
The Kingnoob series

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Chapter103 - The visitor's'

lee:send them in.

two men in dragon armour and general symbols walk into the throne room.

chi-chi:coolz?ser?is that you guys?

???????????:and me!

lee:we didnt forget you mr.fwuffems.

coolz:yes it us.

ser:we have a dilema.

lee:what is it?

coolz:a fight just broke out in yanille when 2nd came back and tried to destroy the statue of kingnoob.

chi-chi:hmmmmmmmmm thats weird.


chi-chi:well griffo just came to arndougne and did the same thing.

coolz:that is weird.

ser:but why would they want to destroy the statue?

master:well before griffo left he said he was trying to find the real world device so he could turn rnescape back into real life.

coolz: oh no that must mean they know we hid it in one of the statues!

lee:they do not know which one though.

ser:which one was it?

lee:i cant risk any spies hearing it.

spy:dang it!

mk kills the spy.

ser:now can you tell me?

chi-chi:he cant risk a fly hearing it.

fly: oh darn it!

all: :|

mk:so we need to stop griffo and 2nd before they find the device.

lee:but griffo also said that the clan ununited could not defeat them.

ser:you know what that means!

mr.fwuffems:it means we get to get the clan back together to defeat the evil!

lee:then it is setled.

chi-chi:we will need to go to castle wars to recover frugoo and we should head to varrock to recover fancy.then we should find kelteos farm and where ever nuble went.then we will head to kinoob to get blue and lizzy!

lee:seems easy enough.

coolz:alright is everyone here in?

mk:i am!

master:so am i!

mr.fwuffems:count me in!



ser and coolz: positively!

lee:then lets do this.............GO CLAN NOOB!
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28-Nov-2008 20:30:56 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 17:39:27 by Sirapyro



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Chapter104 - To castle wars.

lee:alright we should get to castle wars first.

chi-chi:wait who will watch the castle while we are gone?

lee:hmmmmmmmmm gaurds!

gaurds:yes sir?

lee:make sure no one enters the castle while we are gone!

gaurds:right of course!

chi-chi:it shouldnt take as long to get there as it did the last time.

lee:i know it will only take like two chapters.


lee:we met rainrain and frugoo on our first trip to castle wars.

coolz: oh.

lee:then off we go to castle wars!

mk:lets do this thing already!

master:mk dont yell so loud!



???????:so you failed to recover the device!?

griffo:we are sorry master we didnt know that the gaurds would be so tough!

2nd:we did learn that the device isnt in either arndougne or yanille.

???????:that is two citys out of how many!?

griffo:we are sorry we will keep looking master introva!


griffo and 2nd:yes sir!

they leave.

introva:noob clan you do not know of me yet but you will and i will have my revenge!

back with the noob clan...

lee:alright there is yanille.

coolz:we must stop there so me and ser can inform the admiral of our plans.

lee: ok.

coolz and ser walk into the city.

lee:so mr.fwuffems how have things been?

mr.fwuffems: ok...



mr.fwuffems:that was coolz screaming he must be in trouble!

mk:who gets in that kind of trouble that fast?

master picks up mk and throws him into the city

mk: ow that hurt master!


chi-chi:since when was there a big hole in yanille?

mr.fwuffems:since just now.

the clan(except chi-chi)gets some rope and clibs down the hole.

lee:i think i see some people!

mk:hey you!


master:not good.
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28-Nov-2008 20:30:57 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 17:40:06 by Sirapyro



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Chapter105 - The mysterious friend list.

coolz:what is this place and what is that!?!?!?!

mr.fwuffems:this is the yanille cellar and that is the cellars monster!

lee:so he is mic?


lee:how ironic!

mic(monster in cellar):raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

ser:whoa! calm down boy!

mic:sorry ser.

ser:here is a treat.

mic eats the treat.

lee:what happened?

ser:well we wentto tell the admiral but he was dead and this mysterious figure dropped the ground under our feet then ran away.

lee:where is coolz?

mk:i see him over there!

they run over to coolz.

coolz:well i guess since the admiral is dead he can go off my friends list.

he pulls out his friends list to cross off the admiral but when he takes it out he sees a swirl of enegy on the bottom of it.

drops it.

coolz:what in the?!

everyone takes out there friends list and sees the same thing is happening.


blue:...huh what is happening to my friend list!?

lizzy:mine to!

with fancy:what is happening to my friends list it is going all crazy!

at ccastle wars.


rainrain:what is this stuff on my friends list!

with player...


with nubles...

nubles: ooksie loook at this!

with griffo and 2nd...

griffo:what is happening to our arch enemy list!?

back with the clan.....

lee:it is getting brighter everyone duck for cover!

everyone ducks for cover then the enegy disapears after a minute.

all:what just happened!?

cool looks at his list.

coolz: :O

everyone else looks at theres...

lee:impossible he deleted it 2 years ago!

mk:but he apparently remade it!

master:he is back.

