
The Kingnoob series

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Chapter274 - A massive turn

Antez: Are you afraid of me noobs?
Grey: I am nowhere near a noob.
Kingnoob: And I am not afraid!*Lunges at Antez but stumbles to the ground when his attack is avoided.*
Antez: You have the sloppiest form that I have ever seen.
Grey: *Sticks a ddp in Antez's back,*
Antez: You think one mere Dagger is going to kill me? You are even more pathetic than I thought!*Tears through Grey's body with his bare hands and kills him.*
Kingnoob: It looks like it's one on one.
Antez: Not much of a challenge.
Kingnoob: *Fires a blind shot at Antez but finds himself on the ground wounded.*
Antez: You're anger and overconfidence will be your demise!*He pulls out a staff and goes to stab Kingnoob but stops when he hears a strange horn blow.*
Kingnoob: Huh?
Antez: What is that?

The horn blows a few more times and then there's only silence.

Antez: Who's there?*The next thing he knows he's being suffocated by thousands of bonze daggers.*
Kingnoob: Huh?

A large group of people jmp out of nowhere and keep throwing bronze daggers at Antez.

Antez: Noooooooooo!*Disapears in a shadowy fog.*
Kingnoob: Who?
???????????: Kingnoob.
Kingnob: Who are you?
???????????: I am agent Noobo of the N.C.O.R. and we have come to rescue our inspiation, hero, and leader.
Kingnoob: N.C.O.R. *Smiles menacingly looking in the direction of Survanets castle.*
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30-Nov-2008 04:49:37 - Last edited on 03-Dec-2008 03:54:29 by Sirapyro



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Chapter275 - Duh!

Milkshake: Maybe we can kill him with magic.
Tikret King: No...He has the fused swords.
Blue: Isn't there anything else we can use?
Ser: I don't think there is.
Inversion: ...Duh!
Blue: Huh?
Inversion: We still have one weapon to fight back.
Lee: ...The spear of the gods!


Bulk: Bow down to your ew masters! Bulk and Killer!
Crowd: B-Bulk and K-Killer!
Bulk: Bow!
Killer: Wow.
Bulk: :|
Killer: ^_^

The entire crowd starts bowing to Bulk when numerous explosions scare the crowd away.

Bulk: What is the meaning of this!?!
Figure in the smoke: I am.

As the figure walks forward Bulks eyes widen with fear.

Bulk: No it can't be you!
FITS: It is me!
Bulk: St-stay away!
FITS: Now why would I do that?
Bulk: Stay back!
FITS: *Laughs.*

Meanwhile again...

Kingnoob: Can't this thing go any faster?
Noobo: Hey. He's only going 100mph!
Kingnoob: Good enough.

If it were a movie it would show an armada of dragons flying full speed towards Survanets castle.

Meanwhile yet again...

As dusk falls at Gunundorks castle five stupid looking people sneak inside.

Farmer: So...what was the plan again?
Efram: Rrar?
O_o : They said something about beer, rags, charcoal, and fire runes.
Kingchoob: ...I remember now...*Evil smile.*
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30-Nov-2008 04:49:38 - Last edited on 03-Dec-2008 03:54:54 by Sirapyro



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Chapter276 - Making it less confusing

Bulk: Stay back brother!
FITS: You weren't there when I needed you most!
Bulk: I was busy!
FITS: To busy to help your own brother? I allied myself with one of the noobiest people in Runescape in order to lure him to you and you leave me to kill worthless noobs!
Bulk: I didn't know you needed me Derponent!


DR: Sir the army is oficially ready.
Gunundork: Let me see them.
DR: Yes sir.
Gunundork: *walks out onto a balcony and sees an army of black shadow monsters ready to whatever he says.*Excellent!

Down with the idiots...

Kingchoob: I'm positive!
Farmer: Alright...i'll make it.*Puts a rag and peice of charcoal into a beer glass then he drops a fire rune in and throws into the room with the army.*
Remraf: Nothing happened.
O_o : I'm disapointed.

The next thing they could hear was explosions and screaming.

Kingchoob: ...I'll check.*Looks into the other room and sees Gunundork burnt to a peice of charcoal with no clothes left but his underwear.*
Gunundork: Well...back to square one.*Walks inside crying.*
Kingchoob: Heehee...he's in his undies.


Kingnoob: Alright land!
Noobo: Nuby! Bring the dragons down!
Nuby: Right!

After all of the dragons landed...

