
Kingdom of Asgarnia

Quick find code: 49-50-868-66089335

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Garrett scratched his head in thought as he listened to Aureus and Two-Two, the girl seemingly having been talked down by both his and the man in gold's efforts - the latter of which took his ear for a moment to say that he didn't trust the blacksmith. It was fair reasoning given he wasn't involved in what they were trying to do, though the sailor couldn't say he felt the same level of distrust towars Gareth that Aureus seemed to. Perhaps he was biased though - the man had helped him in a deadly fight, after all.

Before he could respond the guard from before called out to signal the end of the break, going on to approach their small group to ask if they could aid them again. Garrett raised his head, grinning over at the man. " Can do, be right over! " He replied, shifting in place to where he seemed to be about to head over to the other gate. Before doing so the sailor would have to move between Aureus and Two-Two, and in doing so gave them a quick whisper that Gareth would have to strain to hear from his position. " Soon as the gate's up, slip out and start headin' ta' the place - I'll catch up. "

Garrett chuckled, as if at a joke he'd just told, and headed over to rejoin the lifting efforts. He found his position like before, hands upon the construction and bracing himself in preparation.
I am Inferi.

15-Apr-2019 20:33:46



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The guard nodded at Garrett's agreement to help and backed away to get in position to signal the team.
"Get ready!"
The guard pointed at the men on the ramparts.
"Drop the ropes!"
The ropes fell and two dwarves went over and hooked the metal hook to the top of the gate.
"All together now! LIFT!"

The head guard watched as the gate began to lift with the team effort of the men helping. Slowly the gate lifted and snapped into place.
Dwarves on the ground walked forward with the pins to hold the gate to the wall, while two men dropped some pins in from the top, securing the gate to the wall.
"Lets test it guys! OPEN THE GATES."

The closed gates slowly began to crank open with much effort from the men on top of the wall. The head guard clapped his hands.
"Great job everybody! Looks like the pub didn't take too much damage in the battle, everyone go in! One round is on me!"
There was much cheering and laughter as dwarves, guards and knights all began to leave the town center and head for a drink in the pub. The head guard walked over to Garrett and held out his hand.
"Thanks so much for your help! I appreciate it and everything you did for this city in the battle."
His voice dropped to a mutter.
"My Apologies for Sir Amik. I knew him when we were lads. He wasn't this way back then. Power went to his head."
The guards eyes opened wide as he realized what he just said.
"I.. uh.. I shouldn't have said that. Anyway! Thanks again for your help!
" He walked away quickly heading towards the pub to buy his men a round of drinks, forgetting to give the order to close the gate. The gate stood wide open, with only a minimal scattering of guards around watching, those who didn't help in the rebuild didn't leave to go get some drink.
There isn't one.

15-Apr-2019 20:58:11



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Aranel sighed.
"Annie, the wizards are not in trouble. We aren't fugitives to be captured. Sir Amik wouldn't go about and mindlessly slaughter people at all, but especially outside of his kingdom. He would be waging war. Calm Down."
Aranel stood.
"Lets just go."
She began to walk out of the bank and head back towards Falador, deciding not to speak anymore. If she would have looked up as they left the bank, she would have seen a phoenix going in and out of the clouds.

Aranel rolled her shoulders as they walked and seemed to be in her own mind.
I hope that everything is okay back in Falador. I wonder what the rest of the group is up to.
There isn't one.

15-Apr-2019 21:01:01 - Last edited on 15-Apr-2019 21:11:30 by Riniya

Jul Member 2011


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Annie listened what Aranel just told her and she took a few big breath to calm down. She followed her out of the bank to go back to Falador. She said in a calm voice,
"Oh ok. I hope your right about the wizard toward. If we are not fugitives, then why did we hide from the white knights when they came here?"
She looked up to see if the sun finally got threw the gloom. That when she saw a strange bird going in and out of the clouds. She asked as she pointed to the sky,
"What is that in the clouds? It looks like it's looking for something."

15-Apr-2019 22:05:40



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Joric Ironfist

"Dis-disadv-disad... WHAT!?" Joric shouted in bewilderment, causing those in the tavern to look up in the surprise. It was as if Hovrec had just suggested the sky was green. Fighting from behind a wall was disadvantageous? A statement like that defied all laws of reality, military tactics, and common sense. The fact that the barbarians did so much damage spoke more to the White Knights' incompetence than to the weakness of the walls, and were dwarves not known for defensive warfare?

"By Guthix... how did you even reach the rank of Captain..." the dwarf muttered in disbelief. "I'm going to Ice Mountain. Grow some balls and ask Sir Amik to join us. His ego is why he will 'elp us - if he doesn't, people will say he's a coward, that he abandoned his allies. Which is why you need to ask 'em in public."

With those words the dwarf hopped off the chair and made his way out the door.



Gareth frowned. Firstly, because Aureus's attempt to hide the conversation with him was so blatantly transparent. Secondly, he actually could hear most of the conversation - he was after all, due to the nature of his work, excellent at eavesdropping, and presumably Aureus will still need to speak with some level of clarity just to make sure the person Aureus was whispering to could actually hear it.

