that to me when I'm trying to gift them, but it was just too much... After a while, I was all duelled out. I grabbed a teleport to Falador, along with a Ring of Kinship. Before teleporting to Falador to get my Mining on, I headed to world 117 Daemonheim to get my daily Fletching experience! It wasn't long at all until I had recieved my 30,000 experience and headed to Falador.

06-Mar-2012 02:50:55

Sep Member 2019


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At Falador, I travelled to below ground level and entered the Dwarven Mines, where I delved deeper yet again, and entered the Living Rock Caverns.
I stayed in there the entire time, and gained tons of experience! And there's not much more to say about that...
Now because I still feeling like writing, and you might feel like reading, I think I'll tell a story... The story of my first day on Runescape. Well, part of it.
I was fresh off of Tutorial Island! I had no idea what to do, but I had 50 coins in my inventory, so I started exploring. It wasn't long until I came across the toll gate to get into Al Kharid. The fee was 10 coins... One fifth of what I had. I didn't mind though! It was all for the sake of adventure. I started running around the desert, having a great time... That is, until the terror of the scorpion came! The scorpion was level 13, almost five times my level! With no armour, I was getting beaten pretty badly. I didn't want to die... I had all my precious tools! Then again, I didn't even know what happened if you died!
I was so close to dying when I got away. I managed to escape with two lifepoints left! I wandered around Al Kharid some more, until I came across a Plateleg store. Great! Just what I needed, some armour! I checked the prices... 4,000 coins for a pair! That was ridiculous! I only had 40 coins... That was 100 times more!
And so I left Al Kharid, and went off exploring into the Lumbridge Swamp, where I eventually was overcome by a level 6 Giant Rat, and I died.
Thanks for reading!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 02:51:04

Sep Member 2019


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--September 29, 2011--
Hi guys!
I logged on today and headed out on my daily Farming run. It seems I've been cursed... My Ardougne patch died for the third time in a row
I couldn't waste time though! I was getting quite close to level 94 Mining; I could smell it!
I headed into the Living Rock Caverns... But the lag I was experiencing was extreme. In fact, at one point, I was at FPS 0! It became so ridiculous that I actually had to log out entirely and start a virus scan. I changed my graphics mode to low, and logged back on. It wasn't quite as bad, but I definitely wasn't going to be doing any combat.
I entered the Living Rock Caverns, and started my Mining. It seems that I had reignited my love for Mining! I don't know what it is about it, but I seem to have great fun whenever I go Mining. And fun it was! I met a bunch of playes there! ForeverMandy was down there mining, as well as GRIFFY! But the biggest surprise was who I saw at the South-East Gold rock.
If you are in the General Forum a lot, you've no doubt seen the same faces over and over again; they're the General Forum usuals! Well I happened to meet one of these usuals: Forum Raaf! Yes, she was down there with all of us miners, gaining Mining experience! To my surprise, she was level 138!
I talked with her for a bit, but I was then PMed by OverMauled. He was about to get a Tier 5 Duellist Cap, and he wanted me to be the 1000th kill! I couldn't miss this opportunity! I Home Teleported right away and changed over to his world. This was a free-to-play world, so I didn't need to worry about wearing my Bandos. I ran over to the Duel Arena and met OverMauled there. We started a match!
Unfortunately, my Defence level alone was too mch for his level 5 Attack, so I ended up forfeiting the match. He had gotten his 1000 kills! But his hat didn't change... Something was wrong... I looked it up. He probably needed over 1000 kills for his Tier 5 hat!

06-Mar-2012 02:51:17

Sep Member 2019


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As it turned out, he did need over 1000 kills. 2000 to be exact. So he was halfway there! I chatted with him for a while, until I had some errands to run in real life.
I came back and headed back down to the Living Rock Caverns. I was only 48,000xp away from 94 Mining! I could smell that new Mining level smell... It smelled like... A mixture of coffee and dust.
And so I mined for a long while, having tons of fun. The best part was, I got to have some nice quality time with Mining Golds.
In fact, as I'm typing this, I'm only 4000xp away from 94 Mining! Let's see here, what else is happening... A Living Rock Protector is eyeing me up hungrily, and a Pack Yak is "Barooing" itself contently. I remember a year ago, last September. I was doing this exact same thing; Mining! I don't know what it is about Autumn... But it seems to always make me want to mine!
Forum Raaf just ran by with her Runecrafting Skillcape, and I'm-- oh! I'm 719xp away from 94 Mining! This next trip will be it!
Here we go... ... ... BOOM! I got level 94 Mining! And now I only needed 825,000xp until level 95...
That was all for today! Quite an achievement if you ask me!
Thanks for reading, and good night!

