
Kingdom of Asgarnia

Quick find code: 49-50-868-66089335

Hell Wizard
Nov Member 2023

Hell Wizard

Posts: 77 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
So he finally did it huh? The king's statue. He just removed it. He told me about the idea months ago, I can't believe he just removed it.
Aureus said softly.

The convoy reached the city centre, Falador Square by noon. Streets were buzzing and shops were all open for business. Many citizen recognized Aureus, with his trademark gold studded appearance, but they were curious of the two alongside him. No one said anything, they generally just avoided the group, but the kids, they couldn't resist but to stare.

Falador Castle is situated directly at the centre of the Falador City, overlooking the entire city. The main entrance at the north of Falador forms a straight line of sight to the castle, which adds to the architecture marvel of the castle. From distance, you can already see white knights marching in and out on the training square in the castle. There's also patrolling white knights on top of the tower on four sides of the castle. The deep man made moat surrounding the castle made seem like an impenetrable castle on an island on connected to the mainland by a beautifully erected white stone bridge. Rumour has it that the moat has powerful magic casted on it to help strengthen the defence of the castle.

As the tension eased between Aureus and Aranel, they started to speak more congeniality with each other. Aureus took a liking to Aranel, captivated by her attractive golden eyes and kindness to dogs. They crossed the white stone bridge across the moat and entered Falador Castle territory.

Aureus turned and whispered to the both of them,
Listen, first of all, under no circumstances you should ever reveal yourself in the castle otherwise there's going to be a bloody battle in there. It brings no good to anyone. And secondly, do not anger Sir Amik, he's not to be messed with, like all men in power, do you understand me?

Aureus led them to Sir Amik's squire who then went to inform Sir Amik about their arrival.
Here for nostalgia and all the times RS has provided me with boundless imagination and creativity.

02-Apr-2019 12:50:58



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Aranel listened as Aureus warned her to keep who she was hidden. She felt the tears start to rise at the reminder that its rare for anyone to accept her and it brought a wave of fear that her life was in danger the moment she passes through the portcullis. She knew that she was feared but her life has never been in danger for simply existing. In her many attempts to help people she has been in danger and hurt many times but that was her own doing. She bowed her head and squeezed the sleeping dog in her arms. Its eyes opened and licked her chin that was exposed to him.
It's funny that he warns me about the power of this man.

Aranel watched as Aureus ordered the young squire to go to Sir Amik. Aranel leaned over to place the dog on the ground and it stayed by her side.
"I guess I need to name you. Would Rover be too Ironic?"
She looked up as the Squire came running back to get them
"Sir Amik is ready for you now. Follow me."
Aranel stayed to the back of the group letting Aureus or Two-Two decide who will take the lead and followed the group through a set of doors into an elaborate sitting room with a throne at the far end. There was a crowd of people in fine clothes standing around whispering amongst themselves as her rag-tag group entered. Seated in the throne was a man wearing pearl white armor and a small white crown upon his head.

Aranel moved her fingers slightly using her magic to pull the light away from her face, casting it in a deeper shadow than possible by her hood. She recognized the man sitting in the throne and knew he would know who she is by her eyes, though she did not realize his name was Sir Amik. She glanced at Aureus.
Should I tell him or just stay hidden.

(( I edited the bio of my character slightly -- she has a secret - I have been going back and forth if I wanted to use this or not but I decided to use it ))
There isn't one.

02-Apr-2019 13:16:02 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2019 16:54:20 by Riniya

Hell Wizard
Nov Member 2023

Hell Wizard

Posts: 77 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aureus noticed Aranel bowing her head when he asked her not to reveal herself.
it must have reminded her of the times she was rejected or hurt simply because she is not human. She must have hate that, to be unable to be yourself. But what can I do. I'm mere mortal, Sir Amik will execute all of us where we stand if he knows. But there's no better way to help the Falador and its people other than through Sir Amik. How else are we going to help and protect the people peacefully.
Aureus thought to himself, but he didn't gestured to comfort Aranel. He just kept quiet while waiting for the squire.

The squire returned and led them into Sir Amik Varze's meeting room.
Greetings! My favourite man, my brother. How do you do? You haven't been here a lot. I see you have put on some weight.

