Chapter250 - The final battle...or is it? part 3
Inversion: So this is the door in?
Mic: Yah.
Inversion: Player. Terbans.
Both: Right.*Break down the door to Zamoraks chamber.*
Zamorak: My door! You are going to pay!
: *Gives Zamorak 2mill.*
Zamorak: That's not what I meant but...thanks.
: Sure.
Tikret king: How did he get 2mill?
Kingchoob: Chicken!
Kelteo: Good plan!*Chickens start eating Zamorak.*
Zamorak: Oh god help!
Scruffy: Go!
Havy music plays and an army of chickens,penguins,Tikret,and wolverines swarm over Zamorak.
Zamorak: No no not the robes!*Kills all of the beasts.*
Kelteo: ...
Zamorak: ?
Kelteo: ...
Zamorak: He's scary.
Kelteo: *Eye twitches.*
Ser: Word of
Zamorak: Why?
Kelteo: Bagaaaaaaaaaaaaaak!
Zamorak: ...Oh.
Kelteo: *Rips Zamorak to peices and eats his flash leaving nothing but polished bones.*
Zamorak: Immortal!*Goes to stab Kelteo.*
Frugoo: *takes the blow.*
Luagh: Frugoo!
Frugoo: Go on without me.*Dies.*
Laugh: ...Give me a rock.
Kingnoob: Why a rock?
Laugh: Takes a rock and breaks it on Noppas back.
Noppa: What...was that for!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Kingnoob: Oh...The spear!
Noppa: *Steals the spear and turns to Zamorak.*
Inversion: You can't work it! It will kill you!
Noppa: I don't care!*Gets zapped by the spear.*Help!
Mic(O):*Snatches the spear and drives it through Zamoraks heart.*
Zamorak: Ha ha ha!*Takes out the spear and stabs Mic(O) the dies.*
Mic(O): Saradomin...Good luck.*Dies.*
Kingnoob: No!
Blue: We can't help now.
Kingnoob: I will not lose another friend.*Runs out of the room.*
Ser: Let's go.
Milkshake: Hey.
Milkdrink: You're ok!
Milkshake: Yah where's Kingnoob going?
Inversion: We don't know but I sense there's a bigger threat than Zamorak.
????????: You are right Inversion I am the biggest threat Zamorak is weak but I am not.*Turns around,revealing the face of Kingnoobs greatest enemy.*
The Questing Clan of RuneScape!
30-Nov-2008 01:54:12
- Last edited on
03-Dec-2008 03:39:43