
Kingdom of Asgarnia

Quick find code: 49-50-868-66089335

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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A barbarian swings a two-handed battleaxe from above. Two-two steps forth low, raising her blade to cut into the barbarian’s hands. She drives her blade through his throat, the tip sticking out the back of his neck. She retrieves her sword, ducks, and spins to dodge a war hammer, at the same time swinging her sword low and cutting across her attacker’s shins. Another axe swings; she grips her sword by blade and handle and parries, then dives her helm forth and headbutts the axeman, greathelm cracking his face open. As he staggers, Two-two skips back but an axe hits her helm. Once she recovers, she engages in the melee.

More White Knights rush forth, beginning to push back the barbarians.

“Raaagh!” Haraldur shouts, raising his shield and striking the side of his sword against it, rallying his warriors’ attention. He raises his sword, “Til Orrustu! Áfram með ykkur!” The barbarians roar in turn, eager to fight with their warlord. The barbarians fight with greater aggression, jumping upon knights and guards to bring them down.

Near Aranel’s front, a White Knight engages in combat. The warlord ducks, dodging a horizontal swing, and then raises his shield under the knight’s legs and stands, flipping the knight over. Two-two suddenly jumps forth, gripping her sword by the blade with both hands. She swings overhead, hooking the warlord’s shield with her cross-guard and pulling it down, then thrusts the pommel into the warlord’s face. He rears with a grunt from pain.

Two-two goes for a downward thrust, but Haraldur blocks then slams the flat of his sword across Two-two’s helm, dazing her. He then jumps forth and rams the rim of his shield into her helm, knocking her over. As barbarians fill in the gap, a guard charges, locking his shield against Haraldur, but his short sword does little against the warlord's armour. Haraldur pushes on his shield while running, overpowering the guard.

The warlord is ahead of his warriors, and then...

03-Apr-2019 22:37:57 - Last edited on 03-Apr-2019 22:47:10 by Azi Demonica



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aranel watched as the clear leader came bursting into the city with another wave of barbarians. She heard him call for the leader and began to look around for Sir Amik. He was no where to be found in the fight. She aimed her now at the leader and pulled, but held the bowstring longer than the rest. The glow of the arrow grew until it formed an even bigger arrow. Aranel was about to let it loose when a barbarian came at her from behind swinging a weapon. He hit her force field and fell down. There was a shimmer around her as the field weakened with contact. She let her arrow fly, aiming at the heart of the warlord. She knew her aim was true.

After she let that arrow go, she turned around and shot one into the man who failed to attack her. When she looked up, she could faintly see Sir Amik on the top of the battlements, in safety of the siege happening below. She shook her head and went back to defending the city. All the citizens were safe now. It was time to end this. She looked around for Aureus, wondering where he had gotten off to as she hadn’t seen him since the fight began. No luck, she started to worry. She moved closer to the warlord, looking to see if her arrow hit true, as it has only been seconds since she let that arrow go
There isn't one.

03-Apr-2019 23:03:15 - Last edited on 03-Apr-2019 23:04:08 by Riniya

Jul Member 2011


Posts: 51,224 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Annie was surprised how long this battle was going. She wasn't sure if they where winning or loosing. She kept fighting against the barbarians even with her injuries. She swung her dagger in a loop killing one that was in front of her but, then another enemy stabbed her in the shoulder. She streamed in pain. Then all of a studden fire came out of her finger and went all over the place. The fire killed many of the enemies that was close to her but she burned herself because she has no control of her powers. She felt very dizzy and she fainted. -Dances-

03-Apr-2019 23:22:49 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2019 00:01:50 by Annie1227

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Garrett Callahan
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Appearance (Photo if Available): Standing at the height of 6'3 and boasting a muscular physique that could only be earned by a life of hard work, Garrett is a figure that is hard to miss on size alone. His skin is tanned and weathered, rough to the touch after years of exposure to sun, salt and sea - but still youthful and handsome in a way that is rough and unpolished. His hair is dark, almost black, formerly cut short but now grown out to almost reach his eyes. It maintains a near permanent state of being windswept, but does an excellent job of making his deep blue eyes stand out. He has a short beard that is kept well-trimmed in contrast to his messier hair, a scar that strikes down from his right cheek cutting into the side of it and disappearing beneath.

In general he'll wear a pair of dark blue trousers that, while weathered, remain in good shape. Dark boots fit for traveling and a simple white shirt follow, along with a thick overcoat that is unusually well made for a man of his station. It matches his trousers in being a dark blue, but it is trimmed with red and inklings of silver that give it a look of something finer. It reaches to just past his hips, covering his belt and some of the things on it from view. Notably, it seems to be very water resistant, if not waterproof entirely.

Skills: Garrett is skilled in both sailing and carpentry, which went hand-in-hand for much of his life. Beyond that he is a considerable fighter, having a particular knack for hammers and axes. He can swim extremely well, and navigate - though mostly by sea, he isn't a slouch on land either. He's pretty damn good with an accordion!

