
Pincho the Hermit Crab

Quick find code: 49-50-60-63067269

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

Posts: 4,152 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I do like your idea Silent Dawn. However Meeting the God of Cabbage is destracting the storyline i will find another way for Pincho to realize his destiny. perhapse I will make another one after I finish this story Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

16-Aug-2011 21:15:50

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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=====:Chapter5:===== [CONTINUED]

*Pinchy walks into the Pinchville Prom entrance*

Hermit Crab: Haha Look at Pinchy!
Pinchla: You are going out With PInchanya? :O
Pinchy yes. I... Pinchanya? Did you just fart again
Pinchanya: Yeah! Let it in, Pinchy
Hermit crabs: Ahhh! call the police! Quick what is the number for 911??
Pinchy: *sniff sniff* *dies* *respawns in Pinchville*
Yay I'm finally out of there!
Hermit Crab: And the winner, by default, (since every other hermit crab died) ( I think) is... I, can't believe I am about to say this... PINCHY AND PINCHANYA??! O_o
Pinchy: :D :D
Pinchy: Now i can get back to my race with Pincho
*Teleports to Varrock*
Private chat with Pincho

Pinchy: Pincho, me in Varrock
Pincho: Good for you! Me checks into the cheapest hotel in Varrock!
Pinchy: Where
Pincho: Varrock Bank's basement.
Pinchanya: Hi guys!
Pinchy: :@ How did you get into our chat?
Pinchanya: Me knows, geneous!
*Pinchanya teleports to varrock*
Pincho: Your Girlfriend is Pinchanya?
Pinchy: Unfortunately.
Pincho: AHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Hermit Crabs, look who Pinchy has as a date!
Pinchy: :@
Pinchy: This sucks
Meanwhile in Lumbridge
Mr.Cook: Ok****.Pinch heres the deal. if you get me a hermit crab, I will not cook you and I will release you*
**. Pinch: :D pinchpinch pinchpinch
Mr. Cook: Now go get it!!
Mr. Pinch: Yes master..
***. Pinch is fishing for shrimp* *catches a book***.Pinch: here is your hermit crab
Mr. Cook: thats a book..*
**. Pinch: Books are like hermit crabs! :)
Mr. Cook: Yes sir *whispers to Mr. Pinch we should surprise him...
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

16-Aug-2011 21:29:22 - Last edited on 19-Mar-2015 19:44:23 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Mr.Cook: Quiet you fool! Or I'll get hung by my eye sockets D:
Mister Pinch: *Yells really loud* OK!!!!!!
Mud916: I SAID QUIET YOU BUFFOONS! * casts air strike* *hits a 0*
Mud916: :@
Mister Cook: OH NO!
* Casts Air strike again* * fizzles*
Mister Cook: He said you were an ass and you deserve to die, *Catches up with what he said* That's not what I-
Mud916: Ok! Time to die! *DDS specs Mr. cook* hits a negative five**
Mister Cook: Calm down, Mud916. You remember how angry you get when you don't get a chocolate bar. * waves a chocolate bar next to Mud916's face*
Mud916: Woof!!! YAY!!! CHOCOLATE BAR *Starts panting like a dog* *sits down*
Mister Cook: Go fetch it, boy! *throws chocolate bar*
Mud916: CHOCALATE BAR!!!!!! *Epic noob music plays*
Mister Clark: Yay, no more noob! :D
Mister Cook: For now at least..
Mister Clark What happens after he finishes the chocolate bar?
Mister Cook: Then we make a run for Draynor Village
Mister Clark: Mr. Pinch is an exile from Draynor and Port Sarim!
*Mud916 finishes chocolate bar*
Mud916: Got anymore chocoloate bars? *Licks chocolate off his face*
Mister Cook: No, sorry. I was about to make chocolate cake
Mud916: CHOCOLATE CAKE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Mister Clark: Oh no, Don't get him started...
*Mud916's toungue swells like a balloon*
Mister Cook: Well that's never happened before...
*Mud916*s head increases in size*
Mister Clark: I think he might be allergic to chocolate..
*Mud916 turns red*
Mister Cook: Let's leave him for now...
*Mud916's head explodes, blowing up the kitchen*
*Mud916 respawns in Lumbridge*
Mister Clark: HOLY PINCH!!!
Mister.Cook I'm going to get my ass kicked for this! :(
Mister.Clark: Um... Please don't steam me
Mister.Cook: Stupid crab...
Mud916: You two are so dead.....
Mister cook and Mister Clark at the same time: *GULP*
End of chapter
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

