
SilverMoon Island -RP Reboot

Quick find code: 49-50-572-65778302

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The ruined Hats booth

Jonathan stepped a bit away from Phoenix then said, "Do you need a doctor...Doctor Cromwell is up at the offices up that pathway." Jonathan points the direction down a pathway between the path way of the car rental place and the dorms a rather large old building. Once being the prison that was on the island before the school.



Sal chuckles at the question, "This is a great way to dress, don't have too worry about colors clashing or stains." Sal continues to follow as thought he then breaths deeply. "This is a great school. Plenty things to do, so many people to meet, all trapped here for a whole year things will be interesting."

Sal puts his hands together, "My name is Salazar, but you can call me Sal. You seem rather pale but I think we both know why. Maybe we can help each other, you see those like us should stick together and help one another you know what I mean?"
and nothing was spoiled :P

17-Apr-2016 04:26:49

Mar Member 2023


Posts: 3,493 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lelia made it to the dormitory-assigning-building and saw another girl standing there. Pale, but naturally so, she assumed. Did*’t give off the “vampire” vibe. She shrugged her off and walked to the lady behind the desk. The woman seemed excitable, and as Lelia stalked her way over there and requested a room she jumped. Maybe it was the vampire’s unnaturally pale skin. Or perhaps the way the young girl was paying only the faintest amount of attention to the woman, just wanting to get her key and drop her luggage in her room.

After having been crammed on a tiny boat for the better part of forever , Lelia wanted to go for a run. Or see if there was a gym on the island. Or do something physical to combat the stress and agitation of being packed onto ferries. The woman at last handed the girl a key, informing her that she already had a roommate and that there might be a couple more, depending on how they separated everyone.

Great, Lelia thought, I get off of a crammed space and put right back into one. The only consolation was that she could spend as much time as she wanted to not being in that awful, tiny space. She walked to the room that the lady had described, turned the key in the lock, and opened the door. There, standing in the center of the room (probably trying to decide which bed worked best for her), was the girl from the lobby. “
Hey. My name’s Lelia, what’s yours?
” she asked, realizing she’d have to get to know the woman standing before her. She walked into the room, shut the door, and dropped her bags onto the first bed she came to, laying down beside them. Suddenly it seemed like all motivation left her body and all she wanted to do was rest.
I just play FFXIV at this point. DC: Crystal

17-Apr-2016 14:23:31



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Julia remained knelt before the girl that had been sick, trying to see if there was anything she could do.

“Hey, it’s alright, your off the boats, back on dry land. Deep breaths.” She said, in an almost motherly tone. She was trying to be as soothing as possible, because this girl was clearly upset by the whole circumstance.

Understandably so; it wasn’t exactly the best first impression, throwing up all over someone’s flyers. The poor girl was probably super embarrassed, and Julia felt bad for her.
“Here,” Julia said, offering her hand to the kneeling girl. She was fully prepared to offer a shoulder and help the girl to the doctor the man had just pointed out. What she wasn’t prepared for was to get blasted by vomit, which is honestly something she should’ve been more prepped for.

Meanwhile, Glenn stood off to the side, watching the whole scene unfold. He was entirely prepared for Julia to get blasted by vomit, and was entirely prepared to run up and say something snarky in the event that that happened.

However, he was also observing the rest of the situation. He saw a nice gentleman completely taken aback by a notebook, and then shooed away by another lady that seemed to come out of nowhere. He also noticed that the herd was beginning to thin out.

People were going to get their dorm rooms, and he really hoped that this situation wouldn’* last too long; they both needed to get their rooms, and he did*’* want to get stuck with the leftovers.

17-Apr-2016 16:41:58



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Gary Riley

"Um... because I don't get out in the sun much?" Gary said, a confused expression on his face, in response to the man's comment about him being a bit pale. For God's sake, he wasn't even that pale!

Meanwhile, on the inside, he was suspicious. He knew the real meaning behind the question, or at least he thought he did. Could this man be a vampire? If so, he was by no means willing to work with him - he knew nothing about him.

Was he the kind of vampire who fed on humans and kill them? Did he feed on humans and leave them alive? Did he limit his feeding strictly to animals? Was he a vampire at all, or was he a warlock or werewolf that classified all supernaturals under one group? Maybe he was a human working for HATS, asking questions like that to pale people in order to determine whether or not they were a vampire?

One thing was certain though: if he was a supernatural, he wasn't very careful. Asking such a question in a public place to someone simply because they were pale? The colour of his skin alone was not enough to determine whether or not he was a vampire! Sure, the question may have been vague enough that a normal human wouldn't catch the hint... but what if Gary had been a member of HATS?

In short, he wasn't someone Gary wanted to be acquainted with. Too many unknowns, and he gave off some bad vibes. "I really don't know what you're talking about."


Jeff Riley

"Isn't there a doctor... literally right there?" Jeff pointed out, gesturing towards Doctor Green. He hadn't been to the school before and certainly didn't recognize the man, but the doctor's outfit clearly identified him as one. Unless Halloween had come early...
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

17-Apr-2016 18:13:26 - Last edited on 17-Apr-2016 18:15:25 by NotFishing

Apr Member 2016


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Tia frowned slightly, peering between the beds before finally settling on a bed. She was about to head towards it when a voice behind her caused her to flinch. Moving forward towards her bed, she dumped her bag and turned on the spot to face the girl. She adopted a relaxed pose with her hands on her hips and carefully eyed the girl up and down for a moment.

