
Wrath of the Dark Empire

Quick find code: 49-50-536-60692025



Posts: 1,385 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Welcome forum users to Wrath of the Dark Empire, my debut on the RS forums. There are many stories out there, but if you've ended up here for whatever reason, I hope you enjoy what I've done so far. I hope to finish this story.
The Crocefisso Collection:
QFC = 49-50-20-60916842
QFC = 49-50-930-60987251

Chapter 10 isn't being written.
Please excuse the shortness of Ch. 9 - it was written in a rush whilst I was very tired.
- Prologue: The Massacre of Lumbridge PAGE 1
- Chapter 1: Within the Dark Palace PAGE 1
- Chapter 2: General Mist PAGE 2
- Chapter 3: The Fall of Al Kharid PAGE 2 & 3
- Chapter 4: In the Dreams of Rois PAGE 3
- Chapter 5: The Imperial Visit PAGE 4
- Chapter 6: The Empire of Sand Mobilizes PAGE 4 & 5
- Chapter 7: Convincing General Ruby PAGE 5
- Chapter 8: Flashback to the Old Days PAGE 6
- Chapter 9: The Rally at Nardah PAGE 8
Please feel free to criticize, praise and bump.
Also, please take a moment to look at our endorsed stories, they're endorsed for a reason: they're worth it.
-Legacy of the Mora, 49-50-287-60778641
-The Life of an Outlaw, 49-50-55-60724225
-The Dark Lane, 49-50-530-60629813

03-Apr-2010 00:38:27 - Last edited on 17-May-2010 21:34:07 by Crocefisso



Posts: 1,385 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
PROLOGUE: The Massacre of Lumbridge
“The world is falling to pieces. The armies of the Dark Empire march forth, from Canifis, hoping to conquer everything. We took the solemn duty, brothers and sisters, to protect our beloved Lumbridge. Just as we saw off a dragon, the culineromancer, and Dragith Nurn, so too shall we fight this Empire of madness.” These were the Leader’s words, his rally to his men as they assembled, ready to defend their town from a sinister force.
Sometime later, the ground shook and rumbled; even the sun hid behind a dark cloud, and a great dark army marched under the Dark Empire banner. The Generals stood forward; General Snake, General Croce, and General Cook all took positions with their men. Their Leader stood atop the castle, watching. Altogether, they numbered just 60. The Dark Army of General Rois numbered over 200, with the Dark Empress Yahi being protected by a bodyguard of a further 100 which, if necessary, could be deployed as reinforcements.
“I have served here long, I have defeated all our other enemies,” said General Croce, “And even in the face of such a foe, we must not give up hope!”
The men rallied and cried, their optimism shone through the gloom, but General Croce had already given up hope. General Snake turned to Croce, and said with a knowing smile.
“I don’t think taking down Pertheix and his three men was quite the same.”
But the time for remarks was over; General Rois and his men were charging at quite a pace. General Snake ran in with his men, only to be met by a swarm of arrows, the clanging of steel on steel was enough to deafen a man. Screams filled the air, blood soaked the ground. Corpses fell into the river, gormless faces, usually without a body attached, floated peacefully downstream to the sea. Once the massacre was over, a deathly silence fell over Lumbridge.

03-Apr-2010 00:40:18 - Last edited on 30-Apr-2010 19:25:47 by Crocefisso



Posts: 1,385 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Wasting no time, General Croce ran in; his men were swifter and better with swords than those of General Snake, but bore less protective armour. The fighting was surprisingly quiet; the swords did not clang with metal plates, but sliced peacefully into flesh.
The fighting drew slowly closer to the Castle where the Leader was seated, a look of discomfort on his face as his men fell one by one, and the dark army kept advancing, never-ending, from the distant horizon.
By the time General Cook was forced to go to battle, with her group of rangers and wizards, all was lost, the fight was only about honour now.
The Leader knew he could not escape; it was far too late for that now. Yahi, the Dark Empress, had formed her army in Canifis. Her three Generals had gone in three directions: Rois had gone west, to Misthalin. Mist had gone east, to Port Phasmatys, and Xib had gone south, to the heart of Morytania, the land of Vampyres. Rois had conquered Varrock with ease, he was the said to be the greatest General who ever lived. And now he descended upon Lumbridge.
Dark soldiers flocked onto the roof of Lumbridge Castle, the Leader had been thinking, he had not stopped to look at his final legion of dying soldiers. He turned from the soldiers, and looked down into the courtyard. Among the swamp of blood, the tangled mess of flesh stood General Rois, a stern but calm expression on his face. He wore the armour of a Knight, but wielded the power of a warlord. The Leader looked at Rois, who looked back.
From behind, a dark blade cut into the Leader’s back; he gurgled, and blood flew from his jaw. All the thoughts of his mind disappeared, into the wind, and his limp body fell three stories to the ground. The Dark Army cheered, the Empress would be very happy…

