
Kingdom of Asgarnia

Quick find code: 49-50-868-66089335

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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The aftermath of the barbarian attack left Falador rather undermanned and weakened.

The group went to the castle. The dwarves were soon dismissed.

Garrett gave Sir Varze a reality check. Aureus was apathetic. Seyasani appeared confused, but gradually shifted into heavy thought. The new girl spoke of her intent, albeit with a bit of struggle. Two-two gave Seyasani a gentle pat on the back.

Sir Varze was clearly mentally unfit.

“Magic and money are overrated anyways. Besides, experience is the best teacher,” Two-two stated, not even her great helm able to blunten her eagerness.

Wizard’s Tower basement

The dwarf heard something fly overhead, then the skeleton collapsed into a pile of bones.

“Ah, that’s more like it,” the tiny lady remarked. She turned and saw the little girl held by the old wizard, who thanked him for his assistance. “Ha ha. I like pressure, makes things more exciting...” The young girl mentioned magical practise...

The wizard went off to do something about skeletons.

“Magic practise? Speaking of which, I came here for that. Actually, I came here to help some ghost from Lumbridge, but figured, at the same time, I’d see what this place can do to help me. Have you tried casting Magic with rues? I have some if you’d like to practise. Magic from runes works by itself, and every spell you cast is that much more magical experience.”

11-Apr-2019 19:41:07



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Joric Ironfist

Joric had not accompanied Garret in the rest into the castle.

Instead, he had gone to look for the Captain of the Dwarven Black Guard, and then asked if the Captain could meet him at the Rising Sun Inn. They had known each other once - had even served in the same unit, until Joric had left the guard and the man who was now a Captain had been reassigned to the outpost at Asgarnia.

So now he sat at a table, awaiting the Captain's arrival.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

11-Apr-2019 20:21:22

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Garrett scowled in response to Sir Amik's outrageous words, movement out of the corner of his eye indicating to the sailor that the man's own guards were unsettled by this shift in the leader as well. He was as good as telling them that he wanted them dead.

" Took it better than your men did, " He replied directly to the question of how it'd felt when Aranel's outburst of magic had struck him, the tone of his words making it out as a shot at Amik's ability to train his men. However, the self-proclaimed king seemed to have thought of something - making Garrett narrow his eyes as he called over a guard and had a whispered, one-sided conversation. Still, the sailor could make parts of what was being said out, notably the two words of 'tower' and 'capture'. Gods, would he truly be so blatant?

The guard left, and Amik's demeanor shifted sharply to something friendly. Doubtless it would not fool a single one of them in the room after everything that came before, but it left an open-ended message that they could now leave. Garrett gave the deranged leader a long glare before, with a grunt, he turned his back and made to leave the throne room. Whether the others followed was their chocie, if they had nothing else to say to the man, but notably he paused by Seyasiani.

" You mind joinin' us? I got somethin' I need'ta ask you, " He said to her, lowering his voice when he spoke. He carried on his way right afterwards, taking his leave of the throne room and soon the castle itself.
I am Inferi.

11-Apr-2019 20:45:11

Jul Member 2011


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Annie watched the wizard lift them and was confused what just happen. She listened what Aranel and she understood what she means. She replied in a calm,
”I will try.”
She calmed her emotions and she felt the fire go threw her. Then she shot the fire out her hands in the direction of the skull but it missed the skull by inches. She was surprised that she was in control. She said,
”I did it!!! I was in control.”

11-Apr-2019 21:04:17

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Annie didn’t reply to the dwarf, but successfully cast some magic. The dwarf looked around.

“I hope there won’t be any more skeletons scuttling about.” She sheathed her blade. She then took her amulet off her neck, opened it up, and checked the inside. The dwarf minded her own business.

11-Apr-2019 21:29:11

Hell Wizard
Nov Member 2023

Hell Wizard

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After the meeting with Sir Amik went bad, the group were allowed to leave the court, to help out with the city defence or some sort. Aureus bowed and left the room with Garrett without saying another word. He was headed for somewhere. He remembered that he heard Sir Amik whispered to his guards something about tower and capture, he feared for the worst.

After leaving the White Knights' ground, Aureus asked Garrett,
Did you hear what he said? I fear for the worst. I want to send my fastest servant boy in my estate southbound to the tower, one who looks unsuspicious, travels lightest and will be faster than the guards who are on the way there. I have to warn them about a possible capture and ask them not to come back if he meets them on the road or at the tower. Sir Amik will not appreciate them even if they come back here. It's a lost cause. What do you think? Should I go and do it?

After some more thinking, Aurues continued,
He also threatened that he will kill you if he has the ground. I don't think he's joking. Me and Two-Two will be safe here, but I think you're in a dangerous position. You may need to leave before he suddenly decides to capture you. While you are a great fighter, much better than all of the knights, realistically I don't think you want to fight an army of white knights and guards.
Here for nostalgia and all the times RS has provided me with boundless imagination and creativity.

