
Short Stories

Quick find code: 49-50-526-31637980

Anne Lauten

Anne Lauten

Posts: 3,830 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'll put in the first post of "I'm Trapped" a story I'm writing. It's a short story type of thing.

I'm trapped. Not trapped in a box or a jail cell (even though sometimes it feels that way.)

I'm trapped in a world. I'm trapped in Runescape. To tell you my tale in full I should go back to the beginning; back to when I was created.

My first memories are of a room with a man it it, I cannot remember anything before that. I was just standing there, looking around the room when suddenly I started to move! I didn't will myself to move, it just happened. I went over and talked to the man in the middle of that room.

And then I walked down the dirt path outside his house and to a small pond. I didn't want to do anything like that, I just did it. At first I thought I was possessed or something like that, until I saw that all of the other people were doing the same thing I was!

For the first time I looked around me; it was alright, I felt ( I am talking about the world now, not my frightful situation). It was a little block* and the trees looked strange, but it was all the world I knew at that time, and I had nothing to compare it with.

After "learning" to cook bread and many other things, I made it to the mining spot and talked to the "man" there (I had already eastablished that none of the "people" in this world were alive, or indeed had any mind at all. They creeped me out then and, even now that I've had more contact with them, they still give me the shivers. Anyway back to the story.)

I spoke to this dude and then I noticed something; I had just told him my "name." I feel no connection with this name at all but it is what I am called here.

My name? That would be Fairydust842. Are you happy now? Don't interrupt when I am speaking, it's not polite.
Well after this place I was made to go to a huge cage with monster rats in it. I was scared stiff. Wouldn't you be?

11-Oct-2006 00:36:57

Anne Lauten

Anne Lauten

Posts: 3,830 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
But I opened the door and went on in (I had already figured out that I was being controlled by an outside force, pretty smart for a computer piece huh?). Well I'm in this metal box and I was thinking hard.

Don't disturb these creatures if you value your life I told myself, hoping that whatever was controlling me would hear. And then I went up and stuck my little sword right into one of them; so much for messages to the unknown, I thought, just before it swiveled around and tried to bite me.

That was my first fight and, even though I've been in many others since then, they still horrify me (even though my clothes never seem to rip or get bloody, I can still get hurt. I've never been able to figure out how I can get injured through my clothes, but whatever.). Finally however, I made it to the end of the "tutorial," as all the "people" I met told me it was.

I appeared in a nice place, with fountains and green grass, and then I saw that the other people had yellow letters appearing above their heads. "Buying milk, flour and eggs!" was the most popular one, but there were many others, such as "can sombody take me to a bank?" and "free stuff please!" but I digress.

After the first shock of teleporting I began to pay attention to what the people said, and it was from that that I figured out that I was in a "computer game" and that the girl who controlled me lived in another "world" called "Earth" and that my world was but a copy of hers.

No fair! I thought, she gets the real one and I get the fake one? I'd trade her any day.
But another thing I saw about the people "playing" as they called making US do stuff, was that they didn't think that we were alive at all!

I hate living life by their schedule. And whenever they "log out" our bodies disappear and our minds all go to a "waiting place" until they "log in." I'm getting used to that now, but the very first time it happened I freaked out.

11-Oct-2006 00:37:22

Anne Lauten

Anne Lauten

Posts: 3,830 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Anyway I am getting very bored of this world, and I almost wish I could go back into being nothing like it was before I became "Fairydust842." I don't really wish this though, because sometimes being here is interesting (I like doing quests, even though I know that the people that I do them for are mindless, and programmed to say what they say.)

Well the message here (If anyone reads this, which I doubt) is don't make too many "accounts" as I believe we are called, and tell Jagex (that's the higher power that made this "game" ), tell Jagex to put more kinds of cake in here (only having plain and chocolate is so boring) so, Goodbye for now.


11-Oct-2006 00:37:43

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