
The Kingnoob series

Quick find code: 49-50-849-57965116



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Chapter123 - The triangle begining

a man is walking down a long hallway in an unknown castle...
seraya:what is it master?
??????:i want you to kill off introva and his clan.
seraya:you know i dont kill!
??????:you will do as you are told!
seraya picks up a staff with a crystal at the top and aims it at ??????.
??????: put the weapon down!
seraya:i am a fighter...not a killer!
??????:if you want total domination we must take out introva!
seraya:i will weaken him but i will not kill him!
??????:you are a weakiling who i afraid to get blood on his hands!
seraya:sticks and stones!
picks up a rock and chucks it at him.
seraya: ow!
??????:well you said..
seraya:i didnt mean it literally!
seraya:master guntad that doesnt scare me.
guntad:i will kill you if you do not kill introva!
seraya:what about kingnoob and his clan?
guntad:we will take them out after we have killed introva!
seraya:well get some other henchmen to kill them bcause i am not going to kill anyone!
guntad:you have disobeyed me for the last time seraya!
seraya:i am your only friend and henchmen kill me and you will have no one!
guntad:i will kill you another day!
walks away.
seraya:...i am not a killer....i am a fighter.
starts to pray at a guthix altar.
seraya:a fighter...not a killer.
?????:you wanted me to come here?
seraya:yes i did. you are detro the famous hunter am i correct?
detro:yes i am.
welcome to the clan now go see master guntad for further instructions.
detro:-nods his head and walks off-
seraya:i am not a killer...but i enjoy watching other people do it.
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28-Nov-2008 21:33:16 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 18:43:50 by Sirapyro



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Chapter124 - Start of prison

kingnoob:we should track down introva and defeat him once and for all!
blood:how? he is ultra-powerful nop one can kill him!
kingnoob:we have before so we can agian!
introva:so they are going to come kill me huh? well we will just see about that!
vanir:what do you have in mind?
introva:kill derponet once he is dead then we can kill the other clan members!
vanir:yes sir!
introva:wait! put them all in seperate cages acros the land.
vanir:yes sir.
guntad:so introva is going to lock kingnoobs clan in prisons all around runescape.
detro:what should i do master?
guntad:get seraya and save kingnoobs clan to make them think we wnat to help them then we will kill them after we have killed introva.
seraya:i am not going to kill anyone!
guntad:fine! just help detro rescue them so we can gain there trust!
takes out his staff.
seraya:that i can do!
back with kingnoob.
kingnoob:alrighty now where would introva be hiding?
zamtorap:you will never find out!
derponet: ill handle him!
zamtorap: oh will you?
energy beturns the ground to make everyone fly in opposite directions and while they are all unconcious they are all dragged away to seperate cages miles away from each other.
nimpo looks at the crater he made when he energy beturned the ground.
nimpo:meh how could introva lose to these guy?
a blade goes through nimpos back as he says that.
detro:that is how you kill.
seraya:whatever now we need to rescue and bring all of the clan members to master guntad to earn their trust.
detro: i know the plan!
seraya puts his staff away.
seraya:well there is alot of them and two of us so we should get moving.
detro:yah lets go.
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28-Nov-2008 21:33:17 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 18:44:45 by Sirapyro



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Chapter125 - Lee

wakes up in a cage in the middle of canifis.
lee:let me out!
starts shaking the bars violently and trying to escape but fails everytime.
werewolf:lol noob!
lee:-foaming at the mouth-what!?!
lee:i hope chi-chi is ok.
poison scorpion:heehee a victim in a cage!
lee:no! please dont bite me!
the scorpion aproaches the cage and tries to sting lee.
grabs the tail and cuts it off with his sword which he realized he still had.
cuts through the bars with extreme ease.
lee:thats better.
detro:are you ok?
lee:yah who are you?
detro:the name is detro my master has ordered me and my friend to rescue you guys and bring you to our base.
lee:well thanks but...
detro:your friends will be fine we are not going to rest until they are all rescued.
lee:alright then i will go to your base.
detro:-thinks-now that i have lee the rest will trust us because lee trusts us.
introva:so every member of the clan has been jailed?
pumpkin:yes but lee broke out and has been taken in by some man named guntad.
introva:guntad...bring me derponet now so i may kill him!
pumpkin:yes master.
introva:guntad...long time no hear...hope he isnt still mad at me.
dr.jekyll:do you have any guam leaves?
introva:yah here.
dr.jekyll:no guam leaves.
introva:thoses are guam!
dr.jekyll:this isnt even a leaf!?!
introva:what is it then mayonaise!?!
introva:that is guam.
runs away.
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28-Nov-2008 21:33:17 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 18:45:22 by Sirapyro



