“I was born to my big strong sturdy father, and equally as impressive mother. We live good life in humble dwelling. Mama would wake very early, preparing breakfast for me and Pappa before we were awake. The food was simple, but the simplicity made it all the better. A large slice of bread, slathered in butter with syrup on the side with whatever Pappa hunted the days before for meat. Sometimes the water was all frozen, so was all the milk… so we had the one liquid that did*’t freeze with our breakfast, vodka.”
“That does explain a lot.” Ko said grinning.
“I would drink to that, but…” she placed the broken, slightly bloodied bottle on the table. “Anyway. Pappa and Mama’s fingers often were too numb in the early morning to light fires, but his father had passed down to him a glorious item indeed. It was a ruby necklace, worn though still shimmering and beautiful. It was embed with some type of amazing power, which with the correct words would cause anything the necklace was pointed at to combust into a healthy fire.”
“That sounds dangerous.” Ko commented.
“It was! According to family stories, our great, great, great… great? Some where, far down the line one of the powerful men in my bloodline used it in glorious combat. “Fraszki Firestarter.” Was his supposed title, men would cower in fear before bursting into agonizing flames and being literally reduced to ash in his furious wake. He was not surprisingly said to be mentally unstable… and eventually killed himself by leaping into a fire he created. Truly a man to be proud of, yes?” she laughed.
Ko was interested. Enchantments and spells were his cup of tea “Does your father still have it?”
“No. He is no longer alive.”
“I’m sorry to hear that..”
“He die doing what he love, no need for tears.”
09-Jan-2010 07:28:23
- Last edited on
28-May-2010 08:25:12
Baron Ogre