
SilverMoon Island -RP Reboot

Quick find code: 49-50-572-65778302



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He certainly did*’t get the best.

In fact, what he got was such an incredible response that Robin burst out laughing. It was even better than any response she had been expecting, and that just made it quite a bit funnier. The fact that she did*** speak was almost unnoticed by the shape-shifter, since the communication with the written word was just as effective and was actually a bit funnier. His delayed-reaction backstep just made it better, and he looked so put off by the response that, for a moment, Robin felt sorry for the guy.

That is, until he continued that line of questioning. Why even bother? What was so important about the mask that it would merit continuing a conversation that had clearly already been shut down? It did*’t matter, since he got a response indicating exactly that, and although Robin’s laugh had toned down by that point she was still chuckling.

Too bad there isn’t some invisible brain gas.
” she commented, walking over, putting down her suitcase, and speaking to the man though they were already friends. “
I’d say you could use a boost from it right about now.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

16-Apr-2016 04:10:42 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2016 04:11:11 by Inferi



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Gary Riley

"You are a very hostile individual." Gary observed upon reading Alana's second note, smirking at the 'save yourself' line - although she wouldn't know the exact line he was looking at. But he knew that there were many, many kids on that boat who could use a similar warning. This place was, after all, infested with supernatural beings. Anyways, the woman clearly wasn't interested in having any sort of civilized discussion.

Then, he turned to face a newcomer who had apparently decide to enter the conversation, and his smirk grew a bit larger. "Well, a friend of mine did tell me that college was the best time to experiment with stuff like that." Gary said with a shrug.

"Thing is, he wasn't actually smart enough to go to college. And he wasn't actually my friend. So I'd take that advice with a grain of salt."
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

16-Apr-2016 04:21:14 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2016 04:23:37 by NotFishing

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile



The third response was drafted up quickly enough after the man's comment, although another woman had approached as she was displaying it, apparently a friend of the man's judging by her demeanor. Alana invisibly bristled, paranoia working its way to the forefront again as her blank gaze set upon the two individuals. If they were together, that put her at a tactical disadvantage. She had no immediate cover to duck behind in the case of a gunfight, but they were both close enough for her to rush them and apply her boot knife to their jugulars if either one made a move to reach for a weapon.

In a pinch the pencil in her hand could be used to similar effect, but it was an unreliable weapon at best and would likely snap in the process of pulling it out of the throat of one of them. She would have to get the one she stabbed between her and the other to use as a body shield, then she would have time to draw her knife or steal the weapon from the one she had stabbed and use that to finish off the other one. The island was big, she could lose any further pursuers in the resulting chaos and disappear into the overgrowth before they could train their sights on her. The crowd would work to her advantage.

Meanwhile, on the outside, Alana was doing plainly nothing, although her grip on the pencil had tightened.
I am Inferi.

16-Apr-2016 04:38:13



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Makes sense. I’d say someone like you wouldn’t have any friends anyways. Trust me, though, you’ll need something to lighten up the empty space in your head if you’re going to keep saying stupid things.
” was Robin’s response, accompanied by a shrug. Her tone had turned into something less-than friendly, since the friendly tone had only been to mock and she wasn’t getting the best vibes from him.

It was probably his forced continuation of the conversation that was bothering her. She had been asked many times about her own abilities because they were different, and too often people did*’t leave her alone about them. It was maddening, because it was a subject that she did*’* want to discuss and they just kept going on.

That was somewhat of the vibe she was getting here, and why she had stepped in. Of course, she knew very well it could very likely make the situation worse, but at the same time watching it wasn’t something she really wanted to do. So, getting to the heart of the matter, she added one more sentence.

I’d say your advances have been rebuffed, anyways, so you may as well leave.

Although she had noticed Alana’s hand tightening around the pencil, she had chalked it up to nervousness at the situation. Reading people wasn’t her strongest suit, and with the gas mask on it was even harder to tell. That was part of what prompted her to try and end the encounter, but she was aware that determined people rarely gave up so easily.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

16-Apr-2016 05:04:42



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Gary Riley

Once again, Gary's eyebrows rose. The expression on his face was one of shock, and actually looked a little hurt for a second, then confused. The look of a man who had no idea he had done anything wrong.

"Look, I just thought I'd ask about the gas mask. It's not something you normally see everyday, and I wasn't trying to offend anyone - I just have a habit of questioning my surroundings, and there's nothing stupid about that." Then he turned to Alana. "But I should have dropped the subject. I'm sorry." He said with sincerity in his voice. Then he read her latest note and looked at her with a quizzical expression as if to say 'really'?

The truth of the matter was that he thought neither of them were justified in their hostility. He had, after all, made a simple inquiry - one that everyone was already thinking. She responded rudely, he shrugged it off and tried to ask a different question, she responded rudely again, and then another girl came in and started treating him like he was the bad guy. But he wasn't a guy who liked to make unnecessary enemies. In fact, he had actually been about to leave before the new girl even shown up.

Then he shook his head slightly. "Anyways, I'll go now. Again, I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to pester her, I was just curious." And with that, he turned and walked away, following the road to the dormitory, wondering what made two simple questions such an unforgivable offense.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

16-Apr-2016 05:39:47

Guthix SS4

Guthix SS4

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The HATs Booth

Jonathan had got out of the way of the girl before she spewed all over the place. Its too bad it cant be said about his fliers or his booth.

