
Kingdom of Asgarnia

Quick find code: 49-50-868-66089335

Hell Wizard
Nov Member 2023

Hell Wizard

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Aureus felt extremely confused. He looked at Two-two, who questioned the elf, and looked back at Aranel. He had never had this feeling before in his life. The fear of unknown combined with admiration for Aranel's beauty. The pointy ears, so strange and unearthly but looked so good with Aranel's blonde braid and golden eyes. He kept staring at the ears. He also didn't know how to react, but he stopped trying to reach for the chisel, he knew he was no match for an elves with a bow from the elven states.

Her face, I imagined she looks like a very beautiful princess if she were a human.
Aureus backed off into a wall, avoiding Aranel's stare.

With a soft and trembling voice, Aureus said,
Falador needs a hero. The struggle, it's taking its toll on the innocent people. Sir Amik, he wants power. But at the same time, he only wants it to protect the people from the Kinshra. If he does not organize the defence of the city, build walls and train the army, Falador will be overrun in a day. The goblins, the barbarians, the Kinshra. People droll over the riches of Falador. Hell there's even a dragon in Crandor waiting to unleash it's wrath.

He continued after a another gulp of saliva, maintaining a fearful voice and backed up stance against the wall,
Sir Amik, I don't think that's who the people are up against. Neither should you if you want to help the people. Without the white knights Falador will fall. Or at least thats what they made the people believe in. I strongly suggest you meet Sir Amik and find out for yourself, that's how you can make the correct decision and truly help the people of Falador.
Here for nostalgia and all the times RS has provided me with boundless imagination and creativity.

01-Apr-2019 03:40:03



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aranel looked at Two-Two, her confusion evident.
"I know not of what you speak. That was before my time on this plane, though I have been here for some time."
Aranel watched as Aureus backed away from her.
"But yes, the ears are scary because people fear the unknown, you, Aureus, are proving that with your own fear."
She put her facecloth back on and pulled her hood up, hiding away who she is.
"No one will let me help them if they know who I really am. When I first left Tirannwn, I had exposed who I am. People ran and hid, attacked and flat out refused me. I decided to cloak who I was and suddenly, people assumed I was human and welcomed my help without a second glance."
Her eyes shined with forming tears, making the color more intense.
" I hate hiding who I am. I feel like I'm lying to myself."

Aranel moved away from the door and grabbed her gloves from the counter, sliding them onto her hands. She then noticed what Aureus was reaching for.
" I do not mean to frighten you. I am a good person, at least I feel that I am. I will not harm you and I understand if you would rather I leave."
She glanced out the window and wiped her eyes with her gloved hand. The rain was almost stopped, only a few more minutes and it would be nothing more than a drizzle.
" I will help the citizens and if meeing Sir Amik is what I must do, then I guess I will do so. If you claim Sir Amik is not as corrupted as it seems I will give you the benefit of the doubt, but his decree's seem to be hurting the people here. Their spirit is gone."
She glanced back at Aureus.
"I just hope you are right and not leading me into a trap.
" Her eyes flashed against the light of the furnace.
" I wont be the one hurt if it is."
Please don't let this be a trap. I don't want to hurt you.
There isn't one.

01-Apr-2019 12:03:02

Hell Wizard
Nov Member 2023

Hell Wizard

Posts: 77 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
From an adrenaline filled fearful mode, Aureus' mood changed quickly as Aranel eased the situation. Her tears, and what she said, convinced Aureus that not all human are good in nature, and not every non-human race is evil and destructive too.
She is right, we humans are afraid of unknown and things we can't control. Because we are only human, mere mortal.
He relaxed his stance and sat down on the bench again, contemplating.

The rain finally stopped after a few minutes. Sun came out from the dark clouds that obscured it and shined its rays of light onto the white stone pavement that led to Aureus' workshop. Looking out the window, Aureus continued,
I am really sorry for what you have been through. We are scared of what we don't know. Humans are superficial. But I believe there's good in us, human nature. We are weak, and vulnerable, but most of us, we too have a good heart. We just want better life and environment for our children. Security, order, governance, those are things that build the foundation of a society.

However, I am sorry to tell you this but to meet Sir Amik, it would be much preferable if you would hide your identity. I know him, he may be fond of warriors, but not one he couldn't control. If he knew you were other race, he will have you slayed where you are standing. He always think that human race are superior, and dislikes other races, especially those stronger than him.

As Aureus spoke, he reached for one of his locked cabinets and unlocked the padlock on the chain securing the handle with a key hanging from a huge keychain around his waist. He opened one of the boxes inside and took out a gold amulet strung with a string of wool. It was elegant, matching one of nobility.
Sir Amik will want gifts.

The rain has stopped. Shall we now head towards the Falador White Castle? We will be able to make it there by noon then.
Here for nostalgia and all the times RS has provided me with boundless imagination and creativity.

