
The Kingnoob series

Quick find code: 49-50-849-57965116



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Chapter194 - Putting together the peices

Saradomin: Alright everyone that died on this island is now alive.
Blue: Well that's good.
Saradomin: I will now teleport you all to the main land then go back to the heavens and cower in my room some more.

Does exactly that.

Laugh:Wow i didn't know Saradomin was such a baby.
Frugoo: Well he is.
Milkshake: Lets just try to find the other bodys.


Master: You guys searched the entire island?
Hendrik: Yes. All of the bodys were gone!
Derponet: It's odd...bodys dont disapear and Inversion's dead so he couldnt have done it.
Hendrik: Well let's find the other bodys then we will worry about them.

Meanwhile again...

Player: Look! Shelter. It doesn't have the Empire of Darknesses logo on it either!
Pk: It must be a safe area.
Blue: Well...Lets go!
Mic: Alright i think i can trust whoever's in there.
Lizzy: *Knocks on the door.*
Hendrik: *Answers the door.*
Lizzy: ...Nope let's get out of here it isn'tsafe.
Blue: It's just hendrik.
Lizzy: Exactly!
Hendrik: Lizzy? Is that you?
Lizzy: ...And just like that he isn't dangerous anymore.
Hendrik: It is you guys! Master! Derponet! Everyone that died on the island is here!

The two groups explain what happened to each other and Welcomed back Master.

Ser: Alright now we need to find...Blood,Scruffy,Kelteo,Lee, and Chi-chi.
????????: Minus Kingnoob and Nubles.
All: Kingnoob! Nubles! Inversion?
Inversion: I am only helping you meat puppets until we kill Zamorak!
Kingnoob: He decided to help us until Zamorak is dead.
Inversion: That's what i just said.
Laugh: Ok but we'll need some supplies.
Nubles: Like flour,milk, and eggs?
Inversion: ...He means to kill Zamorak...NOT BAKE A CAKE!
Nubles: Well soooorry!
Kingnoob: Alright lets find the others and kill Zamorak and the Tikret once and for all!
Join The Questing Clan of RuneScape! !

29-Nov-2008 09:00:28 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2008 03:37:22 by Sirapyro



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Chapter195 - The Empire of Darkness war expansion

Griffo: Alright we have rounded up all of the warriors from each city in our to test them and obtain the most powerful of them all!
2nd: First up...Turkey of Draynor.
Turkey: Gobble gobble.
Griffo: I meant all of the warriors not anything that could fight!

One trip back to all of the citys later...

Grey: Alright first up...Milksmoothie of Yanille.
Milksmoothie: What do I have to do?
Grey: Well you will take an easier path since your a girl...
Milksmoothie: *Picks up Grey by the throat* What does me being a girl have to do with anything?
Grey: Nothing run the course.
Milksmoothie: *Nods**Runs through the most dangerous obstacle course in runescape and lives.*
Griffo: Your in.
Zamtorap:...Milkshake? Milksmoothie?
Milksmoothie: Meh. My brother milkshake is such a whimp. I would kill him for free!
Evilone: Alright next up is Noppa of Falador.
Stinky: Alright Noppa you have to run this dangerous obstacle course and if you survive you will be in the clan.
Noppa: *Nods.*
Neon: Go!

Noppa runs the course like a baby could do it.

Baby: GooGoo.*Does the course.*

Alright we are going to have an obstacle course change so just sit tight and wait.

We're back and this time the baby died when it looked at the new course.

Stranger: Alright so far we have recruited Milksmoothie,Noppa,Kitkat,Doughnut,Draco,Rocky, and Narzai.
Griffo: Just one more Warrior left.
Nimpo: What is your name?
??????: My name? My name is teryan.
Soldier: Thats a weird name.*Shot in the head by Teryans arrow.*
Griffo: It's that kind of power we need you're in!
Join The Questing Clan of RuneScape! !