Oh, probably a little more notably, he has a really strong affinity for storm magic. Harnessing the combination of lightning, thunder, wind and water to be a true man of the sea.

Weaponry/Armor/Notable Accessories: Garrett has three weapons, the least noteworthy being a steel dagger that is
I am Inferi.

03-Apr-2019 23:52:48

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
evidently more of a holdout weapon than his first choice. His weapons of choice are his warhammer and handaxe, usually wielded at the same time. His warhammer is tough and sturdy, the thick, double-sided head of the weapon built fully for smashing through the guards of opponents and crushing whatever tried to stop his swing. His handaxe is a smaller weapon, though it is extremely well-balanced - perfect for him to use it as a parrying tool or even to throw it with remarkable accuracy.

The only other noteworthy item in his possession is a brass compass, old but well-maintained.

History: From a young age Garrett felt a calling to the life of a sailor. Born and raised in the village of Draynor, he was never far from the nearby Port Sarim where he would visit ever so often - looking upon the ships and sea with wide, hopeful eyes. Before he even reached double digits he had stowed away aboard many of the ships coming in and out of the port, sometimes taking weeks before they were able to return him home. Thus he was put to work as 'punishment' on the way back, which he was all too happy to go along with.

To cut a long story short, he officially signed up with a crew when he was in his early teens and started life as a proper sailor. He has bounced between crews numerous times over the years, acting as cabin boy, cannoneer, navigator, merchant (which he wasn't much good at), deckhand, bodyguard and more. His capacity, and affinity, for storm magic was discovered over the years, making him a valuable commodity to those who were in the know - which he tended to keep quiet where possible. A seasoned sailor with magic to ease their sea travels, or strike down pirates? Truly invaluable!

However, just over a year ago while out on a voyage something happened. He washed up on the Asgarnian shoreline, half drowned, with the ship he'd been aboard never seen again. He has been tight-lipped about what happened, and has spent many a day in Falador's taverns drinking.

Other: N/A
I am Inferi.

03-Apr-2019 23:52:55

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Rising Sun Inn - Falador's most popular pub, was as filled to the brim now as it would be later into the evening. The three barmaids were worked hard to keep up with the demand for their famous brews, a drunken raucous occuring nearly as much as surly citizens quietly sipping away their sorrows and frustrations. These were difficult times for the city, not that those in charge would readily admit to it, and it was at these pubs where the unfrotunate souls who lived here could find camaraderie at the bottom of a glass.

However, what comfort and ease these people felt was abolished when the cry of battle reached them. Merrymakers fled the building in varying states of sobriety, stumbling over one-another in their desperate panic to be away from the shouts and crumbling gates. The Rising Sun, after all, was nearly directly across from the Northern gates - almost certain to be one of the worst places hit by such an attack. It took almost no time for the bar to be vacated by patrons and bar staff alike, leaving behind an unsettled quiet broken only by the smashing of a spilled glass falling from a table.

...That, and the sudden snort of surprise as one final patron woke from his alcohol-induced slumber.

Garrett Callahan steadied himself against the bar counter, nearly knocking over his emptied ale glass in the process. He grumbled something under his breath, probably cursing out the gods, and reached for his glass to bring it to his lips - only realizing it was empty once he failed to get any of the sweet nectar he'd been drinking earlier. He grimaced, putting it back down and wavign his other hand lazily.

" Need a refill ova' here Kaylee... " He grunted, trying to get the attention of a barmaid who was no longer there. When he received no answer Garrett raised his head, squinting at the lack of people behind the counter - then blinking as he looked about the emptied pub. " Wha-? Did I miss last call...? "
I am Inferi.

04-Apr-2019 01:24:32

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He made to stand up, nearly stumbling before he again caught himself with the bar counter - neither drunk nor sober at this point, but an uncomfortable place in-between that he preferred to avoid. Wincing he rubbed at his head as his legs gradually steadied themselves, the makings of a hangover well on their way to hitting him. There was some light streaming in, so it wasn't dark out yet - and what was all that noise-

As if on cue, the main door of the Rising Sun burst open as a hulking barbarian booted his way inside - the sounds of the battle raging out in the square filling the room and making the sailor wince once again. Raising his eyes to the intruder, Garrett blinked slowly - much like the barbarian looked at him over the otherwise empty room - and found his mouth moving before his mind caught up.

" You a new hire? Could do with anotha' drink, mate. "

For a moment it felt like the only sound audible was that of the door slowly squeaking closed. The gentle thud of it sealing echoed, followed sharply by the indecipherable screaming of the barbarian as he raised his axe and charged the half-drunk sailor.