17-Aug-2011 21:52:00 - Last edited on 19-Mar-2015 19:53:47 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Chapter 6: Popo's Revenge (kind of)

Popo: Here you crazy, evil, pinching hermit crab? I just want the 30 mil gp you have in your shell!!
* Sets up a box trap with a shell as the lure*
Random hermit crab: YAY A SHELL!!! *Checks it out*
*box trap closes*
random hermit crab: Grrrrrr......

Pincho: That idiot has been trying to find me for the past 3 weeks :(

Pinchy: Why?

Pincho: He wants the 30 mil gp in my shell...
*Pincho and Pinchy step outside the bank*
Pinchy: Look at that Pincho, box traps everywhere!
Pinchanya: Dont forget the fires, we could be roasted!
Pinchy: True
Popo: Hermit crab! Where...... AHA!!!!
Pincho: Crap! RUN!!
A Bumble Bee: Bumble look bumble at bumble those bumble stubby bumble legs...
Bumble those bumble hermit crabs bumble will get away...
The Queen: Bumble babies, bumble lets bumble give bumble those bumble hermit bumble crabs bumble some bumble help

* 30,000 bumble bees storm out of the hive*

Popo: Are those bees??
A hermit crab: Yup!
Popo: I'M ALLERGIC TO BEES!!!!!!!!

* Gets stung*

Bumble bee who stung Popo: Bumble bee bumble hope bumble you bumble die!!
*Stings Popo again*
* Popo's face swells up to 97 times it's size
Hermit crab : Hey big game! I could buy a new shell with this
Pincho: Aim for the face!
*Hermit crabs stop pinching Popo and get out their bows and arrows and let them loose into Popo's soft underbelly and face*

*Popo dies* *Respawns in Azerath*

Zamorak: Welcome to Azerath. The most vile, and perhaps the most disturbing dungeon in the game. We have the worst music by by all the horrible artists like Niki Minaj, Drake, Eminem, Lil Wayne, Kanye West, Chris Brown, Katy Perry, Ludacris.

9 days later
Zamorak: Kings Of Leon, Michael Buble, Black Eyed Peas
Popo OK! I get it!

Zamorak: No you don't... besides i'm still not done
*18 days later
Zamorak: LM***, One Republic, Green Day. and finally Robbyn

Popo: ......
Zamorak: Popo?
Popo: **zz..

End of chapter
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

20-Dec-2011 05:35:56 - Last edited on 19-Mar-2015 20:02:27 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

Posts: 4,152 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 7: Preparations