Kingnoob: Everyone inside!
Noobs: ****o!
Kingnoob: *Runs inside, sword in hand, but only finds the corpse of Survanet and Guntad in a cage above his head.
Kingnoob: Guntad!
Guntad: Kingnoob! Let me down!
Kingnoob: Why should I?
Guntad: I can help you beat Bulk.
Kingnoob: Fine...*Cuts the chain dropping Guntad the the floor.*
Guntad: Perfect...*Takes out a dagger and throws it at Kingnoob.
Kingnoob: *Covers face afraid of death butonly hears the collapsing on another person.*Sendra!?!
Sendra: I...Still have faith in you...I-I Lo-*Dies.*
Kingnoob: Sendra! SENDRA!*Turns towards Guntad with thoughts of revenge in his eyes.*
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30-Nov-2008 05:02:18 - Last edited on 03-Dec-2008 03:55:47 by Sirapyro



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Chapter277 - Settling the score

Kingnoob: You'll pay for that!
Guntad: This shall be our final showdown Kingnoob!
Kingnoob: Yes it shall.*Slices at Guntad missing everytime.*
Guntad: Your power is anger...that makes you weak Kingnoob.
Noobo: Bronze daggers away!

A tidal wave of bronze daggers hit Guntad without hurting him.

Guntad: noobs are even worse.
Kingnoob: Those "noobs" are my friends.
Guntad: Because you lost all of yours.
Kingnoob: *Throws his sword at Guntad who catches it.*
Guntad Bad move.*Swipes at Kingnoob missing.*
Kingnoob: How dd I dodge that?*Dodges more attacks.*
Guntad: Hold still!*Throws both swords at Kingnoob both missing.*
Kingnoob: Cool.
Noobo: Cool a sword.


Farmer: You guys find the darks, i'll take on Gunundork.
Remraf: Let's go guys.
Farmer: Gunundork!
Gunundork: Hmm? Farmer!
Farmer: This will be the final showdown.
Gunundor*: Yes it shall.*Takes out an ancient staff and hits Farmer with a beam of magic.*
Farmer: Gaaaah!*Falls to the ground.*
Gunundor*: You are no match for the power of Zamoraks staff!
Farmer: Maybe...*Slips the ring of wolf on his finger.*Grrrr!
Gunundork: The ring of wolf huh? This should be interesting.

With Remraf...

Remraf: The darks can't fight so they should be easy to defeat.
Kingchoob: Ok!*Runs up and starts eating DR.*
DR: He said defeat not eat!
Kingchoob: Oh.
O_o : Attack!
Efram: Thbbt!
Dark Efram: Three on four? So unfair.
Antez: *Appears in front of Kingchoob.* It is an even match now.
DF: How come I have to fight the awkward one?
O_o : :P
Remraf: It's time we ended this never ending conflict.
DR: If it's never ending then how can it end?
Remraf: ...I don't know.
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30-Nov-2008 05:02:19 - Last edited on 03-Dec-2008 03:56:35 by Sirapyro



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Chapter278 - Truce of doom

Bulk: Now that everything has calmed down...everyone bow down to your new masters! Bulk, Killer, and Derponet!
Derponet: Now we set out to kill Kingnoob.
Bulk: We set out to kill him and any other noob who stands in our path.


Kingnoob: Alright Guntad...if this is the last stand then why are you so afraid to fight?
Guntad: I'm not!*Trips kingnoob and takes his sword.*
Kingnoob: Uh-oh.
Guntad: And now Kingnoob I will end this!*Spear flys through his chest.*Gaah!
Kingnoob: What the?
Guntad: No! I-I was supposed to be the victor.
Kingnoob: Well you aren't*Takes the spear out killing Guntad.*This is...
Lee: The spear of the gods.
Kingnoob: L-Lee?
Inversion: We're all here.
Kingnoob: ...Then i'll leave.
Blue: Good.
Master: Blue don't be so...what was that?
Blue: What was what?
Kingnoob: Yah I didn't hear anything.
Master: Maybe I was AAAAAAAAAH!*Dies.*
Kingnoob: Master!*Takes an arrow out of his back.*
Iasofer: You forgot to kill me mortals.*Teleports.*
Ice Queen: Ice whale! He's...dead.
Porkle: I promise we'll avenge him.


Farmer: *Snarls.*
Gunundork: Getting tired doggy?
Farmer: Grr!
Gunundork: Scary!*Jabs a knife in Farmers back.*
Farmer: *Howls.*
Gunundork: Gaurds, throw him into the dungeon.

With Remraf...