"Tia," she answered at last. "I'm Tia. I take it you're my new roommate?" She tilted her head curiously. Something about the girl seemed a little off, but she could not be entirely certain. Sinking down onto the edge of her bed, the pale blonde witch rested her elbows on her knees. She watched the girl unblinkingly, her icy blue eyes entirely blank and expressionless.
Everyone has the potential to be an asshat in a flower crown.

18-Apr-2016 00:17:07



Posts: 19,719 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

“T-thank you. But I’m fine. Really.” Phoenix lied, and quite convincingly at that. Truth of the matter was, no matter where she looked, chippie packets were everywhere – several in people’s hands, some fluttering through the breeze.

Her stomach still churning, she stood on her own volition. As it turned out, this mere action helped a lot - the air felt much less heavy away from the putrid litter. The rabid cavity in her stomach and the oddly flavoured chunks stuck in her throat were uncomfortable, but it wasn't enough to render her invalid.

"I-uhm…Would you please permit me to wash up and help clean up this mess?" Phoenix babbled, her tone much like a school kid who were in trouble with a particularly touchy teacher.

18-Apr-2016 07:13:52

Natsu Altiva

Natsu Altiva

Posts: 2,540 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Saturday, April 2, 2016.
Lebanon, Asia 3:15 a.m.

Two figures stood amerced in the shadows of a lone street cutaway. Their outlines being the only thing visible. One figure latching onto the other who didn't dare try and free itself. "No...yo...hav...stop...ple." It pleaded in a soft, broken, female moan before falling silent. A few moments after the the woman's body stop moving and was assuredly dead the second figure rose from his knee allowing the body to fall silently into the debris and filth that covered this small discreet alley way. This figure stepped up and over the body without a second thought, as if this wasn't the first or hell the hundredth time he'd done something similar, and it wasn't. He'd done it hundreds if not a thousand times, but who could blame him? It was in his nature to kill, it was the nature of a true vampire to take a life.

As if nothing had transpired a moment before the man casually stepped out of the lone alleyway onto the overly packed street. He stood at around six feet and two inches with a lanky but muscular build weighing in at approximately one hundred and forty some odd pounds. Stepping into the light also revealed other note worthy attributes of this devishly handsome individual. Such his sharp jaw line, marble white skin, his small petite nose, and his icy blue eyes. His head being blessed by a mop of beautiful dirty blonde hair, styled into a longer pompadour, at a length of an inch to two inches. This individuals long boney fingers reached into the pocket of his black slim blue jeans to reveal a small black glass iPhone, a message being displayed in green, reading; Leo, I've got some information for you on Lilith, get back to me soon. Lilith....that was a name that he hadn't heard in quite awhile, one that held special meaning deep inside his heart.
Normal is an illusion.
What's normal to the spider, Is chaos to the the fly.

18-Apr-2016 13:17:25

Natsu Altiva

Natsu Altiva

Posts: 2,540 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
She was his sire, his master, the one who made him into a vampire some odd two hundred years ago. It was, if he remembered correctly, 1793 on his twentieth birthday when she'd turned him.

He hadn't seen her in decades, not since the night she'd made him hers and disappeared only to later find out she'd been captured and buried somewhere. Perhaps this was the information he'd been seeking all these years.

Looking down at his gray high top supra's laced with red shoestring, he smiled like a kid in a candy store, revealing a set of straight pearl white teeth. He moved his fingers across the screen typing an address to meet before placing the phone into the left ****** pocket of his jean jacket. He smiled once more before he began making his way down the street disappearing into the crowd.

It'd be simple to presume that the two met and discussed the information the message had spoken of which led Leo to the Island so we'll go with that.
Personality: "I made you all mine because of you're care-free and almost sadistic personality. You care about almost nothing and no one. Everything you do is well thought out and planned to meet you're own sadistic ends, and that's why I love you my sweet, sweet Leo." Quoted from his sire. While this says most of what you need to know, it doesn't say that he's actually got a tender and sweet side, although very rarely seen.

History: Leo was the son of a quite wealthy lord near the town where the spell creating the vampires was cast so needless to say he was there that day watching over the proceedings knowing full well what the witch was trying to do for he'd been born with magic at the time as well. After that event Leo went into the service of Lilith the lust vampire as her personal warlock before she turned him.
Normal is an illusion.
What's normal to the spider, Is chaos to the the fly.

18-Apr-2016 13:18:54

Natsu Altiva

Natsu Altiva

Posts: 2,540 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Other: Leo contains three items, a sun stone, a normal silver dagger, and a black stone. The sun stone being simply strung around his neck with the black stone on a silver chain. The dagger is concealed a all times in his jacket sleeve. The black stone was a item Leo had crafted for Lilith to negate the affects of the founders watch while he was still in his service.

Leonardo "Leo" Caelous/229/Male/Vampire/Natsu Altiva

Bear with me, I'm a bit rusty. I haven't role played here, err well, anywhere in like two to three years.

Also, holy crap, you're still around here tale! Awesome
Normal is an illusion.
What's normal to the spider, Is chaos to the the fly.

18-Apr-2016 13:19:33 - Last edited on 18-Apr-2016 13:22:54 by Natsu Altiva

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