29-Nov-2008 09:00:29 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2008 03:40:43 by Sirapyro



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Chapter196 - Little remaining, yet so many

Kingnoob: Alright before we get our "supplies..."
Nubles: Well those were supplies!
Inversion: For the last time he ment fighting supplies!
Nubles: Well then he should have said that! *Punched in the nose by Inversion.*
Inversion: That felt good.
Blue: Stop! We need to find Lee,Chi-chi,Blood,Kelteo, and Scruffy.

A powerful yet small tornado enters the room and when it clears a person is standing in the room covered with chickens.

Ooksie: Great chicken boys got some new friends.
Kingnoob: How did you live?
Kelteo: The god of chickens gave me life.
Milkshake:...Isn't there only Zamorak,Guthix,and saradomin?
Kelteo:...Oh yah i gave myself life.
All: O_o
Kelteo: What?
???: *Scoffs* kelteos still chicken crazy.
Kingnoob: Lee! How did you survive?
Lee: Luck.
Derponet: I'm back!
Hendrik: When did you leave?
Derponet: Two seconds before Siradam157 started making this chapter.
Hendrik: :|
Master: Where did you go?
Derponet: *Drops the remaining bodys on to a table.*
Lee: Can you heal them?
Derponet:...No thats why they call me Mr.Healing!
Lee: Well sorry Mr.Sarcastic!
Coolz:...This is going to end bad!
Mr.Fwuffems: You can say that again.
Derponet: Heals everyone else.
Lee: Chi-chi!
Chi-chi: Lee!
Blood: Scruffy!
Scruffy: Kibbles!

Starts eating kibbles out of a dog bowl.

Mic: Hey! I want some.
Kingnoob: Alright now that we're all back together...
Kingnoob: Inversion is going o help us kill Zamorak.
Chi-chi: Oh.
Blood: Never thought our arch enemy would become our allie.
Inversion: *Scoffs.*
Blood: Well I didn't!
Join The Questing Clan of RuneScape! !

29-Nov-2008 09:00:29 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2008 03:39:46 by Sirapyro



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Chapter197 - Kingchoob

Kingchoob: Wow i'm in a room full of nothing!
Guide: Oh no! i am not going through the Kingnoob sequence again!
Kingchoob: No really look. The room is empty.
Guide: ...Well that's new.*Sweating.*
Kingchoob: Yah whatever guilty.
Guide: ...
Survival Expert: Welcome to tutorial island...move to the next guide.
Kingchoob: Hello? tree cutting? Firemaking?
Survival Expert: Alright chop down that tree and burn the logs.*Prays.*
Kingchoob: Alright.

Chops down the tree and lights the logs while there still in his hand.

Kingchoob: Ow ow ow ow! Hot hot hot hot hot!*Throws it miles away.*

Meanwhile: ...

Griffo: Yes! The zamorak Morpher is done! When i activate this it will cause everyone in this game to worship Zamorak!

The fire lands on the machine and burns it down.

Griffo: Aww man!

Back with Kingchoob.

Survival Expert: Well at least you didnt burn down tutorial island.
Kingchoob: *Scoffs* Who can burn down Tutorial Island?
Survival Expert: You would be suprised.
Kingchoob: ...Ok.*Goes to the next tutor.*
Cook: Alright i'm tired of teaching noobs how to make bread! bake me a cake!
Kingchoob: ...Alright...Look over there!
Cook: Where?
Kingchoob:*Takes a cake from the cake rack.* All finished!
Cook: Wow! I'm giving you 99 cooking for this!
Kingchoob: *Thinks toself* Heh heh loser!

Completes Tutorial island with the only damage done is the rat pit busted open because he couldnt find the door to get in.

Mod: Kingnoob? Get back to a members world!
Kingchoob: I'm kingchoob.
Mod: *Teleports him to a members world for free.*
Kingchoob: Awesome!
Join The Questing Clan of RuneScape! !