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Chapter126 - Chi-chi

chi-chi:let me out of here!
yanille citezen:sorry i dont have the keys.
chi-chi:who knew yanille was so mean!?!
tramp:you there!
chi-chi:i didnt steal anything!
tramp: oh...ok then.
chi-chi: phew.
citizen:hi want me to set you free?
citizen:then be my gf.
chi-chi:im married!
citizen:then i dont let you free.
chi-chi: please.
citizen leaves.
an hour passes and chi-chi finds her weapons hidden in a secret compartment in the roof of the cage.
chi-chi:alrighty now.
cuts through the bars and breaks out.
citizen 2:thats hot.
citizen:to bad shes married.
chi-chi:alright now lets go...
a scorpion on two legs and reallt buff knocks down chi-chi.
chi-chi: please dont eat me!
the demon picks chi-chi up and sniffs her.
chi-chi: put me down now!
the demon melts into nothing in an instant.
chi-chi:do i really stink that bad?
seraya:no fair maiden i melted it.
chi-chi:well thank you.
chi-chi:to where?
seraya:to a regroup point we have already rescued lee.
chi-chi:thank you!
seraya:lets go.
chi-chi: ok.
seraya:i feel bad for you so i will tell...can you keep a secret?
seraya:my master wants to kill introva so he is having us save your clan so we can ally ourselves.
chi-chi: ok?
seraya:but after he kills introva...-thinks- i cant tell her.
seraya:he wants to throw a secret party to celebrate.
chi-chi:thats nice.
guntad:good seraya made the right choice.
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28-Nov-2008 21:33:18 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 18:46:04 by Sirapyro



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Chapter127 - Mk head...what happened?
person:i dont know!
mk:where am i?
mk:is tarvelry the city of yelling or something?
mk: oh. can you let me out?
mk:because i need to be free!
person:well to bad!
mk:well he was helpful.
person 2:that guy is a jerk here i will let you out!
mk:why do you end your sentancee in an !?
person 2:your name turns into stars after a period even if there is a space!
mk: oh.
unlocks the cage
person 2:your weapons are in the witchs shed!
goes to the witches house but gets kicked out 63 times!
mk: ok today is NOT my day.
witch:thats right!
mk:why did you leave your house?
witch looks around
witch: oh this isnt my house?
mk:no :P
witch: oh...well this is have your weapons back for free just dont tell anyone!
??????:you there!
??????:yes you!
??????:my master guntad has orderd me to assist you to our base as a regroup point!
mk:and you are?
rallet:we have rescued to of your other friends...the king and queen of ardougne!
mk:lee and chi-chi!
rallet:yah those two!
mk:well lets go! the sooner we get the clan back together the sooner!
introva:so they have freed mk and chi-chi as well!?!
2nd:it is not our fault master...look out!
freaky forester:hi introva come with me.
teleports introva to the forest.
freaky forester:kill the 1000 feathered peacock and brin me its meat.
freaky forester:yep.
kills one with 999 feathers.
freaky forester:NO NO NO NO NO! i wanted the 1000 feathered!
introva:well i cant count!
teleports introva to the kalphite queen.
introva:aww geez!
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28-Nov-2008 21:33:19 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 18:46:40 by Sirapyro



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Chapter128 - Master

ice warrior:is he awake?
ice mage:i dont know!
sits up really fast on a bed made of ice
master:what heppened!?!
ice mage:we found you in a cage in the middle of a blizzard!
master:where am i?
ice ranger:the rellakan mountains of course!
master:i need to find my friends!
ice have a severe freezer burn.
master:...isnt that a food thing?
ice mage:thats how cold it is!
master: O_o
ice mage:rest master...just rest.
master:how did you know my name!?!
ice ranger:you are the ice whale.
master: O_o
ice warrior:it means that you control ice.
master: oh.
goes to sleep.
ice queen:is he asleep?
ice mage:yah.
ice queen:so he is the ice whale?
ice mage:yes that blizzard would have killed a human.
ice quen:when he is rested we will hold a celebration on his return.
ice mage:yes ma'am.
the ice mage is shot with an arrow.
ice queen:what the!?!
detro:sorry but master is coming with me!
ice queen:he is the ice whale...our chosen one we will not let you take him!
detro:you have no choice!
ice ranger:back off!
ice queen:gaurds! kill this man!
detro kills off all of the gaurds and runs towards master.
detro:-grabs masters arm-we are leaving!
master wakes up and freezes detro arm.
master:whoa! i guess i really am the ice whale...but im not as fat as one!
detro breaks free and kills the ice warrior attacking him.
detro:i am going to take you back to your friends master.
master:and why should i trust you?
master:exactly you just killed pleanty of innocents!
runs outside the castle to the ocean of icy water.
detro:you will not ruin my orders!
master trips and falls into the ocean. one can survive that water!
he walks away then an ice burg floats to the surface and inside of master.
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28-Nov-2008 21:33:19 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 18:47:23 by Sirapyro



