The plan only seems fishy from a meta perspective. Because this is a story, and people expect plot twists.
Of course, real life does not always have plot twists, so real people in this situation would not be as suspicious. Then again, they would not be so willing to volunteer, either. Anyways, we have very little reason to distrust them, since our characters don't know they are in a story, while both Talia and the Captain have been nothing but helpful thus far. Gareth hasn't met the Captain before now, so he would probably be somewhat suspicious given his inherently cynical worldview.
Why are you assuming we are charging them head on? Once we're close to the destination, we can literally just go with your plan of only sending one or two people ahead to perform recon. That way they don't have to walk three kilometers back to deliver their report, and if the group gets ambushed there are more people to fight them off. If we don't think we can handle what we see, then we can just walk back.
I can't help but liken this situation to Captain Del Rio's blunders from Halo 4.
"This is a blow through op. sending in recon would just slow us down."
~ Worst military commander in history.
Captain Del Rio also thought it would be better to fall back to Earth, rather than take the fight to enemy.
Setting a fire anywhere is still a bad idea. Especially near the ship we are trying to fly away with. If they see signs of a fire they'll likely just fly away to another location, for fear that it might reach them. And while the rain can probably control it somewhat, there's still a chance that it can spread all the way back to our own ship.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
22-Feb-2018 21:28:16
- Last edited on
22-Feb-2018 23:38:06
By the way, in regards to Wake Up I've been waiting for West to post with London so that I can then respond to the situation AND the actions of the triple Ls.
I am Inferi.