06-Mar-2012 02:51:28

Sep Member 2019


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--September 30, 2011--
It was panic time! I had been putting it off all month, but today I absolutely HAD to go and do the Troll Invasion D&D. It was going to reset tomorrow, so I had best get going!
But first of all, I had to go out and do a farming run! I think my luck with farming has degraded a bit... I used to never have any herbs dying, but as of late, I've been having multiple herbs dying. This time, it was my Falador patch that hadn't made it. That didn't matter too much this time though; My Trollheim patch made up for it! I kept picking and picking and picking... I got 16 herbs! Still doesn't beat that 21 herb record at Catherby though
After my herb run, I headed to Burthorpe for the Troll Invasion. I entered and started the rounds. I had chosen the Hard difficulty last time and couldn't even beat Round 7, so this time, I was in Easy mode.
The rounds were easy, although the Trolls seemed to enjoy wandering into the out-of-bounds zone, forcing me to take heavy damage from the Troll Archers. There seemed to be more Dynamite Trolls than I remembered... To make it even more difficult, the Wizards repeatedly teleported me into either their plant traps or into the out-of-bounds zone itself.
Finally, after plowing through tons of trolls, I reached the end boss: Cliff. This time though, he was only level 199. Perhaps his level is random?
I defeated him easily and recieved my experience reward! I used it on Herblore, my lowest level. I reached level 61 Herblore from it!
Now that the Troll Invasion D&D is off my guilty conscience, I could relax... With some Mining! Lucky for me, the Mining Golds Citadel had advanced to Tier 5! With our new storehouse, our resource cap at advanced to 1700 per member! I teleported over to the Citadel, and was surprised by the new layout! It was completely different than the last one, and was night time instead of daytime!

06-Mar-2012 02:52:01

Sep Member 2019


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I decided I wanted to get some more Mining experience, so I headed over to the new mines. It looked really cool! It had two sides now, one featuring Precious Ores, and the other featuring Ores. I started mining the Precious Ores, as that's the side the other players were. I started chatting with them, and after a while, Ava Tarr came by and joined the conversation.
I always forget how long it takes to gain resources. It would seem like forever had gone by, when in fact I had only gained 100 resources.
And so the long journey to hit my resource cap went on. I was never alone there, thank goodness! There was always someone there to talk to. I was there for quite some time... But finally, I had offered my full contributions to the citadel by reaching my 1700 resource cap!
So now there was just one thing left to do... Go Mining! Yes, I headed down into the Living Rock Caverns again and started my mining. As I said earlier, the autumn seems to put me into a mining mood.
And so I mined, and at one point, I invited Adventis into Mining Golds. A clanmate, Skyrim Calling, asked me to update the ranks. So I went to work promoting members. When I finally reached Skyrim Calling himself, I saw why he wanted me to update the ranks. He had reached the 50,000,000 Clan experience point, which meant that he would be promoted to Lieutenant! I finished off promoting everyone and went back to mining.
When I mine, I don't watch the screen the whole time. Usually, I take the time to see other websites and see what's out there. I found a really cool website where the entire page was a typing surface. It would update in real time, according to what other users typed. I was actually having a conversation with a random user on there! It was pretty cool, until someone with an auto-typer came on and started spamming "MACHINE BODIES AND MACHINE MINDS".
I surfed around the web a bit more, until it was time to log off. And that was all for today! Only 662,144xp until level 95!

06-Mar-2012 03:19:51

Sep Member 2019


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-- Septe-- No, wait, October 1, 2011--
Hi everyone!
I started off today with a good old Farming run! Finally, I didn't have any bad luck; all my herbs were alive! I finished off the run with 37 herbs! I'm getting a little low on money though... I might have to make all my snapdragons into potions then sell them.
But it was time to go Mining! I headed down into the Living Rock Caverns and started mining. I started looking around for fun stuff to do while I mined. I hit the usual websites, and then hit YouTube for a bit. On there, I found another cool website, which featured 250 riddles. The best part? No one in history has beaten all 250 riddles.
So I started on level 1, intent on being the first person ever to finish! The first level was easy; I beat it easily. The second level was a little... harder. But I beat it!
OverMauled PMed me then; he wanted to show me his outfit! I took a minecart over to the Grand Exchange and waited at the fountain for him. When he arrived, I took a look at a tradescreen he brought up, where he put up his items. He had a Berserker Necklace, Berserker Ring, Regen Bracelet and all sorts of awesome gear. Really good for a player level 32! We chatted a bit until I had to leave. When I logged back on, it was time to go back to my Mining.
Again, I started working on the puzzles. I was on level three now. This one was a real doozy. I couldn't work it out, so I asked the members of the Mining Golds Friends Chat to help me out! We worked on that for ages, until finally, Str1133 worked it out! If you want to work it out too, here's the riddle:
What comes next in the sequence?
16, 1, 20, 20, 5, 18, ?
I even got David James to go to the website and join me in the riddling fun! I invited Fresh Out soon after that, and continued mining.

