Don't be shy; your input is welcomed. This is, after all, an effort made to help the writing community.
I think 350 words a week is a passable minimum. It's 50 words a day, which is utterly manageable. But it does turn out 1500 words a month, which can be a serious addition to any piece -- or a serious exercise of any writer's creative muscles.
I'd happily sign up, and castigate myself for failing to meet the requirement, if it was set at 350. I would, however, suggest that the theme then be extended for an entire month, rather than just a week as it was in the prior system, to allow us to explore it in something more like detail (that is, if you're sticking with the theme idea).
The Center is now open. This month's theme will be: fear or suspense. Remember that you are expected to produce 50 words a day and submit to this thread at least 350 words per week. The writing should relate to the theme, however your interpret it.
If you plan to participate, please post here before you begin writing. We can only accept so many authors in order to keep the thread tidy.
Current authors participating:
1. Yrolg
2. Poller5