
Kingdom of Asgarnia

Quick find code: 49-50-868-66089335

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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"Magic is overrated anyways,” was all Two-two said to supplement Garrett’s motion.

As dwarves were busy in their repairs, Two-two entered the city with her companions.

“I’ll go! Father never let anyone or anything stop him. He was always sincere and firm, and I want to be like him.”

Two-two remained rather oblivious, but then heard someone exclaim something.

“Yeah, this is cool!” Two-two exclaimed without even a look.

10-Apr-2019 00:05:48

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Name: Eleni Citrinesoul
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Dwarf

Appearance (Photo if Available): 3’2’’, ~80 lbs., fit, full-figured

Skills: Magic, Crafting, Agility, fencing, sprinting, luck

Weaponry/Armor/Notable Accessories: cuirass with a Magical Amulet embedded in the breastplate, pauldrons and spaulders, magic robe, Amulet-pendant of Defence, Chaos Runes, Nature Runes, Cosmic Runes, elemental runes

Eleni’s gilded blades,

note: the blades are matched to her size

History: A full-figured, dainty dwarf noblewoman, her parents are members of The Blue Opal, and have invested lots of money in the mining company as well as in Saro’s business. Unlike most dwarves, she liked swords rather than axes or hammers, and has been fencing since girlhood. She was also fond of running and acrobatics.

Despite her cuteness and smallness, she is an aggressive swordswoman. Her tough knuckles are evidence of many hours of sword practise and Crafting experience. Her blades and armour were made by Saro himself, but she used her Crafting to embed the Magic sapphire into the breastplate.

As a young girl, Eleni would run about in the underground city and go crazy, sometimes even sneak outside to explore the outskirts of Rellekka. That's where she learned to climb trees to avoid wolves! Other times, she would sneak up on trolls, cast Magic at them, then run away and hide. Once in a while, she would even go skinny dipping in River Kelda as a dare with her best friend or his friends! She was a happy-go-lucky thing, and had no problems sneaking out her parents' home to be with her poor, lower-class friends.

A few times, her fiery Spells accidentally ignited combustible gases or coal buildup, but she never cared, and nobody was ever hurt from them anyways. She always had a knack for avoiding trouble.

10-Apr-2019 00:06:19 - Last edited on 10-Apr-2019 00:29:46 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Tragically, one day, a cave-in took the life of her best friend, as well as most of his siblings. Eleni thought it had something to do with The Blue Opal's mining operations, or perhaps because she irritated too many trolls and they did something, or her fiery spells inadvertently ignited coal dust or combustible gases...

The accident was a big blow to the Ironfist family. This event deeply moved her, so she left Keldagrim to explore the world and pursue her magical talents, to try and move on with her life. With her magic-imbued cuirass, Spells, longsword and dagger, she embarked on many adventures, but always kept low profile. She just wanted to be alone.

Other: Contrary to her delicate, charming appearance, Eleni can be the feisty little thing. Short girls have short tempers, after all. Although she is quite small, she's not short-legged, and is faster than she looks! Unsurprisingly, being so little, she has a high-pitched voice.

As would be expected of spoilt rich brats, Eleni at times can be greedy, self-centered, and supercilious, but is still caring. As long as she is left alone, she will usually be quiet.

10-Apr-2019 00:06:58 - Last edited on 10-Apr-2019 00:28:35 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Whilst Aranel worked her magical bow, Sedridor explained magic, and Annie listened in amazement, a voice shouted from anger and surprise.

“What...the hell !?” A high-pitched, girly voice whined. A door slammed farther in the basement, and then this tiny blonde lady scuttled to the scene. She stamped her feet to a halt, little fists balled, face scrunched up. “Did you know there’s a freakin’ skeleton in there!? Seriously, what's an undead monster doing hiding in a corner down here? Didn't anyone even notice!?”

10-Apr-2019 00:50:59 - Last edited on 10-Apr-2019 01:04:36 by Azi Demonica

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Garrett wouldn't go so far as to call magic overrated, but Amik's apparent obsession with those who used it was still ridiculous. Two-Two went on to declare that she would be the one to go and greet the self-proclaimed king - a thought the sailor considered only briefly before determining that would probably end poorly.

" No offense kid, I figure me or Aureus should go see him, " He told her, rubbing at the back of his head a little awkwardly. Honestly, Garrett was more considering himself for the task than Aureus. The noble had seemed to be on good terms with the white knight leader when they were together the day before, and after fleeing the city he couldn't imagine Amik being pleased with the noble's 'betrayal'. Not that he WANTED to speak to the man, but one of them had to and with the choices laid out before him he was loathe to admit that he was the smart choice.

Before any debate could start in regards to it, however, something caught the sailor's eye. He turned just in time to catch a huge bird coming in for a landing right before the castle's gates, its feathers bright and burning as if on fire - which Garrett quickly realized was not just a trick of the light, but the feathers WERE on fire! Or made of it? He stopped, reaching for his weapons when the bird suddenly burst into flames and feathers - the next moment where the bird had stood there was... A young girl? With... The same coloured hair as the bird.

" Guthix have mercy, there's another one... " He quietly mourned once the single word the birdgirl uttered reached him. His hands strayed from his weapons, sensing no hostile intent from the strange girl... Bird... Thing... Gods, he'd just go with girl for now. Her arrival would surely draw more attention, especially from Sir Amik.