He heard the girl say she was sorry he said, "Its alright, I guess that must have been a long boat ride..." Jonathan not staying near the booth seeming getting away from the situation. It was drawing attention to the table which is something he would want he didn't need to draw the attention to the supernatural creatures.

Jonathan quickly puts the compass into his pocket then ask, "Are you going to be all right Ms.?


Watching and observing Sal noticed the hats booth before the incident of the girl puking on it. He knows that group all too well. Sal wanted to go over and snap the man's neck, but it wouldn't be smart to do that in this kind of a crowd. Then the girl puked all over the booth and Sal almost starting laughing.

Sal looks around to see what else is going on in the area looking at everyone as prey and pawns to work in his schemes for releasing the elder vampire.

He notices two girls and a male conversing, noticing the pale skin of the male he smiles and leaves the boat and approaches them. Listening in to he one girl and the male speak. The other seemed to be writing stuff. He heard the guy say he was leaving and Sal walked around them slowing down a bit after passing them going towards the dorms watching Gary go that direction. He speaks to Gary not looking directly at him just speaking stirring up some bit of conversation for some reason, "Women, one of life's great mysteries am I right?".
and nothing was spoiled :P

16-Apr-2016 07:32:32 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2016 07:33:14 by Guthix SS4



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Gary Riley

Hearing a voice behind him, Gary stopped and turned to face him, sizing him up - he looked like some sort of weird goth kid. " People are mysteries." He finally said. "That isn't exclusive to women. Although those two are apparently more mysterious than most."

Truth be told, Gary wasn't entirely sure why this man decided to approach him. He had noticed the pale skin, but his outfit combined with his attitude suggested he was more of a reclusive gothic emo manchild than an actual vampire.

And you couldn't assume that someone was a vampire based purely on their skin tone - that would be racist. Or would it be stereotyping? He wasn't quite sure. No laws or definitions (or even awareness) had been put in place to ensure vampire equality, so it was still a matter for debate. While Gary's own skin was a bit on the pale side, it alone was not enough to assume that he was a vampire.

Turning around, he continued his walk. "So why are you wearing all black?" He asked, assuming that Sal continued to follow him. "Are you an aspiring stagehand?" But then, remembering how the other girl had reacted when he questioned her fashion choice, as well as how defensive goth kids could be in general, he added: "Sorry, bad joke."

Plus this guy could talk. He wasn't interested in actually being yelled at.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

16-Apr-2016 18:30:34 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2016 18:33:01 by NotFishing

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What started as friendly chatter immediately changed before Alana's eyes, the new woman cutting the pleasant tone in her voice to berate the man who became visibly shocked by the turnabout. He looked between both of them, obviously confused, and tried to justify his questions before promptly apologizing to the gas masked girl and leaving. While the situation was still not strictly ideal her grip on the pencil loosened somewhat, albeit she wasn't sure what to make of this new person.

Being unable to leave the area at the moment, at least until the Doctor was done doing his job or extreme circumstances dictated she could abandon her post, Alana remained in place with her silent gaze now sat upon the woman who had chased away the question asking man. The flow of students, despite there being so many of them, had begun to ebb somewhat now that some degree of order had taken root amongst them, lines progressing relatively steadily and smaller groups moved on from the edge of the island.

This would soon be awkward if nothing was said.
I am Inferi.

16-Apr-2016 19:46:07



Posts: 19,719 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Phoenix meekly accepted the handkerchief, muttering a brief “Thanks”. It was all she could mutter while she struggled to keep her unsettled stomach under control. Bringing the handkerchief to her face, she dared herself to look up, visibly shrinking as she noted the audience taking note of her starring role in this horrid spectacle.

As the club lead spoke, at first she had thought it had been to her – but like any male, the word “ms.” did not compute. Angling her head to the side, she found a girl squatting beside her. In a fit of cold horror, Phoenix realised the girl must have gotten caught in the torrent and… and…!

Phoenix wanted nothing more than to shrink away into nothingness.

“I’m sorry, I’ll clean this up right a-“ Pheonix's plea ended in a violent convulsion as her eyes had the misfortune of beholding an onlookers dreaded packet of potato chips. Though her guts were wrapped tightly, she managed to will the bile back down her throat… but just how long could she keep it in check?

16-Apr-2016 20:03:19



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

As she walked the man walk away, Robin couldn’t deny that she felt a little bad. He had sounded sincere in the apology, and if he actually had been then she had been the one that was wrong. It would be worth apologizing to him about it if she saw him again, but chasing after him to do so right now wasn’t a persona she wanted to give off. Besides, he hadn’* waited around for an apology, so that had to mean he wasn’t expecting one.

The gas-masked woman made no response at all besides staring at Robin. That was fine too; she hadn’t expected anything from her about what had just happened. More likely than not, she was somewhat awkwarded out by what had just happened - a sentiment Robin did*’t quite share, but then again she wasn’t really bothered much by awkwardness.

Not wanting to make the situation any worse, since she had made it bad enough already, Robin smiled at the gas-masked girl and gave her a slight wave before picking up her suitcase again and walking off into the crowd. Starting a conversation seemed slightly inappropriate without a prompt from her - at least given what had just happened - and there was plenty that needed to be done here anyways.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

17-Apr-2016 01:14:46

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