
Kingdom of Asgarnia

Quick find code: 49-50-868-66089335

Hell Wizard
Nov Member 2023

Hell Wizard

Posts: 77 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The trio was having muffin from a baker stall in the Falador city square after leaving the Falador Castle and was discussing about the next plan. Aureus looked at Aranel and tried to come up with his answer but suddenly the sound of battle rage echoed the sky. Aureus tried to say something but Aranel just shoved him to the side and told him to fight or flight. Aranel reached for her bow and suddenly it looked like Falador was about to explode into a war field. Two-two drew her weapon, and white knights came charging out from Falador Castle to the north entrance of Falador Wall.
I better run.

Aureus looked back at Aranel and shouted
Please stay safe! Meet me in the dwarven mine just behind the East Bank of Falador, I'll get help. Tell them you are looking for the "Man In Gold". They'll inform me.
Aranel probably didn't hear or see him as she was drawn to the sound of the ram breaking the gate and Aureus sprinted as fast as he could towards the east, away from the battlefield and into the hidden underground shelter.
If I stay here any longer I will not survive. Not with all these gold. I'd become a living and running target.

Aureus ran as fast and as long as he could until the sound of warcry was distant away from him.
Damn, not another war. I better tell the dwarves and ask for their help.
Here for nostalgia and all the times RS has provided me with boundless imagination and creativity.

04-Apr-2019 07:41:45



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
((Welcome everyone new! I have updated the Census / Leaders Page. Please remember no foul language is allowed, try to keep it clean even in the RP. Also! DK is now an admin as he was one of the first to join! So congrats! Fishing, look forward to reading your characters intro!))

Aranel kept moving around the city center, stepping over the dead bodies of the barbarians and white knights combined. She was shooting off arrow after arrow, killing more and more. She kept an eye on the leader and watched as he continued to attack. The barbarians just kept pouring in. Aranel witnessed the young girl shoot fire off herself as didn’t have time to question it.
“We need to cut off the gate! Where did he get this many barbarians?!”
Aranel looked at The gate and noticed the pylons burning at each corner of the battlement
“If we can get those pylons knocked over we can rain down fire, logs and hot oil at the entrance, create a barrier, then we will only be left with who is inside the city!”
Aranel looked around and found the stair case leading up to one side of the wall, then noticed the staircase to the other side destroyed. She put her crystal bow back around herself, the string across her chest, the crystal at her back and looked around. She found a spiked mace in the hands of one of the barbarians and ran to get it. She moved between incoming barbarians, they did no damage to her as she had her shield up, but it weakened with every hit.

Aranel passed by a market stall that was barely standing and grabbed a rope from it. She watched as another man came out of the nearby bar and exclaimed at the sight of the fight happening. She hurried to the stairs and ran up them to the top of the wall, wrapping the rope around the end of the spiked mace as she climbed. No one followed her. When she got to the top she walked across the wall towards the burning pylon. She stared across the 30 foot gap and began to twirl her mace on a rope.
There isn't one.

04-Apr-2019 11:37:16 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2019 14:00:40 by Riniya



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
She threw the mace towards the other pylon and used her magic to create a field pushing it along. It caught inside the pylon and she could see the fire starting to cause the rope to burn. She turned around and leaned her weight against the pylon she was standing next to, and began to pull on the rope. Both pylons began to tilt down towards the flood of barbarians coming into the city.

She screamed loudly and pushed/pulled harder. Willing the pylons to fall.
“I need help!"
She screamed. She didn’t have the strength to take both down, she needs someone to push while she pulls the rope for the other one. She didn’t know if anyone even heard her.
There isn't one.

04-Apr-2019 11:40:36 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2019 12:48:58 by Riniya

Jul Member 2011


Posts: 51,224 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A white knight picked up the unconscious Annie from the battlefield and took her to an abandoned building where the other injured was taken. He felt nervou around Annie because he saw her shoot fire from her fingers. He told the healers about her injuries. -Dances-

04-Apr-2019 12:32:11 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2019 12:33:36 by Annie1227

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
((Ahh yes, fair enough then - I shall reign in Garrett's sailor mouth.))

