Hello, hopefully, I'll be able to post this, somehow, been trying past few days. I barely have internet passed lately, I'm guessing due to wildfires in my region. The sky is smoky, the air is smoky, everything smells smoky. The Interior of British Columbia is in a state of emergency, with a few towns and some rural homes being evacuated. So, due to connection problems, and the risk of fire and evacuation, I obviously can't RP at all for a while. I don't know how long the wildfires or poor internet connection will last, but in case I disappear, it means I have no internet.
Currently, I'm alright, there's nothing bad going on where I live, but the smoke does seem to make everything beyond a few miles invisible, enshrouded by smoke. On June 7, there were immense pillars of smoke rising behind mountains. Hopefully, I won't have to evacuate at all, but the wildfires are quite severe, and the region lacks firefighters. Large firefighting helicopters fly overhead several times a day, busy!
Just in case, I withdrew five hundred dollars, and put more gas in my car. Just in case local electricity or ATM fails, and so debit and credit cards won't work, I'll have more than enough cash to outlast any potential emergency.
Update: 96 fires in British Columbia so far. Sky and air rather smoky, but less than two days ago.
Internet seems rather good for now, I'll be rereading everything I missed, as I may not get another chance!
09-Jul-2017 19:30:22
- Last edited on
09-Jul-2017 19:34:55
Azi Demonica