I'd certainly say that, as a minimum, a few hundred words per week should be easily reachable for those who are serious about committing to writing something here. To maximize membership/activity, though, I'd suggest keeping it within the bounds of what can be easily managed in a single session (around 500 words, say) rather than something that demands a significant outlay of time and effort. 2,100 words/week certainly becomes somewhat daunting once you've fallen a few days behind.
Removing the minimum requirements, I'd definitely agree with Yrolg, rather removes the purpose of the thread. Adapting them to emphasise the positives of even just some writing as being preferable to none on a casual, weekly basis, might prove to be more manageable by the fairly busy members of this forum, however.
(Heh, pardon my jumping in.)
18-Sep-2013 07:47:10