Barely any time passed before Garrett found himself back in the fray, barbarians slipping through the gaps of knights and guards here and there to spread out and kill. Thus he found himself facing down more of the brutish warriors, parrying the swing of one before shoving the head of his hammer into his attacker's gut - winding him, then twirling the hammer into an overhead swing that smashed open the skull of the stunned barbarian. A second was upon him nearly as quickly as the first, though with a further one-two combo from his axe and hammer Garrett quickly sent the foe sprawling with a vicious swing to the chest.

" S'like a damnable sea of savages, " He muttered, spitting on the ground by the feet of a corpse. Looking over the battle as he stepped forwards the sailor could make out a few noteworthy individuals amidst the raging throng of knights, guards and barbarians. A particularly tall girl skirmishing with the invaders, a monstrous brute of a man who seemed to be some sort of rallying figure, maybe a leader, for the barbarians, and then a more lithe figure that was in the process of climbing their way up onto the ramparts.

It was that last one that caught his eye the most - that strange bow they carried was unlike any other weapon on the field, and it looked as though they had a plan of some kind.

Thus it was with a heavy sigh that Garrett took off after the bow-wielding figure, ducking and rolling between and around attackers where he could get away with it - and striking them down with merciless force when he could not. Five additional invaders fell to his hammer and axe by the time he reached the base of the stairs, with two more trying their luck once his feet touched the white stone steps. Turning, Garrett was forced into fighting while moving backwards - up the stairs. He dodged and parried the merciless swings of his foes, succeeding in driving his hammer into the side
I am Inferi.

04-Apr-2019 13:50:50

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
of one's head that sent the invader tumbling off the stairs to the ground below.

The other didn't last long without the pressure of having another by his side, a blocked strike giving the sailor his opening to swing his handaxe across the barbarian's throat. As he spluttered, the barbarian was promptly kicked in the chest and sent crashing down the stairs to land in a heap at the bottom - barely moving, but sure to bleed out shortly. With his hands no longer tied in a fight Garrett hurried up the stairs and emerged onto the ramparts just in time to hear the figure call for help.

Huh. It was a woman, apparently.

Even in his somewhat addled state of mind it didn't take a genius to figure out what she was trying to do. He hurried forwards, putting his weapons away in the process, and found himself beside the woman - leaning his own weight against the pylon and pushing.

" You looked like ya' needed a hand! " He said with amusement, raising his voice to be heard over the crash of battle below. The smell of alcohol was on him, albeit quite weakly now.
I am Inferi.

04-Apr-2019 13:50:54



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
((Thank you George))

Aranel pushed against the pylon with all her might and pulled the rope taught. She watched as a new man came running towards her and put all his weight against the pylon at her back.
"Thank you!"
She felt the pylon at her back start to give way thanks to the strangers help and pour hot burning oil and logs down onto the barbarians below. She then spun around and pulled the rope and felt that pylon give as well, doing the same on the other side. The mans help came at the right time because right when the pylon gave way, the rope holding the mace burned away, and fell limply in her hands.

There was a wall of fire where the gate stood, effectively cutting off the remaining army of Barbarians from getting in. She sat down on the wall and took a breath, looking up towards the keep. Sir Amik was still standing there just watching the onslaught continue. He was making no move to help with this fight.

She stood and went to the edge of the wallk looking down at the city, she couldn't see Aureus or Two-Two Anywhere, though she could see Rover still cowering under the bakers stall. She felt worry cloud her brain, fogging her judgement.
I have to find them.
She grabbed her bow off her back again and looked at the new man beside her.
"Aranel. My name is Aranel. Thank you again for your help!"
Her face cloth waved in the wind, keeping her face hidden but her ice blue eyes could be seen in the setting sun. She ice blond braid blew in the wind, sticking out from under her hood. She had not a single scratch on her.
There isn't one.

