
Kingdom of Asgarnia

Quick find code: 49-50-868-66089335



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"You think I'm blind, or deaf?" Gareth snapped angrily. "I saw the way you were looking at me - same way as the girl. I don't know what the hell I did to offend you, but knock off the squinting and the whispering. I lived here for years, and I put my neck on the line to help this city, same as you. Don't lecture me on respect, boy, when you whisper about me right in front of me and then accuse me of eavesdropping when I overhear something you are saying about me . For a highborn boy, you know nothing about manners. I'm telling you right now that if you want to get anywhere with people, knock off your damn attitude."

The guards who were observing didn't seem to have any sympathy for Aureus. Gareth was, after all, a friend of theirs. He frequently came to chat them up, even buying them drinks from time to time or offering them discounts on weapons and armour. He did not have a reputation as a man who turned to unprovoked anger.

Aureus's attempt to blatantly turn to them and try to rally them would only lose them even further. It gave Aureus the appearance of someone who was deliberately playing it up for the crowd, which therefore suggested he did not truly mean what he said. Gareth, however, was acting as though he was almost oblivious to the onlookers.

His assertion that he never said Gareth was untrustworthy, while in the same breath admitting that he said he didn't trust Gareth, was also rather strange.


Joric Ironfist

In Joric's opinion, all of Hovrec's arguments were moot. Issues like the size of the steps were minor obstacles at best, that wouldn't actually matter once they were on top of the walls. The only one that seemed to have any merit was his opinion regarding the attack on Ice Mountain, and on that Joric turned against him angrily. "I know that, but we 'ave to try!"
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

16-Apr-2019 10:30:14



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With a sigh, the dwarf turned back to follow Hovrec to meet Sir Amik. "You'll need to ask 'em in public, when all his fancy nobles and knights are watching. If he wants to 'ide in the castle then he can't sacrifice the trust of those who guard and live in it." Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

16-Apr-2019 10:30:18

Hell Wizard
Nov Member 2023

Hell Wizard

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In response to Gareth's lecture about respect, Aureus replied,
No, I just think you are hypersensitive and too defensive. I respect everyone who deserves it. If you are that insecure, or sketchy when someone so much as looked at you, instantly you feel offended, I can't help it. Look I appreciate you helping the city, all of us just wanna help this city. But bickering here with you gets us no where.

The guards didn't seem too impressed with Aureus, trying to pick a fight with a newfound cult hero of the city, after all everyone did see Gareth land the killing blow on the barbarian warlord when Aureus was no where to be found. But none of them said anything. Keeping yourself out of an argument seems to be the way to go for these guards. They just continued on with their work, tried to look disinterested even though they heard the full conversation.

Suit yourself Gareth, go and pick fight with others who look at you. I'm not interested in you.
Aureus took out his mask from the backpack and put it on his face and left the city through the gate, remembering what Garrett had whispered to him before.


Captain Hovrec listened to Joric and nodded to agree with him. He had decided to listen to his long time friend, who for him was like a brother,
Stay with me brother, I have already asked for his audience. Now all we have to do is wait.

The four dwarves stood in the city centre facing the Falador Castle, waiting for Sir Amik to arrive from the comfort within his castle and talk to them.
Here for nostalgia and all the times RS has provided me with boundless imagination and creativity.

16-Apr-2019 12:05:40 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2019 12:19:47 by Hell Wizard



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(( Fishing, I went back and edited my posts so that Aranel wasn't wary of you except for the first encounter (as she is with everyone) --- Soo... Yea ..She can't be included with Aureus in your last post))

Aranel did not acknowledge Annie's questions, remaining inside her own mind.

Aranel watched as a flaming bird came down in front of them and she shoved Annie behind her and quickly drew her bow and aimed at it. She watched as it turned into a human girl. Aranel showed no emotion or amazement at what she just witnessed. She slowly let her magic creep into the bow, an arrow of light beginning to form, before it hardened. "
Who are you? What do you want?"
While Aranel was ready to attack if needed, the rest of her body language was relaxed, indicating that she wanted to assess the situation before making a snap judgement, but that she was smart enough to be at the ready if needed.
Talk about elves being a myth. I haven't seen a phoenix in years, but one who can transform into a human? That's new.


