Chapter393 - The gathering part four
Chloe walked outside and met Milky, Chuckie, 2654, and Cerberus.
Milky: Next stop?
2654: Falador, we are going to go see Kingy.
Chloe: We're going all the way to Falador?
Purple: We're going all the way to Falador?
Chuckie: Women.
Both: Grr!
Chuckie: Ok ok sheesh.
Milky: Purple, can you teleport us to Falador?
Purple: Yes, but...
Milky: But what?
Purple: That's it. We'll have to walk every where else.
2654: We'll figure that out when we get there.
Purple teleported everyone to Falador, but in the same spot so everyone landed on each other, Chuckie on the bottom and 1654 at the top.
Chuckie: To...much...weight!
Chloe: And Purple is on me...she seems rather happy.
Chuckie: *Flips everybody off of him.*
Milky: Now that that's over, let's go get Earthy!
Meanwhile an the other side of Milkshakes house Earthy and Milkshake were locked in the basement by more mercanaries.
Merc1: Is the bait set?
Merc2: Yes, the targets will be here soon. They should be able to tell us where the Dark king is.
Merc archer: And if they don't?
Merc1: If they do not tell us then maybe a threat will get them to talk.
Back with Milky...
Chloe: Umm...Purple is giving me the creeps.
Milky: (Why didn't Lizzy tell me her daughter wasn't "straight?" )
Cerberus: *Low whine, then charges towards Milkshakes house.*
Milky: That can't be god.*Bolts off after Cerberus.*
Chuckie: *Trips 2654 then tries to catch up with Milky.*
Cerberus: *Tears down Milkshakes door and tackles a Merc.*
Milky: Who are you?
Merc archer: Don't move or we'll shoot.
Chloe: I don't want to die.
Milky: We should be fine kid.
Chloe: Kid?
Milky: *Deep sigh.*What do you guys want?
Merc: Information. Join The Questing Clan of RuneScape! !
Chloe walked outside and met Milky, Chuckie, 2654, and Cerberus.
Milky: Next stop?
2654: Falador, we are going to go see Kingy.
Chloe: We're going all the way to Falador?
Purple: We're going all the way to Falador?
Chuckie: Women.
Both: Grr!
Chuckie: Ok ok sheesh.
Milky: Purple, can you teleport us to Falador?
Purple: Yes, but...
Milky: But what?
Purple: That's it. We'll have to walk every where else.
2654: We'll figure that out when we get there.
Purple teleported everyone to Falador, but in the same spot so everyone landed on each other, Chuckie on the bottom and 1654 at the top.
Chuckie: To...much...weight!
Chloe: And Purple is on me...she seems rather happy.

Chuckie: *Flips everybody off of him.*
Milky: Now that that's over, let's go get Earthy!
Meanwhile an the other side of Milkshakes house Earthy and Milkshake were locked in the basement by more mercanaries.
Merc1: Is the bait set?
Merc2: Yes, the targets will be here soon. They should be able to tell us where the Dark king is.
Merc archer: And if they don't?
Merc1: If they do not tell us then maybe a threat will get them to talk.
Back with Milky...
Chloe: Umm...Purple is giving me the creeps.
Milky: (Why didn't Lizzy tell me her daughter wasn't "straight?" )
Cerberus: *Low whine, then charges towards Milkshakes house.*
Milky: That can't be god.*Bolts off after Cerberus.*
Chuckie: *Trips 2654 then tries to catch up with Milky.*
Cerberus: *Tears down Milkshakes door and tackles a Merc.*
Milky: Who are you?
Merc archer: Don't move or we'll shoot.
Chloe: I don't want to die.
Milky: We should be fine kid.
Chloe: Kid?
Milky: *Deep sigh.*What do you guys want?
Merc: Information. Join The Questing Clan of RuneScape! !
30-Nov-2008 07:39:22 - Last edited on 04-Dec-2008 03:56:42 by Sirapyro