With his mind not quite on point, Garrett;s instincts took over - he ducked and rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the vicious swing of the axe that instead shaved a slice out of the counter. The sailor stumbled to his feet hurriedly, throwing himself backwards to avoid a followup downwards swing that bit into the floor. Somehow holding his balance he then further distanced himself from the attacking barbarian who ripped the weapon from the ground and set after him with a roar of frustration.

He barely managed to avoid another swing as he sidestepped around a chair, suddenly turning on his heel and shifting to one side in a way that caused the barbarian to stumble over a fallen table. Garrett took this brief reprieve to orient himself, shake off his stupor, and draw his weapons.

" Might need'ta work on yer service smile, fella'! " He quipped,
I am Inferi.

04-Apr-2019 01:24:40

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
kicking a chair at the barbarian who had regained his footing, only to almost lose it again from the chair smacking into his legs. The sailor took the advantage with this, following up the chair with a swing from his warhammer - which was avoided with a panicked parry from the haft of the barbarian's axe. He pressed the attack before his opponent could restore their footing fully, sweeping across with his handaxe that opened a tear in the padded armour the barbarian wore.

Carrying forth his momentum Garrett herded the barbarian back towards the door, swinging with hammer and axe in familiar patterns that he thought he'd gotten rusty using months ago. The barbarian had little room to retaliate and soon found pain as the warhammer crashed against his hand, forcing a cry of pain as bones broke under the impact. The greataxe dropped low, unable to be held aloft in only one hand, and Garrett kicked his opponent in the chest where he stumbled back almost to the door.

With a smooth motion his arm pulled back and he flung his handaxe through the air - cleaving straight into the barbarian's face. The impact combined with the loss of balance sent the barbarian flying backwards, crashing through the door of the bar and down the short steps outside to land in a bloody heap - dead.

Garrett emerged from the open doorway a couple of seconds later, stumbling a little as he walked down the steps and reached down - ripping his handaxe free. He looked up to find a raging battle going on, the gates of Falador smashed by a ram and the white knights and city guard engaged in bloody melee with an invading force of barbarians.

" Fuck me, " He exclaimed with a touch of surprise. " I should've had anotha' stout first. "
I am Inferi.

04-Apr-2019 01:24:44



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Gareth
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Appearance: Gareth stands at a towering six foot five, with short blond hair, dark green eyes, and a fabulous handlebar moustache. He has a light skin tone with a light tan. As a blacksmith, his figure is bulky and well-built, honed by years of training and hard labour.

-Weapons. Gareth is skilled in a variety of weapons, including swords, maces, and hammers.
-Smithing. As a blacksmith, Gareth knows how to forge, repair, and maintain both weapons and armour.
-Deception. Gareth is an excellent liar and manipulator.
-Perception: Gareth has keen eyes; he rarely misses a detail, and is excellent at reading faces.

Weaponry/Armor/Notable Accessories:
-Mithril longsword.
-Runite dagger.
-Steel mace.
-Blacksmith's hammer.
-A silver cameo worn around his neck.

History: There was once a time where the Kinshra stood alongside the White Knights as equals. For the Kinshra had just been just as vital to Asgarnia's founding, just as vital in keeping the peace, and just as vital to advising the King.

Then everything changed.

The King fell ill. The corrupt and tyrannical White Knights seized power, and in their corruption, ignorance, and intolerance, they exiled the Kinshra. The once proud order of Black Knights had their holdings reduced to a crumbling border fortress and a monster-infested dungeon.

Gareth did not forget that. He did not forgive that.

He had been the apprentice to the Black Knight's armourer when the Kinshra were driven from Falador. He had been forced from his home, simply because of the armour he made and the god he worshiped. This would not stand.

Years later, Gareth returned to Falador. It had been years - nobody recognized him. As far as they knew, he was a traveling blacksmith from Taverly, who decided to strike his fortune in a different town. And a blacksmith was always welcome, because for the mundane citizen, blacksmiths and craftsmen were responsible for all that was useful.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

04-Apr-2019 05:08:42 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2019 05:21:42 by NotFishing



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It wasn't long before Gareth was able to start working at a forge within the city itself, making nails and hinges, but his skills as a sword and armoursmith also brought business from many an adventurer. Some time later the blacksmith Gareth worked fell ill and died. Since the man had no family left, he had left the forge to Gareth.

And that is how the rest of the city sees Gareth. A skilled blacksmith who came from Taverly, or potentially beyond, and settled in Falador, only to acquire his own forge through a stroke of luck and skill. And why question it? A blacksmith is vital to any community. Occasionally, he even sends letters back to Taverly. Nothing strange about that - he probably has friends and family there.

As for his friends in Falador, he has more than a few. He always finds time to chat up the guards who stand duty by the gate. He is close friends with the innkeeper, and they often share gossip. There is even a White Knight who comes by to hire his services, for some reason preferring him over the castle blacksmith. Overall, he is quite well-liked, and there is nothing suspicious about him at all.

Nothing at all.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

04-Apr-2019 05:08:49 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2019 05:21:29 by NotFishing

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