Chapter354 - Introva V.S. Fostarcit
Kingnoob: You could do that the whole time?
Introva: So?
Blue: Grr.
Chuckie: That's my line!
Fostarcit: -_- Let's just fight!
Introva: Gladly!*Swings his fist into Fostarcit's gut then pushes him to the ground.*
Fostarcit: You caught me off gaurd!
Introva: Grow up!
Fostarcit: *Trips Introva.*Heh heh.
Introva: Why you!
Fostarcit and Introva began attacking each with fighting forms that no one in the clan knew.
Introva: I never did like you!
Fostarcit: I was using you during our friendship!
Kingnoob: This is an...odd fight.
Wave: You said it.
Blue: We should help him.
Hi: He wants to kill him on his own.
Chris: Look at this cube!
Rafmox: Strange...I wonder what those holes are for.
Love: By the way, while I was scouting for food I heard screaming coming from over the cliff.
Logic: Great, that must be where the demons are.
The four run up the mountain and see two men engaged in combat with several other people watching.
Chris: Why don't those people help there ally?
Logic: Should we say something?
Back at the fight...
Kingnoob: I'm not going to take this any longer!
Blue: Stop!
Kingnoob: *Feels a buzz.*What the?*Pulls out the orb which is glowing.*What's going on?
The orb flies from Kingnoob's hand directly towards the cube in Chris's hand. The orb slides into the circular slot in the cube and the orb and cube glow red.
Logic: What did you do!?!
Kingnoob: *Reaches them.* Who are you? What is that?
Chris: I-I don't...
The cube suddenly changes to green and a cannonball shaped ball of energy fly's out...and strikes Fostarcit in the heart. Join The Questing Clan of RuneScape! !
Kingnoob: You could do that the whole time?
Introva: So?
Blue: Grr.
Chuckie: That's my line!
Fostarcit: -_- Let's just fight!
Introva: Gladly!*Swings his fist into Fostarcit's gut then pushes him to the ground.*
Fostarcit: You caught me off gaurd!
Introva: Grow up!
Fostarcit: *Trips Introva.*Heh heh.
Introva: Why you!
Fostarcit and Introva began attacking each with fighting forms that no one in the clan knew.
Introva: I never did like you!
Fostarcit: I was using you during our friendship!
Kingnoob: This is an...odd fight.
Wave: You said it.
Blue: We should help him.
Hi: He wants to kill him on his own.
Chris: Look at this cube!
Rafmox: Strange...I wonder what those holes are for.
Love: By the way, while I was scouting for food I heard screaming coming from over the cliff.
Logic: Great, that must be where the demons are.
The four run up the mountain and see two men engaged in combat with several other people watching.
Chris: Why don't those people help there ally?
Logic: Should we say something?
Back at the fight...
Kingnoob: I'm not going to take this any longer!
Blue: Stop!
Kingnoob: *Feels a buzz.*What the?*Pulls out the orb which is glowing.*What's going on?
The orb flies from Kingnoob's hand directly towards the cube in Chris's hand. The orb slides into the circular slot in the cube and the orb and cube glow red.
Logic: What did you do!?!
Kingnoob: *Reaches them.* Who are you? What is that?
Chris: I-I don't...
The cube suddenly changes to green and a cannonball shaped ball of energy fly's out...and strikes Fostarcit in the heart. Join The Questing Clan of RuneScape! !
30-Nov-2008 06:59:21 - Last edited on 04-Dec-2008 03:33:03 by Sirapyro