01-Apr-2019 13:01:14



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aranel looked back at Aureus and watched as his fear eased. She stared at him in shock at how easily he accepted her. She watched him open a cabinet and pull out a necklace. She showed no surprise at the wealth he displayed as she too had great wealth. She glanced at Two-Two who has been silent. Aranel nodded at Aureus.
" I will go with you, but I must protect myself. I will warn you now, I do not like harming innocents, but If I feel something amiss, I will not hesitate to draw my bow."
She ran her fingers down the drawstring of the bow and pushed against it slightly with her magic. The bow string began to glow with the presence of her magic but as she pulled her hand away the glow faded back to nothing.

Aranel turned and moved to the door, unlatching it and swinging it open. Her hood fluttered slightly against the breeze that spread into the room. She stepped out into the growing sunlight and tilted her face up slightly, basking in the warmth. A small dog went running past bouncing in and out of the puddles of water that have slowly begun to steam away. She laughed melodiously and walked after the dog. As it noticed her, it yipped and ran toward her. In one fluid and elegant motion she scooped the dog up and held it in her arms lovingly, displaying a side of her that isn't seen very often. Its clear that she has great love in her heart for other people and creatures. She rubbed her fingers against the dogs belly and smiled underneath her face mask, only detectable by the crinkle of her eyes. Aranel looked back inside the building towards Aureus and Two-Two.
Her voice had a slight happy tone to it, the emotional scene inside his workshop becoming a fading memory.
There isn't one.

01-Apr-2019 13:41:51 - Last edited on 01-Apr-2019 13:42:09 by Riniya

Hell Wizard
Nov Member 2023

Hell Wizard

Posts: 77 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aureus left his brown apron on the hook by the wall in the workshop. He draped himself in what he usually wears when leaving home, in the finest clothes made from pure silk. From the cabinet, he also took out an elegantly crafted gold crown. Every time he's going to the Falador Castle to meet Sir Amik, he will wear the gold crown. He kept the gold amulet safely in his small satchet.

Aureus noticed how Aranel handled a cute dog outside his workshop. The way she cared for and caressed the dog and play with it, not many human would do it.
I certainly hope what she says is true. Helping the people. I believe you can tell someone's true nature by looking at how dogs interact with them. They can always sniff the evil within a person, if it's present. If she wanted to hurt me, she would have already done so

Staring at Aranel's back, Aureus thought,
If what she say is true, we can even become friends. My resources and her skills, together we can help Falador. Then she'd be another one of my friend who's not a human, but she won't be the first. I wonder how is Drogo and Nurmof doing now, with the tightening decrees and all.

Aureus' family business runs in close connection to the dwarves who guard the dwarven mine below Falador. Drogo and Nurmof are both dwarves business owners in the mine. Aurues has known them for years, having a good business trading relationship with the dwarves. They would helped him in the exploitation of the mine, and he would get them supplies that they want from other humans and cities on the surface. A barter trade win-win situation. Even though Aureus has never left human cities all his life, he does have friends who are not human, therefore it is relatively easier for him to believe that other race can be kind hearted too, compared to other human.

Responding to Aranel's call, Aureus snapped out of his monologue and joined Aranel on the streets of Falador, heading towards the Falador Castle
Here for nostalgia and all the times RS has provided me with boundless imagination and creativity.

01-Apr-2019 14:15:30



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aranel watched from the street as Aureus moved around his workshop before joining her. He seemed lost in thought prior to her calling out for him and Two-Two to join her. She held the dog in her arms as they walked away from his building, gracefully missing the puddles of water, only stepping on the stones without a second thought to her foot placement. She kept Aureus in her view and watched him out of the corner of her eye.
Why did he accept me so freely?

Aranel made cooing noises at the dog as they walked and continued to rub it's belly. She reached into a hidden pocket in her cloak and pulled out a small morsel of dried beef and fed it to the dog. It lapped it up quickly and she reached for another piece of food.
" Such a cute dog to be ignored and starved. "
She spoke really to no-one, just voicing her thoughts aloud. She glanced at Aureus to see his reaction to her actions and words.
"Don't you agree? This world is so inconsiderate to creatures. "

After the words left Aranel's mouth a small young girl came running up to her.
"Aranel! Aranel!"
She was smiling and jumping up and down. Aranel Crouched down and took the girl in a half hug, careful to prevent the dog from being crushed.
"Hello Rayanne. How is your mother?"
The small girl hugged Aranel's neck and smiled up at Aureus, shyly.
"She is doing good. We are in town to sell some of our wares to one of the merchants here. Things are a little tight this month. Mommy can't get anyone to buy her goods. I saw you walking and just wanted to come say hello!"

Aranel frowned under her face cloth.
"I am sorry to hear that. Where is your mother?"
The young girl shrugged.
"She stopped into one of the stores, that's when I saw you. I came over here. I will have to go find her."
There isn't one.

01-Apr-2019 14:27:29 - Last edited on 01-Apr-2019 18:22:48 by Riniya



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aranel Shook her head.
"No that's okay."
She reached intoher pocket and a slight jingling could be heard as she pulled out her fisted hand.
"Hold out your hands."
The girl complied and Aranel placed a handful of gold coins into the girls outstretched hands.
"Tell your mother this is what she paid me. No one should have to suffer for a little peace."
The young girl's face lit up.
"Thank you! You're amazing Aranel!"
She went running off, looking in doorways of the nearby shops for her mother.

