Like you and Long Cheng said, we don't have infinite supplies!
Putting billions of people in one spot without support will lead to more environmental damage! If you really care about the environment, then you know that homeless people will grow the landfills and pollute the water!
I'm not blaming homeless people for this, obviously! But when you let people in, and you can't provide them with clean homes and clean energy, this is what happens!
And new diseases will spring up as infections spread!
You are practically begging Corona-Chan to come back!
Homer: Now, you listen to me. I'm just trying to show compassion to people who are coming through our border for a better life. I'm trying to give everyone an equal opportunity.
Look, let's be clear here. Immigration is already legal.
If you want to move here, great, but you have to go through the line like everyone else.
Don't come in like a thief in the night.
By letting illegal immigrants in, you are punishing all the good people who are trying to come in legally.
I will make the document checks easier, so more immigrants can come in.
But you have to do your part too. Countries are great because of hard working people, not lazy people. You must contribute to our success. We will help you, but you must help yourself.
Didn't you say that in your debate against Santa, Homer?
I have a question for you. Why are you now simping for criminals?!?!
Homer: It's all relative. It depends on how you look at illegal immigration. Yes, we need skilled workers, but we must consider innocent children who lost their families and victims of war.
Sanae: Most illegal immigrants are drug dealers. If you have nothing to hide, then you would just apply legally. It's really that simple...
Deadpool: OK, we have to move on now.
Person 4: Say one nice thing about each other.
Homer: Sanae is a very powerful speaker.
Sanae: Homer is a wonderful father.
28-Nov-2014 15:11:19
- Last edited on
17-Apr-2020 05:19:30
Divinity M