I can hardly believe it's Thursday already and I haven't managed to write anything. :\
EDIT: Finally managed to get something down. Would appreciate some feedback on this.
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Verden saw her coming down the sidewalk towards him, as graceful as he remembered. She was looking at the ground, and he wondered if she’d see him. A moment later, she did.
“It’s been awhile,” she said. “How’ve you been?”
“Keeping busy, mostly. You know how it is.”
“Do I?”
Verden shrugged. “Well yeah. No different from back then, really, except for the obvious. Things just passing by the same as always.”
Neither spoke for a moment, and their eyes did*’t quite meet. Verden scuffed the sidewalk with his toe before saying, “Well, how about you, then? Doing well?”
It was her turn to shrug, and her answer was slow in coming. “Yeah, mostly. I mean, all my classes are good and stuff. Nothing to complain about.”
“Sounds like there might be a ‘but’ attached to that.”
“Yeah, well maybe. I don’t know.”
For the first time in the conversation, Verden met her eyes. “It’s not quite what you thought, maybe? Not how you were expecting to feel?”
She shrugged and changed the subject. “You’re looking good. Not as skinny as the last time I saw you.”
Verden had to smile. “Of course not. I was starting to blow away in a soft breeze. Figured I’d better get back to normal eating and all. Can** stay down forever.”
The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and Verden saw a hint of the smile he remembered, the smile he’d loved. “Yeah, I guess not,* was all she said. Then after another pause that stretched on too long. “What brings you here? Thought engineers mostly kept to the other side of campus.”
“Oh, we normally do. But I sometimes park over here. Just a little bit of extra exercise, a little more time out of my cave of an apartment. Soak up some vitamin D or whatever.”
26-Jul-2012 21:22:32
- Last edited on
27-Jul-2012 10:08:47