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28-Nov-2008 20:30:57 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 17:40:47 by Sirapyro



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Chapter106 - Finishing the trip to castle wars.

lee:kingnoob remade his file he is playing again!

master:he is obviously a non-member right now so we must wait for him to become a member before we find him.

ser:thats right.

lee:well then lets get to castle wars and recover rainrain and frugoo!

everyone climbs out of the cellar and starts walking to castle wars and after a few minutes...

coolz:here it is castle wars!

mk:it is bigger than in remember.

lee walks in first.

lee:i am looking for the founders!

some noob:there in that office over there.

ser knocks on the door.

frugoo:go away collector!


ser:uh im not a tax collector!

frugoo:then who are you and what do you want?!

ser:its the pizza man who do you think it is!?!

rainrain(whispers to frugoo):its ser you twit!

frugoo opens the door.

frugoo:hey guys!

chi-chi:hi rainrain hi frugoo.

frugoo and rainrain:hi.

lee:we are reforming the clan.


rainrain:we are back baby!

lee:that was easier than i thought.


kingnoob:alright i remember this dump.

guide:welcome to........oh not you again!

kingnoob:what!?! oh yah burnt down tutorial island.

walks to the survival expert.

survival expert:you again!

kingnoob sees a huge burn on her face.

kingnoob: oosh.

survival expert:now i will have my revenge!

takes vanna*** sword and tries to slash kingnoob.

kingnoob:easy sister!

survival expert:i will kill you!

mod: oh i remember you kingnoob here i will get you off tutorial island.

survival epert:NOOOOOOOOOOO!

mod:alright i will once again make you a hero,a member,and 99 in everything.


gets teleported to a memebrs world with 99 in every skill.

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28-Nov-2008 20:30:58 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 17:41:21 by Sirapyro



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Chapter107 - The Yanille hostile.

ser:alright now lets get back to yanille to pick up mic and to try to figure out why the ground collapsed.



introva:you are a risky one nimpo collapsing yanilles ground and killing there admiral.

nimpo:i am sorry master introva.

introva:well dont let it happen again! i dont want any suspisions when i get my revenge on the noob clan!

nimpo:alright what should i do now?

introva:search varrocks statue for the real world device.

nimpo:alright know we should really come up with a name for that thing.

introva:i am working on it.

nimpo: ok.


introva:soon noob clan i will have my revenge!

back with the noob clan...

lee:alright mic get out of the whole!




climbs out of the cellar.

coolz:now where do we go?

mk:we wait for master to get back with the evidence!

mr.fwuffems:well he didnt know!

master: ok i have the evidence from the yanille police force.

chi-chi:well what does it say?

master:it says the person who did this is named nimpo an energy benturner he has a high wanting in canifis and by the white knights.

ser:energy beturner?

master:its an ancient study of magic that is hard to master it reverses the energy of a non-living substance to destroy it. energy beturners usually are good at mage and ranged and have rare weapons they also like to use weird names.

lee: PLAYER!


lee:remember player? he is good at mage has rare arrows and has a weird name right?

mr.fwuffems:well player is a pretty odd name.

??????:no it isnt!


chi-chi: player!

player:yah what are all of you guys doing here?

maaster:we were investagating that hole when we discovered an energy beturner did it.

player:...uhhhhhhhh cool.

lee:we know that you are one too.

player:aw man you figured it out already!
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28-Nov-2008 20:30:59 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 17:42:01 by Sirapyro



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Chapter108 - Finding the NOOB clan

kingnoob:well i guess i should start looking for my friends in kinoob.

random person:how did you know about kinoob?

kingnoob:knowledge base.

random person: oh.


kingnoob: ok.

goes to kinoob

kingnoob:it hasnt changed a bit.