O_o : And after that I got my braces forcefully ripped out.
DF: I surrendur just stop talking!
Kingchoob: *Chasing Antez around the entire area trying to eat him.*
DR: I have had enough!*Sticks a black staff in the ground putting a barrier around the area then teleports all of the darks, and Antez, out.*
Remraf: We're trapped!
Efram: Gerrbuh!
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30-Nov-2008 05:02:19 - Last edited on 03-Dec-2008 03:57:02 by Sirapyro



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Chapter279 - Bulks ultimate domination

Bulk and Derponet walk through the newly rebuilt city of Varrock with there heads held high.

Bulk: Bow!
Derponet: If we find any resistance we will kill them!
Man: That's an empty threat!*Killed by...Killer.*
Bulk: Derponet the time has come to conquer!
Derponet I agree...*Casts a spell on the ground in front of him dreating an army of skeletons.*
Bulk: No one on this earth can stop us now!


Kingnoob: Bulk is the new Master!?!?!?!
Ser: Yes...he has the five blades.
Kingnoob: Where are the noob characters?
Evil mk: We sent them to kill the darkness enemy's.
Kingnoob: Antez.
Milkshake: Anyways we need to find and kill Bulk.
Milkdrink: How? He has the swords!
Noppa: But we have the spear.
Kingnoob: So all we have to do is use the spear of thegods on him?
Inversion: That's right.
Blue: But how are we even going to get close enough to use it?
Kingnoob: ...He'll want to kill me personally...ill kill him.
Chuckie: You do that noob.
Kingnoob: He-...why is there a demon here?
Mk: He's our new allie, we call him Chuckie.
Kingnoob: Chuckie...
Ragnah: Can we please just kill Bulk!?!
Kingnoob: You guys stay here...give me the spear.
Lee: Here.
Kingnoob: This will be the last time we meet...for after I kill him I am leaving so I can not hurt anyone else.
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30-Nov-2008 05:02:20 - Last edited on 03-Dec-2008 03:57:35 by Sirapyro



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Chapter280 - And so the fights begin

Several minutes after Kingnoob leaves...

Inversion: We should take care of Iasofer.*Looks at his chest and sees a hand through it.*
Iasofer: Well Inversion...your time has come!*Pulls his hand out and Inversion falls to the ground...dead.*
Lee: Inversion!
Mic: I'll trample you!
Iasofer: *Shoots a ray a fire through Mic's chest.*Anyone else want to die?
Chuckie: Me me!
Lee: I'll take you!


Bulk: *Standing alone in his throne room.*
Kingnoob: Bulk!
Bulk: I knew it was only a matter of time before you showed up.
Kingnoob: Then I guess you know why.
Bulk: You are puny and can not hope to defeat me.
Kingnoob: But the N.C.O.R. can!
Noobo: Bad news.
Kingnoob: ?
Noobo: Me and Nuby are the only survivors...everyone else was killed by skeletons.
Kingnoob: Then it looks like it's me and you Bulk.
Bulk: This will finish all of my troubles!*Throws a knife which hits his in the shoulder.*
Kingnoob: Ahhh!
Bulk: You stand no chance!
Kingnoob: I don't but...*Throws the spear at Bulk and just as it is about to hit another person grabs it.*
Kingnoob: Der-Derponet?
Derponet: Hello Kingnoob.
Kingnoob: You traitor!
Derponet: Yes, yes I am. But that's how I live.

Meanwhile again...

Lee: You afraid of me?
Iasofer: Of course not!
Laugh: *Whips Iasofer.*Laugh You aren't alone Lee!
Iasofer: Actually*Grabs chains and rips Laughs arms off with them.*
Laugh: Aaaaaaaaaaah!*Fals to the ground.*
Iasofer: Runescape is at its end. And there is nothing you fools can do to stop it.
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30-Nov-2008 05:02:21 - Last edited on 03-Dec-2008 03:58:12 by Sirapyro



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Chapter281 - Loss and victory

Laugh: Help me!
Iasofer: You sall not be spared!*Sticks his sword in Laughs neck.*
Lee: Laugh!
Iasofer: What are you going to do now?
Ulles: Thees!*Puts his hand on Iasofers back.*
Iasofer: Noooooooooo!*Dies.*
Blue: How did that happen?
Ulles: ...
Ser: He's...dead.
Tikret King: HE combined there life forces killing both of them.
Evil mk: His death will not be in vain.


