Thorblade4: Why do I have a feeling Bono's been doing something stupid...
Groovy Gal62: It's just your imagination...
Thorblade4: Guess I have a pretty darn "imagination"...
Flameater20: I sense trouble ahead...
Thorblade4: Flame, stop spoiling the plot!
Flameater20: Sorry. Would you care for the location of the next winning lottery ticket for next's week Lottery?
Thorblade4: That would be-
(Iou642 and Kitedj burst into the cafe)
Iou642: Quick! Hide us!
Sandwich Lady: How come?
Kitedj: Trouble outside!
(Kitedj and Iou642 hide behind the Sandwich Lady's counter)
Sandwich Lady: By the way, Iou642, you may take the French Fries.
Iou642: Oh boy!
(Iou642 takes the French Fries)
Kitedj: Iou, now's not the time to eat French Fries!
Iou642: I beg to differ-!
Thorblade4: Iou642! Kitedj! What are you doing here?!
Kitedj: Hiding from two, deadly agents from The Dark Empire!
Iou642: They are trying to kill us to earn their positions and to make sure we don't pass on any information to The Dark Empire's enemies like-
(Agent K and Agent I break through a wall)
Agent K: Well, well., well. If it isn't the two players formely known as Agent K and Agent I...
Agent I: D4rk L0rd demands your execution...
Thorblade4: Over our dead bodies!
(Thorblade4, Groovy Gal62, Monkey164, Eggypants 2, Flameater20, Chaserm1 and Chu Master5 rise from their table)
Agent K: Ah... Thorblade4 and his gang... D4rk L0rd also demands their extermination...
Agent I: Are you ready K1ll3r?
Agent K/K1ll3r: Ready Icup1121.
Agent I/Icup1121: Good bye, you fools!
(Icup1121 and K1ll3r charge at the gang, Iou642 and Kitedj)
Aggie's House...
(Bono walks up to a player)
Bono: Excuse me, can you tell me who to get to the Sandwich Lady's Cafe?
I0wnn00bs: Yeah. Just follow the Purple Brick Road, noob!
Bono: But how do I find the Purple Brick Road?
I0wnn00bs: Look for it, and it will come. That'll be 1k.
Bono: Will this blue, paper crown do?
"While Guthix Sleeps, the World Wakes to the Fate of the Gods and the Children of Mah in Sliske's Endgame..."
17-May-2009 22:31:29