
SilverMoon Island -RP Reboot

Quick find code: 49-50-572-65778302

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Table of Contents
Page 1
Post 1- TOC and Character Controlled Character List
Post 2- Introduction
Post 3- RP Rules and School Rules
Post 4- , Humans and Vampires descriptions
Post 5- . Werewolves Description
Post 6- Witches and Warlocks Descriptions
Post 7- Nonplayable characters Descriptions
Post 8- Important characters and groups
Post 9- Bio Format
Post 10- History is SilverMoon Island-
Page 2
Post 1. History of SilverMoon Island Cont.
Post 2. History of SilverMoon Island Cont.
Post 3. History of SilverMoon Island Cont.
Post 4. Important Items
Post 5- my Bio
Post 6. res
Post 7. My Bio
Post 8. My Bio
Post 9. Res.
Post 10. Res
Page 3
Post 1. Sports and clubs list
Post 2. School Events
Post 3. Current Storyline Summary
Post 4. res
Post 5. Dorm rooms list
Post 6. res
Post 7. res
Post 8. res
Post 9. res
Post 10 res
Page 4
Post 1- You may post

Characters List


Alana White/19/Female/Human/George Rozas - Page 5
Doctor Evan Green/30ish maybe/Male/Probably Human/George Rozas- Page 5
Phoenix Le Torne*u / 17 / Female / Warlock / Westenev- Page 5
Gary Riley/43/Male/VAMPIRE MASTER RACE/CaptLasky Page 5 and 6
Jeff Riley/17/Male/HUMAN MASTER RACE/CaptLasky- Page 5
Julia Hunter/20/Female/Human/Chasers115 - Page 6
Glenn Hunter/20/Male/Human/Chasers115 -Page 5
Tia Castell/21/WOMAN/Witch/Taleisin -Page 4
Robin Anaris/21 (But not really)/Maybe/Witch/Warlock/Inferi - Page 4
Lelia Spencer/68/Female/Vampire/Maddy Blue- Page 4
Darren/ 26/ male/ pure werewolf/ Guthix SS4 - Page 2
Cain/21/male/warlock/ Guthix SS4- Page 2
Sal/211/male/vampire/ Guthix SS4- Page 2
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13-Apr-2016 22:08:40 - Last edited on 15-Apr-2016 03:52:51 by Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

SilverMoon Island
A letter many have gotten after applying to the great school of SilverMoon

Dear Student
Your application to SilverMoon has been accepted, you are attending a one of a kind school. This school is on its own Island, it is a one of a kind experience, for one whole year you will live in the on school campus. You will sailed out to the island, we have many facilities the school is almost it's own city.

Welcome to the school, we hope this will be enjoyable experience for you here

SilverMoon School Board of Directors

This is the letter that is given to many who are heading to this school, once on the island they won't be leaving for a whole year. The ferry arrives with all the students they will be stuck there for a month. This island is nearly perfect if it wasn't completely infested with supernatural creatures, werewolves and vampires being the primary beings on the Island. This isn't common knowledge. This is the fourth year the school has been run and no major incidents. A few students go missing here or there, but nothing to raise a problem for the school.

Welcome to SilverMoon
and nothing was spoiled :P

13-Apr-2016 22:11:33

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rules for the rp

1. Follow all the rules set by Jagex for the forums
2. Follow all the basic RPing rules, no godmodding, no powerplaying, metaplaying, ect.
3. Romance is allowed, keep it pg-13 and timeskip past the non pg other stuff nobody wants to read that
4.Have fun

School Rules(not actually must follow rules but rules of the school in the rp. You don't have to follow any of these next few rules but your characters might get into a bit of trouble if they don't)

1. No Fighting
2. No staying out past curfew which is set at 11pm except on special school sanctioned days
3. No Drinking or smokes on school grounds, keep it in the shopping district
4. No underage drinking
5. No student shall enter the other genders dorm after curfew
6. No Vandalism
7. The Graveyard is off limits
and nothing was spoiled :P

13-Apr-2016 22:11:43 - Last edited on 13-Apr-2016 23:16:20 by Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Playable creatures or character types

Human- look in a mirror if you want to know what a human looks like, no powers nothing supernaturally different

Vampires- A vampire looks just like a human in every way, maybe a bit paler due to lack of sun. They have a second set of canines that extend out when they feed over their normal human canines . Vampires feed on blood, they get more power from drinking human blood versus other kinds of blood.