Kingnoob: *Holding his shoulder.*Derponet! Why have you betrayed me?
Bulk: You can't see the resembalence?
Kingnoob: You're brothers!
Bulk: Now we're using our brain.
Noobo: I'll save you Kingnoob!
Killer: Graaar!
Noobo: That's it bring it on doggy!Killer: *Pounces at Noobo but gets a bronze dagger shoved into his neck.*
Bulk: Killer!*Runs over to his pet.*
Derponet: Alright Kingnoob it is officialy time to die.
Kingnoob: Stop Derponet!
Derponet: Why should I stop?
Kingnoob: We're friends! Not enemies!
Derponet: I was always you're enemy.
Bulk: *Kills Noobo and lunges at Kingnoob.*You will finally die!*Shoves his sword all the way through Kingnoob.*
Kingnoob: Aaaaaaah!*Falls to the ground, just barely alive.*

Meanwhile again...

Gunundork: Antez, tomorrow we head out to kill these noobs friends.*Pointing at Kingchoob and O_o .*
Antez: Yes sir.
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30-Nov-2008 05:02:21 - Last edited on 03-Dec-2008 03:58:46 by Sirapyro



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Chapter282 - The last effort

Lee: We have to get to Kingnoob now!
Chuckie: Everyone get on!*After everyone gets on his back he takes off towards Bulks new palace at top speed.


Kingnoob: So...this is how it ends?
Bulk: dieing a more gruesome death than any other human on this entire earth!
Lizzy: I beg to differ!*Fires Fire blast.*
Milkshake: *We shall defeat you!*Fires earth wave.*
Noppa: You may be strong but you aren't invincible!
Bulk: Try me!
All: Alright!*All shoot fire blast at Bulk.*
Bulk: Pathetic.
All: We weren't trying to hit you.
Bulk: Huh? Turns around and sees Derponet burt to a crisp.
Derponet: Ow.
Bulk: Now you will all...
Lee: Die? I don't think so.*Grabs the spear of the gods and peirces bulks meaty body with it.*
Bulk: Nooooooooooo!*Lightning strikes Bulk as he drops the sword.*
Blue: You did it!
Bulk: ...Hah hah hah hah hah haaaah!
Lee: What the?
Bulk: *Panting.*I'm back fools!
Ser: I don't understand! We just killed Bulk.
Bulk: Bulk is dead...but he made an excellent host for my power!
Blue: Zamorak!
Kelteo: We killed you!
Zamorak: A god will always be resurrected no matter how long it takes!


Gunundork: Bulks castle...Let's go.
Antez: *Grabs weird looking sword.*Alright.
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30-Nov-2008 05:02:22 - Last edited on 03-Dec-2008 03:59:18 by Sirapyro



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Chapter283 - Zamoraks final showdown part 1

Zamorak: Without your precious Kingnoob you fools don't stand a chance!
Kingnoob: *Alomst dead.* We-we aren't helpless!
Zamorak: Oh yes the spear of the gods...*Grabs the spear and breaks it.*
Lee: We're in big trouble now.
Ragnah: A gedunian fights with pride even in death!
Samkelly: Let's do this!
Mk: Charge!
Zamorak: Die!*Cuts off Evil ks head.*
Blue: The sword!
Ser: You get it, and i'll hold him off!*Eyes glow red...*


Blue: Get the sword!*Dives to get the sword but Derponet grabs it before he can.*
Derponet: Hello blue.
Blue: Derponet you bloody traitor!Lee: Blue we're in this together!
Lee: *Swipes at Derponet only to be thrown onto the floor.*
Blue: This is not where it ends!*Grabs Derponet by the scruff and shoves a beerglass, rag, and tinderbox down his throat...the rest is history.*

Back with Ser...

Ser: It all comes down to this Zamorak.
Zamorak: It doesn't matter if you're almighty I can still kill you!
Ser: I'd like to see you try!*Fires a huge beam of plasma at Zamorak only to have it thrown back ten foe.
Ser: *Bleeding in numerous places.*My's gone!
Zamorak: It is time to finish you Ser!
Milkdrink: Stop right there!
Zamorak: Graaah!*Rips Milkdrink to shreds and turns back to Ser.*
Zamorak: That's it! I'm through messing around!*Attacked by an armada of chickens.*
Kelteo: Ser run!
Ser: Look at my leg!
Zamorak: *Kills all of the chicken.*
Kelteo: You!
Zamorak: *Fires plasma at Kelteo destroying his powers.*
Kelteo: Will pay for that!*Dives at Zamorak only to break his neck when he misses.*
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30-Nov-2008 05:02:23 - Last edited on 03-Dec-2008 03:59:43 by Sirapyro

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