29-Nov-2008 09:00:30 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2008 03:42:05 by Sirapyro



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Chapter198 - The Dawn Clan

Kingchoob: Hmm...I look so much more real on a members world than i did on a non-members...
??????: Get on the ground stranger!
?????????: We don't want to hurt you!
??????:: Unless he's with the Empire of Darkness!
Kingchoob: Empire of Darkness?
??????: Noob!
?????????: Enough! We will take him to the sanctuary!
Kingchoob: Sanctuary?

Dragged to an underground camp filled with stinky people and the undeniable smell of rotten fish.

Kingchoob: Oh blech!
??????: What? The fish or the people?
Kingchoob: That huge mole on your neck!
?????????: He's right there is a mole.
??????: *Shakes fist.*
Kingchoob: Who are you guys?
??????: I am Icefer, second-hand man of our leader.
?????????: My name is Lord Chip, the chip ninja!
??????: Sakani is the name.
Kingchoob: Weird names.
Sakani: !?!?!
Lord Chip: Rggg!
Icefer: Enough! We take the nooby one to our master.

They enter a dimmly lit room with a man sitting on a chair facing the back wall.

Icefer: Master?
??????: Yes?
Icefer: We've found this noob wandering in our territory.
Lord Chip: He could be a spy!
??????: Who would hire a noob like him?
Sakani: I told you he was to nooby to be evil!
Kingchoob: Wait...i'm here because you thought i was evil!?!
All: Sorry.
Kingchoob: It's ok.
??????: Now we just need to find out where the Empire of Darkness is.
Sakani: Our scouts learned that they are no longer at the castle training camp, and there has been some weird activity going on in the valley of hills.
??????: Then they must be there! Kingchoob, I want you to take these three to the valley of hills, your noobish instincts should protect them.
Kingchoob: Alright we're a clan now!
??????: Alright...Dawn Clan make me proud.

They leave.

??????: Make old Seraya proud.
Join The Questing Clan of RuneScape! !

29-Nov-2008 09:00:31 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2008 03:42:43 by Sirapyro



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Chapter199 - A crush ignored

Kingnoob: Alright, Iversion do you know where Zamorak is hiding?
Inversion: No, he is always on the move.
Coolz: Then that makes it difucult.
Ser: Well maybe he travels in a pattern?
Fancy: I don't think that Zamorak likes patterns.
Kingnoob: Wherever he is we have to find him!
Blue: Umm...There's some girl wandering outside the base...
Kingnoob: Frugoo! Hendrik! Bring her in!
Hendrik: Right away!
??????: What is this place?
Frugoo: Freeze!
Hendrik: You are under arrest by the Noob Clan!
??????: Don't hurt me!

They bring her inside.

Kingnoob: What is your name stranger?
??????: *Looks at Kingnoob and eyes turn to hearts.* Sendra.
Kingnoob: What were you doing out here Sendra?
Sendra: I was trying to escape the Empire of...
Kingnoob: So Blue...did you ever find the gold charm?
Blue: No.
Sendra: Getting this guys attention might be harder than i thought.
Rocky: Hey! Die!
Sendra: Guys watch out! There is a fat dufus over there trying to kill us!
Rocky: I'm not a fat dufus! *Runs away crying.*
Sendra: I beat him again.
Milksmoothie: The ambush isn't over yet!
Milkshake: Milksmoothie!
Inversion: Ok I really want to be relocated to a new story, i mean really! Milkshake? Milksmoothie?
Blue: I guess that you make fun of everyones name huh?
Inversion: You are correct color boy.
Blue: *Mumbles.*
Milkshake: Hey Milksmoothie! Eat some lemons! *Squirts lemons in her eyes.*
Milksmoothie: My eyes!
Kitkat: What a baby!
Mk: *Makes an evil grin.*
Kitkat: Uh-oh. *runs away.*
Kingnoob: Alright Sendra want to join our clan?
Sebdra: YES!
Kingnoob: Ok then.


Griffo: WHAT!?!?! Inversion is helping the noobs!?!
Rocky: That's what i saw sir.
Grey: Inversion will attack them after Zamorak is dead.
Griffo: I we will have to kill them all first!
Join The Questing Clan of RuneScape! !