04-Apr-2019 13:51:23 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2019 14:13:03 by Riniya

Jul Member 2011


Posts: 51,224 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The white knight guarded the injured. He really worried about the young girl who was injured badly. The healers started working on Annie to heal her wounds. The healers was surprised how injured she was.

Annie started to moan in pain and she might be waking up soon.

04-Apr-2019 14:45:53

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Garrett almost pitched forwards along with the pylon once it toppled, managing to catch himself and regain his balance after a tense second of rocking on one foot. He stepped up to look down at their handiwork, the wall of fire produced sealing off the way through and keeping the rest of the army out - for now, at least. He stepped back again, catching his breath, and glanced up once the woman spoke to him. He blinked, almost forgetting she'd been there, then laughed.

" Garrett! " He introduced himself in turn, taking a second to run his hand over his face - wiping away some of the sweat he'd built up over the fighting. His own blue eyes met Aranel's for a moment, giving him a couple seconds to see that she was probably quite the looker behind that mask of hers. If nothing else he could say confidently that the woman had beautiful eyes. Such thoughts were waved off however, and he flashed a grin. " Think nothin' of it, good folk have gotta help out at times like these! "

With their reinforcements cut off it wasn't likely that the barbarians within the city walls would last much longer against the combined knights and guards. The battle wasn't over though, if that fire died out or got cleared away the invasion could resume - but if nothing else their efforts had bought time to rally and form a proper defence.

Garrett looked over the ramparts at the battle below, drawing his axe into hand once again as he noticed a barbarian climbing the stairs towards them.

" Better help clear the rest of these savages out, ain't the time ta' be talkin' yet! " He let out a bark of laughter, turning just as the barbarian reached the ramparts and flinging his handaxe at the unfortunate invader - the weapon flying through the air and embedding itself deep in his chest with a loud crunch. The sailor drew his warhammer and approached the fallen foe, retrieving his axe. " How about we have a talk ova' some drinks later? "
I am Inferi.

04-Apr-2019 15:38:02



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aranel nodded at the man and noticed that he met her eyes directly. She turned to descend the stairs and before she could really react to the Barbarian coming up them, Garrett had already handled it. She stepped over the body and left the ramparts. After she got to the bottom of the stairs she drew her bow and let that familiar rush of Magic release into the string. An arrow formed and was gleaming, a beacon in the growing darkness as the sun set. She kept her bow ready, moving around waiting for an enemy to approach. She looked around and still could not see her friends. She whistled loudly and Rover left the safety of the baker's stall and came bounding over to her, panting.

The barbarians were almost all dead, at least those within the city. There were bodies scatter all over the cobblestones, staining the white stone red with blood. She didn't bother to check if Garrett had followed her and instead moved on through the city. Her plan worked and the fire was raging at the gate, preventing barbarians from coming through.

She let her arrow go, just as a Barbarian came rushing at her. He was prepared and ducked, narrowly avoiding her arrow, but it did slice a piece of his fur armor off. He raised his Warhammer and slammed it down against her force field of magic. The impact caused the field to shatter and she hurriedly stepped back, drawing her bow again. He came at her again, swinging the hammer and she stepped back again, just avoiding being hit in the side. She let her arrow fly and it hit him in his shoulder causing him to roar in pain.

She drew her bow yet again and just before she could it loose, she got hit in back by something, knocking her down onto the stone. Rover growled from her side and lunged at the oncoming barbarian, snarling and biting anywhere he could. She rolled over and drew her bow quickly, aiming at the barbarian right above her head. She let the arrow go and he stopped with his Warhammer in midair, before falling over backwards dead.
There isn't one.

04-Apr-2019 16:38:54 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2019 16:45:29 by Riniya

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