
Daralt, The City of Sellswords

Quick find code: 49-50-903-65792376

D F Angel

D F Angel

Posts: 19,587 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Short History: Kyve Estobar was born into a hunter-gatherer tribe, many leagues away from Daralt and the Sorusian Empire. There he was taught how to hunt with spear, how to skin an animal and how to distinguish plant-life and birdsong. At the age of twelve he was made a man in his cutting ceremony, and reaffirmed his manhood a year later by encasing his arms in leaves woven with bullet ants for eight hours. It was here that he was marked with his ash-tattoos.

At the age of fifteen, Kyve was sold by his own tribe to slavers, presumably in return for the weapons needed to fight a neighbouring tribe. A ship revolt would lead to Kyve's being freed, but with the now-liberated slave crew having no knowledge of nautical traversing, they were left adrift and starving for many weeks until discovered by chance by a pirate ship.

The pirates apprehended the ship, and gave the slaves a choice: to join their crew, or be escorted back to their lands. Kyve, remembering that it was his own family that had sold him out, chose to throw his lot with the pirates: a good job too, for those that had chosen to go home were thrown overboard to feed the fish.

Kyve worked aboard the ex-slave ship under its new captain for many years, eventually rising up to the rank of First Mate. However, with a crack-down on pirateering being launched by many nations, and many close-calls with regards to ship-raids and the sacking of fishing villages, Kyve soon realised that he quite valued his life, and to continue on this path was to guarantee an end upon the hangman's noose.

Selling out his shipmates when they were at port in return for a royal pardon, Kyve left the sea behind him and took to mercenary work, and the occasional banditry when mercenary work was low. This was a lifestyle he followed for a long time as well, until he finally decided it was time for a change of pace, and headed to the isle of New Sorus to seek out the fabled City of Sellswords.
Hags be hagglin', gods be god damn crazy, it's all happening ogre at Into The Fire

18-May-2016 00:24:21



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
And So It Begins!

It was a Thursday afternoon in the City of Daralt. Most of the city's population was at work, merchants and traders were selling goods at the market, children were playing in the streets. A passenger ship had docked at the harbor, new arrivals filing off of it to begin their new life in the city. Mercenaries were examining the job board, trying to pick out their latest assignment. So far, there was nothing to suggest that it was anything other than a normal day...


((Jobs are now available on the Job Board.

Also Angel it would be very helpful if you listed your character's weapons.))
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

18-May-2016 21:56:30 - Last edited on 18-May-2016 21:59:10 by NotFishing

D F Angel

D F Angel

Posts: 19,587 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
With a swagger in his walk, Kyve Estobar arrived on the docks of Daralt.

He licked the salt winds off of his moustache, savouring the taste, letting it bring back old memories. But old business had not brought him here, no, it was for a new start that he had come. He strolled towards the city itself with such an easy confidence that one might have thought he'd lived his entire life walking these streets, rather than being a new arrival. Kyve walked tall, his head held high, a smile playing across his lips as though in on a joke nobody else knew. He had ambition, and this was the city that could solve it all.

Following the general throng of sailors allowed Kyve to locate the marketplace, and from there it was only a matter of strutting down these unfamiliar streets until he found what he was looking for. The Mercenary's Pub was the name of the establishment. Kyve appreciated how blunt it was, how it didn't mince its words up. Of course, the man had not come here to be a simple mercenary, oh no, but as a new arrival he would have to make do with the skills he had brought with him- and what Kyve knew how to do was kill.

The highest price was being offered for some rogue mage, and the thought of those gold coins clanging in his pocket did give Kyve pause- but he had no experience with magic, and it wasn't gold he was after. It was alliances. The missing amulet held promise, but Kyve hadn't a clue how he would ever go about finding such an item. Instead he settled for the ad which rested betwixt the two- telling a tale of a farmer who had lost his land to goblin raiders.

Being a raider himself, and a sacker of fishing villages, Kyve knew just the sort he was up against. And he knew also that he was more than ready to slay a few greenskins.

Pausing for a moment to flatten his hair and wipe his moustache of saliva, Kyve Estobar entered The Mercenary's Pub , to see a man about a goblin infestation...
Hags be hagglin', gods be god damn crazy, it's all happening ogre at Into The Fire

18-May-2016 23:22:54

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

When he arrived at the docks by boat, whatever boat it was, he disembarked, and took a good look at this place. It was unremarkable, but Daralt had a stone wall, quite an unusual feature in his homeland, whose warlords and kings were often too poor to afford stonework construction. He made no reaction to the salty air, or the people, he was quite an emotionless fellow, accustomed to the wild and violent regions of his homeland; for him, foreigners were just objects.