29-Nov-2008 09:00:32 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2008 03:43:24 by Sirapyro



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Chapter200 - The Valley of Hills

Kingchoob: So, this the Valley of Hills?
Lord Chip: Yah...but it's been turned into a base for The Empire of Darkness!
Sakani: How evil!
Icefer: Well we should report back to base...
Noppa: Stop right there!
Kingchoob: Alright you i may be a noob but my nooby powers will kill you!
Icefer: Hopefully.
Noppa: I want to help you...i tricked The Empire of Evil into thinking i was there allie so i know all of their weaknesses.
Icefer: Alright then come back to base with us and we will give this information to the leader.
Noppa: What is his name?
Icefer: He said his name is seraya...he also said he fought against Inversion before the Empire of Darkness was forged.
Noppa: Hmmm..alright let's go!
Clover: Stop right there!
Neon: Noppa! You traitor!
Noppa: I was a spy! I'm not a traitor!
Neon: Well you will all be executed now!
Kingchoob: Muh.
All: Huh?
Kingchoob: Muh.
Icefer: What's he...Muh.
Sakani: Muh.
Lord Chip: Turn...around.
Neon: I don't see why...Muh.
Clover: Oh Just shut...Muh.
Noppa: TIKRET!
Tikret Beast: Alright humans your time has come!

Kingnoob comes in riding on Mic.

Kingnoob: Alright Empire of...Kingchoob?
Kingchoob: Kingnoob?
Kingnoob: Alright i feel like im being mocked!
Kingchoob: ?
Mic: Never mind this! *Kills off all of the Tikret and scares away Neon and Clover.*
Kingnoob: Wanna join our clan?
Sakani: We already have a clan.
Mic: Hey who's holding on to my tail? *Flips Sendra off of his tail.*
Kingnoob: Sendra? What are you doing here?
Sendra: I followed...
Kingoob: So what's your clan called?
Sendra: Again he ignores me!
Join The Questing Clan of RuneScape! !

29-Nov-2008 09:00:32 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2008 03:43:57 by Sirapyro



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Chapter201 - The Tikret's real target

In the hottest pat of the kharadian desert an old man is wandering around.

Old man: My days are numbered...i will never find the eye in my lifetime.
Cantine: Drink me!
Old man: I must be going dilusional.

A group of Tikret sneak up on the man.

Old man: ...Hmm?
Tikret Warrior: Freeze selethren!
Selethren: What do you want? Ah it's the Tikret.
Tikret Beast: Alright old man it's time for our revenge!
Selethren: ...Impressive grudge.
Tikret Warrior: We wil never get over what you did to our kind when we were noble! You brought us down!
Selethren: I had to bring you down so you wouldn't hurt anyone else!
Tikret Hunter: Your right old man, your days are numbered!
Selethren: *Drinks a strange potion then pulls out a 4ft scrystal sword.* Stand down!
Tikret Warrior: He's dranken the potion of great strength and he has the sword of Crysto the Great!
Selethren: He was no match for me!
Tikret Hunter: We will avenge our tribe leader!

Selethren kills all of the Tikret then takes a drink from his cantine.

Selethren: I guess the Tikret weren't wiped out completely.
?????: Man of old age follow me!
Selethren: Hmm?
?????: Follow me man of old age!
Selethren: Coming.
?????: I take you to spring and clue to the eye.
Selethren: You are a desert gnome aren't you?
?????: No. I am a desert ogome. My name is Ungar.
Selethren: Ah. A mix of desert Gnome and Ogre.
Ungar: We go to spring, You fresh up and we find eye.
Selethren: I thought the Ogomes were extinct.
Ungar: There is but a small village of us left.
Selethren: Oh. I guess i will find the eye in my lifetime.
Join The Questing Clan of RuneScape! !

