Chapter194 - Putting together the peices
Saradomin: Alright everyone that died on this island is now alive.
Blue: Well that's good.
Saradomin: I will now teleport you all to the main land then go back to the heavens and cower in my room some more.
Does exactly that.
Laugh:Wow i didn't know Saradomin was such a baby.
Frugoo: Well he is.
Milkshake: Lets just try to find the other bodys.
Master: You guys searched the entire island?
Hendrik: Yes. All of the bodys were gone!
Derponet: It's odd...bodys dont disapear and Inversion's dead so he couldnt have done it.
Hendrik: Well let's find the other bodys then we will worry about them.
Meanwhile again...
Player: Look! Shelter. It doesn't have the Empire of Darknesses logo on it either!
Pk: It must be a safe area.
Blue: Well...Lets go!
Mic: Alright i think i can trust whoever's in there.
Lizzy: *Knocks on the door.*
Hendrik: *Answers the door.*
Lizzy: ...Nope let's get out of here it isn'tsafe.
Blue: It's just hendrik.
Lizzy: Exactly!
Hendrik: Lizzy? Is that you?
Lizzy: ...And just like that he isn't dangerous anymore.
Hendrik: It is you guys! Master! Derponet! Everyone that died on the island is here!
The two groups explain what happened to each other and Welcomed back Master.
Ser: Alright now we need to find...Blood,Scruffy,Kelteo,Lee, and Chi-chi.
????????: Minus Kingnoob and Nubles.
All: Kingnoob! Nubles! Inversion?
Inversion: I am only helping you meat puppets until we kill Zamorak!
Kingnoob: He decided to help us until Zamorak is dead.
Inversion: That's what i just said.
Laugh: Ok but we'll need some supplies.
Nubles: Like flour,milk, and eggs?
Inversion: ...He means to kill Zamorak...NOT BAKE A CAKE!
Nubles: Well soooorry!
Kingnoob: Alright lets find the others and kill Zamorak and the Tikret once and for all! Join The Questing Clan of RuneScape! !
Saradomin: Alright everyone that died on this island is now alive.
Blue: Well that's good.
Saradomin: I will now teleport you all to the main land then go back to the heavens and cower in my room some more.
Does exactly that.
Laugh:Wow i didn't know Saradomin was such a baby.
Frugoo: Well he is.
Milkshake: Lets just try to find the other bodys.
Master: You guys searched the entire island?
Hendrik: Yes. All of the bodys were gone!
Derponet: It's odd...bodys dont disapear and Inversion's dead so he couldnt have done it.
Hendrik: Well let's find the other bodys then we will worry about them.
Meanwhile again...
Player: Look! Shelter. It doesn't have the Empire of Darknesses logo on it either!
Pk: It must be a safe area.
Blue: Well...Lets go!
Mic: Alright i think i can trust whoever's in there.
Lizzy: *Knocks on the door.*
Hendrik: *Answers the door.*
Lizzy: ...Nope let's get out of here it isn'tsafe.
Blue: It's just hendrik.
Lizzy: Exactly!
Hendrik: Lizzy? Is that you?
Lizzy: ...And just like that he isn't dangerous anymore.
Hendrik: It is you guys! Master! Derponet! Everyone that died on the island is here!
The two groups explain what happened to each other and Welcomed back Master.
Ser: Alright now we need to find...Blood,Scruffy,Kelteo,Lee, and Chi-chi.
????????: Minus Kingnoob and Nubles.
All: Kingnoob! Nubles! Inversion?
Inversion: I am only helping you meat puppets until we kill Zamorak!
Kingnoob: He decided to help us until Zamorak is dead.
Inversion: That's what i just said.
Laugh: Ok but we'll need some supplies.
Nubles: Like flour,milk, and eggs?
Inversion: ...He means to kill Zamorak...NOT BAKE A CAKE!
Nubles: Well soooorry!
Kingnoob: Alright lets find the others and kill Zamorak and the Tikret once and for all! Join The Questing Clan of RuneScape! !
29-Nov-2008 09:00:28 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2008 03:37:22 by Sirapyro