Greetings Grand Master, it's great to see you too. I have a gift for you here.
Aureus pulled out his gold amulet carefully and handed it to Sir Amik before continuing,
I have brought you someone, that may be of use to Falador and to you. This is Aranel, she is a fighter of no equal skills, a marksman with an eagle eye. I believe she can be of great service to your legion of white knights. And may be, we can take the Kinshra once and for all. Then we can make that arrogant Prince of Burthope bow to us once and for all.

The glory of Falador shall return and the people will live in peace and wealth! Don't you agree? Grandmaster.
Aureus said to Sir Amik, as his hands gestured towards Aranel.
Here for nostalgia and all the times RS has provided me with boundless imagination and creativity.

02-Apr-2019 17:45:36 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2019 17:48:01 by Hell Wizard



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aranel remained quiet while Sir Amik greeted Aureus. She stayed to the back of the group as Aureus returned the greetings of the Interim King and presented him with the necklace. She kept her fingers moving slightly, keeping the light manipulated to shroud her face in darkness. Aureus introduced her to Sir Amik and she felt his eyes move to her. She watched as his eyes narrowed as he looked her up and down, trying to size her up.

If only he had bothered to ask my name all those years ago, he would have me kicked out of here in a heartbeat.
Aranel nodded her head in greeting to Sir Amik, remaining silent.
In fact, I don't think he ever heard me talk. He much prefers to hear himself.
The dog at her side looked up at her, feeling the tension in her stance.

Aranel moved forward to stand beside Aureus but still remained silent, deciding to just watch and listen to the outcome of this meeting.
"Welcome to my Court!"
Sir Amik stood and opened his arms wide.
There isn't one.

02-Apr-2019 18:08:22 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2019 18:08:57 by Riniya

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“To the White Knights, then!”

* * *

Reaching the castle, Aureus cautions Aranel of revealing her appearance, though the elf is cautious of that most of the time.

The squire soon returns and leads the three to Varze. Two-two just observes amidst the talking. With little to do, she pets Rover on the head.

Sir Varze spreads his arms and seems quite welcoming.

Two-two shoots upright,
“You’re welcome!”
she announces, also spreading her arms and leaning over a bit, as if expecting a...

(( Will post Warlord and his intro once signalled to do so ))

02-Apr-2019 20:20:45 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2019 20:25:00 by Azi Demonica



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aranel watched as Sir Amik stood and waived his arm with a flourish gesturing to the surrounding court. All of the higher class citizens stood around, continuing to whisper and point at the trio and the dog who stood in the middle before their king. She said nothing in response to the King's welcome and smiled as she watched Two-Two respond to the welcome from Sir Amik. She shook her head slightly at her elaborate answer.

Aranel watched as Two-Two tried to bow to Sir Amik but noticed she didn't go low enough for it to consider truly respectful, But Aranel admired her attempt. Aranel kept her fingers moving to keep her face in shadow and the dog sensed her magic, tilting its head at her and whining softly.

Sir Amik stepped down of the dais and moved closer to the group.
"What can I do for you all today? You say you have someone to help in my war?"
He nodded and smiled at Two-two in regards to her greeting.
"Good try my girl!"
He reached out to pat Aureus on the shoulder and nodded his head. He held out his hand for the necklace.
"I don't know why you shower me with these gifts!"
The comment was just for show, everyone knew if you did not present a gift your request or audience with him would go terribly wrong.

Sir Amik turned to Aranel and frowned as he noticed something not quite right with her hood and the shadows covering her face. He wouldn't say anything of course and walked around her looking her up and down.
"You are a skilled archer? You would like to join my knights?"

Aranel tensed at the scruitiny she was under by Sir Amik.
"No. I am not here to join your knights."
Sir Amik let out a bolsterous laugh.
"Then why are you here? Aureus, Why did you bring this... Commoner.. here?"
His eyes flashed with annoyance as he turned to confront Aureus.

(( I will let you know Azi, ))
There isn't one.

02-Apr-2019 20:49:05 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2019 21:56:43 by Riniya

Jul Member 2011


Posts: 51,224 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Annie Wells

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Species: Half Human/ half elf

Appearance: She has long blond straight hair and her eye are dark blue. She has a short straight nose. Her skin is tan from being in the sun a lot. She is 4 feet 6 inches tall. She weighs 100 pounds.Annie’s body is covered in hard muscle and show’s very little fatty deposit anywhere on her body. That's because she has been traveling. She also looks a little more human then an elf. She has a notebook and pen with her in her hand.

Clothing: green shirt and black skirt.

Weapon: Dagger, bows and arrows

Personality: Kind, friendly,loves to learn new things, can make friends easily, very determined, very positive and like to go on adventures.