Off he went, longaxe along his arm and axe head hooking over the armour at his shoulder; he did have the decency to keep his distance from people as to not be too intimidating, let them move along. Fully-armed, chances are even the bravest thieves would not pick a fight with him, and if that did happen, a sudden head-butt from his helm into an eye socket would most likely be a fight-stopper. He seemed to be one of the first to get off the boat, and made his way along, seeing a black man, but not paying any attention.

* * *

The pagan stood at the job board, in his described equipment (lamellar armour worn over a long robe, mail chausses, nasal helm with attached aventail; has kite shield slung over the shoulder, sword and dagger sheathed at sides, one-handed axe at his belt beside dagger, longaxe having its shaft over the shoulder), emotionless but serious as he tended to be. He read the jobs. Fighting a sorcerer was not something he had ever done, so felt that was not the right task for him, that was best left for other wizards to do. Goblin-slaying looked promising. Finding an amulet; nope. Protecting a caravan was too boring. How the hell does one find a vampire?

19-May-2016 02:51:47

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Algirdas leaned a bit, mail aventail jingling and rubbing against his lamellar armour, shuffling his armour and feeling a brief moment of less weight pushing down on him. Avenging a farmer's loss of life seemed like an honourable choice, and if the goblins were vast in numbers, his leadership and knowledge of tactics would be useful. He did find it odd that this Gabriel lost everything, yet happened to have gold coins to hand out as a reward, and he instantly thought that this may be a trap or lie; his many adventures, both good and bad, possibly made him a little paranoid.

But he'd head off to the Mercenary's Pub soon, he might as well take a job that was at least a little exciting and had decent pay involved. He needed some slashing-practise anyways, see how his skills could be used in this new world he did not know. Although he never did much against non-humans, what more could a goblin be to a human?

At that, Algirdas went towards the pub, seeing a dark-skinned fellow just enter it, the same black man he saw earlier and failed to notice at the Job Board, and at that, had a feeling that he was going after the same job. The Baltic pagan made his way to the pub and entered it, not knowing how busy it was, or if even this Gabriel was even there. But it was a start...

19-May-2016 02:51:59



Posts: 4,261 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Glenn Hunter
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Physical Appearance: Starting from the top, Glenn’s hair is pure black, short enough that it stays out of his eyes. However, it seems poorly cut, like someone decided to cut it with a knife; which is exactly what happened, because back alley barbers cost less. The rest of his face is none too spectacular, with the exception of his stunning green eyes, the same shade of green you would expect from an emerald. He has no scars on his face and usually sports a light stubble, or a slight beard if he’s forgotten to shave.

The rest of him isn’t very spectacular either. He’s of a decent height, standing at 5’10”, and doesn’t really have a tan to speak of, instead being pale; but not to the point of being snow-white. He is lean, having long preferred speed over brawn, but he is still muscular enough to notice. He only has one scar on his body, a small knife wound above his right hip.

Clothing/Armor: Glenn wears a simple green vest with no special qualities to it all, a light cloak that has a hood on it, a simple pair of black pants, and leather boots, with a steel covering on the front. Alongside this, Glenn doesn’t actually wear any armor, instead preferring to have a few plates of thin, but strong, steel secured at various points of his body underneath his clothing, all tied with leather strips. He doesn’t have any other protection than that, and if he must take a hit he will always try to deflect it to a covered area.

19-May-2016 23:29:36



Posts: 4,261 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Weapon(s): Glenn’s main weapon is a light crossbow. It’s painted crimson, and functions like any other crossbow you’ve seen. The pull string is stronger than most light crossbows, meaning Glenn can fire shots further for range, or for more penetration in close-combat encounters. He’s proficient with it in both types of situations, and always has extra bolts by his side. When not in use, the crossbow folds up and goes in the sheath on Glenn’s back.

Glenn’s backup weapon is a small dagger, with an intricate design on the hilt. While it probably holds some meaning to the original owner, it means nothing to Glenn, who stole it long ago. Glenn only uses this if he has no other weapons, preferring his crossbow.