?????:what about me?

kingnoob:lizzy?but i thought you two hated each other?

blue:we did but now we are king and queen of kinoob!



waves his hand in front of his face.

blue:wake up!



hits him with a hammer.

kingnoob falls over but still doesnt wake up.

2 hours later...

kingnoob: ohhhhh my head.


kingnoob:how long was i out?

lizzy:a couple of sentances.

kingnoob;never mind that! lets find the others!

blue:fredrick watch the castle while we are gone.


kingnoob:why does he have goosetape over his mouth...GOOSETAPE!?!

lizzy:so he cant say hi im fredrick.

kingnoob: oh.

blue,kingnoob,and lizzy leave kinoob and start looking for other members.

kingnoob:hey look a farm lets see if they know where any one is!

kingnoob trips over a chicken.

kingnoob:stupid chicken!

kills it.

the farmer slams his door open face steaming.

kingnoob:hi mr.farmer we are looking for our friends and i was wondering if...

gets tackled and starts to get beat up.

kingnoob:never mind you havent seen any of our are one kelteo.

kelteo: oh hi kingnoob blue and lizzy.

blue:kingnoob are you ok?

kingnoob:i think i have back trauma!

lizzy:ill fix it.

heals him.

kingnoob:that is better.

????????:i will kill you all!

kingnoob:2 things

1:who are you and 2:we arent in real life!

????????: oh yeah i overlooked that part.


blue: ok. :P
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28-Nov-2008 20:30:59 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 17:43:01 by Sirapyro



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Chapter109 - The rest of the clan.

kingnoob:does anyone know what happened to fancy?

blue:he lives in varrock he is thelissas assisstant.


lizzy:i think it is sweet.

all but lizzy: :|

kelteo:well the sooner we get to varrock and the sooner i get out of these farmer clothes the better.


kingnoob:i can see varrocks wall!

lizzy:that is a spiked wall coming right for us.

kingnoob: oh.



the clan starts running from the moving wall.

blue:what is operating that thing!?!?!

kingnoob:look it is that mage that we saw earlier!

????????:my name is zamtorap!

lizzy:that is a weird name.

zamtorap: oh be quiet!

lizzy:well it is!

zamtorap:enough stalling i will kill you!

keeps pushing the spike wall towards them until...

?????:move it!

the figure kicks zamtorap unconcious then hits the spike wall out of the way.

blue:is that?

lizzy:it is!

kelteo: oh stop it with the drama it is krazy!



krazy:i know i know yo want to restart the clan and stop griff*.


krazy:well im in!


after an hour the clan reaches varrock and goes to thelissas.

kelteo:i need new clothes!

thelissa:alright here you go.


kingnoob:where is your assisstant?

thelissa:wait just a second...ahem FANCY SOMEONE WANTS TO SEE YOU!

fancy:how did i ever get stuuck with this job...kingnoob?blue?krazy?lizzy?kelteo?

kingnoob:will you rejoin the clan?

fancy:sorry thelissa but i quit!

thelissa:well i was going to fire you this afternoon anyways so go ahead!.

fancy: ok lets go.

the clan walks to the edge of varrock.

kingnoob:alright now we need to find lee,chi-chi mk,master,nubles,ooksie,coolz,ser mr.fwuffems,rainrain,frugoo,scruffy and player.

??????:well you just found me!

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28-Nov-2008 20:31:09 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 17:43:41 by Sirapyro



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Chapter110 - The NOOB clan.

kingnoob:are you?

blue:hes hopping so yes he is.



ooksie:stop bouncing nubles!


kingnoob:now lets go find scruffy in draynor.

krazy:just to warn you there was an accident a year ago that made him awolverine.

kingnoob: O_o

krazy:a friendly one though :D

fancy:well lets stop babling and get moving!

lizzy:yah what fancy said!

and so kingnoob and friends walk to draynor.


lee:i can see draynor!

rainrain:rrg it is about time!

frugoo: oh stop complaining!

master:dont even start a fight!

frugoo:tell him that!

coolz:dont blame it on him!


lees half and kingnoobs half both get to the front door at the same time.

kingnoob:look at that clan of nerds.

lee:look at all of those geeks.


lee:yah you guys are geeks!

kingnoob:careful what you say he kills chicken killers.



chi-chi:if you would have let me talk i would have said that we are all back together!