Magic: Yes


Fire- She can manipulation and make the fire from thin air. she can make puffs,waves,whip and other things with fire.

Nature- she can manipulation of plants,weather and other things with nature.

(She doesn't know she has power but strange things has been happening to her)

Short Character History: All Annie's life she was a spy. She was born in the Black Hand so, she was trained as a very young age by her father named Jim whose the best spy for The Black Hand. She was one of the best spies for her age because of her father. She has been on many missions as a spy and successful complete them with her father by her side. Now she does her missions by herself.

Annie Wells - 12 - Half human, half elf - Annie1227

03-Apr-2019 03:55:42

Hell Wizard
Nov Member 2023

Hell Wizard

Posts: 77 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
((Welcome Annie!!! Now we have more character so more twists, it'll be fun. You can make an entry anytime when you see fit))

Espionage! Grand Master she's here to do espionage.
said Aureus as he sensed tension between Aranel and Sir Amik. He tried to defuse the situation.
A fighter of her skills would be wasted to be training in the square all day long. She can do that job. You know, that one you talked about that day.

Sir Amik turned back to look at the both of them again, this time making a facial expression of disbelief as he measured Aranel from top to bottom with his eyes.

Aureus continued timidly,
Well Grand Master, you know, the war is still raging and although we have the upper hand now, I think we should try to win the war as soon as possible. The rising cost of the war and subsequent increased taxes and tightening limitation to the people, it's taking it's toll on Falador. It's hurting your reputation too!

Sir Amik's eyes widened immediately and his eyebrows raised. Aureus' words had angered him. Before he could muster words to his mouth, Aureus saw his reaction and quickly continued, deliberately loud so that the entire court could hear him speak,
But with Sir Amik's mature leadership and unequalled valor, Falador still stand tall amidst all the challenges and wars. There's no better person than Grand Master to lead us all forward and create a better life for all of us!
All the audience in the court clapped their hands and chanted Sir Amik's name. To his pleasure, Sir Amik Varze smiled and enjoyed the moment of self pride and sense of being on top.

Aurues looked at Aranel,
What are you doing? Now don't get all of us killed. You are supposed to help the people, help Falador! Help Sir Amik clear Falador of her enemies, and we can all live peacefully ever after.
Here for nostalgia and all the times RS has provided me with boundless imagination and creativity.

03-Apr-2019 07:21:13 - Last edited on 03-Apr-2019 07:22:19 by Hell Wizard



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
((Welcome Annie. Look forward to you joining us!))

Sir Amik seemed to be eased by Aureus’s explanation of Aranels presence. He nodded and moved on to look over Two-Two.
“and what can we do for this young girl? She is very tall, that could come in handy.”
Sir Amik turned to address Two-Two.
“are you here to join my knights or is there another specialty you have that could be used elsewhere like your friend here?”

Aranel felt Aureus’ gaze on her. She could sense his annoyance and disbelief at her words towards Sir Amik.
I will not bow to this man or give into him like everyone else does. That’s their promblem. That’s why he has run amok. Someone needs to put him in his place.. what would Amik think if it was me?

Aranel watched as Sir Amik moves along to talk to Two-Two. She was unsure what Two-Twos purpose for being in Falador was and was looking forward to the answer provided. Aranel could hear the whispering if the court behind her. She turned her head slightly as the heard the words “barbarian attack”. Aranel know of Faladors history of being attacked by goblins and barbarians, but there hasn’t been one in many years. If there was one brewing, Aranel could use that to display her skills.
There isn't one.

03-Apr-2019 11:16:32 - Last edited on 03-Apr-2019 12:09:02 by Riniya



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aranel whistled shortly and called Rover to her side as she noticed he was moving freely around the court. She was careful not to look at Aureus as she knew she had disappointed him, but she would not be a puppet to this fake king

She stood off to the side thinking while Amik spoke with Two- Two before she decided to talk to Aureus. She moved over to hip, patting her leg as she walked calling the dog to her. She leaned close and whispered to him,
" I do not mean to cause problems. I know Sir Amik, I did not realize what his name was at the time though when I knew him. He is not a nice man. Something more is going on here besides just getting funding for the war. I think he is pocketing the taxes from the people. Where is the true king?"
There isn't one.

03-Apr-2019 11:17:08 - Last edited on 03-Apr-2019 15:49:40 by Riniya

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