Chapter294 - Friend or foe
Blue's personal cook was washing his hands when the sink shut off. When he went to check what the problem was some kind of creature knocked him unconcious. The creature then went into the piping system and made its way towards the throne room.
In the throne room...
Lee: Man I missed you scruffy.
Scruffy: Aww shucks.*Blushing.*
Nubles: Where's Ooksie?
Lee: He was kill-*Hears a thump in the piping.*what was that.
Chuckie: I heard it also.
Kingchoob: That may have been me.
: I hear it also... and i can't even hear my self!
Lee: *Pulls earplugs out of
's ears.*
: I can hear! It's a miracle!
Everyone hears the thump the second time. As they hear the thump a third time a creature bursts out of the wall.
Lee: Weapons ready!
???: Hey hey hey! Put those weapons away!
Blue: R-rat?
Rat: In the flesh.
Lizzy: Come to attempt to kill us?
Rat: No, I still have my memory from when I was Inversion...i'm here to help.
Hendrik: Ok...but if you betray us then we will smush you!
Rat: Hi Chuckie!
Chuckie: That voice...Inversion!*Dives under a table breaking it in the process.*
Mk: Good to have you back.
Rat: Thanks.
Grazelda: It has to be Fostarcit! He escaped Gedun and there are no reports of his death!
?????: I do not know who it is from but I do know that he was a Gedunian.
Grazelda: Do you want to help me kill him...
?????: Call me Cheif.
Grazelda: Alright...*Eye turns black and had a strange vision of someone trying to steal the Keh-ter-cah.(KTC)
Cheif: Grazelda?
Grazelda: *Snaps back to reality.*I have to go to the land of eternal shadows.*Runs outside with Cheif right behind him...and on the ground behind both of them was Grazeld** journal.* Join The Questing Clan of RuneScape! !
Blue's personal cook was washing his hands when the sink shut off. When he went to check what the problem was some kind of creature knocked him unconcious. The creature then went into the piping system and made its way towards the throne room.
In the throne room...
Lee: Man I missed you scruffy.
Scruffy: Aww shucks.*Blushing.*
Nubles: Where's Ooksie?
Lee: He was kill-*Hears a thump in the piping.*what was that.
Chuckie: I heard it also.
Kingchoob: That may have been me.

Lee: *Pulls earplugs out of

Everyone hears the thump the second time. As they hear the thump a third time a creature bursts out of the wall.
Lee: Weapons ready!
???: Hey hey hey! Put those weapons away!
Blue: R-rat?
Rat: In the flesh.
Lizzy: Come to attempt to kill us?
Rat: No, I still have my memory from when I was Inversion...i'm here to help.
Hendrik: Ok...but if you betray us then we will smush you!
Rat: Hi Chuckie!
Chuckie: That voice...Inversion!*Dives under a table breaking it in the process.*

Mk: Good to have you back.
Rat: Thanks.
Grazelda: It has to be Fostarcit! He escaped Gedun and there are no reports of his death!
?????: I do not know who it is from but I do know that he was a Gedunian.
Grazelda: Do you want to help me kill him...
?????: Call me Cheif.
Grazelda: Alright...*Eye turns black and had a strange vision of someone trying to steal the Keh-ter-cah.(KTC)
Cheif: Grazelda?
Grazelda: *Snaps back to reality.*I have to go to the land of eternal shadows.*Runs outside with Cheif right behind him...and on the ground behind both of them was Grazeld** journal.* Join The Questing Clan of RuneScape! !
30-Nov-2008 05:14:44 - Last edited on 03-Dec-2008 04:06:31 by Sirapyro