
Wrath of the Dark Empire

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Posts: 9,782 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello, Croce, as promised, here are some of my findings for your story:
"“The world is falling to pieces. The armies of the Dark Empire march forth, from Canifis, hoping to conquer everything. We took the solemn duty, brothers and sisters, to protect our beloved Lumbridge. Just as we saw off a dragon, the culineromancer, and Dragith Nurn, so too shall we fight this Empire of madness.”
These were the Leader’s words, his rally to his men as they assembled, ready to defend their town from a sinister force."
--Here, could I ask why you broke this up into two paragraphs? It worked grammatically as one paragraph too, and the second paragraph doesn't work on its own. I recommend putting the two paragraphs into one.

“I have served here long, I have defeated all our other enemies,” said General Croce, “And even in the face of such a foe, we must not give up hope!”
--The dialogue punctuation here doesn't quite work like that. Remedies are as follows:
1) Keep the comma after General Croce, and chance the next word, And, to lower case.
2) Change the comma after General Croce to a full stop.
Remedy one can be applied if the previous dialogue makes a sentence on its own (in this case it does), and Remedy two can be applied if the previous dialogue doesn't end there.

"and his limp body fell three stories to the ground."
--Stories would be one of these :D . Storeys is probably what you mean.

"“My lady, Lumbridge is ours.” was all that Rois could manage."
--Again here, with the dialogue punctuation. I recommend a comma instead of a full stop.

"“Impossible to say,” began Rois,"
--Full stop after Rois, if you have Upper case after :)
"I was to be sure that all the Lumbridge Swordmasters are dead.”
--I wanted to make sure if this is exactly what you mean...

19-Apr-2010 20:50:46



Posts: 9,782 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"After a dramatic pause, she continued. “At least tell me their Leader’s dead.”"
--She continued, *comma*, "At least..."

"What about the other Generals."
--Question mark? It was a question.

"Yahi was spiralling into madness; but he would never defect."
--As a general rule, it is frowned upon to use a conjunction (E.g. And, But etc) after a semicolon. Try avoid that :)
That's all I had time for today, I'm afraid, but over all, I am very impressed with your description, and how atmospheric you made the story in the beginning, which of course the above errors can not detract. You have great potential. Please keep writing :)

19-Apr-2010 20:50:54



Posts: 1,385 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yoh, Amora, and anyone else reading this, I will be inactive from now until the first week of May.
Please keep this thread bumped in my absence.
P.S. Sorry for lack of new chapters, I have been awfully busy as of late.

21-Apr-2010 22:43:08



Posts: 2,774 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"A curtain of silence fell over the cell" ( :) and so on.. a wonderful line...
I absolutely love the way in which you set the scene, describe the same and expand upon your characters in the story.
I am too (waiting for the next story)- if you do indeed write as your pen permits, the chapters of this story kepp me bound to read. Utterly from choice.
I love your narrative style so much. Descrriptive yet with a poetic ease that anyone can follow.
Thank you Croce, this has made my day (today)!

22-Apr-2010 01:20:21



Posts: 9,782 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Heya, got to chapter 3 so far. Really liking it!
The eating scene in Chapter 2 was really unexpected, well done!
And Chapter 3 was great too, though in one place you put in two full stops - is that an ellipsis with a dot missing or one too many full stops?
Anyway, just a personal preference, I don't know about you, but I prefer British English :|
That includes British spelling of words, such as recognise, not recognize. And it also uses ' ' as speechmarks, not " ". That's completely up to you though. Since you live in England, might as well continue the tradition!
Chapter 4:
Great stuff, loved the dream, and your description is immaculate. Did I say you have great potential? I might as well say it again. Well done.
There are some comma splices, errors which made a sentence sound odd due to misplaced commas. You can take care of this by reading over your own work, examining every single sentence and understanding its structure: so, does this clause actually belong in this sentence, or is it about something else entirely?
And I love the bit where Rois thought he was turning into Yahi :D
Chapter 5:
Nothing much. There was one place where you had 'How long do you plan to honour us with your presence.' And since it's a question, it deserves a question mark.
“Rois,” Snapped Yahi “Don’t be insolent!”
Snapped should be small case, since the punctuation before it was comma.
The statue, and its disturbing silence, was fantastic.
Chapter 6:
Really great characterisation here, particularly how the prince joked to not seem cowardly, details that most writers tend to neglect.
Just a slight question here: In a desert, given the natural dry environment, it is difficult to corpses to 'rot' as such, which is how Egyptians discovered mummification. It's important, just pointing out that you did put 'rotting slowly' though ^^.
Use words rather than numbers please. Eleven and two.
Please don't use interrobang ?! or !? in formal writing. Settle with 1

22-Apr-2010 19:48:46 - Last edited on 22-Apr-2010 20:23:25 by Englishkid62



Posts: 9,782 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 7:
"Behind him were over 50 men dressed in desert attire."
Usually, if it's that many, from Ruby's point of view he couldn't have counted 50 men?
"The honourable Corporal inside of you is long dead, I see.*
You can remove the 'of', since it's redundant.
Other than that, Rois though, Ruby could be passed off as a General.
Though should be thought.
“I’ve done good things for you Ruby.” Rois said
Comma after Ruby.

Chapter 8:
As of yet, there is very, very little interaction between Rois and Croce (Insertion of yourself in the story? My, post-modernism is a special effect not to be meddled with!) and it's nice to have those names again from the Prologue. Still, not bad.

You have great storytelling skills, and you are well on your way to find your own voice in writing. What I think you need now is more emotion from your characters, and to be able to imagine that they are real people, and you can put yourself into their shoes, act accordingly, and say those things.
That's probably all I'll say so far lol, I'll wait for your return.
P.S. I accepted your request for me to be your mentor.

22-Apr-2010 20:26:13 - Last edited on 22-Apr-2010 20:38:53 by Englishkid62

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