
Kingdom of Asgarnia

Quick find code: 49-50-868-66089335

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" Yeah? Well he can cry me a river, " Garrett replied with a dismissive wave - then gesturing for Aureus and Two-Two to join him as he walked forwards to enter the city. Right as he was in the process of entering the guard spoke again, asking if he was their leader. The sailor quirked an eyebrow and glanced back at the others, then back at the guard. Alright, so from that exchange he could kind of see why he'd get that picture, though he simply laughed in response. " Hah! I ain't in charge of anyone, and nobody's in charge of me! "

With that he headed inside, his mirth fading away after only a few moments. As much as he wasn't a fan of the idea even he could see that avoiding Sir Amik for a second time, especially when they were now here to help with the defence, would go incredibly poorly for them. He looked at the others once they were some distance from the gate itself.

" Well, I ain't forcing you two along with me - but I get the feelin' avoiding another face ta' face with the big A won't go too well. " Garrett scratched at his beard, not appearing as concerned as he felt. " A'course, so long as one of us goes ta' say hi the other two can probably work on helpin' out around here - he can hardly blame concerned folk for wantin' ta' get to work. "

Either way he started moving again, heading north into the city - with the keep being in plain sight it would be a simple task to find the entrance.
I am Inferi.

09-Apr-2019 21:07:12

Jul Member 2011


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Annie repiled in a scared voice,
” ok, I will call you Sedridor.”
She listen what he said about king King Baxtorian about his natural magic. She thought it was interesting that Sedridor was saying.

She grabbed Sedridor‘s hand as her I explained how to control her powers. She asked in a scared voice,
”Why does control your emotions so important to control your powers ?”
She nodded with the rest of Sedridor comments.

09-Apr-2019 21:17:34 - Last edited on 09-Apr-2019 21:18:12 by Annie1227



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"Controlling your emotions is very important with controlling your powers. Your powers mimic your emotions. If you are calm and collected, your powers will be focused and easily controlled. If you are scared or angry, your powers will mimic that and will lash out uncontrolled."
Sedridor pointed to her burns.
"You were probably afraid here. Your powers rushed out and left you weak. If you were calm, they would have come out easily with precise movements."
Sedridor looked at Aranel.
"Do you mind? Your bow, it is elven. You must have magic as well if you are to weild it? Can you demonstrate?"

Aranel nodded and stood, moving a little farther away and drew her bow. Sedridor looked at Aranel.
"Now Watch,"
He commanded Annie.
"She is calm. She is in control of her powers, they are not in control of her."
Aranel raised the bow and pulled the string back.
"She will allow her magic to leave."
A burst of light erupted at Aranel's fingers, slowly forming into the shape of an arrow.
"She will command her magic to do her bidding."
The arrow glossed over, showing that the light had formed and hardened, Aranel released her bow and the arrow soared through the air, embedding itself into the wall before slowly fading away, only the gouge in the brick a reminder that it was ever there.
Sedridor looked back at Annie.
"Calm yourself. I hear your fear."


Dwarves milled around the city walking to and from the city center. They moved out of the way as Garrett walked towards the keep. They also kept a wide berth from the rest of the group gathered just inside the southern gate. The guard who questioned the group called up to the rampart and the gate began to close.

*** Inside the Keep ***

Sir Amik began his decent back into the throne room when he was a young page boy running towards him.
There isn't one.

09-Apr-2019 21:36:00



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What Now?

Sir Amik entered the throne room and sat just seconds before the boy came running inside.
"Sir! The group who left after the battle earlier is back. They are missing the magic girls and have a small group of 6 dwarves. I was sent ahead to warn you. They were instructed to come here to see you, sir!"
Sir Amik nodded and dismissed the boy with a wave of his hand, waiting on the group to arrive.
There isn't one.

09-Apr-2019 21:37:27



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Name: Seyasiani
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Phoenix

Appearance: Phoenix form: What you’d typically expect for a phoenix, at least one that has fire as its core element. Still being incredibly young for one of her kind, Seyasiani is nowhere near the size of an adult phoenix, only having about an eight-foot wingspan and being about six feet from beak to tail. Her fiery feathers are orange-red in color, and her claws and beak are quite sharp, as befitting of a bird of prey. Her eyes, on the other hand, are large blue-black orbs that are always watching everything around her with an innocent, earnest curiosity.

Human form: While human, Seyasiani has the appearance of a young teenager, around 14 or 15 years old. She is slim, built very lightly, and it seems at least some of the hollow bone structure of a bird has infiltrated its way into her human form as well. She is tall for the apparent age, standing at around 4 and a half feet in height.

Out of everything from her phoenix form, the only thing that remains constant is her eyes, although her hair also retains the orange-red shade of her feathers. Her skin is on the pale side, and she has somewhat of a hawkish, or perhaps phoenixish, look to her features.

As she grew up being with an adventurer, Seyasiani’s clothing is rather rough and not well-made at all. It’s designed for being out in the field, not for any kind of fancy social gathering. The same goes for the rather beat-up leather boots and gloves she has as well, both of which are just a touch too big for her delicate appendages. The only fancy part of her outfit is a rather musketeerish hat that is adorned with one of her own feathers.

