I've got a simple solution for you, Azi. Stop watching the news. I did it, and I've never felt better. Even better yet, I haven't missed out on anything important. Why, you might ask? Well, anything important and relevant to you/your local community that happens, you'll hear it through the grapevine anyway. Trust me. I used to have the same disgust with the human race that you seem to have. When you stop watching the news, and stop having that festering evil darkness shoved down your throat, you'll realize how good the people around you truly are, and how rare these things are, that the news claims is commonplace.
Ignore it, bubba. The news people make everything sound like it's happening all the time, right outside your door, for a reason. Frightening people is good. It sells. It makes viewership, and in-turn, makes ad revenue. They want to scare you. It's not journalism. It's selling a false point-of-view on the world, it's selling fear and manipulation.
Besides that, the media is government-controlled, anyway. They want to distract you and 'entertain' you so you won't notice the real, genuine stuff that's going on infront of you. They don't deal in facts, they deal in fear. With all of that time you save, I implore you, read about those who are in public office in your area. Read about the politicians of your nation. Read some books. Learn a new language. Play an instrument. There are a million things you can do rather than wasting your time on the miseries of the world which, by the way, you can do nothing about. The media is putting on a dog-and-pony-show, and I suggest that everyone tune out and begin to learn, to pay attention.
Unless of course, you don't watch the news. In which case, lighten up, bubba. Life is short. We all gotta get our kicks before the reaper turns up. Enjoy life, laugh often, love hard, and talk even when no one can hear. Eat good food, drink good beer, and listen to good music. That's my prescription. Works for me.
10-Oct-2015 07:34:58