12-Apr-2019 01:25:49 - Last edited on 12-Apr-2019 01:29:43 by Hell Wizard



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Like the soldiers, Seyasiani started taking a few steps away from Sir Amik as he started laughing. This was wrong! Why was this man acting like this?! He was acting like someone drunk on power, like one of the villains that she and her friend had taken care of many times. It wasn’t justice, nor was it right to use one’s power to threaten others in the manner that he was. Even his soldiers didn’t look comfortable near him, and if that wasn’t an indication to her that something was deathly wrong here, she wasn’t sure what was.

Even after, when he seemed to switch back into a more friendly tone - which felt very out of place after what had just happened - she still couldn’t feel comfortable. What he had said to the soldiers before wasn’t clear to her, but she’d heard a couple words and the smirk that accompanied them felt just as wrong as everything else. She wanted to help, and certainly would if only to protect the people, but her enthusiasm to help the valiant White Knights had given way to confusion and a bit of sadness. It hadn’t been her expectation, and certainly not her vision, that she would be standing here like this right now.

Garrett’s words broke through the hazy veil of her thoughts, and she started, blurting out, albeit in a somewhat subdued voice, “
Um, sure!

As everyone left, she turned and almost ran out, wanting nothing more than to be out of that chamber. She felt utterly lost and confused, as her main purpose here felt like it held much less meaning than it had before. The people still needed protection, but...this just didn’t feel right anymore.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

12-Apr-2019 02:23:03



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There was at least one other thing she could do, though, and that was to hear out this man. He had warned her, and it seemed he had been correct, so she felt that she should at least hear what he had to say. That much was owed from doubting him as she had before.

Even though she knew little of secrecy, she knew enough to wait until everyone was out of the castle to speak. There were a couple things she thought she might say, but she knew so little of the situation it seemed smarter to let the others speak before she did, so that maybe she could figure out what was actually going on.

So, um, what can I do to help?
” was all she asked, the hope that, just maybe, she wasn’t here in vain showing in her voice.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

12-Apr-2019 02:23:10

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Given they were not stopped from leaving Garrett lead the way out into the courtyard and through the open portcullis, across the bridge back into the city proper. Down to the east he caught the tail end of a group of knights disappearing around a corner, seeming to be making their way towards the southern entrance. The sailor clenched one hand into a fist, tempted to punch something after that blatant display of power abuse and corruption from the deranged leader of the white knights. He had half a mind to just let those black knights strike against the city.

But the voices of his companions drew him back into reality. He let out a sigh, his fist unclenching as he listened to Aureus' concerns - it was good to hear that the noble had picked up on the same thing that Garrett had, though it seemed like he had missed something else. The sailor turned to the man in gold after a brief glance around to be certain nobodoy was close enough to overhear.

" Did'ya not catch it, golden boy? It ain't just me Amik's looking ta' kill, you and Two-Two are on the same chopping block, " He told him with a shake of his head, momentarily looking thoughtful as he considered something. " Though I figure I'm a bit higher up that list after all that. "

The girl, Seyasa- Sayada- Seyasi...Ana? The foreign sounding name gave him a little difficulty, but she approached a moment later to ask what she could do to help. Garrett glanced at Aureus again, telling him " Hold off on that runner, I've got a better idea. " before turning to address the girl. The expression pasted all over her face was difficult to look at - almost like a puppy had been kicked, her spirit somewhat crumpled after her earnest arrival. Garrett crouched to get level with the far shorter girl.

" So listen, you know the Wizard Tower down ta' the south-east? Well, we've got a couple of friends there who're in some trouble - Amik's after 'em, wants their magic, and he's just gone and sent people ta'
I am Inferi.

12-Apr-2019 03:06:41

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
try and catch them, " He explained the situation - the relatively close proximity giving Seyasiani an easy view of how tired the man looked, though how much of it was physical and how much was mental wasn't clear. " You can turn into some kinda bird, right? I want you ta' get there and warn 'em that Amik's sent knights after them, then if ya' can I want you ta' bring them north past Draynor Manor, through the woods and we'll meet'cha by the north-west corner of the manor's outer fence. "

Garrett spared a look up at the castle they'd emerged from, glaring silently for a second before shaking it off and returning his focus to the girl. " You up for that? Hard ta' miss them, one's always got her hood up and this weird bow she carries, looks like it's made from some kinda... Shiny rock, or crystal. The other... Hah, well, she's younger than you are and probably stickin' ta' the other one like a lost puppy. " He smiled, amused at the thought. " Tell 'em Garrett sent you, that should do it. "
I am Inferi.

12-Apr-2019 03:06:48

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