Vampires have inhuman strength and speed, they can rip open a car door off its hinges and run as fast as a car going at full speed. Older vampires are stronger than younger vampires also if a vampire that drinks human blood is stronger than ones that don’t drink human blood.

Vampires normally cannot walk in the sunlight without enchanted objects that cancel out the power of the sun. Vampires in the sunlight are basicly just pale humans the sun cancels out their vampire strength and speed when the sun is in direct contact with a vampire.

Vampires also have healing abillies they heal any wound that isn’t a stab to the heart and decapitation, their blood also has healing qualities as well but also is one step in to becoming a vampire. If a vampire is stabbed in the heart or their head is completely removed they will die.

To become a vampire, a human has to ingest vampire blood, and then feed on another human within 24 hours after getting vampire blood.

They can live forever and never age, a vampire that drinks a lot of blood will look like they did when they first were turned, the longer a vampire goes without blood the older they look slowly looking like corpses, and slowly losing their ability to move.

To Kill a Vampire stick an object into their hearts or remove their hearts. They die, then they wither down to how old they are as a corpse.
and nothing was spoiled :P

13-Apr-2016 22:12:46

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Werewolves- There are two kinds of werewolves that are playable, pure/born and bitten.

Pure or Born Werewolves, are born as werewolves, if one or both parents are werewolves there is a chance of giving birth to another werewolf. The more pure the two parents are the bigger chance another werewolf is born.

Then there are bitten werewolves, Generally weaker then born werewolves, but they are more likely to give into their raw desires as they haven't lived with the werewolf primal instincts as long as a pure/born werewolf.

To be turned into a Bitten Werewolf, you have to be bitten by a pure or bitten werewolf

Both werewolves and control when they transform and the wolf forms except fresh bitten werewolves cannot control the transformation. Also bitten wolves will always transform on the full moon.

Pure werewolves look like very large wolves when they transform, they are faster then normal vampires and stronger. Bitten werewolves are more humanoid looking like big lanky weirdly muscular beasts.

Werewolves eat a lot of meat, raw or cooked. Werewolves stop aging either between their 18 years old and their late 30s. They can live until they are killed without aging.

To Kill a werewolf you just have to create a wound sever enough that they cannot heal from. Damaging multiple major organs, or just the heart and brain will kill any werewolf. In their transformed state, their skin is as hard as steel, to anything but Silver. Silver can cut and werewolves as if their skin was made of butter
and nothing was spoiled :P

13-Apr-2016 22:15:10

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Witches warlocks - they are people who use magic, they look like humans, but they can use magic. They use magic one of two ways, using natural magic that is using nature or using spirits. Witches are generally weak when alone, but are a lot stronger in a group and the older they get. Witches generally stay close together in convents as their powers are stronger in a group. They can control elements and other kinds of magic. Each time they do a spell they use their own power, the more spells the more energy they use the more tired they get. Too much and they die. Bring people back to life is considered dark and forbidden magic and uses so much power that it kills the spell casters.

Witches/warlocks over the years have sided with humans, vampires and werewolves at least once over thousands of years. Once the witched helped the humans seal the elder vampires away, in the last few hundred years as witches have been hunted down in witch hunts they generally stay away from humans and started to help vampires. Witches can be killed like any human.

Humans cannot become witches or warlocks they have to be born as such. But a witch can be turned into a vampire or werewolf.
and nothing was spoiled :P

13-Apr-2016 22:17:23

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nonplayable creatures

Elder Vampires- These are the oldest and most powerful vampires, having mystical abilities of that of classic vampires able to change into animals, control weather and what not. They look like humans they have the same weakness as a normal vampire other then the weaknesses are only half as effective, other than sun light they are not affected by the sun.

