
Kingdom of Asgarnia

Quick find code: 49-50-868-66089335

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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The tension made Two-two frown. But, what could she do?

They left the castle, and Garrett had a good idea.

"You can turn into a bird?" Two-two asked, rather surprised. "But ya, this plan sounds good. We'll rendezvous north of Draynor. Then, we'll see what we can do. As for us, well, it seems we better hurry ourselves. Maybe we can entice sme dwarves to join our cause?"

12-Apr-2019 03:27:33



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By the time that the group began talking, the group of guards disappeared around a corner of a building, heading to the south gate. They were walking briskly, almost a jog, and were making much faster progress than the group did when they were leaving earlier, but not quite as fast as the dwarves. They were clearly heading to capture Aranel and Annie.

As they approached the southern gate one of the guards stepped to the side and told the other to not let anyone out of the city through this gate. The group went through and the doors were shut and put on lockdown. No one would be getting through. Sir Amik was making sure that no one would be heading to stop his guards.


Aranel smiled under her facecloth at Annie.
"Very good for your first try."
She looked towards the dwarf.
"We don't require runes."
She looked at Annie.
"Try again, this time focus and aim. Your magic will do what it is told."
Aranel once again, stayed behind Annie in case of an emotional eruption that caused a lack of control with her powers. She put up a small barrier of her magic in between Annie and herself and the dwarf. It would hold up against Annie's magic.
There isn't one.

12-Apr-2019 13:12:26

Jul Member 2011


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Annie smile with joy and said,
Thank you. You know you are a good teacher Aranel.You got it."
This time she forced and aimed at the skill. Then she shot fire at it and was able to hit the skill with her fire. She jumped with joy that she was in full control of her powers. She said in excited voice,
"I was able to hit the skill!!!!! I was wondering, how do you find out if you have more then one power?"

12-Apr-2019 13:51:46 - Last edited on 12-Apr-2019 14:08:01 by Annie1227

Hell Wizard
Nov Member 2023

Hell Wizard

Posts: 77 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aureus exclaimed at Garrett,
What are you saying? What fly? This girl can fly you say? Come on stop joking, it's serious stuff. As we speak the guards are probably on their way to our friends now.
Obviously Aureus didn't know who, or what Seyasiani was.

So what's the plan now Garrett?
Here for nostalgia and all the times RS has provided me with boundless imagination and creativity.

12-Apr-2019 14:19:33

The contents of this message have been hidden.

12-Apr-2019 17:50:08



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About to answer the request from Garrett, Seyasiani puffed up indignantly when Aureus clearly didn’t believe her.

Of course I can fly! I’m a phoenix!
” she announced, sounding a bit miffed, and, with the same burst of fire and feathers that she had exhibited when first landing, she made the transformation back into her natural form. Starting to flap her wings to prepare for takeoff, Seyasiani buffeted those around her with some minor wind gusts before she remembered something, stopped, and made the transformation back into a human.

Once a human, she somewhat sheepishly asked Garrett, “
What are their names?
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

12-Apr-2019 19:06:26

George Rozas

George Rozas

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Garrett side-eyed Two-Two and Aureus as the pair spoke up, the former readily accepting his plan and even going so far as to suggest they could recruit some dwarves to their cause. That would be something to figure out later. Aureus, on the other hand, was particularly skeptical and believed the sailor to be joking - which was unlikely to last long given Seyasiani' indignant cry in response. Garrett moved back as the girl burst into flame and feathers, eyes wide for a moment as he took in the form of the phoenix preparing for takeoff.

...Only for the phoenix to stop, shift back into her girl self, and ask a sheepish question. Unable to help himself the sailor laughed, flashing Seyasiani an amused, and pleased, grin. " The one with the bow is Aranel, the kid's called Annie, " He said, nodding his thanks at the bird girl. " Thanks for doin' this, we appreciate the help. "
I am Inferi.

12-Apr-2019 19:52:08



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aranel nodded at Annie.
"Good Try. Now there will be times when you fail. They will be often especially since you are new to your powers. It will be very difficult to keep your emotions in check, because you are so young. It takes years to master, so dont be upset if you fail. And as far as other powers, they reveal themselves to you, you can't find them."
She looked around.
"Well, I guess we are done here."

Aranel looked to the dwarf who has been silent till now.
"Nice meeting you."
She began to ascend the steps, preparing to leave the Tower.
There isn't one.

12-Apr-2019 20:21:42 - Last edited on 12-Apr-2019 20:22:01 by Riniya

Jul Member 2011


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Annie said to Aranel,
”I understand what you are saying. Then I will wait and see if I have other powers.”
She followed Aranel out the Tower and said the same thing to the dwarf. She was happy she has some control of her powers now.

12-Apr-2019 20:32:41 - Last edited on 12-Apr-2019 20:34:03 by Annie1227

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Two-two leaned back, eyes big. Seyasani clearly demonstrated her phoenix powers, and proved to Aureus this was not joke.

"Magic is still overrated..." Two-two mumbled quietly at the warm transformation. The phoenix was about to fly off, wings at work, but then stopped to ask a question.

Garrett told the phoenix the names of the girls she had to find...

Wizard's Tower

The dwarf nodded when runes were not needed. She nodded again at the woman's greeting.

"Skeleton out of the way, I can fetch that skull..."

12-Apr-2019 20:36:02

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