Skills: Flame affinity: Immunity to fire as well as extensive flame manipulation abilities. While in phoenix form, has flight capabilities as well as the typical arsenal of bird skills. There’s nothing in particular that she has a lot of expertise in, apart from being endlessly energetic with a passion for fighting evil.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

09-Apr-2019 22:25:59



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Weaponry/Armor/Notable Accessories: As her situation is rare to say the least, Seyasiani doesn’t have anything in terms of armor or weaponry. This is primarily because she doesn’t have any idea how to use really any of them, and although she would like to learn she is aware enough of her limitations to know that she can’t fight evil if she doesn’t know how to use what she fights them with.

The only real accessory she has is an amulet, given to her by the adventurer that had granted her the ability to shapechange. It is a protective item, granting her armor-like protection that she is unable to have simply because she is unaccustomed to wearing armor.

History: Originally just a normal phoenix chick, Seyasiani wasn’t picked up by an adventurer until several years after she was born. It wasn’t anything real special, either; the adventurer just wanted a companion, and an intelligent firebird seemed to fit the bill. That isn’t to say the two didn’t like each other; in fact, they were the best of friends. The adventurer taught her about how important it was to combat evil and make the world a better place, and she ate it all up, wanting to do such a thing when she became old enough to do so.

The adventurer, however, was on the old side, and by the time she, had grown to a point where she had control of the abilities nature had granted her it was time for them to retire. Although saddened by the fact that it would be impossible to continue together, both agreed that, while one of their times was done, the time of the other was just beginning. Seyasiani wanted to take up the mantle of the individual she had so admired, and in doing so carry on the work of ridding the world of evil.

There was one problem, though, and that problem was that she was quite limited in what she could accomplish without the natural abilities that a human possessed.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

09-Apr-2019 22:26:13



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A great deal of pondering brought the pair to what they felt was a best solution: using magic to give her the ability to shift herself between her natural form and the form of a human. A human form would give her the ability to speak without having to rely on a magical item, and the ability to enter cities without causing a great deal of panic amongst the citizens when a fiery bird tried to waltz into the center of town. Her phoenix form, on the other hand, was much more useful in the actual combating of evil, at least until she could learn to do anything besides throw fire as a human.

Although the process for the magical ritual to cause this effect took several days and a great deal of effort, it goes without saying that it succeeded, granting her a new form as well as all of the advantages - and disadvantages - that went along with it. With this done, the adventurer granted her their amulet, an heirloom granting protection for the wearer, and she set off to make her mark upon the world.

Other: She can be a bit impulsive and hot-headed when it comes to dealing with something she considers evil.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

09-Apr-2019 22:26:22

Jul Member 2011


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Annie listened to Sedridor just told her. She said in a scared voice,
”I understand what you are saying about my emotions help me control my magic. I got stab in the shoulder and I guess it was more protection then being scared. I fainted after using my powers for the first time.”
Then she watched Aranel use her bow and using her magic. She was shocked how control that Aranel had. She nodded as Sedridor talked about how Aranel had control of her power.

She heard Sedridor comment about her not being calm. She replied,
”I am trying to be calm. But, I am scared of my powers.”

09-Apr-2019 22:50:54 - Last edited on 10-Apr-2019 00:55:15 by Annie1227



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The day was a beautiful day for flying, and so it was a pity that simply flying wasn’t why Seyasiani was in the air. The telltale signs of what had taken place below was strong enough evidence of that, and all the more reason that the city ahead was the destination that she wanted. There was no better place to start the righteous career of an adventurer than by helping those that needed it, and from the looks of things they most certainly needed more help.

Although she knew that she could probably help the rebuilding efforts that she could see taking place, that wasn’t why she was headed here. Someone of her stature, both as a phoenix and a human, could only do so much when it came to work like that. It was the more active tasks, namely those involving the actual repelling of the evil that threatened the common man, that were where she knew she should be, and helping a righteous organization like the knights that protected this city was simply the right thing to do.

Keeping to the skies far above, Seyasiani wove through them, enjoying the feeling of the clouds sweeping across her wings as she dove in and out of the layers. It wouldn’t do to swoop down too low and panic those walking about, but neither would it be good to bother those who were working so hard on their reconstruction. That left her the most expeditious option, and that would be diving down and landing at the base of the gates without gliding over most of the city first. She could get herself there easily, and avoid any unnecessary time spending.

Dipping back through the cloud cover to make sure she was in the right spot, Seyasiani tucked her wings and dove, hurtling downwards towards the ground slightly in front of the castle gates. Even though she was still a young phoenix, she was large enough that she would be visible for a while as she descended, and although she hadn’t put any thought into them seeing her as a threat it would be fortuitous if they did not simply attack.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

09-Apr-2019 23:59:16



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In the event that she made it to the ground, she would pull up just at the end of the descent, spreading her wings and flapping mightily to cease her downward movement before landing in a surprisingly graceful clacking of claws on white stone. There would be the briefest of pauses before a small burst of feathers and fire obscured her form, and when it cleared there would no longer be a phoenix, but rather a young teenager standing there and looking impressively up at the castle.

” were her words.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

09-Apr-2019 23:59:26

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