Elder vampires can only be slowed down in the thread so far, They can be stopped by a blessed silver dagger that is stabbed in the heart and sealed away on the island. Stabbing with a silver Dagger will only temporarily kill them as long as the daggers stay in the hearts of the elder vampires. Decapitation doesn't even work, the body can still move and the head stays alive until it is put back on the shoulders. How to actually kill them will be revealed in the rp as the story progresses

Primal Vampires- These are prehistoric vampires they don’t look like humans they are pure monsters, they are humanoid like bat creatures. They stand around the six feet tall close to seven, they have massive wings. The are strong and faster then all other vampires. They feed on anything, vampires, humans, werewolves, anything that is alive is its prey. They are all sealed away on the island. Killing these isn't simples it takes a special object from the island that can kill them. The sacred silver daggers can slow them down but they will recover quickly. They are often referred to as Feral vampires

More creatures will be added later
and nothing was spoiled :P

13-Apr-2016 22:23:54 - Last edited on 13-Apr-2016 23:51:10 by Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Important Characters and groups
Principal- Jamil Augustine (pure werewolf)
Vice Princpile- Bob Springler
School Head Doctor
Dr. Acula or Samuel Cromwell or Doctor Cromwell(vampire)
Seven Elder Vampires- These seven vampires take seven dark properties of humans(seven deadly sins) and named themselves as such

Lust- Lilith
Pride- Prudence
Wrath- Walden
Envey- Elie
Sloth- Sloan
Gluttiney- Gareth
Greed- Greg
HATS- Human against the supernatural
A small group ran by teachers and a few students in the school. They hunt down and kill vampires, werewolves and witches of all kinds, in hopes to protect the school from. They possess weapons and gear that they use against werewolves, vampires and witches, always waiting for the supernatural forces to return and they are supposedly ready.

Leader Jonathan Walton(human)
SilverMoon Board of Directors

Crystal Thornton(witch)
James StrongHeart(human)
Sammel Cromwell (Vampire)
Jonathan Wallton (human)
Marcus Bates labeled the dean of the school the school's 'master'(human)
and nothing was spoiled :P

13-Apr-2016 22:31:07 - Last edited on 13-Apr-2016 23:38:24 by Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bio Format- (Nonbios are allowed if you prefer them then go right ahead just leave the fill out somewhere so I can add you to the character's list)

Name(What are you named

Age (how old is your character humans between 17-40 vampires and werewolves can be how ever old up to 214 years old for vampires. Werewolves can be older)

Gender(male or female)

Race(Vampire, Bitten werewolf, Pure/Born Werewolf, Witch/Warlock(female witch, male warlock) and Humans)

Appearance(What do they look like)
Clothing: (what do they wear)


Short history


Fill out

and nothing was spoiled :P

13-Apr-2016 22:31:26 - Last edited on 13-Apr-2016 22:55:44 by Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

Posts: 20,526 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
History of the Island
Year- Unknown
Primal Grounds- The first things on the island were the original inhabitants, which are the first werewolves of the island. Two thousand years before SilverMoon was founded, the island was just huge forest with a few packs of werewolves. These are 'Pure' werewolves, they were born into werewolves rather then bitten.
The only other creature on the island are the primal vampires, which some believe are older then the werewolves. They are prehistoric vampires, they feral beasts. They are like the cavemen to the vampires, they consume large amounts of blood, and eat flesh from anything they can catch.

The werewolves and feral vampires fought each other for years, monstrous wolf like creatures and massive humanoid like bat like beasts. It was battles of survival.

Year- 1451
Failed Settlement- The first people who sailed over to the island tried to colonize it. This was a massive failure this was about four hundred years before SilverMoon on the main land was founded. This population was of forty men and women, who tried to create a village on the island. It lasted for seven days, the feral vampires murdered most of them, the rest were saved by the werewolves who turned them all into werewolves. Creating the first generation of bitten werewolves on the island which those bitten werewolves broke off from the pure werewolves creating their own hostile pack
Year 1789
SilverMoon failed expansion attempt- Silvermoon was founded and fourteen years after it was founded they expanded out to the island. Earlier pioneers, this failed after fourteen days, the feral vampires and bitten werewolves attacked them. The bitten werewolves looking to expand their packs. The feral vampires just wanting to eat them.
and nothing was spoiled :P

13-Apr-2016 22:34:45

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