Sir Amik was walking around the ramparts while the rebuilding was taking place. He was watching Garrett's immediate attempt to help repair the gate, while the others came over later to help at the end. Sir Amik watched as they talked and witnessed a heated exchange between Aureus and Gareth. Sir Amik leaned against the wall of the rampart and his white armour glinted in the sunlight.

His gaze moved as two dwarves came out of the bar and were obviously in a disagreement of sorts. One of the dwarves approached the squire who is always in the main square and the squire came running into the keep.
What do they want now?

It took a few moments for the squire to find Sir Amik on top of the wall, he usually stays in the throne room. The squire approached the interim king and waited politely to be acknowledged. Sir Amik stood and kept watching for a moment more before
There isn't one.

16-Apr-2019 12:06:06 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2019 12:14:17 by Riniya



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
he turned to acknowledge the squire.

The squire kept his head down. His hair was longer than standard and Sir Amik noticed that he was due for a cut, something his knight would be responsible for. Sir Amik waited for the boy to look up and when he did he realized that his knight died in the battle. Sir Amik sighed. He didn't have enough knights now for each squire to have their own. Its unorthodox but they would have to double up, the knights would love that. The squire lifted his eyes to Amik, but made sure to stare at his chestplate.
"Sir. The dwarves are demanding that you enter the square. They have something they would like to discuss with you."

Sir Amik raised his eyebrows.
"Demanding, huh? No one demands of a king."
Sir Amik turned and looked back down at the group in the center of the city.
"You may go."
The squire quickly took his leave and ran down the steps leading into the castle. Moments later, Sir Amik watched as the squire left the keep and went to stand back in the city center.
They can wait if they want to demand from me.

Sir Amik did not leave the rampart and instead waited to see what would happen when he did not answer their misguided summons immediately as they would expect
There isn't one.

16-Apr-2019 12:14:40

Hell Wizard
Nov Member 2023

Hell Wizard

Posts: 77 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The dwarves waited and waited and only the squire whom they sent inside came out, with Sir Amik no where to be found.

Joric, I told you. See, he doesn't care. Allies or not, he sealed my mine without discussing with me. Can't you see it? It's a lost cause. What do you want to do now?
Captain was glad he was right, at least no unnecessary sacrifice in the ice mountain.
Here for nostalgia and all the times RS has provided me with boundless imagination and creativity.

16-Apr-2019 12:23:10

Jul Member 2011


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Anne was disappointed that Aranel didn't answer her questions. Then she all of then sudden she saw a flaming bird came down in front of them and felt Aranel pushed her behind her. She felt very confused when the strange bird changed to human. She drew her bow and put an arrow on the bow, ready to fire if needed to. She was courteous what the strange bird/human had to say. -Dances-

16-Apr-2019 12:42:13 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2019 12:57:36 by Annie1227



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Gareth spat as Aureus walked away. "Smarmy bastard," he uttered, though in truth that spectacle had mostly been for show. Then he looked to Garrett. "Listen, I'm not sure what you lot are up to, but whatever it is, with the way your two friends handle themselves, it's probably going to get you hanged. It would be best if you stopped now." With those words the blacksmith turned away.


Joric Ironfist

"Bloody 'ell," Joric remarked. "You didn't even try! Even I know that's now 'ow yer supposed to approach this." The dwarf shook his head in mild bewilderment, half suspecting that Hovrec had deliberately set it up for failure in order to prove him wrong.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

16-Apr-2019 12:46:30

Hell Wizard
Nov Member 2023

Hell Wizard

Posts: 77 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Captain Hovrec shook his head in disappointment.
What do you want me to try to do? Storm his castle? I ask for his audience in front of everyone in the city centre, and he didn't even show up. He has no respect for us as ally. And you're so naive to think he will sacrifice his white knights to take back our encampment with us. Grow up Joric!
Captain Hovrec tried to put his hands on Joric's shoulder, literally trying to shake him awake from sweet dream and his own thoughts to reality.

Captain Hovrec was extremely confused at what Joric wanted. He did what he wanted, seek audience with Sir Amik. He thought that Joric was either simply trying to just disagree with whatever he said no matter right or wrong, or he has simply lost the plot. Either way he's willing the listen to what his long time friend would suggest, but only if he came up with sensible suggestions, instead of simply commenting and disagreeing with no purpose.
Here for nostalgia and all the times RS has provided me with boundless imagination and creativity.

16-Apr-2019 13:37:36

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