the door swings open and pulls everyone in.

fancy: ow what just happened?

mk:it feels like we pulled into a lab.

scruffy:you were.


mr.fwuffems:i still dont like you dog!

scruffy:i dont blame you cat.

ooksie:why is it that monkeys are more superior?

kingnoob:dont start a fight!

player:yah dont start a fight!

scruffy:so you guys want me to rejoin the clan?


scruffy: ok the professer passes away yesterday so i can leave to go with you.

chi-chi: oh sorry to hear that.

scruffy: oh its ok i pushed him into the wood chipper on purpose.

all: :O



villager:help! help!

mk:someone is probably attacking the statue lets go!
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28-Nov-2008 21:00:11 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 17:47:06 by Sirapyro



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Chapter111 - The horde


lee:after you quit every city made a statue of you.

kingnoob: oh.

the group runs into draynor and sees a mysterious figure attacking the statue.

chi-chi:who are you!?!

??????:thee name is diablo!

mk:what kind of name is diablo?

diablo:it is a good one ok?

mk:no that is a weird name.

?????:ignore him diablo!

diablo: ok vanir.

blue:a vampire!

kingnoob:... but it is inn the middle of the day and he is standing in a patch of garlic!

vanir:i am a vampire but i am unaffected by vampire repelents!

kingnoob: ok that is just messed up!

coolz:you are telling mke.

diablo:the secret compartment isnt on this staute either les move on!

they both leave.

kingnoob:what is going on!?!

lee:let me explain...

??:they are looking for he real world device and it is hidden in one of the statues!

lee:erm exactly.

kingnoob:who are you?

??: oh sorry my name is pk!

mk: pk? my name is mk!

pk:what a coincidince :P

master:can we just find the real world device first?

?????????:do you even know where it is?

master:no but lee does!

?????????:well so do i!

mk:then maybe you should take us to it!

?????????:fine i will!

coolz:tell us who you are first!

?????????: oh terribly sorry my name is milkshake.

ser:nice to meet you milkshake.


introva:where are those two new recruits you hired!?!

2nd:they should be coming right!

diablo:whee are hear!

vanir:can you at least try to begin your sentances correctly?

diablo:eye like how i talk!

vanir:well i dont!

diablo:whell to bad!

introva:and i thought watching politicians fight was boring.


introva:in real life of course!

????????: introva!

introva:come in stranger.

stranger:i know where the real world device is.
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28-Nov-2008 21:00:12 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 17:46:56 by Sirapyro



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Chapter112 - Race to Kinoob

kingnoob:so you hid the real world device in the largest statue of the largest city?


kingnoob:and you guys call me stupid!

mk:lets just get to kinoob before the villains do!

??????????:to late for that fools!

kingnoob:its zamtorap and someone else!

zamtorap:mmet grey he will help me kill you!


zamtorap: oh yah still a game.

grey:i tried to tell you but you wouldnt listen!

zamtorap:well sorry!

milkshake:lets go while they are distracted.

the clan runs to varrock but are blocked off by 2nd and someone else.

kingnoob:great another freak gang!

2nd:we are not!


2nd:fine noob clan this is pumpkin pumpkin this is the noob clan.

all in the noob clan:...


blue:your name.

pumpkin:yah what about it? sounds like it kills chickens.

pumpkin:how did you know i kill 87 chickens a day!?!?!

kelteo:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RAAAAAAAAAAAH!


beats up pumpkin then 2nd when 2nd tries to save pumpkin.

krazy: ok lets keep moving!


kingnoob:that isnt mic.

ser:he is monster in cellar.

kingnoob: oh.

the clan runs to canifis but again gets blocked.

kingnoob: oh what now!?!

nimpo:i will kill you all!

player:not if i can.....

all of the sudden the ground starts to shake vigoursly...

kingnoob:what is happening!?!?!

lee:we areto late.


milkshake:the real world device had an earthquake alarm system which means...


introva:well stranger you did it now throw that switch and let runescape be real!

stranger: ok.

flips the switch.

runescape starts to go multi-colored then the graphics improve.


player:you guys go! iwill handle nimpo.

coolz:stay alive.

player:i will try.

nimpo:but you will fail!
Join The Questing Clan of RuneScape! !

28-Nov-2008 21:00:13 - Last edited on 30-Nov-2008 17:48:02 by Sirapyro

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