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Chapter129 - Ser

gnome:nooby noobster!
gnome:i said you are a noooob!
ser: oh really?
picks up his bow and shoots the gnome.
ser:where am i?
gnome 2:the tree gnome stronghold.
ser looks around.
ser: of course.
gnome 3:you stay in killed an innocent.
ser:i have a world to save!
gnome 3:tough!
ser:let me out of here!
gnome 2:no!
ser:by the authority of the yanille army force...i demand you let me go!
gnome 3:we are not in yanille so haha!
ser:why you!
puches a bar and the bar dents.
kicks it down.
breaks out of the cage.
ser:alrighty now!
gnome 3: please dont kill me!
seraya:spare the innocent.
seraya:come with me.
ser:who are you?
seraya:the name is seraya my leader wants us to save you guys so we can kill introva.
ser:well you dont like introva so i guess we can rust each other.
ser:what is it?
seraya:nothing lets get moving.
introva:so guntad wants to kill me huh?
introva:i dont blame him.
zamtorap:why master?
introva:an old arguement...years ago...apparently still is holding the grudge.
sandwhich lady:introva this time have a sandwhich on me.
takes a pickle.
sandwhich lady:hope that fills you up.
introva: O_o
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28-Nov-2008 21:33:20 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 18:47:58 by Sirapyro



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Chapter130 - Coolz

coolz:how did this happen?
coolz:*** did * get here?
citizen:some bad guy brought you here and put you in the cage.
coolz: of course.
coolz:where is my cat!?!
girl:cats are illegal here!
coolz:...where am i?
coolz:smart...putting me in a cage...about 2 feet from where they knocked me unconcious.
gaurd:you made that crater!?!
gaurd:get him!
end flashback
gaurd:by the city of varrock you will now be hanged for crimes against the city!
coolz:i told you! i didnt do it!
pulls rope and coolz is choking.
gaurd:come on evil doer die!
gaurd is killed and coolz is released.
coolz:thank saradomin!
rallet:come on lets get out of here!
coolz:-looks behind him and sees gaurds running towards him- ok!
the two start to run.
coolz:who are you?
rallet:the name is and your clan are going to help us overpower introva!
coolz:finally some back up!
guntad:yes...back up muahahanhahahahahahahahahaha!
guntad:what is it!?!
detro:where is the next objective point?
guntad:here! the three beasts of the team are in the ardougne zoo!
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28-Nov-2008 21:38:05 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 18:48:36 by Sirapyro



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Chapter131 - The animals

mic:how humiliating!
scruffy:tell me about it.
ooksie:well its a zoo its not like we are in prison!
mr.fwuffems:yah we are!
ooksie: oh yah.
scruffy:never mind that we need to get out of here!
mic:i know but how!?! look at the security gaurds!
the security gaurds are both level 3 weaklings.
ooksie:i know...we could never get through them!
mr.fwuffems: :|
walks over and kills both gaurds.
scruffy:i could have done that!
mr.fwuffems:never mind that lets go!
ooksie:take this!
waps tyhe gaurd across the face with his tail.
mic:come on lets go!
ooksie:well hello pretty.
monkey: ook.(hi)
ooksie looks and sees all of the trapped monkeys.
scruffy:come on lets go!
3 seconds later...
mic:fine we will set all of these animals free!
dramtic music plays.
all of the gates open and all of the animals swarn out following mic,ooksie,scruffy, and mr.fwuffems to freedome.
ooksie:there is the ardougne exit!
lvl 138 gaurd:stop right there!
eaten by scorpions and penguins.
ooksie:lets go!
detro:you! animals!
ooksie:keep your aurd up!
detro:follow me to your friends.
ooksie:finally something good happens!
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28-Nov-2008 21:38:06 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 18:49:27 by Sirapyro



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Chapter132 - Rainrain

troll:heehee we have the prisoner!
rainrain: wtf!?!
troll:he awake!
trool: oh no!
trool:not my fault.
rainrain: oook.
troll:now we burn the prisoner!
rainrain: of course.
troll:eat fire prisoner!
gnome kills the troll.
rainrain:thank saradomin!
trool:we are under attack by gnomees!
gnome:this is going to be fun!
the trolls and gnomes enter an epic battle and forget all about rainrain.
rainrain:what about me!?!
trolls:kill the gnomes!
goblin:kill both armys!
???????:time for revenge!
rainrain:it cant be!
???????:i will have my revenge rainrain!
rainrain:kromnar! you are still an ugly goblin!
rainrain:well you are!
????????:well then i guess you need to die!
rainrain:neon!?! how did you survive!
neon:not important!
neon and kromnar are frozen.
seraya:come on!
frees rainrain.
rainrain:who are you?
seraya:an ally i will take you to your friends!
rainrain:works for me!
introva:welcome back.
???????:glad to be back.
introva:stinky! evilone! i want derponet in this chamber now!
stinky:yes sir!
introva:thank you zamorak for giving me clan mates!
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28-Nov-2008 21:38:07 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 18:50:01 by Sirapyro

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