
† Koshei the Deathless †

Quick find code: 49-50-741-60535019

Bamf OmG

Bamf OmG

Posts: 228 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Now, this is the story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called runescape
In west ardugoue born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all shootin some higaints outside of arodgue
When a couple of guys
Who were up to no good
Startin making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in camlot
I begged and pleaded with her day after day
But she packed my suite case and sent me on my way
She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket.
I put my soundtrack on and said, 'I might as well kick it'.
First class, yo this is bad
Drinking orange juice out of a beer glass.
Is this what the people of cammy living like?
Hmmmmm this might be alright.
But wait, I hear the prissy, booze, whine, all that
Is this the type of place that they should send this cool cat?
I don't think so
I'll see when I get there
I hope they're prepared for the prince of camlot
Well uh, the kaart stoped and when I came out
There was a dude who looked like a cop standing there with my name out
I ain't trying to get arrested yet.
I just got here!
I sprang with the quickness, like lightening disappeared
I whistled for a caprant and when it came near
The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror
If anything I can say is that this carparent was rare
But I thought 'Man forget it' - 'Yo home to cammy'
I pulled up to the house about seven or eight
And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'
I looked to my kingdom
I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the Prince of runescape

16-Jul-2010 04:46:28



Posts: 12,429 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 1

For the next three years, Koshei lived a relatively quiet life. The clan did their best to make him feel welcome, but he still chose to spend most of his time alone in the basement of Thorvald's shop, where he had taken residence.
Ingrid was charged with cooking and delivering Koshei his meals three times a day. He never said a word to her, and when she arrived she always found him either reading or meditating.
He never joined the other villagers in hunting or tending to the crops. Being the strongest warrior in the village, many women were keen on taking him as a husband, but he always turned away these potential brides. If asked he was always willing to help out the town in doing tasks that others could not, like using his bare hands to move a boulder that was blocking the road, a task which would normally take a team of over a dozen horses to do. But outside of these odd jobs he spent his time in solitude, and many of the villagers grew tired of the effort put into providing for Koshei's stay.
This was especially true during the summer solstice, the biggest festival of the year.
The members of the town were all busy with the preparations that went into the massive feast. There was food to be cooked, decorations to be made, and competitions to prepare for. Everyone in Relleka had a job to do, except for Koshei, and resentment was growing in the air over his absence.

But their resentment could not come close to the anger boiling in the creature watching them from the cliffside.

21-Jul-2010 06:38:02 - Last edited on 21-Jul-2010 06:38:29 by Elitemage14



Posts: 12,429 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Skrae tore at the raw flesh of his victim with his claws, scraping it into tender pieces that he greedily stuffed into his mouth. When the meat was gone, he cracked open the bones and sucked out the marrow inside. There was something about the taste of humans that made his mouth water, especially that of their younglings. He had found this little girl out playing in the woods when she had become separated from her friends.
Skrae had not come to Relleka for the feast, but after seeing the child alone in the woods, he couldn't resist having a little appetizer, sneaking up behind her and sliding a hand around her neck, crushing it with a single squeeze.
He licked the remaining blood from his lips and smiled his row of sharp, needle-like teeth. After waiting for so many years, what difference would his little snack make?
After eating his fill, he leapt from the cliffside, the wind gripping his curved wings as he descended over the tree canopy below. Flight was something Skrae's race had never been gifted with, but his wings were not useless, and from a high enough jump he could still glide with ease. Skrae truly loved being high in the air. It wasn't so much the act of gliding itself that he enjoyed, but rather the sense of dominion he had over all the mortal creatures that walked the earth below him.
His talons gently touched down on the ground, and he began the final trek of his journey towards Rellekka. "You've been a hard man to track down," he slithered. Three years ago the man's life force had returned to the world. It had burned brightly for only a few seconds before disappearing again, but in that short period Skrae had sensed it and known it could only belong to one man: Koshei.
"I must kill Koshei," Skrae told himself every night when he retired into the blackness, and it was his first thought when he awoke in that blackness every morning.

21-Jul-2010 06:38:09 - Last edited on 21-Jul-2010 06:38:40 by Elitemage14



Posts: 12,429 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Those past three years had been hell. He had known Koshei was alive, but he didn't know where he was residing.
Skrae had covered himself in a black cloak and started searching every human settlement he came across, knowing that someone must have seen or heard about Koshei's return.
Skrae smiled at the nickname the humans had given him: 'The Man in Black'. Rumors began to spread about this Man in Black, of wherever he went horrible things were soon to follow. Skrae would visit a town and a week later all the crops would be dead, and their was news of dozens of victims that had been murdered in the most gruesome of ways: their spines ripped out, their skin and muscle gone, and teeth marks lining their bones.
This type of behavior was actually quite calm for him. When Skrae had first learned of Koshei's death, his anger had known no bounds. He had single handily killed everyone in Senntisten in his rage, and then laughed as he watched what had once been the world's largest city burn to the ground. Of course, the followers of Saradomin had taken advantage of the destruction and eventually built Avarrocka on top of its ruins while Skrae and his race were in hiding. But the time of hiding was over, and he was again free to roam the world and reap his revenge.
"When my job here is done, I can go back and destroy that city, too!" Skrae cackled. A family of deer nearby heard this laugh and instantly dropped dead, and this sight only made him laugh even harder.
Skrae had done many horrible things when he heard of Koshei's death and realized he would never be able to exact his revenge. But then out of nowhere his life force had returned to the world, and now Skrae finally had the opportunity to kill Koshei with his own hands.
"I'm coming, Koshei!" Skrae shrieked, now running towards Rellekka. He was a devil with murder on his mind. "Coming to do what should have happened a long time ago! Coming for your head!"

21-Jul-2010 06:38:17 - Last edited on 21-Jul-2010 06:38:52 by Elitemage14

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