29-Nov-2008 09:00:33 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2008 04:02:45 by Sirapyro



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Chapter202 - Evil rises higher

Narzai: So the Empire of Darkness is just an empire with a huge radius?
Nimpo: YES! All of runescape in fact.
Narzai: Whatever.
Doughnut: Well...why did you recruit all of us?
Z: Our enemys have returned and we need your help to exterminate them.
2nd: Meet Rambo...he will help us fight off all of our enemys.
Nimpo: We can't beat thm with numbers! We can only beat them with the eye.
Diablo: 8ut the eye has never been found!
Vanir: And you wonder why I signed you up for speaking lessons.
Evilone: Enough! The eye is in the desert. We know that much.
Rambo: Well everyone knows that!
Clover: I didn't.
Pumpkin: Me neither.
Neon: Same here!
Rambo: Almost everyone knows that!
Milksmoothie: The Noob Clan will be after the eye also. Same with the Dawn Clan and the Tikret.
Stinky: Wat! What is the eye?
Griffo: It is beleived to be the eye of an ancient god. Whoever gains control of it will be able to control the power of that god.
Draco: Many explorers have died in the desert searching for it.
Kromnar: We will never be able to find it!
Grey: One of us will give the Ogomes a visit and then they will lead us to the eye.
All: I'm not doing it!
Griffo: We might have a problem.
Zamtorap: I guess i'll teleport there and back!

Knocked unconcious by a flying...boot?

Griffo: What the?
Sendra: ...Take that.
Kingnoob: Att...*Sees Tikret about to smash through the window* Retreat!
2nd: Lol. What losers.

Knocked unconcious by the Tikret.

Griffo: Impossible! The Tikret can't enter a fortress like this!
Tikret Warrior: True...but you didnt conceal the whole thing!
Griffo: ...Nimpo!
Tikret: Now...assist us to the eye or die!
Join The Questing Clan of RuneScape! !

29-Nov-2008 09:00:34 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2008 04:03:20 by Sirapyro



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Chapter203 - Seraya is evil!

Kingchoob: We're back!
Noppa: Alright we have some information that is useful to you.
Seraya: What kind? And who is this?
Noppa: I spied on the Empire of Darkness and I retreived this will be very useful.
Seraya: ...Let me se it.

Hands Seraya a notepad.

Seraya: We have two new recruits that i'm assigning to your clan.
Lord Chip: alright.
Seraya: This is Grayf and this is Penguin Overlord.
Kingchoob: Welcome to the clan. :P
Penguin Overlord: Glad to be in it. I think.
Grayf: ...Who are those two people in the main corridor sitting ontop of a monster?
Kingchoob: Oh that's kingnoob and his girlfriend...
Kingnoob: She is?
Kingchoob: ...And that's there pet beast Mic.
Mic: Pet?
Seraya: The name Kingnoob sems familiar.
Icefer: Kingnoob fought against Inversion the same time you did master Seraya.
Kingnoob: *Eye widens.**Tackles seraya.*
Seraya: What are you oing!?!
Kingnoob: Hey Seraya.
Seraya: ...Oh...i'm*Loud screeching sound out of nowhere.*
Kingchoob: Where did that come from?
Mic: Alright Seraya how did you live!?!
Kingnoob: Tell us!
Seraya: I don't know! i just woke up alive one day!
Penguin Overlord: I'm confused.
Sendra: I think Seraya is Kingnoobs enemy.
Guntad: Not enemy enough.
Kingnoob: Guntad!?!
Guntad: Kill him Seraya!
Seraya: *Throws Kingnoob off of himself then runs towards Guntad.*
Guntad: Fool! *Trips Seraya.*
Lord Chip: Get away from our leader!
Kingnoob: I have a feeling that blood would like you.
Lord chip: Who?
Kingnoob: A friend of mine.
Guntad: Alright Kingnoob I will have my revene!
Kingchoob: ...Back up a few steps and then say that again.
Guntad: I dont see why not.* Steps back a few steps.* Now!...Why are there train tracks right here?
Train: *Whistles.*
Guntad: Oh...*Hit by train and sent flying down the track away from Kingnoob and friends.*
Kingchoob: :D
Join The Questing Clan of RuneScape! !

29-Nov-2008 09:00:34 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2008 04:03:54 by Sirapyro

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