As the Zammorakian army retreated I helped the king back to his feet. The army of Varrock was now marching back to us, the king of Falador and the Duke of Lumbridge was at the front.
"We did it!" The king of Falador exclaimed, his face glowing.
"Yes, well done." The Duke of Lumbridge said. "Lets see the party hat, shall we?" I reached into my platebody and felt around for the party hat. A cold chill ran up my body. I smiled nervously.
"It's in here somewhere..." I muttered.
"Agnar?" I heard Eragna say. Now I was very afraid. I unclipped the top of my platebody and let it fall to the ground. To my horror nothing came out.
"I... I dont know where--" I began, but I stopped when I heard someone laughing. I looked up and saw the King Black Dragon flying over us, a rider on his back. In the rider's hand, was the party hat.
"No..." I heard the king say. The dragon began to fly off, the rider still laughing.
"SHOOT IT DOWN!!!" The Duke of Lumbridge commanded. Arrows flew up at the dragon. A few hit their mark but this didnt affect the dragon. It continued to fly off, the laughing growing fainter now. Everyone turned to look at me. Horror stricken I picked up my platebody. From where the sword had pierced it, there was a huge hole.
"It must have fallen out..." I said. I saw the faces of everyone around me fall. I had let everyone down. The mission had failed after all. I had let my father down... I had let all of Runescape down.
"There is nothing we can do now... It is in the hands of Zammorak." The king said.
I looked up at the sky and saw the sun peaking out between some clouds. It was then, I knew this war was not over.
03-Jan-2009 04:40:20