Aranel stood up and watched the little girl run away. She re-adjusted her hold on the dog and reached into her pocket for another piece of food. The dog ate it happily and closed its eyes, leaning its weight against Aranel's arms and chest. Aranel refused to look at Aureus or Two-Two and started to walk again.
I actually gave her more than double what was paid to me. The girl wouldn't know that though. I wonder what her mother would think when she comes running to her with the coins.

(( I have decided to have NPC talk in Gold - this is ya'lls choice but I thought it would make things a little easier when reading to understand clearly who is talking --- Also! Who will play Sir Amik?))
There isn't one.

01-Apr-2019 18:21:13 - Last edited on 01-Apr-2019 21:21:24 by Riniya

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Confusion stacks in Two-two as much as Aureus. Why is he quivering and afraid? This bunny-lady didn’t do anything.

Aranel doesn’t know what Two-two is talking about, though the elf nevertheless reveals it was before her time. The elf wants to help Falador.

The weather changes into a more pleasant atmosphere. Contrary to what the elf and the man believe, Two-two isn’t most of it. She observes the elf’s magic but her twinkling eyes can’t make much sense of anything.

Aranel leaves the workshop and scoops up a dog, while Aureus gets his things together and heads out.

Me three.
” Two-two steps out, closing the door behind her. Off they go.

A while later, another girl appears, hugging Aranel and speaking to her. The elf gives the kid some money, and she scurries off happily.

Well, that’s that, then!
” Two-two states, stepping ahead. She stops and turns around, looking at Aranel, her dog, and Aureus. “
So, where are we going?

(( Colors are not working for some reason; the code does not envelop the sentences. Also, Riniya, I need to speak to you in the chat thread ))

01-Apr-2019 23:10:06 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2019 02:47:22 by Azi Demonica

Hell Wizard
Nov Member 2023

Hell Wizard

Posts: 77 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
((Riniya I agree that NPC dialogue should be gold. And since Sir Amik is a non-playable character I don't think anyone should play him. We'll let him speak in gold. I'll let you decide on his thought and whether he plays protagonist or antagonist, after all this is your story to begin with. I'll be happy to just play along in it))

Aureus joined Aranel on the street, heading towards the city centre where the Falador Castle stands tall and proud. Aurues observed Aranel and the dog in her hands, he's always fond of people who treat all living things with equal compassion and respect. When Aranel spoke to him about the dog, he didn't say anything, he just nod his head and smiled back at Aranel.
I have to believe she's going to help us.

Then he saw a girl running towards and hugging Aranel. That reassured his heart and confirmed his judgement was right about this elf. She's here to help, she's kind and loving.

You know Aranel, you're not the first non human race I have ever encountered. I am in close connection with the dwarves who reside underneath this city. I was afraid of you at first because I didn't know what you want or who you are, that's human nature. And your stature, your bow. I remembered when I first met Drogo he was just a dwarf, I didn't have the same fear like when I saw you. But I guess I was wrong to judge a book by its cover. I have nothing against non-human, my dad had taught me that not all human can be kind and not every non-human race is evil and destructive. I was just scared.

In response to two-two's answer, he turned to two-two and answered,
Well, we are first gonna go see Sir Amik Varze of Falador. There you can see the mighty white knights in training, we can even have tea together. And then after that if you are interested, I'll take you to Sir Tiffy Cashien, there you can train with the white knights.
Here for nostalgia and all the times RS has provided me with boundless imagination and creativity.

02-Apr-2019 11:20:05



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
((That’s fine with me! Was just curious if anyone would like main control))

Aranel watched as the dog fell asleep in her arms. She moved along across the stone path towards the castle. They were getting closer and it was beginning to look over them from it’s island in the middle of the city. She looked up at the beautiful stonework and sighed.
“You know, in my experience the more elaborate something is the more it hides “.
She turned to Aureus as he spoke about his friends with dwarves, a mile coming to her lips.
“You know Drogo?! I love him! He knew what I was the moment he saw me. I’ve never had anyone accept me that quickly. He’s a kind dwarf. It makes sense that you know him though with your business.”

Aranel tilted her head as Aureus explained his fear. “
It’s okay, you don’t have to justify your fear to me. I’m used to it “
she shrugged and turned to address Two-Two.
“I agree with Aureus. Let’s see what Sir Amik is really about, then we can decide how we proceed from there.”

By this point they had reached the town center and the empty plinth where the decree was given just hours ago that started this chain of events. Aranel felt the stares of curiousity from the citizens as the mulled around her small unusual group. Aranel shook her head in wonder and thought.
It’s amazing how the universe works.
She held the dog tighter, already having formed a bond with him, not wanting to put him down. She looked at the bridge connecting the city with the keep and watched the guards.
“Shall we go?”
There isn't one.

02-Apr-2019 12:12:37 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2019 12:54:05 by Riniya

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