NotFishing, last page
It’s not that my characters’ choices don’t matter, I just struggle to find choices to make in relation to the character’s experiences/context. I just can’t see how anyone would adhere to a criminal or runaway girl. They are basically nobodies, so I doubt anyone (even other users’ characters) would listen to them.
I am rather suspicious of Storm and Miyasi, I wouldn’t trust them. However, I did not induce this in my characters.
Yes, but Elizabeth did not partake in much combat herself, it was mostly Rory. Unless I forgot something about her, of course.
I don’t think I was able to understand the worldbuilding.
That’s a good point, yes, to make their opinions or pre-actions part of the turn. Ever since I transitioned into professional writing, I am practising it, and the main thing is to never over-describe or have narration based on the character’s personal feelings. Or so this was the criticisms/advice I have come across. Something to do about ‘impartial narrator’ or something about limiting the narration to a character’s personal experience, which are not meant to be in writing.
As West said, my latest post was meant to maximise opinion while minimizing sentences, whilst keeping them relatable to the character, which is the way to do things in professional writing.
For example, Jenna Moreci mentioned that people would be encouraged to skim because I had a page of posters in my novel, and that a girl talking to herself a lot was unrealistic. So, I concluded to keep everything limited, or maybe I made it too simple.
Still trying to figure out how to work with professional writing more effectively.
21-Nov-2018 02:52:47