He was going to have to watch out for this one too, wasn't he?

More exasperated than surprised Garrett stepped forwards, approaching the girl.

" Quite an entrance ya' made, what's the occasion? "
I am Inferi.

10-Apr-2019 03:14:06



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Occasion? Oh, I’m just here to help!
” Seyasiani announced, smiling at the man. He didn’t exactly look like an adventurer, at least not that she was used to, but since he had weapons she had to assume that he was at least part of what was going on. Even so, she continued to explain, her voice holding a youthful innocence that matched quite well with the age that she appeared.

I heard from a traveler that this place was under attack! It doesn’t seem like anyone’s fighting now, but it still looks pretty bad. I wanna make sure no one else gets hurt!
” she finished, the smile remaining on her face as she surveyed the more immediate area now that her eyes were off the rather large building she had been enamored with.

I don’t suppose you can take me to the one in charge here?
” she asked, although since she wasn’t really looking at him for the entire sentence the volume with which she spoke might be a bit...variable. She didn’t seem to be able to stay still very well, either, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she spoke. Exactly why wasn’t clear, but given her age and the way she spoke it was clear that she was extremely enthusiastic about whatever it was she was doing.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

10-Apr-2019 03:52:01

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Garrett quirked an eyebrow at the enthusiastic girl, quickly picking up on the fact that she very much was acting her apparent age. Apparently big flaming birds acted a lot like energetic young teens, or at least this one did. As he listened the sailor took a moment to look around, checking who was near and who wasn't, and quickly realized that none of the knights or guards had arrived on the scene just yet. Given what the girl explained to him this would probably be his only chance to give her some forewarning.

" I can, mostly 'cause I was headin' up ta' see him myself, " He replied with a smile, though it didn't last too long. He stepped forwards, walking by the girl since she had landed before the gates - which was of course where he needed to go. However, in doing so he turned his head to look down at her - lowering his voice. " Fair warning to ya', Sir Amik ain't a good guy - if you plan on helpin' out then don't trust him, he's got a bad habit of try'na use people for his own gain. "
I am Inferi.

10-Apr-2019 04:11:53

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Actually, yeah.. Aureus should go,” Two-two agreed once sense finally kicked in. She turned her head and saw the radiant-haired girl. “Oh hai, didn’t see you there! It’s like you fell from the sky!” Granted, Two-two did wear a big helmet.

Garrett spoke with the new girl.

“Good thing you’re here to help, then!”

A nearby guard just rubbed the back of his neck. He didn’t really know how to react.

“Umm... Tea break.” The guard took his leave.

10-Apr-2019 04:51:11

Hell Wizard
Nov Member 2023

Hell Wizard

Posts: 77 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't know how useful is this random fact is going to be for you all but a white knights' favourite food is actually apple pie. If you hangout with them long enough you'll see that they often have half eaten apple pie with them.
Aureus said as the group was walking through Falador streets.

Soon Aureus, Garrett and Two-Two made it back to Falador city centre. They were discussing who should go and meet Sir Amik, certainly not all of them. Considering Two-two was just a young girl, there's no reason for her to go. It's either Aureus or Garrett.

Garrett, I think I will go. You and Two-two can stay here and help out the dwarves and guards. Fortify the defend, sharpen your weapon, modify your armour and grab a beer before all hell break loose. You'll be more useful out here than me when the fighting starts. Beside I grew up here and I have known Sir Amik all my life, he wouldn't do anything to me, he still need me and my family. I will go.

Suddenly Garrett and Two-Two saw something from the sky and he went over to speak to a young girl. Aureus did not exactly see what was it as he was focused on thinking what he should say to Sir Amik, having failed to deliver his promise of bringing Aranel to him in the morning. But anyway he followed Garrett around and said to the young girl they just met,
Hi, Aureus. Honour to meet you. Grew up in Falador, personal friend of Sir Amik, the person in charge of Falador. I heard you wanted to meet him, you can come with me into the castle. Garrett has a choice to come along or not, it's up to him.
Aureus extended his hand, trying to shake the young girl's hand.
Here for nostalgia and all the times RS has provided me with boundless imagination and creativity.

10-Apr-2019 08:31:55 - Last edited on 10-Apr-2019 10:19:25 by Hell Wizard



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Aranel looked towards the girl who just came into the room, interrupting Annie's teaching. She remained quiet and moved back to sit down, but did raise her eyebrows at the comment of a skeleton in the room, that she couldn't see from her vantage point.

Sedridor stood up and narrowed his eyes briefly at the incoming dwarf.
"Silence please. We are talking."
Sedridor looked back at Annie and shook his head softly,
"You shouldn't be afraid of your magic. If you are, there is nothing I can really teach you. you must not be afraid of your powers."

Sedridor began to walk away, towards the new girl in the story. "
Can I help you?"
He smiled brightly, seems he doesn't like to be interrupted.


Sir Amik sat in this throne room and waited impatiently for the group to come. A guard walked in and approached the dias.
"Sir, they are outside the gate.
" He looked around uneasily.
"Just talking. There is a new girl with them however. We don't know where she came from as she did not enter the city with them."

Sir Amik sighed and rubbed his forehead. He waved his hand at the guard, dismissing him.
There isn't one.

10-Apr-2019 13:21:09

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