Pincho: So what's the fastest way to Lumbridge?
Pinchy: According to the map we got from that creepy old man the only way from here with out getting attacked by those Necromancers is through the Forest of Doom
* Creepy old man takes off his robes and underwear*
Citizen: Ah! I"M BLINDED ... And slightly turned on.
*Armadyl Appears*
Armadyll: Saradomin, why send me to this creep?
Saradomin: Because your the God of Law
Armadyll: I hate this job...* Goes to the creepy old man*
Armadyll: Taking off cloths in public for no apparant reason... Skroo it! Hey old man how about we get stoned?
Old man: I got the Drugs right here
Armadyll: Yeah!!! *Gets lighter *
Pinchy: Well if we go through the FoD we will need supplies. ^_^ How about the grand exchange?
Pincho: Great idea!
*2 days later*
Pinchy: What do you mean we can't buy here?!
Grand Exchange clerk: Policy says we can't-
Pinchy: Skroo policy!
GE clerk: But if I sell anything to, You I'll-
** clerk: Owowowowowowowowow!
Pinchy: How about now? :)
GE clerk: Ok! here all for the low, low price of 70 trillion Gp
* Gets pinched by pinchy again*
** clerk: Owowowowowowowowow!
Pinchy: Lower the price.*
** clerk: Um 30 gp *Cowers at the thought of getting pinched by Pinchy again*
Pinchy: Hmm... Let me think... Go lower!
GE clerk: Ok it's free!
Pinchy: That's what i'm talking about!
Pincho: A pleasure doing buisiness with you! *walks away*
** clerk: ..... Mud916 is going to murder me for selling items to hermit crabs....

End of chapter
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

20-Jan-2012 02:00:53 - Last edited on 20-Mar-2015 13:04:06 by Pink 4 Twink

Apr Member 2010


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character application!
Name:tztok-jad (jad for short)
Personal traits: a baby troll that ate tztok-jad (jad for short) in the fight caves (he clubbed through the first 62 waves) and will eat absolutely ANYTHING thats raw
age: 3
Friend/enemy of pincho: someone pincho met. kinda a friend, but gets in the way sometimes
Aura: good? evil? or Inspired by personal intrest: inspired by personal interest
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

03-Feb-2012 02:56:23 - Last edited on 03-Mar-2012 05:13:32 by Jimothey

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

Posts: 4,152 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 8
Pinchy: So this is the Forest of Doom... me heard stories as a youngster about this place.
Pincho: Like what?
Pinchy: Well for one thing the place is haunted with spirits form the Great War; and everyone who has ever entered has never come out.
Pincho: Anything else?
Pinchy: Rumor has it that the Eclipse Shell is hidden here. D:
Pincho and Pinchy: *Gulp*
Pinchy: Well only thing to do is go through.
*walks into the FoD*
Tree: *Wakes up* *laughs as the two hermit crabs pass it *Pincho comes back and pinches the tree*
Tree: Owowowowowo!!!
3 days later. * Pinchy and Pincho are walking on a path*
Pinchy: OOH A SHELL! *swerves off the path*
Pincho: Ok Pinchy we need to stay toge........ Pinchy?
* Back to Pinchy*
Pinchy: Shell... *Checks it out.* Sees a note*
Note: Do not try on this shell or bad things will happen to the bearer of this shell...
Pinchy: *Sees the engravings "666" on the shell*
Pinchy: This is a hoax! *puts on shell*
* Back to Pincho*
Pincho: Pinchy!
*Pinchy *Gets back on path*
Pinchy: Yeah?
*Gets hit in the face by Pincho*
Pincho: Where were you?!
Pinchy Checking out a shell. :)
Pincho: Can Pincho sees it?
Pinchy: Sure * takes off shell*
*Pincho takes a look*
Pincho: Pinchy, where in the hell did you find this shell?!!
Pinchy: Just up the path... Why? Is something wrong?
Pincho: You found the Eclipse Shell...
Pinchy: Uh... How do you know? *Chews claws*
Pincho: Dad mentioned it's description when I was young," And on This shell was the Mark of the Beast which singifies the terrible curse on the shell and the forest it inhabits"
Pinchy : Nothing's happened to me yet.
*Gets crushed by a meteor*
Pinchy's ghost: I just had to say it :(
Pinchy's ghost: Where am I?
Grim Reaper: You are quite lucky, Pinchy... I'm so rich I wont bother sending you to Pinchville when you die! so I'm spawning you where you died... * Picks tooth with a golden toothpick*
Pinchy: :D
* Spawns where Pinchy died*
Pinchy: ME BACK!!!
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

15-Feb-2012 02:36:25 - Last edited on 20-Mar-2015 13:17:03 by Pink 4 Twink

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