Short History: Glenn’s history isn’t really anything interesting. He was part of a travelling caravan from birth to adult, so he never grew fond of any single location. It was due to his constant moving that Glenn decided to spend most of his days either dealing in the shady art of thievery, or the better known art of women.However, as soon as Glenn was old enough and experienced enough to leave, he did, offering his farewells to everyone in the caravan and moving on in a different direction.

This different direction had Glenn playing as a conman, travelling from town to town as he had been previously, scamming people out of their money for useless trinkets mystical artifacts. After a while, Glenn had been run out of town too many times, and people started recognizing him. He ditched the caravan and took up the better art of thievery, making his way through life by stealing things from the less vigilant.

Now, having been chased across the kingdom by guards, Glenn has boarded a ship and set off for the city of Daralt, where it is said that anybody can make an honest living if they have a weapon and half a brain.

19-May-2016 23:32:36

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Fernel Snowfoot he goes by Fang as a nickname and Alias
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Lycaine

A race of canine/dog like people. Somewhat rare and nomadic traveling people, having an ability shift between full beast state or humanoid state. Often confused as being a werewolf, they are always looking like a wolf/dog even in their humanoid state. They have dog/wolf like face features while having walking on two legs, they are covered in fur. Their strength and speed are generally the same as a elf in their humanoid state. They are just like all other humanoid creatures hands. They have tails in both forms.
In full beast state they are faster but lose their strength, but not by much. Moving around on all fours rather then. The beast state is practically a big dog or wolf like form, as they shift into these forms.

Physical Appearance: Fang has the face of a wolf, a canine like snout, ears that stand up white fur that completely covers his head face and body, with a black canine like nose. The rest of his body in his humanoid form, he has a rather athletic body type, if you can tell from his wolf fur like body. He stands somewhere around five foot eight, and weights somewhere around one hundred and fifty pounds. Fang has a two foot tail in both forms

His beast state he looks like a wolf with white fur, or a snow wolf. he is a four foot tall fight foot long rather big wolf.

Clothing/Armor: He wears special pants, that are modified with a whole so his tail is free. The only other bit of clothing he wears is sleeveless lightly armored tan leather vest. That fits him perfectly.
and nothing was spoiled :P

20-May-2016 01:21:01

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Weapon(*): A staff like spear, it looks like a wooden staff but at the top is an opening that has a spring loaded spear blade. Then comes out when a pressure switch is hit on the staff. The staff is made out of some really hardwood, that rivals even steel. The staff is longer then his body the blade comes out to be a foot long.
He has two more weapons, which are a pair of flintlock pistols(if there is no guns change them two mini crossbows)

Magic: The only magic he possesses is to change between his two forms when he does his clothing gets covered in fur rather. It just magically disappears into his other form then reappears when he transforms back.

Short History: Not much about his past, he is a traveler, he travels the land and made it to Daralt to work as a mercenary.

Other: N/A
and nothing was spoiled :P

20-May-2016 01:21:30



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Talia (Estobar?)
Age: 5
Gender: Female
Race: Human

Physical Appearance: About 3’5” tall. Her skin is dark; not as dark as Kyve but about halfway inbetween that and what one would consider “white*, and she has light brown hair that is still trying to grow itself out. She doesn’t have the broad shoulders that her supposed father does, but she does have the long legs. Her eyes are dark green, and always have a lively and excited look in them as befits a person of her age.

Clothing/Armor: A forest-green tunic is what she currently sports on the top half of her body, with a pair of dark brown trousers on her legs. She has taken to wearing a rather silly-looking pointed hat all the time, although she won’t explain why so nobody but her knows. Her feet are covered by a pair of leather shoes.

Weapon(s): Kyve. No, seriously, if something is threatening her he is the only real weapon she has against it. It’s like wielding a shield that’s twice as big as you, but the shield moves on its own and fights everything off too. It’s a pretty good setup, really.

Magic: Probably not, but who knows?

Short History: As far as anyone knows, she is Kyve’s daughter, and given the way he conducts himself nobody can really argue that this isn’t a possibility. Her going with him was someone’s idea of “child support* and it has ended up being her following him everywhere (after she was able to walk, anyways) whether he wants her to or not. Even though she’s only five, she does display intelligence above what someone her age typically does...sometimes. Most of the time she’s just a kid.

Other: This is a completely serious bio, but I made it with the full knowledge that it probably won’t be accepted.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

20-May-2016 03:08:23

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