"Listen, kid," the blacksmith said rather bluntly, a hint of outrage in his voice. "You think I'm untrustworthy? Why, because I'm not willing to uproot my entire life to go with some paranoid travelers I don't know? I'm an honest man, and I'll not stand idly by while you squint and talk ill about me for actually showing some skepticism toward your sketchy behavior." The blacksmith spat. He had not spoken quietly, and a number of guards and workers had taken notice.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

16-Apr-2019 02:46:31 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2019 02:46:59 by NotFishing



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Nothing, nothing, nothing...Seyasiani’s search looked like she wasn’t going to get anywhere when she first looked, as there were too many people and too many buildings for her to find anything useful. There wasn’t anything amiss, at least, or at least not that she could see, which meant the knights likely hadn’t taken much time to search around. Given their incredible pace, one that had almost kept up with her flight, that seemed reasonable, as they had to be rushing the entire way in order to make it there so quickly.

About to land, something caught her eye: a glint of light reflecting off one of the figures below. Normally, this would mean nothing, but the glint brought to mind the description of the bow that had been given to her. Shifting her attention to this spot, and drifting lower, Seyasiani saw that the individual carrying the bow indeed had their hood up, and the second person with them appeared to be young for a human.

That was enough for her. Once again, she dove, as usual not thinking about the fact that the people she was diving toward had never seen her before and would have no idea why she was here. Her aim was to land on the ground a short distance in front of them before transforming back into herself.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

16-Apr-2019 03:37:34

Hell Wizard
Nov Member 2023

Hell Wizard

Posts: 77 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yes, any common man would think that defending behind a wall is easier, see Joric, look around you! Don't you realise the walls are built for the men to defend, not dwarves! We have trouble even trying to climb the humongous steps that lead up the wall because it's made for human not dwarves. Besides, we have never trained or fought together with the white knights that much before. The reality is we are not an army like the ones in Keldagrim, we are just guards. There's only forty of us, I need more of our people.

I'll gladly take them on if it's in the mine!
said Captain as he pounced his hand on the wooden table in the inn.

Captain saw Joric hopped off his chair and made his way to the door, saying he will go to Ice Mountain, probably ask Sir Amik too,
Where are you going? It's suicide. The black knights have the vantage point in Ice Mountain, you are waiting to be slaughtered if you attack them head on from the bottom of the hill. It's the basic military law, that's why I'm the Captain. I know Sir Amik, he will not sacrifice his knights to go anywhere with you, he has a lot to defend here. By the way, he doesn't care what his people think and say of him, as long as he has control, and having his knights with him in the castle is the best way to maintain that. I thought you'd have already known that by now. Besides, defending behind the walls are better, why are you going to the Ice Mountain?

Captain Hovrec Brewborn tried to pull Joric back, he respected him a lot, for they had known each other for a long time.

Alright brother, come back here. I don't have to go just yet. For you, I will get an audience with Sir Amik now. Come with me. Let's head to the city square and demand him. We will see together what he will say.

Captain Hovrec Brewborn led two of his guards and left to Rising Sun Inn with Joric to walk towards the castle.
Here for nostalgia and all the times RS has provided me with boundless imagination and creativity.

16-Apr-2019 05:32:11 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2019 06:04:20 by Hell Wizard

Hell Wizard
Nov Member 2023

Hell Wizard

Posts: 77 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aureus heard Garrett, but was taken aback by Gareth's hostility.
Hey Blacksmith, no offence there. All I said was I don't trust you. You can't blame me for that, I know most of the people in Falador including your late master but I have never had any encounter with you except your name. You are not wrong to not come with us, I have never felt that. I heard you helped Falador take down the barbarian thus I never said you were not trustworthy, all I said was I don't trust you. Unless you are feeling shady, otherwise why would you eavesdrop and said I was speaking ill of you? May be next time if you want to eavesdrop, make sure you hear it clearly. By the way that was disrespectful.

Aureus turned to the guards who heard the conversation and tried to rally them to his cause,
Eavesdropping on someone else's private conversation, now who's sketchy?

Ask Garrett, have I ever said you are untrustworthy or spoke ill of you? All I said was I don't trust you.

That's impossible. I spoke in the lowest volume possible. If he can hear what I say from such a distance in such a low volume, he is no ordinary blacksmith. All the blacksmiths and dwarves I know are nearly deaf from the deafening sound of metal hammering on anvil on a daily basis. That's why the dwarves are always so loud when they speak. If he has such good hearing eavesdropping, I'm sure he is hiding something underneath that honest identity. I better be extra careful of him.

As Aureus was being stand-offish with Gareth near the gates with everyone looking on, Captain Hovrec came out of the inn, and started shouting for the white knights to get Sir Amik to the city centre for audience.

Hey you! Go get Sir Amik. I demand his audience here. It's urgent. Ask him to come now!
Captain shouted at one of the squire. The squire quickly scurried off into the castle to look for Sir Amik and tell him what happened.
Here for nostalgia and all the times RS has provided me with boundless imagination and creativity.

16-Apr-2019 06:26:02 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2019 06:57:37 by Hell Wizard

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