03-Apr-2010 00:40:42 - Last edited on 03-Apr-2010 00:43:10 by Crocefisso

Obito IX

Obito IX

Posts: 1,784 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey this a great start i remember you from posting on other storys. you might of saw my story "the Deaths Appentice" a few months ago, it died lolz but i made it better so, you should take a look. And......Bravo for the story :D .

04-Apr-2010 22:15:50



Posts: 6,191 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Interesting read, and yes, I am one of those "Guards" in your one post story, possiblely the one trying to stop you :P possiblely not. Still, interesting read, your have the mind of a true writer, if my guard had a right to say his opinion, I would say, "Keep it up."
¸.›¤*`•./\.•´*•› For all ­the §ïñš ‹•*`•./\.•´*¤‹.¸
(..............That we have commited..............)
­­ ­ )­ ­ ­­­ ­ ­ ¸.«•».¸­ ­ ­ ­ ­It's ­unforgivable­ ­ ­ ­ ¸.«•».¸­ ­ ­­­ ­ ­ (
(¸.„›­” ­­ ­ ­­­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­­­ ­ ­ “•›.„¸ ­ ­ ­ Xennte­ ­­ ­ ¸„.‹•” ­­ ­ ­­­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­­­ ­ ­ ­“‹„.¸)

05-Apr-2010 01:33:22 - Last edited on 05-Apr-2010 01:35:09 by [#R6BPBJLTQ]



Posts: 1,385 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Xennte and Rebel thanks for the feedback.
Rebel I do remember ur story; I promise to check it out.
Finally, chapter 1 is here - didn't have much chance to write due to easter celebrations. I hope to post a chapter a day from now on. I hope...

05-Apr-2010 12:23:46



Posts: 1,385 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
General Rois knelt at the feet of the Empress, his gold and white armour glistened in the dim light, the sound of his blade on the stone floor shattered the window of deathly silence. Since the takeover of Varrock, Yahi had transformed the palace into a haven of darkness and silence. Ornate stained glass windows were destroyed and filled in with dark brick. Diamond chandeliers were replaced with blood red candles which lined the corridors, providing insufficient light for most men. Statues of spirits and demons made of pure onyx lined the halls. Yahi set on a dark, onyx throne, encrusted with rubies. To her side were two large statues of Agrith Naar and Thammaron, the great elder demons, made of pure onyx, with eyes of emerald.
“My lady, Lumbridge is ours.” was all that Rois could manage. Yahi stood; she was short and pale, her dark hair unwashed and unkempt. Shadows obscured her face as she whispered to her statues. Rois could not make out what she was saying. Finally, she addressed Rois.
“Good. Did everyone die?”
“Impossible to say,” began Rois, “Many bodies fell into the river, others were mangled beyond recognition. But the grass has been turned red, my lady, and victory is ours.”
“This isn’t good enough, Rois. I was to be sure that all the Lumbridge Swordmasters are dead.” Yahi’s voice became shrill, just as it often did when she began one of her rants. After a dramatic pause, she continued. “At least tell me their Leader’s dead.”
“Yes. We have a positive identity on the Leader and General Snake.”
“Good!” Yahi cackled for a little while, stroking and whispering to her statues. Then her face fell with all the solemnity of a mourner. “Wait, Rois. What about the other Generals. There were three.”
“We haven’t found the bodies of Generals Croce and Cook, but they wore no armour, so they were probably sliced to pieces.”

05-Apr-2010 12:28:07



Posts: 1,385 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Rois, Lumbridge is ours.” Yahi stood in the shadows near the statue of Thammaron. The statue’s emerald eyes flashed ominously in the half-light. In the dim, as the shadows danced upon the walls, Rois could have sworn the statue spoke. “But I do not want any more sloppy victories. Our next stop is Al Kharid. Go, before I lose my temper!”
Rois rose and exited the palace, into the sunlight of Varrock Square which the Empress had done a wonderful job of eliminating from her life. Yahi was spiralling into madness; but he would never defect. He was Rois, the greatest General who ever lived.

05-Apr-2010 12:29:37

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