06-Mar-2012 03:20:06

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I was on level four now on the riddles, and I was already stuck. I was stumped at that level for such a long time... But after a few hours, I finally got it! I had actually come up with the answer before, but had input the answer wrong.
I mined for a really long time. All the while, I was busting my brain over these insanely difficult puzzles. I was stuck on level five; how hard would level 100+ be?
I mined and mined and mined... I was just coming back to bank from the North-eastern gold rock, when I saw a rare sight; The Living Rock Patriarch! It was level 200, and no one was attacking it! I went for it right away, but a pesky Living Rock Striker had already targeted me! So I started attacking the Living Rock Striker with my Rune Pickaxe. I really wanted to kill that LRP. I slowly chipped away at the Striker's hitpoints, while I watched the LRP slowly wander around. Could it disappear if no one attacked it? I hoped not. What happens if another Striker attacked me right after I killed this one? That was a terrible thought... I pushed it away in rejection.
I waited until the exact instant that I killed the Striker, then I pounced onto the LRP. I had done it! I put on my Protect from Melee Prayer and started the attack! It was quite easy... I killed it quite fast and took my drop of three Rune ores, 125 Blood and Mud Runes and 15 Uncut Diamonds. I mined the behemoth and danced in victory!
I mined more... A lot more. In fact, I think I may have gotten more Mining experience today than any other day in my life. I was entertained by the puzzle website though. It was tons of fun, especially because no one had ever beaten it. After mining and puzzling for ages (only making it to level six), something happened.
A very certain player entered the Mining Golds Clan Chat, and everything fell into chaos.

06-Mar-2012 03:20:14

Sep Member 2019


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Yes, it's true: Zezima had entered the Mining Golds Clan Chat. He said "Hi guys", and at first, no one spoke. I replied with "Hi", but then things started spiraling down into a dark, dark funnel.
He had come by to congratulate us on our Tier 5 Citadel, but also wanetd to chat. People changed a lot when he started talking... Members I never thought of as trolls started spamming and annoying us, and everything was in chaos. It wasn't super spammy like I expected though; that was nice.
But it wasn't nice. People were being competely immature, and whenever poor Zezima said something, it was drowned in a sea of spam. I think Mining Golds took a hit to a population today. I don't blame those members for leaving either; people really showed their ugly side when Zezima popped in. After an hour of complete chaos, Zezima stopped chatting with us and left the chat, to "Let us calm down". I was quite disappointed in my clanmates.
He did say a few things though. Firstly, he can't play as much anymore because he works six days of the week. And second, he is working on 200m Fletching and Dungeoneering.
That whole incident resulted in some permanent bans within the clan. I definitely was not impressed with my clanmates. I mined more, until it was time to log off.
One more thing: The answer to the riddle above! If you haven't solved it, and want to, don't read further! SPOILER ALERT! Don't do it! Ok, so now I'm assuming you want the answer. The answer is... 14. Try converting all the numbers into letters, and you'll see the pattern
Thanks for reading guys!
Good night!

06-Mar-2012 03:20:22

Sep Member 2019


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--October 2, 2011--
I logged on and went straight into the Living Rock Caverns. In fact, all of my playing time resided here. To my complete surprise, only a few minutes after I logged on, Zezima logged on again and started chatting with us. It wasn't complete anarchy this time though; more of a controlled chatter. He left eventually though, and I left the Living Rock Caverns to invite Zimberfizzz to Mining Golds.
I headed back into the mines and continued mining. I was still trying to do those puzzles though... I miend for a long, long time, all the while torturing myself over Puzzle #6. I spent so long trying to figure that one out... Eventually, I had to recruit the help of OverMauled. OverMauled and I worked solidly at the level, but he did most of the work. He is a musical genius, so he was best suited for the level!
Finally, we beat it. I was so happy! I thought my brain was going to explode! Then, GRlFFY PMed me, telling me to enter Zetris's Friends Chat. I entered, and the Mining Golds conference began! It was all about how the Admins would be getting new priveleges! So now, I can mute players in the clan, ban players, set a chat requirement and much more. Hopefully the clan will act more mature now
And so I mined on, gaining tons of experience, all the while, busting my brains with OverMauled on the quest to solve the puzzles. lilmk gave them a shot, and found them equally frustrating.
I was seriouslly feeling mentally exhausted from all the puzzles. J ame s invited me to come over to world 114 Edgeville for a treat though! I teleported with my Amulet of Glory and switched worlds. I found him at the bank, and I followed him over to the nearby General Store.

06-Mar-2012 03:20:51

Quick find code: 49-50-947-63609271 Back to Top